2020-05-11 13:12:50 +00:00
# dockerd-rootless-setuptool.sh: setup tool for dockerd-rootless.sh
# Needs to be executed as a non-root user.
# Typical usage: dockerd-rootless-setuptool.sh install --force
2021-02-25 11:11:50 +00:00
# Documentation: https://docs.docker.com/go/rootless/
2020-05-11 13:12:50 +00:00
set -eu
# utility functions
INFO( ) {
/bin/echo -e " \e[104m\e[97m[INFO]\e[49m\e[39m $@ "
/bin/echo >& 2 -e " \e[101m\e[97m[WARNING]\e[49m\e[39m $@ "
ERROR( ) {
/bin/echo >& 2 -e " \e[101m\e[97m[ERROR]\e[49m\e[39m $@ "
# constants
DOCKERD_ROOTLESS_SH = "dockerd-rootless.sh"
SYSTEMD_UNIT = "docker.service"
2021-02-26 05:43:24 +00:00
CLI_CONTEXT = "rootless"
2020-05-11 13:12:50 +00:00
# CLI opt: --force
# CLI opt: --skip-iptables
# global vars
ARG0 = " $0 "
BIN = ""
CFG_DIR = ""
2022-11-04 10:27:25 +00:00
2020-05-11 13:12:50 +00:00
# run checks and also initialize global vars
init( ) {
# OS verification: Linux only
case " $( uname) " in
Linux) ; ;
ERROR " Rootless Docker cannot be installed on $( uname) "
exit 1
; ;
# User verification: deny running as root
if [ " $( id -u) " = "0" ] ; then
ERROR "Refusing to install rootless Docker as the root user"
exit 1
# set BIN
if ! BIN = " $( command -v " $DOCKERD_ROOTLESS_SH " 2> /dev/null) " ; then
ERROR " $DOCKERD_ROOTLESS_SH needs to be present under \$PATH "
exit 1
BIN = $( dirname " $BIN " )
if systemctl --user show-environment > /dev/null 2>& 1; then
# HOME verification
if [ -z " ${ HOME :- } " ] || [ ! -d " $HOME " ] ; then
ERROR "HOME needs to be set"
exit 1
if [ ! -w " $HOME " ] ; then
ERROR "HOME needs to be writable"
exit 1
2022-11-04 10:27:25 +00:00
# Set USERNAME from `id -un` and potentially protect backslash
# for windbind/samba domain users
USERNAME = $( id -un)
USERNAME_ESCAPED = $( echo $USERNAME | sed 's/\\/\\\\/g' )
2020-05-11 13:12:50 +00:00
# set CFG_DIR
CFG_DIR = " ${ XDG_CONFIG_HOME :- $HOME /.config } "
# Existing rootful docker verification
if [ -w /var/run/docker.sock ] && [ -z " $OPT_FORCE " ] ; then
ERROR "Aborting because rootful Docker (/var/run/docker.sock) is running and accessible. Set --force to ignore."
exit 1
if [ -z " ${ XDG_RUNTIME_DIR :- } " ] || [ ! -w " $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR " ] ; then
if [ -n " $SYSTEMD " ] ; then
ERROR " Aborting because systemd was detected but XDG_RUNTIME_DIR (\" $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR \") is not set, does not exist, or is not writable "
ERROR "Hint: this could happen if you changed users with 'su' or 'sudo'. To work around this:"
ERROR "- try again by first running with root privileges 'loginctl enable-linger <user>' where <user> is the unprivileged user and export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR to the value of RuntimePath as shown by 'loginctl show-user <user>'"
ERROR "- or simply log back in as the desired unprivileged user (ssh works for remote machines, machinectl shell works for local machines)"
exit 1
2020-06-08 10:36:15 +00:00
export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR = " $HOME /.docker/run "
mkdir -p -m 700 " $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR "
2020-05-11 13:12:50 +00:00
instructions = ""
# instruction: uidmap dependency check
if ! command -v newuidmap > /dev/null 2>& 1; then
if command -v apt-get > /dev/null 2>& 1; then
instructions = $(
cat <<- EOI
${ instructions }
# Install newuidmap & newgidmap binaries
apt-get install -y uidmap
elif command -v dnf > /dev/null 2>& 1; then
instructions = $(
cat <<- EOI
${ instructions }
# Install newuidmap & newgidmap binaries
dnf install -y shadow-utils
elif command -v yum > /dev/null 2>& 1; then
instructions = $(
cat <<- EOI
${ instructions }
# Install newuidmap & newgidmap binaries
yum install -y shadow-utils
ERROR "newuidmap binary not found. Please install with a package manager."
exit 1
# instruction: iptables dependency check
faced_iptables_error = ""
if ! command -v iptables > /dev/null 2>& 1 && [ ! -f /sbin/iptables ] && [ ! -f /usr/sbin/iptables ] ; then
faced_iptables_error = 1
if [ -z " $OPT_SKIP_IPTABLES " ] ; then
if command -v apt-get > /dev/null 2>& 1; then
instructions = $(
cat <<- EOI
${ instructions }
# Install iptables
apt-get install -y iptables
elif command -v dnf > /dev/null 2>& 1; then
instructions = $(
cat <<- EOI
${ instructions }
# Install iptables
dnf install -y iptables
elif command -v yum > /dev/null 2>& 1; then
instructions = $(
cat <<- EOI
${ instructions }
# Install iptables
yum install -y iptables
ERROR "iptables binary not found. Please install with a package manager."
exit 1
# instruction: ip_tables module dependency check
if ! grep -q ip_tables /proc/modules 2> /dev/null && ! grep -q ip_tables /lib/modules/$( uname -r) /modules.builtin 2> /dev/null; then
faced_iptables_error = 1
if [ -z " $OPT_SKIP_IPTABLES " ] ; then
instructions = $(
cat <<- EOI
${ instructions }
# Load ip_tables module
modprobe ip_tables
if [ -n " $faced_iptables_error " ] && [ -n " $OPT_SKIP_IPTABLES " ] ; then
# instruction: Debian and Arch require setting unprivileged_userns_clone
if [ -f /proc/sys/kernel/unprivileged_userns_clone ] ; then
if [ "1" != " $( cat /proc/sys/kernel/unprivileged_userns_clone) " ] ; then
instructions = $(
cat <<- EOI
${ instructions }
# Set kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone
cat <<EOT > /etc/sysctl.d/50-rootless.conf
kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone = 1
sysctl --system
# instruction: RHEL/CentOS 7 requires setting max_user_namespaces
if [ -f /proc/sys/user/max_user_namespaces ] ; then
if [ "0" = " $( cat /proc/sys/user/max_user_namespaces) " ] ; then
instructions = $(
cat <<- EOI
${ instructions }
# Set user.max_user_namespaces
cat <<EOT > /etc/sysctl.d/51-rootless.conf
user.max_user_namespaces = 28633
sysctl --system
# instructions: validate subuid/subgid files for current user
2022-11-04 10:27:25 +00:00
if ! grep -q " ^ $USERNAME_ESCAPED :\|^ $( id -u) : " /etc/subuid 2> /dev/null; then
2020-05-11 13:12:50 +00:00
instructions = $(
cat <<- EOI
${ instructions }
2022-11-04 10:27:25 +00:00
# Add subuid entry for ${USERNAME}
echo " ${ USERNAME } :100000:65536 " >> /etc/subuid
2020-05-11 13:12:50 +00:00
2022-11-04 10:27:25 +00:00
if ! grep -q " ^ $USERNAME_ESCAPED :\|^ $( id -u) : " /etc/subgid 2> /dev/null; then
2020-05-11 13:12:50 +00:00
instructions = $(
cat <<- EOI
${ instructions }
2022-11-04 10:27:25 +00:00
# Add subgid entry for ${USERNAME}
echo " ${ USERNAME } :100000:65536 " >> /etc/subgid
2020-05-11 13:12:50 +00:00
# fail with instructions if requirements are not satisfied.
if [ -n " $instructions " ] ; then
ERROR "Missing system requirements. Run the following commands to"
ERROR "install the requirements and run this tool again."
if [ -n " $faced_iptables_error " ] && [ -z " $OPT_SKIP_IPTABLES " ] ; then
ERROR "Alternatively iptables checks can be disabled with --skip-iptables ."
echo "########## BEGIN ##########"
echo "sudo sh -eux <<EOF"
echo " $instructions " | sed -e '/^$/d'
echo "EOF"
echo "########## END ##########"
exit 1
# TODO: support printing non-essential but recommended instructions:
# - sysctl: "net.ipv4.ping_group_range"
# - sysctl: "net.ipv4.ip_unprivileged_port_start"
# - external binary: slirp4netns
# - external binary: fuse-overlayfs
2024-03-05 22:43:00 +00:00
# check RootlessKit functionality. RootlessKit will print hints if something is still unsatisfied.
# (e.g., `kernel.apparmor_restrict_unprivileged_userns` constraint)
if ! rootlesskit true; then
ERROR "RootlessKit failed, see the error messages and https://rootlesscontaine.rs/getting-started/common/ ."
exit 1
2020-05-11 13:12:50 +00:00
# CLI subcommand: "check"
cmd_entrypoint_check( ) {
2024-01-16 15:00:32 +00:00
2020-05-11 13:12:50 +00:00
# requirements are already checked in init()
INFO "Requirements are satisfied"
2024-01-16 15:00:32 +00:00
# CLI subcommand: "nsenter"
cmd_entrypoint_nsenter( ) {
# No need to call init()
pid = $( cat " $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR /dockerd-rootless/child_pid " )
exec nsenter --no-fork --wd= " $( pwd ) " --preserve-credentials -m -n -U -t " $pid " -- " $@ "
2020-11-19 19:39:14 +00:00
show_systemd_error( ) {
n = "20"
ERROR " Failed to start ${ SYSTEMD_UNIT } . Run \`journalctl -n ${ n } --no-pager --user --unit ${ SYSTEMD_UNIT } \` to show the error log. "
ERROR " Before retrying installation, you might need to uninstall the current setup: \` $0 uninstall -f ; ${ BIN } /rootlesskit rm -rf ${ HOME } /.local/share/docker\` "
if journalctl -q -n ${ n } --user --unit ${ SYSTEMD_UNIT } | grep -qF "/run/xtables.lock: Permission denied" ; then
ERROR "Failure likely related to https://github.com/moby/moby/issues/41230"
ERROR "This may work as a workaround: \`sudo dnf install -y policycoreutils-python-utils && sudo semanage permissive -a iptables_t\`"
2020-05-11 13:12:50 +00:00
# install (systemd)
install_systemd( ) {
mkdir -p " ${ CFG_DIR } /systemd/user "
unit_file = " ${ CFG_DIR } /systemd/user/ ${ SYSTEMD_UNIT } "
if [ -f " ${ unit_file } " ] ; then
WARNING " File already exists, skipping: ${ unit_file } "
INFO " Creating ${ unit_file } "
cat <<- EOT > " ${ unit_file } "
[ Unit]
Description = Docker Application Container Engine ( Rootless)
2021-02-25 11:11:50 +00:00
Documentation = https://docs.docker.com/go/rootless/
2020-05-11 13:12:50 +00:00
[ Service]
Environment = PATH = $BIN :/sbin:/usr/sbin:$PATH
ExecStart = $BIN /dockerd-rootless.sh $DOCKERD_ROOTLESS_SH_FLAGS
ExecReload = /bin/kill -s HUP \$ MAINPID
TimeoutSec = 0
RestartSec = 2
Restart = always
StartLimitBurst = 3
StartLimitInterval = 60s
LimitNOFILE = infinity
LimitNPROC = infinity
LimitCORE = infinity
TasksMax = infinity
Delegate = yes
2021-02-25 13:38:39 +00:00
Type = notify
NotifyAccess = all
2021-01-28 06:19:43 +00:00
KillMode = mixed
2020-05-11 13:12:50 +00:00
[ Install]
WantedBy = default.target
systemctl --user daemon-reload
if ! systemctl --user --no-pager status " ${ SYSTEMD_UNIT } " > /dev/null 2>& 1; then
INFO " starting systemd service ${ SYSTEMD_UNIT } "
set -x
2020-11-19 19:39:14 +00:00
if ! systemctl --user start " ${ SYSTEMD_UNIT } " ; then
set +x
exit 1
2020-05-11 13:12:50 +00:00
sleep 3
set -x
2020-11-19 19:39:14 +00:00
if ! systemctl --user --no-pager --full status " ${ SYSTEMD_UNIT } " ; then
set +x
exit 1
2020-05-11 13:12:50 +00:00
DOCKER_HOST = " unix:// $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR /docker.sock " $BIN /docker version
systemctl --user enable " ${ SYSTEMD_UNIT } "
INFO " Installed ${ SYSTEMD_UNIT } successfully. "
INFO " To control ${ SYSTEMD_UNIT } , run: \`systemctl --user (start|stop|restart) ${ SYSTEMD_UNIT } \` "
2022-11-04 10:27:25 +00:00
INFO " To run ${ SYSTEMD_UNIT } on system startup, run: \`sudo loginctl enable-linger ${ USERNAME } \` "
2020-05-11 13:12:50 +00:00
# install (non-systemd)
install_nonsystemd( ) {
INFO " systemd not detected, ${ DOCKERD_ROOTLESS_SH } needs to be started manually: "
2021-02-26 05:43:24 +00:00
cli_ctx_exists( ) {
name = " $1 "
contrib: make dockerd-rootless-setuptool.sh more robust
The `docker` CLI currently doesn't handle situations where the current context
(as defined in `~/.docker/config.json`) is invalid or doesn't exist. As loading
(and checking) the context happens during initialization of the CLI, this
prevents `docker context` commands from being used, which makes it complicated
to fix the situation. For example, running `docker context use <correct context>`
would fail, which makes it not possible to update the `~/.docker/config.json`,
unless doing so manually.
For example, given the following `~/.docker/config.json`:
"currentContext": "nosuchcontext"
All of the commands below fail:
docker context inspect rootless
Current context "nosuchcontext" is not found on the file system, please check your config file at /Users/thajeztah/.docker/config.json
docker context rm --force rootless
Current context "nosuchcontext" is not found on the file system, please check your config file at /Users/thajeztah/.docker/config.json
docker context use default
Current context "nosuchcontext" is not found on the file system, please check your config file at /Users/thajeztah/.docker/config.json
While these things should be fixed, this patch updates the script to switch
the context using the `--context` flag; this flag is taken into account when
initializing the CLI, so that having an invalid context configured won't
block `docker context` commands from being executed. Given that all `context`
commands are local operations, "any" context can be used (it doesn't need to
make a connection with the daemon).
With this patch, those commands can now be run (and won't fail for the wrong
docker --context=default context inspect -f "{{.Name}}" rootless
docker --context=default context inspect -f "{{.Name}}" rootless-doesnt-exist
context "rootless-doesnt-exist" does not exist
One other issue may also cause things to fail during uninstall; trying to remove
a context that doesn't exist will fail (even with the `-f` / `--force` option
docker --context=default context rm blablabla
Error: context "blablabla": not found
While this is "ok" in most circumstances, it also means that (potentially) the
current context is not reset to "default", so this patch adds an explicit
`docker context use`, as well as unsetting the `DOCKER_HOST` and `DOCKER_CONTEXT`
environment variables.
Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <github@gone.nl>
2022-09-28 13:35:04 +00:00
" ${ BIN } /docker " --context= default context inspect -f "{{.Name}}" " ${ name } " > /dev/null 2>& 1
2021-02-26 05:43:24 +00:00
cli_ctx_create( ) {
name = " $1 "
host = " $2 "
description = " $3 "
contrib: make dockerd-rootless-setuptool.sh more robust
The `docker` CLI currently doesn't handle situations where the current context
(as defined in `~/.docker/config.json`) is invalid or doesn't exist. As loading
(and checking) the context happens during initialization of the CLI, this
prevents `docker context` commands from being used, which makes it complicated
to fix the situation. For example, running `docker context use <correct context>`
would fail, which makes it not possible to update the `~/.docker/config.json`,
unless doing so manually.
For example, given the following `~/.docker/config.json`:
"currentContext": "nosuchcontext"
All of the commands below fail:
docker context inspect rootless
Current context "nosuchcontext" is not found on the file system, please check your config file at /Users/thajeztah/.docker/config.json
docker context rm --force rootless
Current context "nosuchcontext" is not found on the file system, please check your config file at /Users/thajeztah/.docker/config.json
docker context use default
Current context "nosuchcontext" is not found on the file system, please check your config file at /Users/thajeztah/.docker/config.json
While these things should be fixed, this patch updates the script to switch
the context using the `--context` flag; this flag is taken into account when
initializing the CLI, so that having an invalid context configured won't
block `docker context` commands from being executed. Given that all `context`
commands are local operations, "any" context can be used (it doesn't need to
make a connection with the daemon).
With this patch, those commands can now be run (and won't fail for the wrong
docker --context=default context inspect -f "{{.Name}}" rootless
docker --context=default context inspect -f "{{.Name}}" rootless-doesnt-exist
context "rootless-doesnt-exist" does not exist
One other issue may also cause things to fail during uninstall; trying to remove
a context that doesn't exist will fail (even with the `-f` / `--force` option
docker --context=default context rm blablabla
Error: context "blablabla": not found
While this is "ok" in most circumstances, it also means that (potentially) the
current context is not reset to "default", so this patch adds an explicit
`docker context use`, as well as unsetting the `DOCKER_HOST` and `DOCKER_CONTEXT`
environment variables.
Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <github@gone.nl>
2022-09-28 13:35:04 +00:00
" ${ BIN } /docker " --context= default context create " ${ name } " --docker " host= ${ host } " --description " ${ description } " > /dev/null
2021-02-26 05:43:24 +00:00
2021-12-10 04:30:52 +00:00
cli_ctx_use( ) {
name = " $1 "
contrib: make dockerd-rootless-setuptool.sh more robust
The `docker` CLI currently doesn't handle situations where the current context
(as defined in `~/.docker/config.json`) is invalid or doesn't exist. As loading
(and checking) the context happens during initialization of the CLI, this
prevents `docker context` commands from being used, which makes it complicated
to fix the situation. For example, running `docker context use <correct context>`
would fail, which makes it not possible to update the `~/.docker/config.json`,
unless doing so manually.
For example, given the following `~/.docker/config.json`:
"currentContext": "nosuchcontext"
All of the commands below fail:
docker context inspect rootless
Current context "nosuchcontext" is not found on the file system, please check your config file at /Users/thajeztah/.docker/config.json
docker context rm --force rootless
Current context "nosuchcontext" is not found on the file system, please check your config file at /Users/thajeztah/.docker/config.json
docker context use default
Current context "nosuchcontext" is not found on the file system, please check your config file at /Users/thajeztah/.docker/config.json
While these things should be fixed, this patch updates the script to switch
the context using the `--context` flag; this flag is taken into account when
initializing the CLI, so that having an invalid context configured won't
block `docker context` commands from being executed. Given that all `context`
commands are local operations, "any" context can be used (it doesn't need to
make a connection with the daemon).
With this patch, those commands can now be run (and won't fail for the wrong
docker --context=default context inspect -f "{{.Name}}" rootless
docker --context=default context inspect -f "{{.Name}}" rootless-doesnt-exist
context "rootless-doesnt-exist" does not exist
One other issue may also cause things to fail during uninstall; trying to remove
a context that doesn't exist will fail (even with the `-f` / `--force` option
docker --context=default context rm blablabla
Error: context "blablabla": not found
While this is "ok" in most circumstances, it also means that (potentially) the
current context is not reset to "default", so this patch adds an explicit
`docker context use`, as well as unsetting the `DOCKER_HOST` and `DOCKER_CONTEXT`
environment variables.
Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <github@gone.nl>
2022-09-28 13:35:04 +00:00
" ${ BIN } /docker " --context= default context use " ${ name } " > /dev/null
2021-12-10 04:30:52 +00:00
2021-02-26 05:43:24 +00:00
cli_ctx_rm( ) {
name = " $1 "
contrib: make dockerd-rootless-setuptool.sh more robust
The `docker` CLI currently doesn't handle situations where the current context
(as defined in `~/.docker/config.json`) is invalid or doesn't exist. As loading
(and checking) the context happens during initialization of the CLI, this
prevents `docker context` commands from being used, which makes it complicated
to fix the situation. For example, running `docker context use <correct context>`
would fail, which makes it not possible to update the `~/.docker/config.json`,
unless doing so manually.
For example, given the following `~/.docker/config.json`:
"currentContext": "nosuchcontext"
All of the commands below fail:
docker context inspect rootless
Current context "nosuchcontext" is not found on the file system, please check your config file at /Users/thajeztah/.docker/config.json
docker context rm --force rootless
Current context "nosuchcontext" is not found on the file system, please check your config file at /Users/thajeztah/.docker/config.json
docker context use default
Current context "nosuchcontext" is not found on the file system, please check your config file at /Users/thajeztah/.docker/config.json
While these things should be fixed, this patch updates the script to switch
the context using the `--context` flag; this flag is taken into account when
initializing the CLI, so that having an invalid context configured won't
block `docker context` commands from being executed. Given that all `context`
commands are local operations, "any" context can be used (it doesn't need to
make a connection with the daemon).
With this patch, those commands can now be run (and won't fail for the wrong
docker --context=default context inspect -f "{{.Name}}" rootless
docker --context=default context inspect -f "{{.Name}}" rootless-doesnt-exist
context "rootless-doesnt-exist" does not exist
One other issue may also cause things to fail during uninstall; trying to remove
a context that doesn't exist will fail (even with the `-f` / `--force` option
docker --context=default context rm blablabla
Error: context "blablabla": not found
While this is "ok" in most circumstances, it also means that (potentially) the
current context is not reset to "default", so this patch adds an explicit
`docker context use`, as well as unsetting the `DOCKER_HOST` and `DOCKER_CONTEXT`
environment variables.
Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <github@gone.nl>
2022-09-28 13:35:04 +00:00
" ${ BIN } /docker " --context= default context rm -f " ${ name } " > /dev/null
2021-02-26 05:43:24 +00:00
2020-05-11 13:12:50 +00:00
# CLI subcommand: "install"
cmd_entrypoint_install( ) {
2024-01-16 15:00:32 +00:00
2020-05-11 13:12:50 +00:00
# requirements are already checked in init()
if [ -z " $SYSTEMD " ] ; then
2021-02-26 05:43:24 +00:00
if cli_ctx_exists " ${ CLI_CONTEXT } " ; then
INFO " CLI context \" ${ CLI_CONTEXT } \" already exists "
INFO " Creating CLI context \" ${ CLI_CONTEXT } \" "
cli_ctx_create " ${ CLI_CONTEXT } " " unix:// ${ XDG_RUNTIME_DIR } /docker.sock " "Rootless mode"
2023-04-06 04:58:19 +00:00
INFO " Using CLI context \" ${ CLI_CONTEXT } \" "
2021-12-10 04:30:52 +00:00
cli_ctx_use " ${ CLI_CONTEXT } "
2021-02-26 05:43:24 +00:00
2023-04-06 04:58:19 +00:00
INFO "Make sure the following environment variable(s) are set (or add them to ~/.bashrc):"
2020-05-11 13:12:50 +00:00
if [ -n " $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR_CREATED " ] ; then
2020-06-08 10:36:15 +00:00
echo "# WARNING: systemd not found. You have to remove XDG_RUNTIME_DIR manually on every logout."
2020-05-11 13:12:50 +00:00
echo " export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR= ${ XDG_RUNTIME_DIR } "
echo " export PATH= ${ BIN } :\$PATH "
2023-04-06 04:58:19 +00:00
INFO "Some applications may require the following environment variable too:"
2020-05-11 13:12:50 +00:00
echo " export DOCKER_HOST=unix:// ${ XDG_RUNTIME_DIR } /docker.sock "
# CLI subcommand: "uninstall"
cmd_entrypoint_uninstall( ) {
2024-01-16 15:00:32 +00:00
2020-05-11 13:12:50 +00:00
# requirements are already checked in init()
if [ -z " $SYSTEMD " ] ; then
INFO " systemd not detected, ${ DOCKERD_ROOTLESS_SH } needs to be stopped manually: "
unit_file = " ${ CFG_DIR } /systemd/user/ ${ SYSTEMD_UNIT } "
set -x
systemctl --user stop " ${ SYSTEMD_UNIT } "
) || :
set -x
systemctl --user disable " ${ SYSTEMD_UNIT } "
) || :
rm -f " ${ unit_file } "
INFO " Uninstalled ${ SYSTEMD_UNIT } "
2021-02-26 05:43:24 +00:00
if cli_ctx_exists " ${ CLI_CONTEXT } " ; then
cli_ctx_rm " ${ CLI_CONTEXT } "
INFO " Deleted CLI context \" ${ CLI_CONTEXT } \" "
contrib: make dockerd-rootless-setuptool.sh more robust
The `docker` CLI currently doesn't handle situations where the current context
(as defined in `~/.docker/config.json`) is invalid or doesn't exist. As loading
(and checking) the context happens during initialization of the CLI, this
prevents `docker context` commands from being used, which makes it complicated
to fix the situation. For example, running `docker context use <correct context>`
would fail, which makes it not possible to update the `~/.docker/config.json`,
unless doing so manually.
For example, given the following `~/.docker/config.json`:
"currentContext": "nosuchcontext"
All of the commands below fail:
docker context inspect rootless
Current context "nosuchcontext" is not found on the file system, please check your config file at /Users/thajeztah/.docker/config.json
docker context rm --force rootless
Current context "nosuchcontext" is not found on the file system, please check your config file at /Users/thajeztah/.docker/config.json
docker context use default
Current context "nosuchcontext" is not found on the file system, please check your config file at /Users/thajeztah/.docker/config.json
While these things should be fixed, this patch updates the script to switch
the context using the `--context` flag; this flag is taken into account when
initializing the CLI, so that having an invalid context configured won't
block `docker context` commands from being executed. Given that all `context`
commands are local operations, "any" context can be used (it doesn't need to
make a connection with the daemon).
With this patch, those commands can now be run (and won't fail for the wrong
docker --context=default context inspect -f "{{.Name}}" rootless
docker --context=default context inspect -f "{{.Name}}" rootless-doesnt-exist
context "rootless-doesnt-exist" does not exist
One other issue may also cause things to fail during uninstall; trying to remove
a context that doesn't exist will fail (even with the `-f` / `--force` option
docker --context=default context rm blablabla
Error: context "blablabla": not found
While this is "ok" in most circumstances, it also means that (potentially) the
current context is not reset to "default", so this patch adds an explicit
`docker context use`, as well as unsetting the `DOCKER_HOST` and `DOCKER_CONTEXT`
environment variables.
Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <github@gone.nl>
2022-09-28 13:35:04 +00:00
cli_ctx_use "default"
2023-04-06 04:58:19 +00:00
INFO 'Configured CLI to use the "default" context.'
contrib: make dockerd-rootless-setuptool.sh more robust
The `docker` CLI currently doesn't handle situations where the current context
(as defined in `~/.docker/config.json`) is invalid or doesn't exist. As loading
(and checking) the context happens during initialization of the CLI, this
prevents `docker context` commands from being used, which makes it complicated
to fix the situation. For example, running `docker context use <correct context>`
would fail, which makes it not possible to update the `~/.docker/config.json`,
unless doing so manually.
For example, given the following `~/.docker/config.json`:
"currentContext": "nosuchcontext"
All of the commands below fail:
docker context inspect rootless
Current context "nosuchcontext" is not found on the file system, please check your config file at /Users/thajeztah/.docker/config.json
docker context rm --force rootless
Current context "nosuchcontext" is not found on the file system, please check your config file at /Users/thajeztah/.docker/config.json
docker context use default
Current context "nosuchcontext" is not found on the file system, please check your config file at /Users/thajeztah/.docker/config.json
While these things should be fixed, this patch updates the script to switch
the context using the `--context` flag; this flag is taken into account when
initializing the CLI, so that having an invalid context configured won't
block `docker context` commands from being executed. Given that all `context`
commands are local operations, "any" context can be used (it doesn't need to
make a connection with the daemon).
With this patch, those commands can now be run (and won't fail for the wrong
docker --context=default context inspect -f "{{.Name}}" rootless
docker --context=default context inspect -f "{{.Name}}" rootless-doesnt-exist
context "rootless-doesnt-exist" does not exist
One other issue may also cause things to fail during uninstall; trying to remove
a context that doesn't exist will fail (even with the `-f` / `--force` option
docker --context=default context rm blablabla
Error: context "blablabla": not found
While this is "ok" in most circumstances, it also means that (potentially) the
current context is not reset to "default", so this patch adds an explicit
`docker context use`, as well as unsetting the `DOCKER_HOST` and `DOCKER_CONTEXT`
environment variables.
Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <github@gone.nl>
2022-09-28 13:35:04 +00:00
INFO 'Make sure to unset or update the environment PATH, DOCKER_HOST, and DOCKER_CONTEXT environment variables if you have added them to `~/.bashrc`.'
2020-05-11 13:12:50 +00:00
INFO "This uninstallation tool does NOT remove Docker binaries and data."
INFO " To remove data, run: \` $BIN /rootlesskit rm -rf $HOME /.local/share/docker\` "
# text for --help
usage( ) {
echo " Usage: ${ ARG0 } [OPTIONS] COMMAND "
echo " A setup tool for Rootless Docker ( ${ DOCKERD_ROOTLESS_SH } ). "
2021-02-25 11:11:50 +00:00
echo "Documentation: https://docs.docker.com/go/rootless/"
2020-05-11 13:12:50 +00:00
echo "Options:"
echo " -f, --force Ignore rootful Docker (/var/run/docker.sock)"
echo " --skip-iptables Ignore missing iptables"
echo "Commands:"
echo " check Check prerequisites"
2024-01-16 15:00:32 +00:00
echo " nsenter Enter into RootlessKit namespaces (mostly for debugging)"
2020-05-11 13:12:50 +00:00
echo " install Install systemd unit (if systemd is available) and show how to manage the service"
echo " uninstall Uninstall systemd unit"
# parse CLI args
if ! args = " $( getopt -o hf --long help,force,skip-iptables -n " $ARG0 " -- " $@ " ) " ; then
exit 1
eval set -- " $args "
while [ " $# " -gt 0 ] ; do
arg = " $1 "
case " $arg " in
-h | --help)
exit 0
; ;
-f | --force)
; ;
; ;
; ;
# XXX this means we missed something in our "getopt" arguments above!
ERROR " Scripting error, unknown argument ' $arg ' when parsing script arguments. "
exit 1
; ;
command = " ${ 1 :- } "
if [ -z " $command " ] ; then
ERROR " No command was specified. Run with --help to see the usage. Maybe you want to run \` $ARG0 install\`? "
exit 1
if ! command -v " cmd_entrypoint_ ${ command } " > /dev/null 2>& 1; then
ERROR " Unknown command: ${ command } . Run with --help to see the usage. "
exit 1
# main
2024-01-16 15:00:32 +00:00
" cmd_entrypoint_ ${ command } " " $@ "