Kailash Nadh 942eb7c3d8 Add settings UI and "hot reload" support to the app.
This is a major breaking change that moves away from having the
entire app configuration in external TOML files to settings being
in the database with a UI to update them dynamically.

The app loads all config into memory (app settings, SMTP conf)
on boot. "Hot" replacing them is complex and it's a fair tradeoff
to instead just restart the application as it is practically

A new `settings` table stores arbitrary string keys with a JSONB
value field which happens to support arbitrary types. After every
settings update, the app gracefully releases all resources
(HTTP server, DB pool, SMTP pool etc.) and restarts itself,
occupying the same PID. If there are any running campaigns, the
auto-restart doesn't happen and the user is prompted to invoke
it manually with a one-click button once all running campaigns
have been paused.
2020-07-21 00:23:57 +05:30

53 lines
1.4 KiB

LAST_COMMIT := $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD)
LAST_COMMIT_DATE := $(shell git show -s --format=%ci ${LAST_COMMIT})
VERSION := $(shell git describe)
BUILDSTR := ${VERSION} (${LAST_COMMIT} $(shell date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z"))
BIN := listmonk
STATIC := config.toml.sample \
schema.sql queries.sql \
static/public:/public \
static/email-templates \
frontend/dist:/frontend \
# Dependencies.
.PHONY: deps
go get -u
cd frontend && yarn install
# Build steps.
.PHONY: build
go build -o ${BIN} -ldflags="-s -w -X 'main.buildString=${BUILDSTR}'"
.PHONY: build-frontend
export VUE_APP_VERSION="${VERSION}" && cd frontend && yarn build
.PHONY: run
run: build
.PHONY: run-frontend
export VUE_APP_VERSION="${VERSION}" && cd frontend && yarn serve
.PHONY: test
go test ./...
# dist builds the backend, frontend, and uses stuffbin to
# embed all frontend assets into the binary.
.PHONY: dist
dist: build build-frontend
stuffbin -a stuff -in ${BIN} -out ${BIN} ${STATIC}
# pack-releases runns stuffbin packing on a given list of
# binaries. This is used with goreleaser for packing
# release builds for cross-build targets.
.PHONY: pack-releases
$(foreach var,$(RELEASE_BUILDS),stuffbin -a stuff -in ${var} -out ${var} ${STATIC} $(var);)