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# escape=`
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This file describes the standard way to build Docker in a container on Windows
# Server 2016 or Windows 10.
# Maintainer: @jhowardmsft
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Prerequisites:
# --------------
# 1. Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016 with all Windows updates applied. Pre-release
# versions of Windows are not supported (eg Windows Server 2016 TP5). The build
# number must be at least 14393. This can be confirmed, for example, by running
# the following from an elevated PowerShell prompt - this sample output is from a
# fully up to date machine as at late October 2016:
# >> PS C:\> $(gin).WindowsBuildLabEx
# >> 14393.321.amd64fre.rs1_release_inmarket.161004-2338
# 2. Git for Windows (or another git client) must be installed.
# 3. The machine must be configured to run containers. For example, by following
# the quick start guidance at or
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Usage:
# -----
# The following steps should be run from an (elevated*) Windows PowerShell prompt.
# (*In a default installation of containers on Windows following the quick-start guidance at
# the docker.exe client must run elevated to be able to connect to the daemon).
# 1. Clone the sources from
# >> git clone c:\go\src\\docker\docker
# >> Cloning into 'c:\go\src\\docker\docker'...
# >> remote: Counting objects: 186216, done.
# >> remote: Compressing objects: 100% (21/21), done.
# >> remote: Total 186216 (delta 5), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 186195
# >> Receiving objects: 100% (186216/186216), 104.32 MiB | 8.18 MiB/s, done.
# >> Resolving deltas: 100% (123139/123139), done.
# >> Checking connectivity... done.
# >> Checking out files: 100% (3912/3912), done.
# >> PS C:\>
# 2. Change directory to the cloned docker sources:
# >> cd c:\go\src\\docker\docker
# 3. Build a docker image with the components required to build the docker binaries from source:
# >> docker build -t nativebuildimage -f .
# 4. Build the docker executable binaries in a container:
# >> docker run --name binaries nativebuildimage sh -c 'cd /c/go/src/; hack/ binary'
# 5. Copy the binaries out of the above container, replacing HostPath with an appropriate destination
# folder on the host system where you want the binaries to be located.
# >> $v=$(Get-Content ".\VERSION" -raw).ToString().Replace("`n","").Trim()
# >> docker cp binaries:c:\go\src\\docker\docker\bundles\$v\binary-client\docker-$v.exe c:\HostPath\docker.exe
# >> docker cp binaries:c:\go\src\\docker\docker\bundles\$v\binary-daemon\dockerd.exe c:\HostPath\dockerd.exe
# >> docker cp binaries:c:\go\src\\docker\docker\bundles\$v\binary-daemon\docker-proxy-$v.exe c:\HostPath\docker-proxy.exe
# 6. (Optional) Remove the interim container holding the built executable binaries:
# >> docker rm binaries
# 7. (Optional) Remove the image used for the container in which the executable
# binaries are build. Tip - it may be useful to keep this image around if you need to
# build multiple times. Then you can take advantage of the builder cache to have an
# image which has all the components required to build the binaries already installed.
# >> docker rmi nativebuildimage
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Important notes:
# ---------------
# The posix utilities from git aren't usable interactively as at October 2016. This
# is because they require a console window which isn't present in a container in Windows.
# See the example at the top of this file. Do NOT use -it in that docker run. It will not work.
# Don't attempt to use a volume for passing the source through to the container. The posix utilities will
# balk at reparse points.
# The downloaded files are not cleared from the image. is used by the Windows
# CI servers to ensure the host and image are running consistent versions of go.
# The GIT installer isn't very good at unattended install. We use techniques described
# at the links below to force it to set the path and other options accordingly.
# >>
# and follow through to installer at
# >>
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The number of build steps below are explicitly minimised to improve performance.
FROM microsoft/windowsservercore
# Environment variable notes:
# - GO_VERSION must consistent with 'Dockerfile' used by Linux'.
# - FROM_DOCKERFILE is used for detection of building within a container.
GOPATH=C:/go;C:/go/src/ `
setx /M Path "%Path%;c:\gcc\bin;c:\go\bin;" && `
setx GOROOT "c:\go" && `
powershell -command `
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; `
Function Download-File([string] $source, [string] $target) { `
$wc = New-Object net.webclient; $wc.Downloadfile($source, $target) `
} `
Write-Host INFO: Downloading git...; `
Download-File %GIT_LOCATION% gitsetup.exe; `
Write-Host INFO: Downloading go...; `
Download-File; `
Write-Host INFO: Downloading compiler 1 of 3...; `
Download-File; `
Write-Host INFO: Downloading compiler 2 of 3...; `
Download-File; `
Write-Host INFO: Downloading compiler 3 of 3...; `
Download-File; `
Write-Host INFO: Installing git...; `
$installPath = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall'; `
$installItem = 'Git_is1'; `
New-Item -Path $installPath -Name $installItem -Force; `
$installKey = $installPath+'\'+$installItem; `
New-ItemProperty $installKey -Name 'Inno Setup CodeFile: Path Option' -Value 'CmdTools' -PropertyType 'String' -Force; `
New-ItemProperty $installKey -Name 'Inno Setup CodeFile: Bash Terminal Option' -Value 'ConHost' -PropertyType 'String' -Force; `
New-ItemProperty $installKey -Name 'Inno Setup CodeFile: CRLF Option' -Value 'CRLFCommitAsIs' -PropertyType 'String' -Force; `
Start-Process gitsetup.exe -ArgumentList '/VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /CLOSEAPPLICATIONS /DIR=c:\git\' -Wait; `
Write-Host INFO: Expanding go..."; `
Expand-Archive c:\ -DestinationPath c:\; `
Write-Host INFO: Expanding compiler...; `
Expand-Archive c:\ -DestinationPath c:\gcc -Force; `
Expand-Archive c:\ -DestinationPath c:\gcc -Force; `
Expand-Archive c:\ -DestinationPath c:\gcc -Force; `
Write-Host INFO: Completed
# Prepare for building
COPY . /go/src/