Used a localized copy of the flavor file to style all the doc pages, added a few things wherever needed, added all download options, updated the README.
Changed the splash logo and updated a lot of the branding for the framework. A follow-up commit will be made to resolve a minor issuue with the documentation images.
Created a new folder, 'customization', under which the new Customization documentation will be added (replaces wiki). All the old page navigation links have been updated to point to it, while the old 'customization.html' page now redirects to the new one.
Development environment has been Windows for months, just recently moved to UbuntuGnome 16.04 (LTS), so most of the files have been altered a little bit (line endings etc.). Similarly, my toolchain which was Atom (formerly SublimeText), SourceTree and Koala has been changed to Atom, GitKraken and Prepros, causing certain things to recompile and reconfigure based on said tools. New branch has been created under `dev211` to work on the next release `v2.1.1`.