The daemon has made a habit of mutating the DefaultRuntime and Runtimes values in the Config struct to merge defaults. This would be fine if it was a part of the regular configuration loading and merging process, as is done with other config options. The trouble is it does so in surprising places, such as in functions with 'verify' or 'validate' in their name. It has been necessary in order to validate that the user has not defined a custom runtime named "runc" which would shadow the built-in runtime of the same name. Other daemon code depends on the runtime named "runc" always being defined in the config, but merging it with the user config at the same time as the other defaults are merged would trip the validation. The root of the issue is that the daemon has used the same config values for both validating the daemon runtime configuration as supplied by the user and for keeping track of which runtimes have been set up by the daemon. Now that a completely separate value is used for the latter purpose, surprising contortions are no longer required to make the validation work as intended. Consolidate the validation of the runtimes config and merging of the built-in runtimes into the daemon.setupRuntimes() function. Set the result of merging the built-in runtimes config and default default runtime on the returned runtimes struct, without back-propagating it onto the config.Config argument. Signed-off-by: Cory Snider <csnider@mirantis.com>
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309 lines
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package daemon // import "github.com/docker/docker/daemon"
import (
metrics "github.com/docker/go-metrics"
// SystemInfo returns information about the host server the daemon is running on.
func (daemon *Daemon) SystemInfo() *types.Info {
defer metrics.StartTimer(hostInfoFunctions.WithValues("system_info"))()
sysInfo := daemon.RawSysInfo()
cfg := daemon.config()
v := &types.Info{
ID: daemon.id,
Images: daemon.imageService.CountImages(),
IPv4Forwarding: !sysInfo.IPv4ForwardingDisabled,
BridgeNfIptables: !sysInfo.BridgeNFCallIPTablesDisabled,
BridgeNfIP6tables: !sysInfo.BridgeNFCallIP6TablesDisabled,
Name: hostName(),
SystemTime: time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339Nano),
LoggingDriver: daemon.defaultLogConfig.Type,
KernelVersion: kernelVersion(),
OperatingSystem: operatingSystem(),
OSVersion: osVersion(),
IndexServerAddress: registry.IndexServer,
OSType: runtime.GOOS,
Architecture: platform.Architecture,
RegistryConfig: daemon.registryService.ServiceConfig(),
NCPU: sysinfo.NumCPU(),
MemTotal: memInfo().MemTotal,
GenericResources: daemon.genericResources,
DockerRootDir: cfg.Root,
Labels: cfg.Labels,
ExperimentalBuild: cfg.Experimental,
ServerVersion: dockerversion.Version,
HTTPProxy: config.MaskCredentials(getConfigOrEnv(cfg.HTTPProxy, "HTTP_PROXY", "http_proxy")),
HTTPSProxy: config.MaskCredentials(getConfigOrEnv(cfg.HTTPSProxy, "HTTPS_PROXY", "https_proxy")),
NoProxy: getConfigOrEnv(cfg.NoProxy, "NO_PROXY", "no_proxy"),
LiveRestoreEnabled: cfg.LiveRestoreEnabled,
Isolation: daemon.defaultIsolation,
daemon.fillAPIInfo(v, &cfg.Config)
// Retrieve platform specific info
daemon.fillPlatformInfo(v, sysInfo, cfg)
daemon.fillPluginsInfo(v, &cfg.Config)
daemon.fillSecurityOptions(v, sysInfo, &cfg.Config)
daemon.fillDefaultAddressPools(v, &cfg.Config)
return v
// SystemVersion returns version information about the daemon.
func (daemon *Daemon) SystemVersion() types.Version {
defer metrics.StartTimer(hostInfoFunctions.WithValues("system_version"))()
kernelVersion := kernelVersion()
cfg := daemon.config()
v := types.Version{
Components: []types.ComponentVersion{
Name: "Engine",
Version: dockerversion.Version,
Details: map[string]string{
"GitCommit": dockerversion.GitCommit,
"ApiVersion": api.DefaultVersion,
"MinAPIVersion": api.MinVersion,
"GoVersion": runtime.Version(),
"Os": runtime.GOOS,
"Arch": runtime.GOARCH,
"BuildTime": dockerversion.BuildTime,
"KernelVersion": kernelVersion,
"Experimental": fmt.Sprintf("%t", cfg.Experimental),
// Populate deprecated fields for older clients
Version: dockerversion.Version,
GitCommit: dockerversion.GitCommit,
APIVersion: api.DefaultVersion,
MinAPIVersion: api.MinVersion,
GoVersion: runtime.Version(),
Os: runtime.GOOS,
Arch: runtime.GOARCH,
BuildTime: dockerversion.BuildTime,
KernelVersion: kernelVersion,
Experimental: cfg.Experimental,
v.Platform.Name = dockerversion.PlatformName
daemon.fillPlatformVersion(&v, cfg)
return v
func (daemon *Daemon) fillDriverInfo(v *types.Info) {
v.Driver = daemon.imageService.StorageDriver()
v.DriverStatus = daemon.imageService.LayerStoreStatus()
const warnMsg = `
WARNING: The %s storage-driver is deprecated, and will be removed in a future release.
Refer to the documentation for more information: https://docs.docker.com/go/storage-driver/`
switch v.Driver {
case "overlay":
v.Warnings = append(v.Warnings, fmt.Sprintf(warnMsg, v.Driver))
func (daemon *Daemon) fillPluginsInfo(v *types.Info, cfg *config.Config) {
v.Plugins = types.PluginsInfo{
Volume: daemon.volumes.GetDriverList(),
Network: daemon.GetNetworkDriverList(),
// The authorization plugins are returned in the order they are
// used as they constitute a request/response modification chain.
Authorization: cfg.AuthorizationPlugins,
Log: logger.ListDrivers(),
func (daemon *Daemon) fillSecurityOptions(v *types.Info, sysInfo *sysinfo.SysInfo, cfg *config.Config) {
var securityOptions []string
if sysInfo.AppArmor {
securityOptions = append(securityOptions, "name=apparmor")
if sysInfo.Seccomp && supportsSeccomp {
if daemon.seccompProfilePath != config.SeccompProfileDefault {
v.Warnings = append(v.Warnings, "WARNING: daemon is not using the default seccomp profile")
securityOptions = append(securityOptions, "name=seccomp,profile="+daemon.seccompProfilePath)
if selinux.GetEnabled() {
securityOptions = append(securityOptions, "name=selinux")
if rootIDs := daemon.idMapping.RootPair(); rootIDs.UID != 0 || rootIDs.GID != 0 {
securityOptions = append(securityOptions, "name=userns")
if Rootless(cfg) {
securityOptions = append(securityOptions, "name=rootless")
if cgroupNamespacesEnabled(sysInfo, cfg) {
securityOptions = append(securityOptions, "name=cgroupns")
if noNewPrivileges(cfg) {
securityOptions = append(securityOptions, "name=no-new-privileges")
v.SecurityOptions = securityOptions
func (daemon *Daemon) fillContainerStates(v *types.Info) {
cRunning, cPaused, cStopped := stateCtr.get()
v.Containers = cRunning + cPaused + cStopped
v.ContainersPaused = cPaused
v.ContainersRunning = cRunning
v.ContainersStopped = cStopped
// fillDebugInfo sets the current debugging state of the daemon, and additional
// debugging information, such as the number of Go-routines, and file descriptors.
// Note that this currently always collects the information, but the CLI only
// prints it if the daemon has debug enabled. We should consider to either make
// this information optional (cli to request "with debugging information"), or
// only collect it if the daemon has debug enabled. For the CLI code, see
// https://github.com/docker/cli/blob/v20.10.12/cli/command/system/info.go#L239-L244
func (daemon *Daemon) fillDebugInfo(v *types.Info) {
v.Debug = debug.IsEnabled()
v.NFd = fileutils.GetTotalUsedFds()
v.NGoroutines = runtime.NumGoroutine()
v.NEventsListener = daemon.EventsService.SubscribersCount()
func (daemon *Daemon) fillAPIInfo(v *types.Info, cfg *config.Config) {
const warn string = `
Access to the remote API is equivalent to root access on the host. Refer
to the 'Docker daemon attack surface' section in the documentation for
more information: https://docs.docker.com/go/attack-surface/`
for _, host := range cfg.Hosts {
// cnf.Hosts is normalized during startup, so should always have a scheme/proto
proto, addr, _ := strings.Cut(host, "://")
if proto != "tcp" {
if cfg.TLS == nil || !*cfg.TLS {
v.Warnings = append(v.Warnings, fmt.Sprintf("WARNING: API is accessible on http://%s without encryption.%s", addr, warn))
if cfg.TLSVerify == nil || !*cfg.TLSVerify {
v.Warnings = append(v.Warnings, fmt.Sprintf("WARNING: API is accessible on https://%s without TLS client verification.%s", addr, warn))
func (daemon *Daemon) fillDefaultAddressPools(v *types.Info, cfg *config.Config) {
for _, pool := range cfg.DefaultAddressPools.Value() {
v.DefaultAddressPools = append(v.DefaultAddressPools, types.NetworkAddressPool{
Base: pool.Base,
Size: pool.Size,
func hostName() string {
hostname := ""
if hn, err := os.Hostname(); err != nil {
logrus.Warnf("Could not get hostname: %v", err)
} else {
hostname = hn
return hostname
func kernelVersion() string {
var kernelVersion string
if kv, err := kernel.GetKernelVersion(); err != nil {
logrus.Warnf("Could not get kernel version: %v", err)
} else {
kernelVersion = kv.String()
return kernelVersion
func memInfo() *meminfo.Memory {
memInfo, err := meminfo.Read()
if err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("Could not read system memory info: %v", err)
memInfo = &meminfo.Memory{}
return memInfo
func operatingSystem() (operatingSystem string) {
defer metrics.StartTimer(hostInfoFunctions.WithValues("operating_system"))()
if s, err := operatingsystem.GetOperatingSystem(); err != nil {
logrus.Warnf("Could not get operating system name: %v", err)
} else {
operatingSystem = s
if inContainer, err := operatingsystem.IsContainerized(); err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("Could not determine if daemon is containerized: %v", err)
operatingSystem += " (error determining if containerized)"
} else if inContainer {
operatingSystem += " (containerized)"
return operatingSystem
func osVersion() (version string) {
defer metrics.StartTimer(hostInfoFunctions.WithValues("os_version"))()
version, err := operatingsystem.GetOperatingSystemVersion()
if err != nil {
logrus.Warnf("Could not get operating system version: %v", err)
return version
func getEnvAny(names ...string) string {
for _, n := range names {
if val := os.Getenv(n); val != "" {
return val
return ""
func getConfigOrEnv(config string, env ...string) string {
if config != "" {
return config
return getEnvAny(env...)