The daemon has made a habit of mutating the DefaultRuntime and Runtimes values in the Config struct to merge defaults. This would be fine if it was a part of the regular configuration loading and merging process, as is done with other config options. The trouble is it does so in surprising places, such as in functions with 'verify' or 'validate' in their name. It has been necessary in order to validate that the user has not defined a custom runtime named "runc" which would shadow the built-in runtime of the same name. Other daemon code depends on the runtime named "runc" always being defined in the config, but merging it with the user config at the same time as the other defaults are merged would trip the validation. The root of the issue is that the daemon has used the same config values for both validating the daemon runtime configuration as supplied by the user and for keeping track of which runtimes have been set up by the daemon. Now that a completely separate value is used for the latter purpose, surprising contortions are no longer required to make the validation work as intended. Consolidate the validation of the runtimes config and merging of the built-in runtimes into the daemon.setupRuntimes() function. Set the result of merging the built-in runtimes config and default default runtime on the returned runtimes struct, without back-propagating it onto the config.Config argument. Signed-off-by: Cory Snider <csnider@mirantis.com>
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//go:build !windows
package daemon
import (
v2runcoptions "github.com/containerd/containerd/runtime/v2/runc/options"
const (
defaultRuntimeName = "runc"
// The runtime used to specify the containerd v2 runc shim
linuxV2RuntimeName = "io.containerd.runc.v2"
type shimConfig struct {
Shim string
Opts interface{}
Features *features.Features
// Check if the ShimConfig is valid given the current state of the system.
PreflightCheck func() error
type runtimes struct {
Default string
configured map[string]*shimConfig
func stockRuntimes() map[string]string {
return map[string]string{
linuxV2RuntimeName: defaultRuntimeName,
config.StockRuntimeName: defaultRuntimeName,
func defaultV2ShimConfig(conf *config.Config, runtimePath string) *shimConfig {
shim := &shimConfig{
Shim: plugin.RuntimeRuncV2,
Opts: &v2runcoptions.Options{
BinaryName: runtimePath,
Root: filepath.Join(conf.ExecRoot, "runtime-"+defaultRuntimeName),
SystemdCgroup: UsingSystemd(conf),
NoPivotRoot: os.Getenv("DOCKER_RAMDISK") != "",
var featuresStderr bytes.Buffer
featuresCmd := exec.Command(runtimePath, "features")
featuresCmd.Stderr = &featuresStderr
if featuresB, err := featuresCmd.Output(); err != nil {
logrus.WithError(err).Warnf("Failed to run %v: %q", featuresCmd.Args, featuresStderr.String())
} else {
var features features.Features
if jsonErr := json.Unmarshal(featuresB, &features); jsonErr != nil {
logrus.WithError(err).Warnf("Failed to unmarshal the output of %v as a JSON", featuresCmd.Args)
} else {
shim.Features = &features
return shim
func runtimeScriptsDir(cfg *config.Config) string {
return filepath.Join(cfg.Root, "runtimes")
// initRuntimesDir creates a fresh directory where we'll store the runtime
// scripts (i.e. in order to support runtimeArgs).
func initRuntimesDir(cfg *config.Config) error {
runtimeDir := runtimeScriptsDir(cfg)
if err := os.RemoveAll(runtimeDir); err != nil {
return err
return system.MkdirAll(runtimeDir, 0700)
func setupRuntimes(cfg *config.Config) (runtimes, error) {
if _, ok := cfg.Runtimes[config.StockRuntimeName]; ok {
return runtimes{}, errors.Errorf("runtime name '%s' is reserved", config.StockRuntimeName)
newrt := runtimes{
Default: cfg.DefaultRuntime,
configured: make(map[string]*shimConfig),
for name, path := range stockRuntimes() {
newrt.configured[name] = defaultV2ShimConfig(cfg, path)
if newrt.Default != "" {
_, isStock := newrt.configured[newrt.Default]
_, isConfigured := cfg.Runtimes[newrt.Default]
if !isStock && !isConfigured && !isPermissibleC8dRuntimeName(newrt.Default) {
return runtimes{}, errors.Errorf("specified default runtime '%s' does not exist", newrt.Default)
} else {
newrt.Default = config.StockRuntimeName
dir := runtimeScriptsDir(cfg)
for name, rt := range cfg.Runtimes {
var c *shimConfig
if rt.Path == "" && rt.Type == "" {
return runtimes{}, errors.Errorf("runtime %s: either a runtimeType or a path must be configured", name)
if rt.Path != "" {
if rt.Type != "" {
return runtimes{}, errors.Errorf("runtime %s: cannot configure both path and runtimeType for the same runtime", name)
if len(rt.Options) > 0 {
return runtimes{}, errors.Errorf("runtime %s: options cannot be used with a path runtime", name)
binaryName := rt.Path
needsWrapper := len(rt.Args) > 0
if needsWrapper {
var err error
binaryName, err = wrapRuntime(dir, name, rt.Path, rt.Args)
if err != nil {
return runtimes{}, err
c = defaultV2ShimConfig(cfg, binaryName)
if needsWrapper {
path := rt.Path
c.PreflightCheck = func() error {
// Check that the runtime path actually exists so that we can return a well known error.
_, err := exec.LookPath(path)
return errors.Wrap(err, "error while looking up the specified runtime path")
} else {
if len(rt.Args) > 0 {
return runtimes{}, errors.Errorf("runtime %s: args cannot be used with a runtimeType runtime", name)
// Unlike implicit runtimes, there is no restriction on configuring a shim by path.
c = &shimConfig{Shim: rt.Type}
if len(rt.Options) > 0 {
// It has to be a pointer type or there'll be a panic in containerd/typeurl when we try to start the container.
var err error
c.Opts, err = shimopts.Generate(rt.Type, rt.Options)
if err != nil {
return runtimes{}, errors.Wrapf(err, "runtime %v", name)
newrt.configured[name] = c
return newrt, nil
// A non-standard Base32 encoding which lacks vowels to avoid accidentally
// spelling naughty words. Don't use this to encode any data which requires
// compatibility with anything outside of the currently-running process.
var base32Disemvoweled = base32.NewEncoding("0123456789BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ-")
// wrapRuntime writes a shell script to dir which will execute binary with args
// concatenated to the script's argv. This is needed because the
// io.containerd.runc.v2 shim has no options for passing extra arguments to the
// runtime binary.
func wrapRuntime(dir, name, binary string, args []string) (string, error) {
var wrapper bytes.Buffer
sum := sha256.New()
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(io.MultiWriter(&wrapper, sum), "#!/bin/sh\n%s %s $@\n", binary, strings.Join(args, " "))
// Generate a consistent name for the wrapper script derived from the
// contents so that multiple wrapper scripts can coexist with the same
// base name. The existing scripts might still be referenced by running
// containers.
suffix := base32Disemvoweled.EncodeToString(sum.Sum(nil))
scriptPath := filepath.Join(dir, name+"."+suffix)
if err := ioutils.AtomicWriteFile(scriptPath, wrapper.Bytes(), 0700); err != nil {
return "", err
return scriptPath, nil
// Get returns the containerd runtime and options for name, suitable to pass
// into containerd.WithRuntime(). The runtime and options for the default
// runtime are returned when name is the empty string.
func (r *runtimes) Get(name string) (string, interface{}, error) {
if name == "" {
name = r.Default
rt := r.configured[name]
if rt != nil {
if rt.PreflightCheck != nil {
if err := rt.PreflightCheck(); err != nil {
return "", nil, err
return rt.Shim, rt.Opts, nil
if !isPermissibleC8dRuntimeName(name) {
return "", nil, errdefs.InvalidParameter(errors.Errorf("unknown or invalid runtime name: %s", name))
return name, nil, nil
func (r *runtimes) Features(name string) *features.Features {
if name == "" {
name = r.Default
rt := r.configured[name]
if rt != nil {
return rt.Features
return nil
// isPermissibleC8dRuntimeName tests whether name is safe to pass into
// containerd as a runtime name, and whether the name is well-formed.
// It does not check if the runtime is installed.
// A runtime name containing slash characters is interpreted by containerd as
// the path to a runtime binary. If we allowed this, anyone with Engine API
// access could get containerd to execute an arbitrary binary as root. Although
// Engine API access is already equivalent to root on the host, the runtime name
// has not historically been a vector to run arbitrary code as root so users are
// not expecting it to become one.
// This restriction is not configurable. There are viable workarounds for
// legitimate use cases: administrators and runtime developers can make runtimes
// available for use with Docker by installing them onto PATH following the
// [binary naming convention] for containerd Runtime v2.
// [binary naming convention]: https://github.com/containerd/containerd/blob/main/runtime/v2/README.md#binary-naming
func isPermissibleC8dRuntimeName(name string) bool {
// containerd uses a rather permissive test to validate runtime names:
// - Any name for which filepath.IsAbs(name) is interpreted as the absolute
// path to a shim binary. We want to block this behaviour.
// - Any name which contains at least one '.' character and no '/' characters
// and does not begin with a '.' character is a valid runtime name. The shim
// binary name is derived from the final two components of the name and
// searched for on the PATH. The name "a.." is technically valid per
// containerd's implementation: it would resolve to a binary named
// "containerd-shim---".
// https://github.com/containerd/containerd/blob/11ded166c15f92450958078cd13c6d87131ec563/runtime/v2/manager.go#L297-L317
// https://github.com/containerd/containerd/blob/11ded166c15f92450958078cd13c6d87131ec563/runtime/v2/shim/util.go#L83-L93
return !filepath.IsAbs(name) && !strings.ContainsRune(name, '/') && shim.BinaryName(name) != ""