Brian Goff e8dc902781 Wire up tests to support otel tracing
Integration tests will now configure clients to propagate traces as well
as create spans for all tests.

Some extra changes were needed (or desired for trace propagation) in the
test helpers to pass through tracing spans via context.

Signed-off-by: Brian Goff <>
2023-09-07 18:38:22 +00:00

301 lines
9 KiB

package main
import (
is ""
func (s *DockerAPISuite) TestGetContainersAttachWebsocket(c *testing.T) {
out, _ := dockerCmd(c, "run", "-di", "busybox", "cat")
rwc, err := request.SockConn(10*time.Second, request.DaemonHost())
assert.NilError(c, err)
cleanedContainerID := strings.TrimSpace(out)
config, err := websocket.NewConfig(
assert.NilError(c, err)
ws, err := websocket.NewClient(config, rwc)
assert.NilError(c, err)
defer ws.Close()
expected := []byte("hello")
actual := make([]byte, len(expected))
outChan := make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
_, err := io.ReadFull(ws, actual)
outChan <- err
inChan := make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
_, err := ws.Write(expected)
inChan <- err
select {
case err := <-inChan:
assert.NilError(c, err)
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
c.Fatal("Timeout writing to ws")
select {
case err := <-outChan:
assert.NilError(c, err)
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
c.Fatal("Timeout reading from ws")
assert.Assert(c, is.DeepEqual(actual, expected), "Websocket didn't return the expected data")
// regression gh14320
func (s *DockerAPISuite) TestPostContainersAttachContainerNotFound(c *testing.T) {
ctx := testutil.GetContext(c)
resp, _, err := request.Post(ctx, "/containers/doesnotexist/attach")
assert.NilError(c, err)
// connection will shutdown, err should be "persistent connection closed"
assert.Equal(c, resp.StatusCode, http.StatusNotFound)
content, err := request.ReadBody(resp.Body)
assert.NilError(c, err)
expected := "No such container: doesnotexist\r\n"
assert.Equal(c, string(content), expected)
func (s *DockerAPISuite) TestGetContainersWsAttachContainerNotFound(c *testing.T) {
ctx := testutil.GetContext(c)
res, body, err := request.Get(ctx, "/containers/doesnotexist/attach/ws")
assert.Equal(c, res.StatusCode, http.StatusNotFound)
assert.NilError(c, err)
b, err := request.ReadBody(body)
assert.NilError(c, err)
expected := "No such container: doesnotexist"
assert.Assert(c, strings.Contains(getErrorMessage(c, b), expected))
func (s *DockerAPISuite) TestPostContainersAttach(c *testing.T) {
testRequires(c, DaemonIsLinux)
expectSuccess := func(wc io.WriteCloser, br *bufio.Reader, stream string, tty bool) {
defer wc.Close()
expected := []byte("success")
_, err := wc.Write(expected)
assert.NilError(c, err)
lenHeader := 0
if !tty {
lenHeader = 8
actual := make([]byte, len(expected)+lenHeader)
_, err = readTimeout(br, actual, time.Second)
assert.NilError(c, err)
if !tty {
fdMap := map[string]byte{
"stdin": 0,
"stdout": 1,
"stderr": 2,
assert.Equal(c, actual[0], fdMap[stream])
assert.Assert(c, is.DeepEqual(actual[lenHeader:], expected), "Attach didn't return the expected data from %s", stream)
expectTimeout := func(wc io.WriteCloser, br *bufio.Reader, stream string) {
defer wc.Close()
_, err := wc.Write([]byte{'t'})
assert.NilError(c, err)
actual := make([]byte, 1)
_, err = readTimeout(br, actual, time.Second)
assert.Assert(c, err.Error() == "Timeout", "Read from %s is expected to timeout", stream)
// Create a container that only emits stdout.
cid, _ := dockerCmd(c, "run", "-di", "busybox", "cat")
cid = strings.TrimSpace(cid)
// Attach to the container's stdout stream.
wc, br, err := requestHijack(http.MethodPost, "/containers/"+cid+"/attach?stream=1&stdin=1&stdout=1", nil, "text/plain", request.DaemonHost())
assert.NilError(c, err)
// Check if the data from stdout can be received.
expectSuccess(wc, br, "stdout", false)
// Attach to the container's stderr stream.
wc, br, err = requestHijack(http.MethodPost, "/containers/"+cid+"/attach?stream=1&stdin=1&stderr=1", nil, "text/plain", request.DaemonHost())
assert.NilError(c, err)
// Since the container only emits stdout, attaching to stderr should return nothing.
expectTimeout(wc, br, "stdout")
// Test the similar functions of the stderr stream.
cid, _ = dockerCmd(c, "run", "-di", "busybox", "/bin/sh", "-c", "cat >&2")
cid = strings.TrimSpace(cid)
wc, br, err = requestHijack(http.MethodPost, "/containers/"+cid+"/attach?stream=1&stdin=1&stderr=1", nil, "text/plain", request.DaemonHost())
assert.NilError(c, err)
expectSuccess(wc, br, "stderr", false)
wc, br, err = requestHijack(http.MethodPost, "/containers/"+cid+"/attach?stream=1&stdin=1&stdout=1", nil, "text/plain", request.DaemonHost())
assert.NilError(c, err)
expectTimeout(wc, br, "stderr")
// Test with tty.
cid, _ = dockerCmd(c, "run", "-dit", "busybox", "/bin/sh", "-c", "cat >&2")
cid = strings.TrimSpace(cid)
// Attach to stdout only.
wc, br, err = requestHijack(http.MethodPost, "/containers/"+cid+"/attach?stream=1&stdin=1&stdout=1", nil, "text/plain", request.DaemonHost())
assert.NilError(c, err)
expectSuccess(wc, br, "stdout", true)
// Attach without stdout stream.
wc, br, err = requestHijack(http.MethodPost, "/containers/"+cid+"/attach?stream=1&stdin=1&stderr=1", nil, "text/plain", request.DaemonHost())
assert.NilError(c, err)
// Nothing should be received because both the stdout and stderr of the container will be
// sent to the client as stdout when tty is enabled.
expectTimeout(wc, br, "stdout")
// Test the client API
apiClient, err := client.NewClientWithOpts(client.FromEnv)
assert.NilError(c, err)
defer apiClient.Close()
cid, _ = dockerCmd(c, "run", "-di", "busybox", "/bin/sh", "-c", "echo hello; cat")
cid = strings.TrimSpace(cid)
// Make sure we don't see "hello" if Logs is false
attachOpts := types.ContainerAttachOptions{
Stream: true,
Stdin: true,
Stdout: true,
Stderr: true,
Logs: false,
resp, err := apiClient.ContainerAttach(testutil.GetContext(c), cid, attachOpts)
assert.NilError(c, err)
mediaType, b := resp.MediaType()
assert.Check(c, b)
assert.Equal(c, mediaType, types.MediaTypeMultiplexedStream)
expectSuccess(resp.Conn, resp.Reader, "stdout", false)
// Make sure we do see "hello" if Logs is true
attachOpts.Logs = true
resp, err = apiClient.ContainerAttach(testutil.GetContext(c), cid, attachOpts)
assert.NilError(c, err)
defer resp.Conn.Close()
_, err = resp.Conn.Write([]byte("success"))
assert.NilError(c, err)
var outBuf, errBuf bytes.Buffer
var nErr net.Error
_, err = stdcopy.StdCopy(&outBuf, &errBuf, resp.Reader)
if errors.As(err, &nErr) && nErr.Timeout() {
// ignore the timeout error as it is expected
err = nil
assert.NilError(c, err)
assert.Equal(c, errBuf.String(), "")
assert.Equal(c, outBuf.String(), "hello\nsuccess")
// requestHijack create a http requst to specified host with `Upgrade` header (with method
// , contenttype, …), if receive a successful "101 Switching Protocols" response return
// a `io.WriteCloser` and `bufio.Reader`
func requestHijack(method, endpoint string, data io.Reader, ct, daemon string, modifiers ...func(*http.Request)) (io.WriteCloser, *bufio.Reader, error) {
hostURL, err := client.ParseHostURL(daemon)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, "parse daemon host error")
req, err := http.NewRequest(method, endpoint, data)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, "could not create new request")
req.URL.Scheme = "http"
req.URL.Host = hostURL.Host
if hostURL.Scheme == "unix" || hostURL.Scheme == "npipe" {
// Override host header for non-tcp connections.
req.Host = client.DummyHost
for _, opt := range modifiers {
if ct != "" {
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", ct)
// must have Upgrade header
// server api return 101 Switching Protocols
req.Header.Set("Upgrade", "tcp")
// new client
// FIXME use testutil/request newHTTPClient
transport := &http.Transport{}
err = sockets.ConfigureTransport(transport, hostURL.Scheme, hostURL.Host)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, "configure Transport error")
c := http.Client{
Transport: transport,
resp, err := c.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, "client.Do")
if !bodyIsWritable(resp) {
return nil, nil, errors.New("response.Body not writable")
return resp.Body.(io.WriteCloser), bufio.NewReader(resp.Body), nil
// bodyIsWritable check Response.Body is writable
func bodyIsWritable(r *http.Response) bool {
_, ok := r.Body.(io.Writer)
return ok
// readTimeout read from io.Reader with timeout
func readTimeout(r io.Reader, buf []byte, timeout time.Duration) (n int, err error) {
ch := make(chan bool, 1)
go func() {
n, err = io.ReadFull(r, buf)
ch <- true
select {
case <-ch:
case <-time.After(timeout):
return 0, errors.New("Timeout")