Integration tests will now configure clients to propagate traces as well as create spans for all tests. Some extra changes were needed (or desired for trace propagation) in the test helpers to pass through tracing spans via context. Signed-off-by: Brian Goff <cpuguy83@gmail.com>
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//go:build !windows
package main
import (
func (s *DockerSwarmSuite) TestAPISwarmListNodes(c *testing.T) {
ctx := testutil.GetContext(c)
d1 := s.AddDaemon(ctx, c, true, true)
d2 := s.AddDaemon(ctx, c, true, false)
d3 := s.AddDaemon(ctx, c, true, false)
nodes := d1.ListNodes(ctx, c)
assert.Equal(c, len(nodes), 3, fmt.Sprintf("nodes: %#v", nodes))
for _, n := range nodes {
for _, d := range []*daemon.Daemon{d1, d2, d3} {
if n.ID == d.NodeID() {
continue loop0
c.Errorf("unknown nodeID %v", n.ID)
func (s *DockerSwarmSuite) TestAPISwarmNodeUpdate(c *testing.T) {
ctx := testutil.GetContext(c)
d := s.AddDaemon(ctx, c, true, true)
nodes := d.ListNodes(ctx, c)
d.UpdateNode(ctx, c, nodes[0].ID, func(n *swarm.Node) {
n.Spec.Availability = swarm.NodeAvailabilityPause
n := d.GetNode(ctx, c, nodes[0].ID)
assert.Equal(c, n.Spec.Availability, swarm.NodeAvailabilityPause)
func (s *DockerSwarmSuite) TestAPISwarmNodeRemove(c *testing.T) {
testRequires(c, Network)
ctx := testutil.GetContext(c)
d1 := s.AddDaemon(ctx, c, true, true)
d2 := s.AddDaemon(ctx, c, true, false)
_ = s.AddDaemon(ctx, c, true, false)
nodes := d1.ListNodes(ctx, c)
assert.Equal(c, len(nodes), 3, fmt.Sprintf("nodes: %#v", nodes))
// Getting the info so we can take the NodeID
d2Info := d2.SwarmInfo(ctx, c)
// forceful removal of d2 should work
d1.RemoveNode(ctx, c, d2Info.NodeID, true)
nodes = d1.ListNodes(ctx, c)
assert.Equal(c, len(nodes), 2, fmt.Sprintf("nodes: %#v", nodes))
// Restart the node that was removed
// Give some time for the node to rejoin
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
// Make sure the node didn't rejoin
nodes = d1.ListNodes(ctx, c)
assert.Equal(c, len(nodes), 2, fmt.Sprintf("nodes: %#v", nodes))
func (s *DockerSwarmSuite) TestAPISwarmNodeDrainPause(c *testing.T) {
ctx := testutil.GetContext(c)
d1 := s.AddDaemon(ctx, c, true, true)
d2 := s.AddDaemon(ctx, c, true, false)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) // make sure all daemons are ready to accept tasks
// start a service, expect balanced distribution
instances := 2
id := d1.CreateService(ctx, c, simpleTestService, setInstances(instances))
poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, d1.CheckActiveContainerCount(ctx), checker.GreaterThan(0)), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, d2.CheckActiveContainerCount(ctx), checker.GreaterThan(0)), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, reducedCheck(sumAsIntegers, d1.CheckActiveContainerCount(ctx), d2.CheckActiveContainerCount(ctx)), checker.Equals(instances)), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
// drain d2, all containers should move to d1
d1.UpdateNode(ctx, c, d2.NodeID(), func(n *swarm.Node) {
n.Spec.Availability = swarm.NodeAvailabilityDrain
poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, d1.CheckActiveContainerCount(ctx), checker.Equals(instances)), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, d2.CheckActiveContainerCount(ctx), checker.Equals(0)), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
// set d2 back to active
d1.UpdateNode(ctx, c, d2.NodeID(), func(n *swarm.Node) {
n.Spec.Availability = swarm.NodeAvailabilityActive
instances = 1
d1.UpdateService(ctx, c, d1.GetService(ctx, c, id), setInstances(instances))
poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, reducedCheck(sumAsIntegers, d1.CheckActiveContainerCount(ctx), d2.CheckActiveContainerCount(ctx)), checker.Equals(instances)), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout*2))
instances = 2
d1.UpdateService(ctx, c, d1.GetService(ctx, c, id), setInstances(instances))
// drained node first so we don't get any old containers
poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, d2.CheckActiveContainerCount(ctx), checker.GreaterThan(0)), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, d1.CheckActiveContainerCount(ctx), checker.GreaterThan(0)), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, reducedCheck(sumAsIntegers, d1.CheckActiveContainerCount(ctx), d2.CheckActiveContainerCount(ctx)), checker.Equals(instances)), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout*2))
d2ContainerCount := len(d2.ActiveContainers(testutil.GetContext(c), c))
// set d2 to paused, scale service up, only d1 gets new tasks
d1.UpdateNode(ctx, c, d2.NodeID(), func(n *swarm.Node) {
n.Spec.Availability = swarm.NodeAvailabilityPause
instances = 4
d1.UpdateService(ctx, c, d1.GetService(ctx, c, id), setInstances(instances))
poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, d1.CheckActiveContainerCount(ctx), checker.Equals(instances-d2ContainerCount)), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, d2.CheckActiveContainerCount(ctx), checker.Equals(d2ContainerCount)), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))