removed unused jbbcode files
This commit is contained in:
16 changed files with 0 additions and 1007 deletions
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
require_once "/path/to/jbbcode/Parser.php";
$parser = new JBBCode\Parser();
$parser->addCodeDefinitionSet(new JBBCode\DefaultCodeDefinitionSet());
$text = "The default codes include: [b]bold[/b], [i]italics[/i], [u]underlining[/u], ";
$text .= "[url=]links[/url], [color=red]color![/color] and more.";
print $parser->getAsHtml();
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
require_once "/path/to/jbbcode/Parser.php";
$parser = new JBBCode\Parser();
$parser->addCodeDefinitionSet(new JBBCode\DefaultCodeDefinitionSet());
$text = "The bbcode in here [b]is never closed!";
print $parser->getAsBBCode();
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
require_once "/path/to/jbbcode/Parser.php";
$parser = new JBBCode\Parser();
$parser->addCodeDefinitionSet(new JBBCode\DefaultCodeDefinitionSet());
$text = "[b][u]There is [i]a lot[/i] of [url=]markup[/url] in this";
$text .= "[color=#333333]text[/color]![/u][/b]";
print $parser->getAsText();
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
require_once "/path/to/jbbcode/Parser.php";
$parser = new JBBCode\Parser();
$parser->addBBCode("quote", '<div class="quote">{param}</div>');
$parser->addBBCode("code", '<pre class="code">{param}</pre>', false, false, 1);
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
$parser = new JBBCode\Parser();
$parser->addCodeDefinitionSet(new JBBCode\DefaultCodeDefinitionSet());
if (count($argv) < 2) {
die("Usage: " . $argv[0] . " \"bbcode string\"\n");
$inputText = $argv[1];
$smileyVisitor = new \JBBCode\visitors\SmileyVisitor();
echo $parser->getAsHTML() . "\n";
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
$parser = new JBBCode\Parser();
$parser->addCodeDefinitionSet(new JBBCode\DefaultCodeDefinitionSet());
if (count($argv) < 3) {
die("Usage: " . $argv[0] . " \"bbcode string\" <tag name to check>\n");
$inputText = $argv[1];
$tagName = $argv[2];
$tagCountingVisitor = new \JBBCode\visitors\TagCountingVisitor();
echo $tagCountingVisitor->getFrequency($tagName) . "\n";
@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
require_once(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Parser.php');
* Test cases testing the functionality of parsing bbcode and
* retrieving a bbcode well-formed bbcode representation.
* @author jbowens
class BBCodeToBBCodeTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* A utility method for these tests that will evaluate its arguments as bbcode with
* a fresh parser loaded with only the default bbcodes. It returns the
* bbcode output, which in most cases should be in the input itself.
private function defaultBBCodeParse($bbcode)
$parser = new JBBCode\Parser();
$parser->addCodeDefinitionSet(new JBBCode\DefaultCodeDefinitionSet());
return $parser->getAsBBCode();
* Asserts that the given bbcode matches the given text when
* the bbcode is run through defaultBBCodeParse
private function assertBBCodeOutput($bbcode, $text)
$this->assertEquals($this->defaultBBCodeParse($bbcode), $text);
public function testEmptyString()
$this->assertBBCodeOutput('', '');
public function testOneTag()
$this->assertBBCodeOutput('[b]this is bold[/b]', '[b]this is bold[/b]');
public function testOneTagWithSurroundingText()
$this->assertBBCodeOutput('buffer text [b]this is bold[/b] buffer text',
'buffer text [b]this is bold[/b] buffer text');
public function testMultipleTags()
$bbcode = 'this is some text with [b]bold tags[/b] and [i]italics[/i] and ' .
'things like [u]that[/u].';
$bbcodeOutput = 'this is some text with [b]bold tags[/b] and [i]italics[/i] and ' .
'things like [u]that[/u].';
$this->assertBBCodeOutput($bbcode, $bbcodeOutput);
public function testCodeOptions()
$code = 'This contains a [url=]url[/url] which uses an option.';
$codeOutput = 'This contains a [url=]url[/url] which uses an option.';
$this->assertBBCodeOutput($code, $codeOutput);
* @depends testCodeOptions
public function testOmittedOption()
$code = 'This doesn\'t use the url option [url][/url].';
$codeOutput = 'This doesn\'t use the url option [url][/url].';
$this->assertBBCodeOutput($code, $codeOutput);
public function testUnclosedTags()
$code = '[b]bold';
$codeOutput = '[b]bold[/b]';
$this->assertBBCodeOutput($code, $codeOutput);
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
require_once(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Parser.php');
* Test cases testing the ability to parse bbcode and retrieve a
* plain text representation without any markup.
* @author jbowens
class BBCodeToTextTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* A utility method for these tests that will evaluate
* its arguments as bbcode with a fresh parser loaded
* with only the default bbcodes. It returns the
* text output.
private function defaultTextParse($bbcode)
$parser = new JBBCode\Parser();
$parser->addCodeDefinitionSet(new JBBCode\DefaultCodeDefinitionSet());
return $parser->getAsText();
* Asserts that the given bbcode matches the given text when
* the bbcode is run through defaultTextParse
private function assertTextOutput($bbcode, $text)
$this->assertEquals($text, $this->defaultTextParse($bbcode));
public function testEmptyString()
$this->assertTextOutput('', '');
public function testOneTag()
$this->assertTextOutput('[b]this is bold[/b]', 'this is bold');
public function testOneTagWithSurroundingText()
$this->assertTextOutput('buffer text [b]this is bold[/b] buffer text',
'buffer text this is bold buffer text');
public function testMultipleTags()
$bbcode = 'this is some text with [b]bold tags[/b] and [i]italics[/i] and ' .
'things like [u]that[/u].';
$text = 'this is some text with bold tags and italics and things like that.';
$this->assertTextOutput($bbcode, $text);
public function testCodeOptions()
$code = 'This contains a [url=]url[/url] which uses an option.';
$text = 'This contains a url which uses an option.';
$this->assertTextOutput($code, $text);
* @depends testCodeOptions
public function testOmittedOption()
$code = 'This doesn\'t use the url option [url][/url].';
$text = 'This doesn\'t use the url option';
$this->assertTextOutput($code, $text);
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Parser.php';
* Test cases for the default bbcode set.
* @author jbowens
* @since May 2013
class DefaultCodesTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* Asserts that the given bbcode string produces the given html string
* when parsed with the default bbcodes.
public function assertProduces($bbcode, $html)
$parser = new \JBBCode\Parser();
$parser->addCodeDefinitionSet(new JBBCode\DefaultCodeDefinitionSet());
$this->assertEquals($html, $parser->getAsHtml());
* Tests the [b] bbcode.
public function testBold()
$this->assertProduces('[b]this should be bold[/b]', '<strong>this should be bold</strong>');
* Tests the [color] bbcode.
public function testColor()
$this->assertProduces('[color=red]red[/color]', '<span style="color: red">red</span>');
* Tests the example from the documentation.
public function testExample()
$text = "The default codes include: [b]bold[/b], [i]italics[/i], [u]underlining[/u], ";
$text .= "[url=]links[/url], [color=red]color![/color] and more.";
$html = 'The default codes include: <strong>bold</strong>, <em>italics</em>, <u>underlining</u>, ';
$html .= '<a href="">links</a>, <span style="color: red">color!</span> and more.';
$this->assertProduces($text, $html);
@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
require_once(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Parser.php');
* Test cases testing the HTMLSafe visitor, which escapes all html characters in the source text
* @author astax-t
class HTMLSafeTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* Asserts that the given bbcode string produces the given html string
* when parsed with the default bbcodes.
public function assertProduces($bbcode, $html)
$parser = new \JBBCode\Parser();
$parser->addCodeDefinitionSet(new JBBCode\DefaultCodeDefinitionSet());
$htmlsafer = new JBBCode\visitors\HTMLSafeVisitor();
$this->assertEquals($html, $parser->getAsHtml());
* Tests escaping quotes and ampersands in simple text
public function testQuoteAndAmp()
$this->assertProduces('te"xt te&xt', 'te"xt te&xt');
* Tests escaping quotes and ampersands inside a BBCode tag
public function testQuoteAndAmpInTag()
$this->assertProduces('[b]te"xt te&xt[/b]', '<strong>te"xt te&xt</strong>');
* Tests escaping HTML tags
public function testHtmlTag()
$this->assertProduces('<b>not bold</b>', '<b>not bold</b>');
$this->assertProduces('[b]<b>bold</b>[/b] <hr>', '<strong><b>bold</b></strong> <hr>');
* Tests escaping ampersands in URL using [url]...[/url]
public function testUrlParam()
$this->assertProduces('text [url][/url] more text', 'text <a href=""></a> more text');
* Tests escaping ampersands in URL using [url=...] tag
public function testUrlOption()
$this->assertProduces('text [url=]this is a "link"[/url]', 'text <a href="">this is a "link"</a>');
* Tests escaping ampersands in URL using [url=...] tag when URL is in quotes
public function testUrlOptionQuotes()
$this->assertProduces('text [url=""]this is a "link"[/url]', 'text <a href="">this is a "link"</a>');
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Parser.php';
* Test cases for CodeDefinition nest limits. If an element is nested beyond
* its CodeDefinition's nest limit, it should be removed from the parse tree.
* @author jbowens
* @since May 2013
class NestLimitTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* Tests that when elements have no nest limits they may be
* nested indefinitely.
public function testIndefiniteNesting()
$parser = new JBBCode\Parser();
$parser->addBBCode('b', '<strong>{param}</strong>', false, true, -1);
$parser->parse('[b][b][b][b][b][b][b][b]bold text[/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b]');
$this->assertEquals('<strong><strong><strong><strong><strong><strong><strong><strong>' .
'bold text' .
* Test over nesting.
public function testOverNesting()
$parser = new JBBCode\Parser();
$parser->addCodeDefinitionSet(new JBBCode\DefaultCodeDefinitionSet());
$parser->addBBCode('quote', '<blockquote>{param}</blockquote>', false, true, 2);
$bbcode = '[quote][quote][quote]wut[/quote] huh?[/quote] i don\'t know[/quote]';
$expectedBbcode = '[quote][quote] huh?[/quote] i don\'t know[/quote]';
$expectedHtml = '<blockquote><blockquote> huh?</blockquote> i don\'t know</blockquote>';
$this->assertEquals($expectedBbcode, $parser->getAsBBCode());
$this->assertEquals($expectedHtml, $parser->getAsHtml());
@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Parser.php';
* Test cases for the code definition parameter that disallows parsing
* of an element's content.
* @author jbowens
class ParseContentTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* Tests that when a bbcode is created with parseContent = false,
* its contents actually are not parsed.
public function testSimpleNoParsing()
$parser = new JBBCode\Parser();
$parser->addCodeDefinitionSet(new JBBCode\DefaultCodeDefinitionSet());
$parser->addBBCode('verbatim', '{param}', false, false);
$parser->parse('[verbatim]plain text[/verbatim]');
$this->assertEquals('plain text', $parser->getAsHtml());
$this->assertEquals('[b]bold[/b]', $parser->getAsHtml());
public function testNoParsingWithBufferText()
$parser = new JBBCode\Parser();
$parser->addCodeDefinitionSet(new JBBCode\DefaultCodeDefinitionSet());
$parser->addBBCode('verbatim', '{param}', false, false);
$parser->parse('buffer text[verbatim]buffer text[b]bold[/b]buffer text[/verbatim]buffer text');
$this->assertEquals('buffer textbuffer text[b]bold[/b]buffer textbuffer text', $parser->getAsHtml());
* Tests that when a tag is not closed within an unparseable tag,
* the BBCode output does not automatically close that tag (because
* the contents were not parsed).
public function testUnclosedTag()
$parser = new JBBCode\Parser();
$parser->addCodeDefinitionSet(new JBBCode\DefaultCodeDefinitionSet());
$parser->addBBCode('verbatim', '{param}', false, false);
$parser->parse('[verbatim]i wonder [b]what will happen[/verbatim]');
$this->assertEquals('i wonder [b]what will happen', $parser->getAsHtml());
$this->assertEquals('[verbatim]i wonder [b]what will happen[/verbatim]', $parser->getAsBBCode());
* Tests that an unclosed tag with parseContent = false ends cleanly.
public function testUnclosedVerbatimTag()
$parser = new JBBCode\Parser();
$parser->addCodeDefinitionSet(new JBBCode\DefaultCodeDefinitionSet());
$parser->addBBCode('verbatim', '{param}', false, false);
$parser->parse('[verbatim]yo this [b]text should not be bold[/b]');
$this->assertEquals('yo this [b]text should not be bold[/b]', $parser->getAsHtml());
* Tests a malformed closing tag for a verbatim block.
public function testMalformedVerbatimClosingTag()
$parser = new JBBCode\Parser();
$parser->addCodeDefinitionSet(new JBBCode\DefaultCodeDefinitionSet());
$parser->addBBCode('verbatim', '{param}', false, false);
$parser->parse('[verbatim]yo this [b]text should not be bold[/b][/verbatim');
$this->assertEquals('yo this [b]text should not be bold[/b][/verbatim', $parser->getAsHtml());
* Tests an immediate end after a verbatim.
public function testVerbatimThenEof()
$parser = new JBBCode\Parser();
$parser->addBBCode('verbatim', '{param}', false, false);
$this->assertEquals('', $parser->getAsHtml());
@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
require_once(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Parser.php');
* A series of test cases for various potential parsing edge cases. This
* includes a lot of tests using brackets for things besides genuine tag
* names.
* @author jbowens
class ParsingEdgeCaseTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* A utility method for these tests that will evaluate
* its arguments as bbcode with a fresh parser loaded
* with only the default bbcodes. It returns the
* html output.
private function defaultParse($bbcode)
$parser = new JBBCode\Parser();
$parser->addCodeDefinitionSet(new JBBCode\DefaultCodeDefinitionSet());
return $parser->getAsHtml();
* Asserts that the given bbcode matches the given html when
* the bbcode is run through defaultParse.
private function assertProduces($bbcode, $html)
$this->assertEquals($html, $this->defaultParse($bbcode));
* Tests attempting to use a code that doesn't exist.
public function testNonexistentCodeMalformed()
$this->assertProduces('[wat]', '[wat]');
* Tests attempting to use a code that doesn't exist, but this
* time in a well-formed fashion.
* @depends testNonexistentCodeMalformed
public function testNonexistentCodeWellformed()
$this->assertProduces('[wat]something[/wat]', '[wat]something[/wat]');
* Tests a whole bunch of meaningless left brackets.
public function testAllLeftBrackets()
$this->assertProduces('[[[[[[[[', '[[[[[[[[');
* Tests a whole bunch of meaningless right brackets.
public function testAllRightBrackets()
$this->assertProduces(']]]]]', ']]]]]');
* Intermixes well-formed, meaningful tags with meaningless brackets.
public function testRandomBracketsInWellformedCode()
* Tests an unclosed tag within a closed tag.
public function testUnclosedWithinClosed()
$this->assertProduces('[url=][b]oh yeah[/url]',
'<a href=""><strong>oh yeah</strong></a>');
* Tests half completed opening tag.
public function testHalfOpenTag()
$this->assertProduces('[b', '[b');
$this->assertProduces('wut [url=',
'wut [url=');
* Tests half completed closing tag.
public function testHalfClosingTag()
$this->assertProduces('[b]this should be bold[/b',
'<strong>this should be bold[/b</strong>');
* Tests lots of left brackets before the actual tag. For example:
* [[[[[[[[b]bold![/b]
public function testLeftBracketsThenTag()
* Tests a whitespace after left bracket.
public function testWhitespaceAfterLeftBracketWhithoutTag()
$this->assertProduces('[ ABC ] ',
'[ ABC ] ');
@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
require_once(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Parser.php');
class SimpleEvaluationTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* A utility method for these tests that will evaluate
* its arguments as bbcode with a fresh parser loaded
* with only the default bbcodes. It returns the
* html output.
private function defaultParse($bbcode)
$parser = new JBBCode\Parser();
$parser->addCodeDefinitionSet(new JBBCode\DefaultCodeDefinitionSet());
return $parser->getAsHtml();
* Asserts that the given bbcode matches the given html when
* the bbcode is run through defaultParse.
private function assertProduces($bbcode, $html)
$this->assertEquals($html, $this->defaultParse($bbcode));
public function testEmptyString()
$this->assertProduces('', '');
public function testOneTag()
$this->assertProduces('[b]this is bold[/b]', '<strong>this is bold</strong>');
public function testOneTagWithSurroundingText()
$this->assertProduces('buffer text [b]this is bold[/b] buffer text',
'buffer text <strong>this is bold</strong> buffer text');
public function testMultipleTags()
$bbcode = <<<EOD
this is some text with [b]bold tags[/b] and [i]italics[/i] and
things like [u]that[/u].
$html = <<<EOD
this is some text with <strong>bold tags</strong> and <em>italics</em> and
things like <u>that</u>.
$this->assertProduces($bbcode, $html);
public function testCodeOptions()
$code = 'This contains a [url=]url[/url] which uses an option.';
$html = 'This contains a <a href="">url</a> which uses an option.';
$this->assertProduces($code, $html);
public function testAttributes()
$parser = new JBBCode\Parser();
$builder = new JBBCode\CodeDefinitionBuilder('img', '<img src="{param}" height="{height}" alt="{alt}" />');
$expected = 'Multiple <img src="" height="50" alt="alt text" /> options.';
$code = 'Multiple [img height="50" alt="alt text"][/img] options.';
$result = $parser->getAsHTML();
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$code = 'Multiple [img height=50 alt="alt text"][/img] options.';
$result = $parser->getAsHTML();
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
* @depends testCodeOptions
public function testOmittedOption()
$code = 'This doesn\'t use the url option [url][/url].';
$html = 'This doesn\'t use the url option <a href=""></a>.';
$this->assertProduces($code, $html);
public function testUnclosedTag()
$code = 'hello [b]world';
$html = 'hello <strong>world</strong>';
$this->assertProduces($code, $html);
public function testNestingTags()
$code = '[url=][b]hello [u]world[/u][/b][/url]';
$html = '<a href=""><strong>hello <u>world</u></strong></a>';
$this->assertProduces($code, $html);
public function testBracketInTag()
$this->assertProduces('[b]:-[[/b]', '<strong>:-[</strong>');
public function testBracketWithSpaceInTag()
$this->assertProduces('[b]:-[ [/b]', '<strong>:-[ </strong>');
public function testBracketWithTextInTag()
$this->assertProduces('[b]:-[ foobar[/b]', '<strong>:-[ foobar</strong>');
public function testMultibleBracketsWithTextInTag()
$this->assertProduces('[b]:-[ [fo[o[bar[/b]', '<strong>:-[ [fo[o[bar</strong>');
@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
require_once(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Tokenizer.php');
* Test cases testing the functionality of the Tokenizer. The tokenizer
* is used by the parser to make parsing simpler.
* @author jbowens
class TokenizerTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
public function testEmptyString()
$tokenizer = new JBBCode\Tokenizer('');
public function testPlainTextOnly()
$tokenizer = new JBBCode\Tokenizer('this is some plain text.');
$this->assertEquals('this is some plain text.', $tokenizer->next());
$this->assertEquals('this is some plain text.', $tokenizer->current());
public function testStartingBracket()
$tokenizer = new JBBCode\Tokenizer('[this has a starting bracket.');
$this->assertEquals('[', $tokenizer->next());
$this->assertEquals('[', $tokenizer->current());
$this->assertEquals('this has a starting bracket.', $tokenizer->next());
$this->assertEquals('this has a starting bracket.', $tokenizer->current());
$this->assertEquals(null, $tokenizer->next());
public function testOneTag()
$tokenizer = new JBBCode\Tokenizer('[b]');
$this->assertEquals('[', $tokenizer->next());
$this->assertEquals('b', $tokenizer->next());
$this->assertEquals(']', $tokenizer->next());
public function testMatchingTags()
$tokenizer = new JBBCode\Tokenizer('[url][/url]');
$this->assertEquals('[', $tokenizer->next());
$this->assertEquals('url', $tokenizer->next());
$this->assertEquals(']', $tokenizer->next());
$this->assertEquals('', $tokenizer->next());
$this->assertEquals('[', $tokenizer->next());
$this->assertEquals('/url', $tokenizer->next());
$this->assertEquals(']', $tokenizer->next());
public function testLotsOfBrackets()
$tokenizer = new JBBCode\Tokenizer('[[][]][');
$this->assertEquals('[', $tokenizer->next());
$this->assertEquals('[', $tokenizer->next());
$this->assertEquals(']', $tokenizer->next());
$this->assertEquals('[', $tokenizer->next());
$this->assertEquals(']', $tokenizer->next());
$this->assertEquals(']', $tokenizer->next());
$this->assertEquals('[', $tokenizer->next());
@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Parser.php';
require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'validators' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'UrlValidator.php';
require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'validators' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'CssColorValidator.php';
* Test cases for InputValidators.
* @author jbowens
* @since May 2013
class ValidatorTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* Tests an invalid url directly on the UrlValidator.
public function testInvalidUrl()
$urlValidator = new \JBBCode\validators\UrlValidator();
* Tests a valid url directly on the UrlValidator.
public function testValidUrl()
$urlValidator = new \JBBCode\validators\UrlValidator();
* Tests an invalid url as an option to a url bbcode.
* @depends testInvalidUrl
public function testInvalidOptionUrlBBCode()
$parser = new JBBCode\Parser();
$parser->addCodeDefinitionSet(new JBBCode\DefaultCodeDefinitionSet());
$parser->parse('[url=javascript:alert("HACKED!");]click me[/url]');
$this->assertEquals('[url=javascript:alert("HACKED!");]click me[/url]',
* Tests an invalid url as the body to a url bbcode.
* @depends testInvalidUrl
public function testInvalidBodyUrlBBCode()
$parser = new JBBCode\Parser();
$parser->addCodeDefinitionSet(new JBBCode\DefaultCodeDefinitionSet());
$this->assertEquals('[url]javascript:alert("HACKED!");[/url]', $parser->getAsHtml());
* Tests a valid url as the body to a url bbcode.
* @depends testValidUrl
public function testValidUrlBBCode()
$parser = new JBBCode\Parser();
$parser->addCodeDefinitionSet(new JBBCode\DefaultCodeDefinitionSet());
$this->assertEquals('<a href=""></a>',
* Tests valid english CSS color descriptions on the CssColorValidator.
public function testCssColorEnglish()
$colorValidator = new JBBCode\validators\CssColorValidator();
* Tests valid hexadecimal CSS color values on the CssColorValidator.
public function testCssColorHex()
$colorValidator = new JBBCode\validators\CssColorValidator();
* Tests valid rgba CSS color values on the CssColorValidator.
public function testCssColorRgba()
$colorValidator = new JBBCode\validators\CssColorValidator();
$this->assertTrue($colorValidator->validate('rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)'));
$this->assertTrue($colorValidator->validate('rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.0)'));
* Tests invalid CSS color values on the CssColorValidator.
public function testInvalidCssColor()
$colorValidator = new JBBCode\validators\CssColorValidator();
$this->assertFalse($colorValidator->validate('" onclick="javascript: alert(\"gotcha!\");'));
$this->assertFalse($colorValidator->validate('"><marquee scrollamount="100'));
* Tests valid css colors in a color bbcode.
* @depends testCssColorEnglish
* @depends testCssColorHex
public function testValidColorBBCode()
$parser = new JBBCode\Parser();
$parser->addCodeDefinitionSet(new JBBCode\DefaultCodeDefinitionSet());
$parser->parse('[color=red]colorful text[/color]');
$this->assertEquals('<span style="color: red">colorful text</span>',
$this->assertEquals('<span style="color: #00ff00">green</span>', $parser->getAsHtml());
* Tests invalid css colors in a color bbcode.
* @depends testInvalidCssColor
public function testInvalidColorBBCode()
$parser = new JBBCode\Parser();
$parser->addCodeDefinitionSet(new JBBCode\DefaultCodeDefinitionSet());
$parser->parse('[color=" onclick="alert(\'hey ya!\');]click me[/color]');
$this->assertEquals('[color=" onclick="alert(\'hey ya!\');]click me[/color]',
Reference in a new issue