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-- subscribers
-- name: get-subscriber
-- Get a single subscriber by id or UUID.
SELECT * FROM subscribers WHERE CASE WHEN $1 > 0 THEN id = $1 ELSE uuid = $2 END;
-- name: get-subscriber-lists
-- Get lists belonging to subscribers.
SELECT lists.*, subscriber_lists.subscriber_id, subscriber_lists.status AS subscription_status FROM lists
LEFT JOIN subscriber_lists ON (subscriber_lists.list_id = lists.id)
WHERE subscriber_lists.subscriber_id = ANY($1::INT[]);
-- name: query-subscribers
-- raw: true
-- Unprepared statement for issuring arbitrary WHERE conditions.
SELECT * FROM subscribers WHERE 1=1 %s OFFSET %d LIMIT %d;
-- name: query-subscribers-count
-- raw: true
SELECT COUNT(id) as num FROM subscribers WHERE 1=1 %s;
-- name: query-subscribers-by-list
-- raw: true
-- Unprepared statement for issuring arbitrary WHERE conditions.
SELECT subscribers.* FROM subscribers INNER JOIN subscriber_lists
ON (subscriber_lists.subscriber_id = subscribers.id)
WHERE subscriber_lists.list_id = %d
-- name: query-subscribers-by-list-count
-- raw: true
SELECT COUNT(subscribers.id) as num FROM subscribers INNER JOIN subscriber_lists
ON (subscriber_lists.subscriber_id = subscribers.id)
WHERE subscriber_lists.list_id = %d
-- name: upsert-subscriber
-- In case of updates, if $6 (override_status) is true, only then, the existing
-- value is overwritten with the incoming value. This is used for insertions and bulk imports.
INSERT INTO subscribers (uuid, email, name, status, attribs)
VALUES($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) ON CONFLICT (email) DO UPDATE
SET name=$3, status=(CASE WHEN $6 = true THEN $4 ELSE subscribers.status END),
attribs=$5, updated_at=NOW()
) INSERT INTO subscriber_lists (subscriber_id, list_id)
ON CONFLICT (subscriber_id, list_id) DO NOTHING
RETURNING subscriber_id;
-- name: update-subscriber
-- Updates a subscriber's data, and given a list of list_ids, inserts subscriptions
-- for them while deleting existing subscriptions not in the list.
UPDATE subscribers SET
email=(CASE WHEN $2 != '' THEN $2 ELSE email END),
name=(CASE WHEN $3 != '' THEN $3 ELSE name END),
status=(CASE WHEN $4 != '' THEN $4::subscriber_status ELSE status END),
attribs=(CASE WHEN $5::TEXT != '' THEN $5::JSONB ELSE attribs END),
d AS (
DELETE FROM subscriber_lists WHERE subscriber_id = $1 AND list_id != ALL($6)
INSERT INTO subscriber_lists (subscriber_id, list_id)
ON CONFLICT (subscriber_id, list_id) DO NOTHING;
-- name: delete-subscribers
-- Delete one or more subscribers.
DELETE FROM subscribers WHERE id = ALL($1);
-- name: unsubscribe
-- Unsubscribes a subscriber given a campaign UUID (from all the lists in the campaign) and the subscriber UUID.
-- If $3 is TRUE, then all subscriptions of the subscriber is blacklisted
-- and all existing subscriptions, irrespective of lists, unsubscribed.
WITH lists AS (
-- SELECT (JSONB_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(lists)->>'id')::INT AS list_id FROM campaigns WHERE uuid = $1
SELECT * from campaigns where uuid=$1
sub AS (
UPDATE subscribers SET status = (CASE WHEN $3 IS TRUE THEN 'blacklisted' ELSE status END)
WHERE uuid = $2 RETURNING id
UPDATE subscriber_lists SET status = 'unsubscribed' WHERE
subscriber_id = (SELECT id FROM sub) AND
CASE WHEN $3 IS FALSE THEN list_id = ANY(SELECT list_id FROM lists) ELSE list_id != 0 END;
-- name: query-subscribers-into-lists
-- raw: true
-- Unprepared statement for issuring arbitrary WHERE conditions and getting
-- the resultant subscriber IDs into subscriber_lists.
WITH subs AS (
SELECT id FROM subscribers WHERE status != 'blacklisted' %s
INSERT INTO subscriber_lists (subscriber_id, list_id)
(SELECT id, UNNEST($1::INT[]) FROM subs)
ON CONFLICT (subscriber_id, list_id) DO NOTHING;
-- lists
-- name: get-lists
SELECT lists.*, COUNT(subscriber_lists.subscriber_id) AS subscriber_count
FROM lists LEFT JOIN subscriber_lists
ON (subscriber_lists.list_id = lists.id AND subscriber_lists.status != 'unsubscribed')
WHERE ($1 = 0 OR id = $1)
GROUP BY lists.id ORDER BY lists.created_at;
-- name: create-list
INSERT INTO lists (uuid, name, type, tags) VALUES($1, $2, $3, $4) RETURNING id;
-- name: update-list
name=(CASE WHEN $2 != '' THEN $2 ELSE name END),
type=(CASE WHEN $3 != '' THEN $3::list_type ELSE type END),
tags=(CASE WHEN ARRAY_LENGTH($4::VARCHAR(100)[], 1) > 0 THEN $4 ELSE tags END),
WHERE id = $1;
-- name: delete-lists
DELETE FROM lists WHERE id = ALL($1);
-- campaigns
-- name: create-campaign
-- This creates the campaign and inserts campaign_lists relationships.
WITH counts AS (
SELECT COUNT(id) as to_send, MAX(id) as max_sub_id
FROM subscribers
LEFT JOIN subscriber_lists ON (subscribers.id = subscriber_lists.subscriber_id)
WHERE subscriber_lists.list_id=ANY($11::INT[])
AND subscribers.status='enabled'
camp AS (
INSERT INTO campaigns (uuid, name, subject, from_email, body, content_type, send_at, tags, messenger, template_id, to_send, max_subscriber_id)
SELECT $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10,
(SELECT to_send FROM counts),
(SELECT max_sub_id FROM counts)
WHERE (SELECT COALESCE(MAX(to_send), 0) FROM counts) > 0
INSERT INTO campaign_lists (campaign_id, list_id, list_name)
(SELECT (SELECT id FROM camp), id, name FROM lists WHERE id=ANY($11::INT[]))
-- name: get-campaigns
-- Here, 'lists' is returned as an aggregated JSON array from campaign_lists because
-- the list reference may have been deleted.
SELECT campaigns.*, (
SELECT COALESCE(campaign_lists.list_id, 0) AS id,
campaign_lists.list_name AS name
FROM campaign_lists WHERE campaign_lists.campaign_id = campaigns.id
) l
) AS lists
FROM campaigns
WHERE ($1 = 0 OR id = $1) AND status=(CASE WHEN $2 != '' THEN $2::campaign_status ELSE status END)
ORDER BY created_at DESC OFFSET $3 LIMIT $4;
-- name: get-campaign-for-preview
SELECT campaigns.*, COALESCE(templates.body, (SELECT body FROM templates WHERE is_default = true LIMIT 1)) AS template_body
FROM campaigns
LEFT JOIN templates ON (templates.id = campaigns.template_id)
WHERE campaigns.id = $1;
-- name: get-campaign-stats
SELECT id, status, to_send, sent, started_at, updated_at
FROM campaigns
WHERE status=$1;
-- name: next-campaigns
-- Retreives campaigns that are running (or scheduled and the time's up) and need
-- to be processed. It updates the to_send count and max_subscriber_id of the campaign,
-- that is, the total number of subscribers to be processed across all lists of a campaign.
-- Thus, it has a sideaffect.
-- In addition, it finds the max_subscriber_id, the upper limit across all lists of
-- a campaign. This is used to fetch and slice subscribers for the campaign in next-subscriber-campaigns.
WITH camps AS (
-- Get all running campaigns and their template bodies (if the template's deleted, the default template body instead)
SELECT campaigns.*, COALESCE(templates.body, (SELECT body FROM templates WHERE is_default = true LIMIT 1)) AS template_body
FROM campaigns
LEFT JOIN templates ON (templates.id = campaigns.template_id)
WHERE (status='running' OR (status='scheduled' AND campaigns.send_at >= NOW()))
AND NOT(campaigns.id = ANY($1::INT[]))
counts AS (
-- For each campaign above, get the total number of subscribers and the max_subscriber_id across all its lists.
SELECT campaign_id, COUNT(subs.id) as to_send, COALESCE(MAX(subs.id), 0) as max_subscriber_id
FROM subscribers subs, subscriber_lists sublists, campaign_lists camplists
WHERE sublists.list_id = camplists.list_id AND
subs.id = sublists.subscriber_id
AND camplists.campaign_id = ANY(SELECT id FROM camps)
GROUP BY camplists.campaign_id
u AS (
-- For each campaign above, update the to_send count.
UPDATE campaigns AS ca
SET to_send = co.to_send,
max_subscriber_id = co.max_subscriber_id,
started_at=(CASE WHEN ca.started_at IS NULL THEN NOW() ELSE ca.started_at END)
FROM (SELECT * FROM counts) co
WHERE ca.id = co.campaign_id
SELECT * FROM camps;
-- name: next-campaign-subscribers
-- Returns a batch of subscribers in a given campaign starting from the last checkpoint
-- (last_subscriber_id). Every fetch updates the checkpoint and the sent count, which means
-- every fetch returns a new batch of subscribers until all rows are exhausted.
WITH camp AS (
SELECT last_subscriber_id, max_subscriber_id
FROM campaigns
WHERE id=$1 AND status='running'
subs AS (
SELECT * FROM subscribers
LEFT JOIN subscriber_lists ON (subscribers.id = subscriber_lists.subscriber_id AND subscriber_lists.status != 'unsubscribed')
WHERE subscriber_lists.list_id=ANY(
SELECT list_id FROM campaign_lists where campaign_id=$1 AND list_id IS NOT NULL
AND id > (SELECT last_subscriber_id FROM camp)
AND id <= (SELECT max_subscriber_id FROM camp)
u AS (
UPDATE campaigns
SET last_subscriber_id=(SELECT MAX(id) FROM subs),
sent=sent + (SELECT COUNT(id) FROM subs),
WHERE (SELECT COUNT(id) FROM subs) > 0 AND id=$1
-- name: get-one-campaign-subscriber
SELECT * FROM subscribers
LEFT JOIN subscriber_lists ON (subscribers.id = subscriber_lists.subscriber_id AND subscriber_lists.status != 'unsubscribed')
WHERE subscriber_lists.list_id=ANY(
SELECT list_id FROM campaign_lists where campaign_id=$1 AND list_id IS NOT NULL
-- name: update-campaign
WITH camp AS (
UPDATE campaigns SET
name=(CASE WHEN $2 != '' THEN $2 ELSE name END),
subject=(CASE WHEN $3 != '' THEN $3 ELSE subject END),
from_email=(CASE WHEN $4 != '' THEN $4 ELSE from_email END),
body=(CASE WHEN $5 != '' THEN $5 ELSE body END),
content_type=(CASE WHEN $6 != '' THEN $6::content_type ELSE content_type END),
send_at=(CASE WHEN $7 != '' THEN $7::TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE ELSE send_at END),
tags=(CASE WHEN ARRAY_LENGTH($8::VARCHAR(100)[], 1) > 0 THEN $8 ELSE tags END),
template_id=(CASE WHEN $9 != 0 THEN $9 ELSE template_id END),
-- Reset the relationships
d AS (
DELETE FROM campaign_lists WHERE campaign_id = $1
INSERT INTO campaign_lists (campaign_id, list_id, list_name)
(SELECT $1 as campaign_id, id, name FROM lists WHERE id=ANY($10::INT[]))
ON CONFLICT (campaign_id, list_id) DO UPDATE SET list_name = EXCLUDED.list_name;
-- name: update-campaign-counts
UPDATE campaigns SET
to_send=(CASE WHEN $2 != 0 THEN $2 ELSE to_send END),
sent=(CASE WHEN $3 != 0 THEN $3 ELSE sent END),
last_subscriber_id=(CASE WHEN $4 != 0 THEN $4 ELSE last_subscriber_id END),
WHERE id=$1;
-- name: update-campaign-status
UPDATE campaigns SET status=$2, updated_at=NOW() WHERE id = $1;
-- name: delete-campaign
DELETE FROM campaigns WHERE id=$1 AND (status = 'draft' OR status = 'scheduled');
-- users
-- name: get-users
SELECT * FROM users WHERE $1 = 0 OR id = $1 OFFSET $2 LIMIT $3;
-- name: create-user
INSERT INTO users (email, name, password, type, status) VALUES($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) RETURNING id;
-- name: update-user
email=(CASE WHEN $2 != '' THEN $2 ELSE email END),
name=(CASE WHEN $3 != '' THEN $3 ELSE name END),
password=(CASE WHEN $4 != '' THEN $4 ELSE password END),
type=(CASE WHEN $5 != '' THEN $5::user_type ELSE type END),
status=(CASE WHEN $6 != '' THEN $6::user_status ELSE status END),
WHERE id = $1;
-- name: delete-user
-- Delete a user, except for the primordial super admin.
DELETE FROM users WHERE $1 != 1 AND id=$1;
-- templates
-- name: get-templates
-- Only if the second param ($2) is true, body is returned.
SELECT id, name, (CASE WHEN $2 = false THEN body ELSE '' END) as body,
is_default, created_at, updated_at
FROM templates WHERE $1 = 0 OR id = $1
ORDER BY created_at;
-- name: create-template
INSERT INTO templates (name, body) VALUES($1, $2) RETURNING id;
-- name: update-template
UPDATE templates SET
name=(CASE WHEN $2 != '' THEN $2 ELSE name END),
body=(CASE WHEN $3 != '' THEN $3 ELSE body END),
WHERE id = $1;
-- name: set-default-template
UPDATE templates SET is_default=true WHERE id=$1 RETURNING id
UPDATE templates SET is_default=false WHERE id != $1;
-- name: delete-template
-- Delete a template as long as there's more than one.
DELETE FROM templates WHERE id=$1 AND (SELECT COUNT(id) FROM templates) > 1 AND is_default = false;
-- media
-- name: insert-media
INSERT INTO media (uuid, filename, thumb, width, height, created_at) VALUES($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, NOW());
-- name: get-media
SELECT * FROM media ORDER BY created_at DESC;
-- name: delete-media
DELETE FROM media WHERE id=$1 RETURNING filename;
-- -- name: get-stats
-- WITH lists AS (
-- SELECT type, COUNT(id) AS num FROM lists GROUP BY type
-- ),
-- subs AS (
-- SELECT status, COUNT(id) AS num FROM subscribers GROUP by status
-- ),
-- orphans AS (
-- SELECT COUNT(id) FROM subscribers LEFT JOIN subscriber_lists ON (subscribers.id = subscriber_lists.subscriber_id)
-- WHERE subscriber_lists.subscriber_id IS NULL
-- ),
-- camps AS (
-- SELECT status, COUNT(id) AS num FROM campaigns GROUP by status
-- )
-- SELECT JSON_BUILD_OBJECT('lists', lists);
-- row_to_json(t)
-- from (
-- select type, num from lists
-- ) t, |