Refactor and clean up API Markdown docs.

This has been pending for several years. Finally, managed to do with
GPT-4 "auto" cleaning language and other consistency issues.
90% GPT4, 10% manual hand-wringing.

GPT-4 prompt:
- Fix grammar, simplify language, and make language and terms consistent.
- Remove superfluous language, avoid unncessary "the"s etc.
- Change endpoint description in tables that list endpoints, change to terse imperative language.
- Parameter / field description in Parameter tables, don't be imperative or use active sentences. Only describe the parameter passively and tersely.
- Remove backticks from all headings and table values.
- Format markdown tables.
- Standardize "data type" columns values into number, string[], string, JSON.
- Remove the "parameter type" column from tables.
- Wrap ID parameters in URIs in braces. Eg: /lists/list_id to /lists/{list_id}
- Add a markdown line above every API path heading that begins with GET, POST, PUT, DELETE.
- Leave the lines starting with `#code-` untouched
- Do not add new sections, headings, or any new content. Only edit existing content as described above.
- Do not remove any sections or any existing content.
This commit is contained in:
Kailash Nadh 2023-11-10 12:19:30 +05:30
parent f8a55f84fa
commit be4be729a9
10 changed files with 609 additions and 514 deletions

View file

@ -44,15 +44,15 @@ All timestamp fields are in the format `2019-01-01T09:00:00.000000+05:30`. The s
### Common HTTP error codes
| code |   |
| Code | |
| ----- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| `400` | Missing or bad request parameters or values |
| `403` | Session expired or invalidate. Must relogin |
| `404` | Request resource was not found |
| `405` | Request method (GET, POST etc.) is not allowed on the requested endpoint |
| `410` | The requested resource is gone permanently |
| `429` | Too many requests to the API (rate limiting) |
| `500` | Something unexpected went wrong |
| `502` | The backend OMS is down and the API is unable to communicate with it |
| `503` | Service unavailable; the API is down |
| `504` | Gateway timeout; the API is unreachable |
| 400 | Missing or bad request parameters or values |
| 403 | Session expired or invalidate. Must relogin |
| 404 | Request resource was not found |
| 405 | Request method (GET, POST etc.) is not allowed on the requested endpoint |
| 410 | The requested resource is gone permanently |
| 429 | Too many requests to the API (rate limiting) |
| 500 | Something unexpected went wrong |
| 502 | The backend OMS is down and the API is unable to communicate with it |
| 503 | Service unavailable; the API is down |
| 504 | Gateway timeout; the API is unreachable |

View file

@ -1,20 +1,22 @@
# API / Campaigns
Method | Endpoint | Description
`GET` | [/api/campaigns](#get-apicampaigns) | Gets all campaigns.
`GET` | [/api/campaigns/:`campaign_id`](#get-apicampaignscampaign_id) | Gets a single campaign.
`GET` | [/api/campaigns/:`campaign_id`/preview](#get-apicampaignscampaign_idpreview) | Gets the HTML preview of a campaign body.
`GET` | [/api/campaigns/running/stats](#get-apicampaignsrunningstats) | Gets the stats of a given set of campaigns.
`POST` | [/api/campaigns](#post-apicampaigns) | Creates a new campaign.
`POST` | /api/campaigns/:`campaign_id`/test | Posts campaign message to arbitrary subscribers for testing.
`PUT` | /api/campaigns/:`campaign_id` | Modifies a campaign.
`PUT` | [/api/campaigns/:`campaign_id`/status](#put-apicampaignscampaign_idstatus) | Start / pause / cancel / schedule a campaign.
`DELETE` | [/api/campaigns/:`campaign_id`](#delete-apicampaignscampaign_id) | Deletes a campaign.
| Method | Endpoint | Description |
| GET | [/api/campaigns](#get-apicampaigns) | Retrieve all campaigns. |
| GET | [/api/campaigns/{campaign_id}](#get-apicampaignscampaign_id) | Retrieve a specific campaign. |
| GET | [/api/campaigns/{campaign_id}/preview](#get-apicampaignscampaign_idpreview) | Retrieve preview of a campaign. |
| GET | [/api/campaigns/running/stats](#get-apicampaignsrunningstats) | Retrieve stats of specified campaigns. |
| POST | [/api/campaigns](#post-apicampaigns) | Create a new campaign. |
| POST | [/api/campaigns/{campaign_id}/test](#post-apicampaignscampaign_idtest) | Test campaign with arbitrary subscribers. |
| PUT | [/api/campaigns/{campaign_id}](#put-apicampaignscampaign_id) | Update a campaign. |
| PUT | [/api/campaigns/{campaign_id}/status](#put-apicampaignscampaign_idstatus) | Change status of a campaign. |
| DELETE | [/api/campaigns/{campaign_id}](#delete-apicampaignscampaign_id) | Delete a campaign. |
#### ```GET``` /api/campaigns
Gets all campaigns.
#### GET /api/campaigns
Retrieve all campaigns.
##### Example Request
@ -23,18 +25,18 @@ Gets all campaigns.
##### Parameters
| Name | Type | Required/Optional | Description |
| `query` | string | Optional | Optional string to search a list by name. |
| `order_by`| string | Optional | Field to sort results by. Options: `name`, `status`, `created_at`, `updated_at`. |
| `order` | string | Optional | Sort order: `ASC` for ascending, `DESC` for descending. |
| `page` | number | Optional | Page number for paginated results. |
| `per_page`| number | Optional | Results to return per page. Setting this to `all` skips pagination and returns all results. |
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| order | string | | Sorting order: ASC for ascending, DESC for descending. |
| order_by | string | | Result sorting field. Options: name, status, created_at, updated_at. |
| query | string | | SQL query expression to filter subscribers. |
| page | number | | Page number for paginated results. |
| per_page | number | | Results per page. Set as 'all' for all results. |
##### Example Response
``` json
"data": {
"results": [
@ -42,7 +44,6 @@ Gets all campaigns.
"id": 1,
"created_at": "2020-03-14T17:36:41.29451+01:00",
"updated_at": "2020-03-14T17:36:41.29451+01:00",
"CampaignID": 0,
"views": 0,
"clicks": 0,
"lists": [
@ -78,31 +79,32 @@ Gets all campaigns.
#### ```GET``` /api/campaigns/:`campaign_id`
Gets a single campaign.
#### GET /api/campaigns/{campaign_id}
##### Parameters
Name | Parameter Type | Data Type | Required/Optional | Description
`campaign_id` | Path Parameter | Number | Required | The id value of the campaign you want to get.
Retrieve a specific campaign.
##### Parameters
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| campaign_id | number | Yes | Campaign ID. |
##### Example Request
``` shell
curl -u "username:password" -X GET 'http://localhost:9000/api/campaigns/1'
##### Example Response
``` json
"data": {
"id": 1,
"created_at": "2020-03-14T17:36:41.29451+01:00",
"updated_at": "2020-03-14T17:36:41.29451+01:00",
"CampaignID": 0,
"views": 0,
"clicks": 0,
"lists": [
@ -132,20 +134,17 @@ curl -u "username:password" -X GET 'http://localhost:9000/api/campaigns/1'
#### GET /api/campaigns/{campaign_id}/preview
Preview a specific campaign.
#### ```GET``` /api/campaigns/:`campaign_id`/preview
Gets the html preview of a campaign body.
##### Parameters
Name | Parameter Type | Data Type | Required/Optional | Description
`campaign_id` | Path Parameter | Number | Required | The id value of the campaign to be previewed.
##### Parameters
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| campaign_id | number | Yes | Campaign ID to preview. |
##### Example Request
@ -155,71 +154,69 @@ curl -u "username:password" -X GET 'http://localhost:9000/api/campaigns/1/previe
##### Example Response
``` html
<h3>Hi John!</h3>
This is a test e-mail campaign. Your second name is Doe and you are from Bengaluru.
#### ```GET``` /api/campaigns/running/stats
Gets the running stat of a given set of campaigns.
#### GET /api/campaigns/running/stats
Retrieve stats of specified campaigns.
##### Parameters
Name | Parameter Type | Data Type | Required/Optional | Description
campaign_id | Query Parameters | Number | Required | The id values of the campaigns whose stat you want to get.
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| campaign_id | number | Yes | Campaign IDs to get stats for. |
##### Example Request
``` shell
curl -u "username:password" -X GET 'http://localhost:9000/api/campaigns/running/stats?campaign_id=1'
##### Example Response
``` json
"data": []
#### POST /api/campaigns
Create a new campaign.
##### Parameters
### ```POST ``` /api/campaigns
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| name | string | Yes | Campaign name. |
| subject | string | Yes | Campaign email subject. |
| lists | number\[\] | Yes | List IDs to send campaign to. |
| from_email | string | | 'From' email in campaign emails. Defaults to value from settings if not provided. |
| type | string | Yes | Campaign type: 'regular' or 'optin'. |
| content_type | string | Yes | Content type: 'richtext', 'html', 'markdown', 'plain'. |
| body | string | Yes | Content body of campaign. |
| altbody | string | | Alternate plain text body for HTML (and richtext) emails. |
| send_at | string | | Timestamp to schedule campaign. Format: 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS'. |
| messenger | string | | 'email' or a custom messenger defined in settings. Defaults to 'email' if not provided. |
| template_id | number | | Template ID to use. Defaults to default template if not provided. |
| tags | string\[\] | | Tags to mark campaign. |
| headers | JSON | | Key-value pairs to send as SMTP headers. Example: \[{"x-custom-header": "value"}\]. |
Creates a new campaign.
#### Parameters
| Name | Data type | Required/Optional | Description |
| `name` | String | Required | Name of the campaign. |
| `subject` | String | Required | (E-mail) subject of the campaign. |
| `lists` | []Number | Required | Array of list IDs to send the campaign to. |
| `from_email` | String | Optional | `From` e-mail to show on the campaign e-mails. If left empty, the default value from settings is used. |
| `type` | String | Required | `regular` or `optin` campaign. |
| `content_type` | String | Required | `richtext`, `html`, `markdown`, `plain` |
| `body` | String | Required | Campaign content body. |
| `altbody` | String | Optional | Alternate plain text body for HTML (and richtext) e-mails. |
| `send_at` | String | Optional | A timestamp to schedule the campaign at. Eg: `2021-12-25T06:00:00` (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS) |
| `messenger` | String | Optional | `email` or a custom messenger defined in the settings. If left empty, `email` is used. |
| `template_id` | Number | Optional | ID of the template to use. If left empty, the default template is used. |
| `tags` | []String | Optional | Array of string tags to mark the campaign. |
| `headers` | []Map | Optional | Array of key-value pairs to be sent as SMTP headers. eg: `[{"x-custom-header": "value"}]`. |
#### Example request
##### Example request
curl -u "username:password" 'http://localhost:9000/api/campaigns' -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8' --data-raw '{"name":"Test campaign","subject":"Hello, world","lists":[1],"from_email":"listmonk <>","content_type":"richtext","messenger":"email","type":"regular","tags":["test"],"template_id":1}'
#### Example response
##### Example response
"data": {
@ -253,24 +250,55 @@ curl -u "username:password" 'http://localhost:9000/api/campaigns' -X POST -H 'Co
#### ```PUT``` /api/campaigns/:`campaign_id`/status
#### POST /api/campaigns/{campaign_id}/test
Modifies a campaign status to start, pause, cancel, or schedule a campaign.
Test campaign with arbitrary subscribers.
##### Parameters
Use the same parameters in [POST /api/campaigns](#post-apicampaigns) in addition to the below parameters.
Name | Parameter Type | Data Type | Required/Optional | Description
`campaign_id` | Path Parameter | Number | Required | The id value of the campaign whose status is to be modified.
`status` | Request Body | String | Required | `scheduled`, `running`, `paused`, `cancelled`.
##### Parameters
###### Note:
> * Only "scheduled" campaigns can be saved as "draft".
* Only "draft" campaigns can be "scheduled".
* Only "paused" campaigns and "draft" campaigns can be started.
* Only "running" campaigns can be "cancelled" and "paused".
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| subscribers | string\[\] | Yes | List of subscriber e-mails to send the message to. |
#### PUT /api/campaigns/{campaign_id}
Update a campaign.
> Refer to parameters from [POST /api/campaigns](#post-apicampaigns)
#### PUT /api/campaigns/{campaign_id}
Update a specific campaign.
> Refer to parameters from [POST /api/campaigns](#post-apicampaigns)
#### PUT /api/campaigns/{campaign_id}/status
Change status of a campaign.
##### Parameters
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| campaign_id | number | Yes | Campaign ID to change status. |
| status | string | Yes | New status for campaign: 'scheduled', 'running', 'paused', 'cancelled'. |
##### Note
> - Only 'scheduled' campaigns can change status to 'draft'.
> - Only 'draft' campaigns can change status to 'scheduled'.
> - Only 'paused' and 'draft' campaigns can start ('running' status).
> - Only 'running' campaigns can change status to 'cancelled' and 'paused'.
##### Example Request
@ -288,7 +316,6 @@ curl -u "username:password" -X PUT 'http://localhost:9000/api/campaigns/1/status
"id": 1,
"created_at": "2020-03-14T17:36:41.29451+01:00",
"updated_at": "2020-04-08T19:35:17.331867+01:00",
"CampaignID": 0,
"views": 0,
"clicks": 0,
"lists": [
@ -318,16 +345,17 @@ curl -u "username:password" -X PUT 'http://localhost:9000/api/campaigns/1/status
#### ```DELETE``` /api/campaigns/:`campaign_id`
Deletes a campaign, only scheduled campaigns that have not yet been started can be deleted.
#### DELETE /api/campaigns/{campaign_id}
Delete a campaign.
##### Parameters
Name | Parameter Type | Data Type | Required/Optional | Description
`campaign_id` | Path Parameter | Number | Required | The id value of the campaign you want to delete.
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| campaign_id | number | Yes | Campaign ID to delete. |
##### Example Request

View file

@ -1,22 +1,26 @@
# API / Import
Method | Endpoint | Description
`GET` | [api/import/subscribers](#get-apiimportsubscribers) | Gets a import statistics.
`GET` | [api/import/subscribers/logs](#get-apiimportsubscriberslogs) | Get a import statistics .
`POST` | [api/import/subscribers](#post-apiimportsubscribers) | Upload a ZIP file or CSV file to bulk import subscribers.
`DELETE` | [api/import/subscribers](#delete-apiimportsubscribers) | Stops and deletes a import.
Method | Endpoint | Description
GET | [/api/import/subscribers](#get-apiimportsubscribers) | Retrieve import statistics.
GET | [/api/import/subscribers/logs](#get-apiimportsubscriberslogs) | Retrieve import logs.
POST | [/api/import/subscribers](#post-apiimportsubscribers) | Upload a file for bulk subscriber import.
DELETE | [/api/import/subscribers](#delete-apiimportsubscribers) | Stop and remove an import.
#### **`GET`** api/import/subscribers
Gets import status.
#### GET /api/import/subscribers
##### Example Request
Retrieve the status of an import.
##### Example Request
curl -u "username:username" -X GET 'http://localhost:9000/api/import/subscribers'
##### Example Response
##### Example Response
"data": {
@ -28,35 +32,40 @@ curl -u "username:username" -X GET 'http://localhost:9000/api/import/subscribers
#### **`GET`** api/import/subscribers/logs
Gets import logs.
#### GET /api/import/subscribers/logs
Retrieve logs related to imports.
##### Example Request
##### Example Request
curl -u "username:username" -X GET 'http://localhost:9000/api/import/subscribers/logs'
##### Example Response
"data": "2020/04/08 21:55:20 processing 'import.csv'\n2020/04/08 21:55:21 imported finished\n"
#### POST /api/import/subscribers
#### **`POST`** api/import/subscribers
Post a CSV (optionally zipped) file to do a bulk import. The request should be a multipart form POST.
Send a CSV (optionally ZIP compressed) file to import subscribers. Use a multipart form POST.
##### Parameters
Name | Parameter type | Data type | Required/Optional | Description
`params` | Request body | String | Required | Stringified JSON with import params
`file` | Request body | File | Required | File to upload
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| params | JSON string | Yes | Stringified JSON with import parameters. |
| file | File | Yes | File for upload. |
***params*** (JSON string)
**`params`** (JSON string)
@ -67,16 +76,20 @@ Name | Parameter type | Data type | Required/Optional | Description
#### **`DELETE`** api/import/subscribers
Stops and deletes an import.
#### DELETE /api/import/subscribers
Stop and delete an ongoing import.
##### Example Request
curl -u "username:username" -X DELETE 'http://localhost:9000/api/import/subscribers'
##### Example Response
"data": {
@ -86,4 +99,4 @@ curl -u "username:username" -X DELETE 'http://localhost:9000/api/import/subscrib
"status": "none"

View file

@ -1,31 +1,37 @@
# API / Lists
Method | Endpoint | Description
`GET` | [/api/lists](#get-apilists) | Gets all lists.
`GET` | [/api/lists/:`list_id`](#get-apilistslist_id) | Gets a single list.
`POST` | [/api/lists](#post-apilists) | Creates a new list.
`PUT` | /api/lists/:`list_id` | Modifies a list.
`DELETE` | [/api/lists/:`list_id`](#put-apilistslist_id) | Deletes a list.
| Method | Endpoint | Description |
| GET | [/api/lists](#get-apilists) | Retrieve all lists. |
| GET | [/api/lists/{list_id}](#get-apilistslist_id) | Retrieve a specific list. |
| POST | [/api/lists](#post-apilists) | Create a new list. |
| PUT | [/api/lists/{list_id}](#put-apilistslist_id) | Update a list. |
| DELETE | [/api/lists/{list_id}](#delete-apilistslist_id) | Delete a list. |
#### **`GET`** /api/lists
Gets lists.
#### GET /api/lists
Retrieve lists.
##### Parameters
Name | Type | Required/Optional | Description
`query` | string | Optional | Optional string to search a list by name.
`order_by` | string | Optional | Field to sort results by. `name|status|created_at|updated_at`
`order` | string | Optional | `ASC|DESC`Sort by ascending or descending order.
`page` | number | Optional | Page number for paginated results.
`per_page` | number | Optional | Results to return per page. Setting this to `all` skips pagination and returns all results.
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| query | string | | string for list name search. |
| order_by | string | | Sort field. Options: name, status, created_at, updated_at. |
| order | string | | Sorting order. Options: ASC, DESC. |
| page | number | | Page number for pagination. |
| per_page | number | | Results per page. Set to 'all' to return all results. |
##### Example Request
curl -u "username:username" -X GET 'http://localhost:9000/api/lists?page=1&per_page=100'
##### Example Response
"data": {
@ -62,20 +68,26 @@ curl -u "username:username" -X GET 'http://localhost:9000/api/lists?page=1&per_p
#### **`GET`** /api/lists/:`list_id`
Gets a single list.
#### GET /api/lists/{list_id}
Retrieve a specific list.
##### Parameters
Name | Parameter type | Data type | Required/Optional | Description
`list_id` | Path parameter | number | Required | The id value of the list you want to get.
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| list_id | number | Yes | ID of the list to retrieve. |
##### Example Request
``` shell
curl -u "username:username" -X GET 'http://localhost:9000/api/lists/5'
##### Example Response
"data": {
@ -92,23 +104,29 @@ curl -u "username:username" -X GET 'http://localhost:9000/api/lists/5'
#### **`POST`** /api/lists
Creates a new list.
#### POST /api/lists
Create a new list.
##### Parameters
Name | Parameter type | Data type | Required/Optional | Description
name | Request body | string | Required | The new list name.
type | Request body | string | Required | List type, can be set to `private` or `public`.
optin | Request body | string | Required | `single` or `double` optin.
tags | Request body | string[] | Optional | The tags associated with the list.
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| name | string | Yes | Name of the new list. |
| type | string | Yes | Type of list. Options: private, public. |
| optin | string | Yes | Opt-in type. Options: single, double. |
| tags | string\[\] | | Associated tags for a list. |
##### Example Request
``` shell
curl -u "username:username" -X POST 'http://localhost:9000/api/lists'
##### Example Response
"data": {
@ -125,19 +143,24 @@ curl -u "username:username" -X POST 'http://localhost:9000/api/lists'
#### **`PUT`** /api/lists/`list_id`
Modifies a list.
#### PUT /api/lists/{list_id}
Update a list.
##### Parameters
Name | Parameter type | Data type | Required/Optional | Description
`list_id` | Path parameter | number | Required | The id of the list to be modified.
name | Request body | string | Optional | The name which the old name will be modified to.
type | Request body | string | Optional | List type, can be set to `private` or `public`.
optin | Request body | string | Optional | `single` or `double` optin.
tags | Request body | string[] | Optional | The tags associated with the list.
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| list_id | number | Yes | ID of the list to update. |
| name | string | | New name for the list. |
| type | string | | Type of list. Options: private, public. |
| optin | string | | Opt-in type. Options: single, double. |
| tags | string\[\] | | Associated tags for the list. |
##### Example Request
curl -u "username:username" -X PUT 'http://localhost:9000/api/lists/5' \
--form 'name=modified test list' \
@ -145,7 +168,8 @@ curl -u "username:username" -X PUT 'http://localhost:9000/api/lists/5' \
##### Example Response
``` json
"data": {
"id": 5,
@ -160,3 +184,29 @@ curl -u "username:username" -X PUT 'http://localhost:9000/api/lists/5' \
#### DELETE /api/lists/{list_id}
Delete a specific subscriber.
##### Parameters
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| list_id | Number | Yes | ID of the list to delete. |
##### Example Request
curl -u 'username:password' -X DELETE 'http://localhost:9000/api/lists/1'
##### Example Response
"data": true

View file

@ -1,20 +1,26 @@
# API / Media
Method | Endpoint | Description
`GET` | [/api/media](#get-apimedia) | Gets an uploaded media file.
`POST` | [/api/media](#post-apimedia) | Uploads a media file.
`DELETE` | [/api/media/:`media_id`](#delete-apimediamedia_id) | Deletes uploaded media files.
#### **`GET`** /api/media
Gets an uploaded media file.
Method | Endpoint | Description
GET | [/api/media](#get-apimedia) | Get uploaded media file
POST | [/api/media](#post-apimedia) | Upload media file
DELETE | [/api/media/{media_id}](#delete-apimediamedia_id) | Delete uploaded media file
#### GET /api/media
Get an uploaded media file.
##### Example Request
curl -u "username:username" -X GET 'http://localhost:9000/api/media' \
--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=--------------------------093715978792575906250298'
##### Example Response
"data": [
@ -30,37 +36,29 @@ curl -u "username:username" -X GET 'http://localhost:9000/api/media' \
Response definitions
The following table describes each item in the response.
| Response item | Description | Data type |
| data | Array of the media file objects, which contains an information about the uploaded media files | array |
| id | Media file object ID | number (int) |
| uuid | Media file uuid | string (uuid) |
| filename | Name of the media file | string |
| created_at | Date and time, when the media file object was created | String (localDateTime) |
| thumb_uri | The thumbnail URI of the media file | string |
| uri | URI of the media file | string |
#### POST /api/media
#### **`POST`** /api/media
Uploads a media file.
Upload a media file.
##### Parameters
Name | Parameter Type | Data Type | Required/Optional | Description
file | Request body | Media file | Required | The media file to be uploaded.
| Field | Type | Required | Description |
| file | File | Yes | Media file to upload|
##### Example Request
curl -u "username:username" -X POST 'http://localhost:9000/api/media' \
--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=--------------------------183679989870526937212428' \
--form 'file=@/path/to/image.jpg'
##### Example Response
``` json
"data": {
"id": 1,
@ -72,36 +70,29 @@ curl -u "username:username" -X POST 'http://localhost:9000/api/media' \
Response definitions
| Response item | Description | Data type |
| data | True means that the media file was successfully uploaded | boolean |
#### **`DELETE`** /api/media/:`media_id`
Deletes an uploaded media file.
#### DELETE /api/media/{media_id}
Delete an uploaded media file.
##### Parameters
Name | Parameter Type | Data Type | Required/Optional | Description
`Media_id` | Path Parameter | Number | Required | The id of the media file you want to delete.
| Field | Type | Required | Description |
| media_id | number | Yes | ID of media file to delete |
##### Example Request
curl -u "username:username" -X DELETE 'http://localhost:9000/api/media/1'
##### Example Response
"data": true
Response definitions
| Response item | Description | Data type |
| data | True means that the media file was successfully deleted | boolean |

View file

@ -1,35 +1,56 @@
# API / Subscribers
Method | Endpoint | Description
`GET` | [/api/subscribers](#get-apisubscribers) | Gets all subscribers.
`GET` | [/api/subscribers/:`id`](#get-apisubscribersid) | Gets a single subscriber.
`GET` | /api/subscribers/lists/:`id` | Gets subscribers in a list.
`GET` | [/api/subscribers](#get-apisubscriberslist_id) | Gets subscribers in one or more lists.
`GET` | [/api/subscribers](#get-apisubscribers_1) | Gets subscribers filtered by an arbitrary SQL expression.
`POST` | [/api/subscribers](#post-apisubscribers) | Creates a new subscriber.
`POST` | [/api/public/subscription](#post-apipublicsubscription) | Unauthenticated API that enables public subscription.
`PUT` | [/api/subscribers/lists](#put-apisubscriberslists) | Modify subscribers' list memberships.
`PUT` | [/api/subscribers/:`id`](#put-apisubscribersid) | Updates a subscriber by ID.
`PUT` | [/api/subscribers/:`id`/blocklist](#put-apisubscribersidblocklist) | Blocklists a single subscriber.
`PUT` | /api/subscribers/blocklist | Blocklists one or more subscribers.
`PUT` | [/api/subscribers/query/blocklist](#put-apisubscribersqueryblocklist) | Blocklists subscribers with an arbitrary SQL expression.
`DELETE` | [/api/subscribers/:`id`](#delete-apisubscribersid) | Deletes a single subscriber.
`DELETE` | [/api/subscribers](#delete-apisubscribers) | Deletes one or more subscribers .
`POST` | [/api/subscribers/query/delete](#post-apisubscribersquerydelete) | Deletes subscribers with an arbitrary SQL expression.
| Method | Endpoint | Description |
| ------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- |
| GET | [/api/subscribers](#get-apisubscribers) | Retrieve all subscribers. |
| GET | [/api/subscribers/{subscriber_id}](#get-apisubscriberssubscriber_id) | Retrieve a specific subscriber. |
| GET | [/api/subscribers/lists/{list_id}](#get-apisubscriberslistslist_id) | Retrieve subscribers in a specific list. |
| POST | [/api/subscribers](#post-apisubscribers) | Create a new subscriber. |
| POST | [/api/public/subscription](#post-apipublicsubscription) | Create a public subscription. |
| PUT | [/api/subscribers/lists](#put-apisubscriberslists) | Modify subscriber list memberships. |
| PUT | [/api/subscribers/{subscriber_id}](#put-apisubscriberssubscriber_id) | Update a specific subscriber. |
| PUT | [/api/subscribers/{subscriber_id}/blocklist](#put-apisubscriberssubscriber_idblocklist) | Blocklist a specific subscriber. |
| PUT | /api/subscribers/blocklist | Blocklist one or more subscribers. |
| PUT | [/api/subscribers/query/blocklist](#put-apisubscribersqueryblocklist) | Blocklist subscribers based on SQL expression. |
| DELETE | [/api/subscribers/{subscriber_id}](#delete-apisubscriberssubscriber_id) | Delete a specific subscriber. |
| DELETE | [/api/subscribers](#delete-apisubscribers) | Delete one or more subscribers. |
| POST | [/api/subscribers/query/delete](#post-apisubscribersquerydelete) | Delete subscribers based on SQL expression. |
#### **`GET`** /api/subscribers
Gets all subscribers.
#### GET /api/subscribers
Retrieve all subscribers.
##### Query parameters
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| query | string | | Subscriber search term by name. |
| order_by | string | | Result sorting field. Options: name, status, created_at, updated_at. |
| order | string | | Sorting order: ASC for ascending, DESC for descending. |
| page | number | | Page number for paginated results. |
| per_page | number | | Results per page. Set as 'all' for all results. |
##### Example Request
curl -u 'username:password' 'http://localhost:9000/api/subscribers?page=1&per_page=100'
To skip pagination and retrieve all records, pass `per_page=all`.
curl -u 'username:password' 'http://localhost:9000/api/subscribers?list_id=1&list_id=2&page=1&per_page=100'
curl -u 'username:password' -X GET 'http://localhost:9000/api/subscribers' \
--url-query 'page=1' \
--url-query 'per_page=100' \
--url-query " LIKE 'Test%' AND subscribers.attribs->>'city' = 'Bengaluru'"
##### Example Response
"data": {
@ -106,22 +127,26 @@ To skip pagination and retrieve all records, pass `per_page=all`.
#### **`GET`** /api/subscribers/:`id`
Gets a single subscriber.
#### GET /api/subscribers/{subscriber_id}
Retrieve a specific subscriber.
##### Parameters
Name | Parameter type |Data type | Required/Optional | Description
`id` | Path parameter | Number | Required | The id value of the subscriber you want to get.
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| subscriber_id | Number | Yes | Subscriber's ID. |
##### Example Request
curl -u 'username:password' 'http://localhost:9000/api/subscribers/1'
##### Example Response
"data": {
@ -155,143 +180,33 @@ curl -u 'username:password' 'http://localhost:9000/api/subscribers/1'
#### GET /api/subscribers/lists/{list_id}
#### **`GET`** /api/subscribers
Gets subscribers in one or more lists.
Retrieve subscribers in a specific list.
> Refer to the response structure in [GET /api/subscribers](#get-apisubscribers).
#### POST /api/subscribers
Create a new subscriber.
##### Parameters
Name | Parameter type | Data type | Required/Optional | Description
`List_id` | Request body | Number | Required | ID of the list to fetch subscribers from.
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| email | string | Yes | Subscriber's email address. |
| name | string | Yes | Subscriber's name. |
| status | string | Yes | Subscriber's status: `enabled`, `disabled`, `blocklisted`. |
| lists | number\[\] | | List of list IDs to to subscribe to. |
| attribs | JSON | | Attributes of the new subscriber. |
| preconfirm_subscriptions | bool | | If true, subscriptions are marked as confirmed and no-optin emails are sent for double opt-in lists. |
##### Example Request
curl -u 'username:password' 'http://localhost:9000/api/subscribers?list_id=1&list_id=2&page=1&per_page=100'
To skip pagination and retrieve all records, pass `per_page=all`.
##### Example Response
"data": {
"results": [
"id": 1,
"created_at": "2019-06-26T16:51:54.37065+05:30",
"updated_at": "2019-07-03T11:53:53.839692+05:30",
"uuid": "5e91dda1-1c16-467d-9bf9-2a21bf22ae21",
"email": "",
"name": "Test Subscriber",
"attribs": {
"city": "Bengaluru",
"projects": 3,
"stack": {
"languages": ["go", "python"]
"status": "enabled",
"lists": [
"subscription_status": "unconfirmed",
"id": 1,
"uuid": "41badaf2-7905-4116-8eac-e8817c6613e4",
"name": "Default list",
"type": "public",
"tags": ["test"],
"created_at": "2019-06-26T16:51:54.367719+05:30",
"updated_at": "2019-06-26T16:51:54.367719+05:30"
"query": "",
"total": 1,
"per_page": 20,
"page": 1
#### **`GET`** /api/subscribers
Gets subscribers with an SQL expression.
##### Example Request
curl -u 'username:password' -X GET 'http://localhost:9000/api/subscribers' \
--url-query 'page=1' \
--url-query 'per_page=100' \
--url-query " LIKE 'Test%' AND subscribers.attribs->>'city' = 'Bengaluru'"
To skip pagination and retrieve all records, pass `per_page=all`.
>Refer to the [querying and segmentation](/docs/querying-and-segmentation#querying-and-segmenting-subscribers) section for more information on how to query subscribers with SQL expressions.
##### Example Response
"data": {
"results": [
"id": 1,
"created_at": "2019-06-26T16:51:54.37065+05:30",
"updated_at": "2019-07-03T11:53:53.839692+05:30",
"uuid": "5e91dda1-1c16-467d-9bf9-2a21bf22ae21",
"email": "",
"name": "Test Subscriber",
"attribs": {
"city": "Bengaluru",
"projects": 3,
"stack": {
"frameworks": ["echo", "go"],
"languages": ["go", "python"]
"status": "enabled",
"lists": [
"subscription_status": "unconfirmed",
"id": 1,
"uuid": "41badaf2-7905-4116-8eac-e8817c6613e4",
"name": "Default list",
"type": "public",
"tags": ["test"],
"created_at": "2019-06-26T16:51:54.367719+05:30",
"updated_at": "2019-06-26T16:51:54.367719+05:30"
"query": " LIKE 'Test%' AND subscribers.attribs-\u003e\u003e'city' = 'Bengaluru'",
"total": 1,
"per_page": 20,
"page": 1
#### **`POST`** /api/subscribers
Creates a new subscriber.
##### Parameters
Name | Parameter type | Data type | Required/Optional | Description
email | Request body | String | Required | The email address of the new subscriber.
name | Request body | String | Required | The name of the new subscriber.
status | Request body | String | Required | The status of the new subscriber. Can be enabled, disabled or blocklisted.
lists | Request body | Numbers | Optional | Array of list IDs to subscribe to (marked as `unconfirmed` by default).
attribs | Request body | json | Optional | JSON list containing new subscriber's attributes.
preconfirm_subscriptions | Request body | Bool | Optional | If `true`, marks subscriptions as `confirmed` and no-optin e-mails are sent for double opt-in lists.
##### Example Request
curl -u 'username:password' 'http://localhost:9000/api/subscribers' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"email":"","name":"The Subscriber","status":"enabled","lists":[1],"attribs":{"city":"Bengaluru","projects":3,"stack":{"languages":["go","python"]}}}'
@ -319,32 +234,35 @@ curl -u 'username:password' 'http://localhost:9000/api/subscribers' -H 'Content-
#### **`POST`** /api/public/subscription
#### POST /api/public/subscription
This is a public, unauthenticated API meant for directly integrating forms for public subscription. The API supports both form encoded or a JSON encoded body.
Create a public subscription, accepts both form encoded or JSON encoded body.
##### Parameters
##### Parameters
Name | Parameter type | Data type | Required/Optional | Description
email | Request body | String | Required | The email address of the subscriber.
name | Request body | String | Optional | The name of the new subscriber.
list_uuids | Request body | Strings | Required | Array of list UUIDs.
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| email | string | Yes | Subscriber's email address. |
| name | string | | Subscriber's name. |
| list_uuids | string\[\] | Yes | List of list UUIDs. |
##### Example JSON Request
curl 'http://localhost:9000/api/public/subscription' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"email":"","name":"The Subscriber","list_uuids": ["eb420c55-4cfb-4972-92ba-c93c34ba475d", "0c554cfb-eb42-4972-92ba-c93c34ba475d"]}'
##### Example Form Request
curl -u 'http://localhost:9000/api/public/subscription' \
-d '' -d 'name=The Subscriber' -d 'l=eb420c55-4cfb-4972-92ba-c93c34ba475d' -d 'l=0c554cfb-eb42-4972-92ba-c93c34ba475d'
Notice that in form request, there param is `l` that is repeated for multiple lists, and not `lists` like in JSON.
Note: For form request, use `l` for multiple lists instead of `lists`.
##### Example Response
@ -354,25 +272,23 @@ Notice that in form request, there param is `l` that is repeated for multiple li
#### PUT /api/subscribers/lists
#### **`PUT`** /api/subscribers/lists
Modify subscribers list memberships.
Modify subscriber list memberships.
##### Parameters
Name | Parameter type | Data type | Required/Optional | Description
`ids` | Request body | Numbers | Required | The ids of the subscribers to be modified.
`action` | Request body | String | Required | Whether to `add`, `remove`, or `unsubscribe` the users.
`target_list_ids` | Request body | Numbers | Required | The ids of the lists to be modified.
`status` | Request body | String | Required for `add` | `confirmed`, `unconfirmed`, or `unsubscribed` status.
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| ids | number\[\] | Yes | Array of user IDs to be modified. |
| action | string | Yes | Action to be applied: `add`, `remove`, or `unsubscribe`. |
| target_list_ids | number\[\] | Yes | Array of list IDs to be modified. |
| status | string | Required for `add` | Subscriber status: `confirmed`, `unconfirmed`, or `unsubscribed`. |
##### Example Request
To subscribe users 1, 2, and 3 to lists 4, 5, and 6:
curl -u 'username:password' -X PUT 'http://localhost:9000/api/subscribers/lists' \
--data-raw '{"ids": [1, 2, 3], "action": "add", "target_list_ids": [4, 5, 6], "status": "confirmed"}'
@ -380,127 +296,137 @@ curl -u 'username:password' -X PUT 'http://localhost:9000/api/subscribers/lists'
##### Example Response
``` json
"data": true
#### **`PUT`** /api/subscribers/:`id`
Updates a single subscriber.
#### PUT /api/subscribers/{subscriber_id}
##### Parameters
Update a specific subscriber.
Parameters are the same as [POST /api/subscribers](#post-apisubscribers) used for subscriber creation.
> Refer to parameters from [POST /api/subscribers](#post-apisubscribers). Note: All parameters must be set, if not, the subscriber will be removed from all previously assigned lists.
> Please note that this is a `PUT` request, so all the parameters have to be set. For example if you don't provide `lists`, the subscriber will be deleted from all the lists he was previously signed on.
#### **`PUT`** /api/subscribers/:`id`/blocklist
Blocklists a single subscriber.
#### PUT /api/subscribers/{subscriber_id}/blocklist
##### Parameters
Blocklist a specific subscriber.
Name | Parameter type | Data type | Required/Optional | Description
`id` | Path parameter | Number | Required | The id value of the subscriber you want to blocklist.
##### Parameters
##### Example Request
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| subscriber_id | Number | Yes | Subscriber's ID. |
##### Example Request
curl -u 'username:password' -X PUT 'http://localhost:9000/api/subscribers/9/blocklist'
##### Example Response
##### Example Response
``` json
"data": true
#### **`PUT`** /api/subscribers/query/blocklist
Blocklists subscribers with an arbitrary sql expression.
#### PUT /api/subscribers/query/blocklist
Blocklist subscribers based on SQL expression.
> Refer to the [querying and segmentation](/querying-and-segmentation#querying-and-segmenting-subscribers) section for more information on how to query subscribers with SQL expressions.
##### Example Request
``` shell
curl -u 'username:password' -X PUT 'http://localhost:9000/api/subscribers/query/blocklist' \
--data-raw '" LIKE '\''John Doe'\'' AND subscribers.attribs->>'\''city'\'' = '\''Bengaluru'\''"'
>Refer to the [querying and segmentation](/querying-and-segmentation#querying-and-segmenting-subscribers) section for more information on how to query subscribers with SQL expressions.
##### Example Response
``` json
"data": true
#### **`DELETE`** /api/subscribers/:`id`
Deletes a single subscriber.
##### Parameters
#### DELETE /api/subscribers/{subscriber_id}
Name | Parameter type | Data type | Required/Optional | Description
`id` | Path parameter | Number | Required | The id of the subscriber you want to delete.
Delete a specific subscriber.
##### Example Request
##### Parameters
``` shell
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| subscriber_id | Number | Yes | Subscriber's ID. |
##### Example Request
curl -u 'username:password' -X DELETE 'http://localhost:9000/api/subscribers/9'
##### Example Response
##### Example Response
``` json
"data": true
#### **`DELETE`** /api/subscribers
Deletes one or more subscribers.
##### Parameters
#### DELETE /api/subscribers
Name | Parameter type | Data type | Required/Optional | Description
id | Query parameters | Number | Required | The id of the subscribers you want to delete.
Delete one or more subscribers.
##### Parameters
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| id | number\[\] | Yes | Array of subscriber's IDs. |
##### Example Request
``` shell
curl -u 'username:password' -X DELETE 'http://localhost:9000/api/subscribers?id=10&id=11'
##### Example Response
##### Example Response
``` json
"data": true
#### POST /api/subscribers/query/delete
#### **`POST`** /api/subscribers/query/delete
Deletes subscribers with an arbitrary SQL expression.
Delete subscribers based on SQL expression.
##### Example Request
``` shell
curl -u 'username:password' -X POST 'http://localhost:9000/api/subscribers/query/delete' \
--data-raw '" LIKE '\''John Doe'\'' AND subscribers.attribs->>'\''city'\'' = '\''Bengaluru'\''"'
>Refer to the [querying and segmentation](/querying-and-segmentation#querying-and-segmenting-subscribers) section for more information on how to query subscribers with SQL expressions.
##### Example Response
``` json
"data": true

View file

@ -1,26 +1,31 @@
# API / Templates
Method | Endpoint | Description
`GET` | [/api/templates](#get-apitemplates) | Gets all templates.
`GET` | [/api/templates/:`template_id`](#get-apitemplatestemplate_id) | Gets a single template.
`GET` | [/api/templates/:`template_id`/preview](#get-apitemplatestemplate_idpreview) | Gets the HTML preview of a template.
`POST` | /api/templates/preview |
`POST` | /api/templates | Creates a template.
`PUT` | /api/templates/:`template_id` | Modifies a template.
`PUT` | [/api/templates/:`template_id`/default](#put-apitemplatestemplate_iddefault) | Sets a template to the default template.
`DELETE` | [/api/templates/:`template_id`](#delete-apitemplatestemplate_id) | Deletes a template.
| Method | Endpoint | Description |
| GET | [/api/templates](#get-apitemplates) | Retrieve all templates |
| GET | [/api/templates/{template_id}](#get-apitemplates-template_id) | Retrieve a template |
| GET | [/api/templates/{template_id}/preview](#get-apitemplates-template_id-preview) | Retrieve template HTML preview |
| POST | [/api/templates](#post-apitemplates) | Create a template |
| POST | /api/templates/preview | Render and preview a template |
| PUT | [/api/templates/{template_id}](#put-apitemplatestemplate_id) | Update a template |
| PUT | [/api/templates/{template_id}/default](#put-apitemplates-template_id-default) | Set default template |
| DELETE | [/api/templates/{template_id}](#delete-apitemplates-template_id) | Delete a template |
#### **`GET`** /api/templates
Gets all templates.
#### GET /api/templates
Retrieve all templates.
##### Example Request
curl -u "username:username" -X GET 'http://localhost:9000/api/templates'
curl -u "username:username" -X GET 'http://localhost:9000/api/templates'
##### Example Response
``` json
"data": [
@ -36,20 +41,26 @@ Gets all templates.
#### **`GET`** /api/templates/:`template_id`
Gets a single template.
#### GET /api/templates/{template_id}
Retrieve a specific template.
##### Parameters
Name | Parameter Type | Data Type | Required/Optional | Description
`template_id` | Path Parameter | Number | Required | The id value of the template you want to get.
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| template_id | number | Yes | ID of the template to retrieve |
##### Example Request
``` shell
curl -u "username:username" -X GET 'http://localhost:9000/api/templates/1'
##### Example Response
"data": {
@ -64,21 +75,27 @@ curl -u "username:username" -X GET 'http://localhost:9000/api/templates/1'
#### **`GET`** /api/templates/:`template_id`/preview
Gets the HTML preview of a template body.
#### GET /api/templates/{template_id}/preview
Retrieve the HTML preview of a template.
##### Parameters
Name | Parameter Type | Data Type | Required/Optional | Description
`template_id` | Path Parameter | Number | Required | The id value of the template whose html preview you want to get.
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| template_id | number | Yes | ID of the template to preview |
##### Example Request
``` shell
curl -u "username:username" -X GET 'http://localhost:9000/api/templates/1/preview'
##### Example Response
``` html
<p>Hi there</p>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis et elit ac elit sollicitudin condimentum non a magna.
Sed tempor mauris in facilisis vehicula. Aenean nisl urna, accumsan ac tincidunt vitae, interdum cursus massa.
@ -93,22 +110,81 @@ curl -u "username:username" -X GET 'http://localhost:9000/api/templates/1/previe
<p>Here is a link to <a href="" target="_blank">listmonk</a>.</p>
#### **`PUT`** /api/templates/:`template_id`/default
Sets a template to the default template.
#### POST /api/templates
Create a template.
##### Parameters
Name | Parameter Type | Data Type | Required/Optional | Description
`template_id` | Path Parameter | Number | Required | The id value of the template you want to set to the default template.
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| name | string | Yes | Name of the template |
| type | string | Yes | Type of the template (`campaign` or `tx`) |
| subject | string | | Subject line for the template (only for `tx`) |
| body | string | Yes | HTML body of the template |
##### Example Request
``` shell
curl -u "username:password" -X POST 'http://localhost:9000/api/templates' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"name": "New template",
"type": "campaign",
"subject": "Your Weekly Newsletter",
"body": "<h1>Header</h1><p>Content goes here</p>"
##### Example Response
"data": [
"id": 1,
"created_at": "2020-03-14T17:36:41.288578+01:00",
"updated_at": "2020-03-14T17:36:41.288578+01:00",
"name": "Default template",
"body": "{{ template \"content\" . }}",
"type": "campaign",
"is_default": true
#### PUT /api/templates/{template_id}
Update a template.
> Refer to parameters from [POST /api/templates](#post-apitemplates)
#### PUT /api/templates/{template_id}/default
Set a template as the default.
##### Parameters
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| template_id | number | Yes | ID of the template to set as default |
##### Example Request
curl -u "username:username" -X PUT 'http://localhost:9000/api/templates/1/default'
##### Example Response
``` json
"data": {
"id": 1,
@ -122,24 +198,28 @@ curl -u "username:username" -X PUT 'http://localhost:9000/api/templates/1/defaul
#### **`DELETE`** /api/templates/:`template_id`
Deletes a template.
#### DELETE /api/templates/{template_id}
Delete a template.
##### Parameters
Name | Parameter Type | Data Type | Required/Optional | Description
`template_id` | Path Parameter | Number | Required | The id value of the template you want to delete.
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| template_id | number | Yes | ID of the template to delete |
##### Example Request
``` shell
curl -u "username:username" -X DELETE 'http://localhost:9000/api/templates/35'
##### Example Response
"data": true

View file

@ -1,30 +1,32 @@
# API / Transactional
| Method | Endpoint | Description |
| `POST` | /api/tx | |
| Method | Endpoint | Description |
| POST | /api/tx | Send transactional messages |
## POST /api/tx
Send a transactional message to one or multiple subscribers using a predefined transactional template.
#### POST /api/tx
Allows sending transactional messages to one or more subscribers via a preconfigured transactional template.
##### Parameters
| Name | Data Type | Optional | Description |
| `subscriber_email` | String | Optional | E-mail of the subscriber. Either this or `subscriber_id` should be passed. |
| `subscriber_id` | Number | Optional | ID of the subscriber. Either this or `subscriber_email` should be passed. |
| `subscriber_emails` | []String | Optional | E-mails of the subscribers. This is an alternative to `subscriber_email` for multiple recipients. `["", ""]` |
| `subscriber_ids` | []Number | Optional | IDs of the subscribers. This is an alternative to `subscriber_id` for multiple recipients. `[1,2,3]` |
| `template_id` | Number | Required | ID of the transactional template to use in the message. |
| `from_email` | String | Optional | Optional `from` email. eg: `Company <>` |
| `data` | Map | Optional | Optional data in `{}` nested map. Available in the template as `{{ .Tx.Data.* }}` |
| `headers` | []Map | Optional | Optional array of mail headers. `[{"key": "value"}, {"key": "value"}]` |
| `messenger` | String | Optional | Messenger to use to send the message. Default value is `email`. |
| `content_type` | String | Optional | `html`, `markdown`, `plain` |
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| subscriber_email | string | | Email of the subscriber. Can substitute with `subscriber_id`. |
| subscriber_id | number | | Subscriber's ID can substitute with `subscriber_email`. |
| subscriber_emails | string\[\] | | Multiple subscriber emails as alternative to `subscriber_email`. |
| subscriber_ids | number\[\] | | Multiple subscriber IDs as an alternative to `subscriber_id`. |
| template_id | number | Yes | ID of the transactional template to be used for the message. |
| from_email | string | | Optional sender email. |
| data | JSON | | Optional nested JSON map. Available in the template as `{{ .Tx.Data.* }}`. |
| headers | JSON\[\] | | Optional array of email headers. |
| messenger | string | | Messenger to send the message. Default is `email`. |
| content_type | string | | Email format options include `html`, `markdown`, and `plain`. |
##### Example
##### Request
curl -u "username:password" "http://localhost:9000/api/tx" -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
@ -38,16 +40,19 @@ curl -u "username:password" "http://localhost:9000/api/tx" -X POST \
##### Response
``` json
##### Example response
"data": true
### File Attachments
To include file attachments in a transactional message, use Content-Type `multipart/form-data`.
Use the parameters described above as a JSON object via the `data` form key and include an arbitrary number of attachments via the `file` key.
#### File Attachments
To include file attachments in a transactional message, use the `multipart/form-data` Content-Type. Use `data` param for the parameters described above as a JSON object. Include any number of attachments via the `file` param.
curl -u "username:password" "http://localhost:9000/api/tx" -X POST \
@ -58,4 +63,3 @@ curl -u "username:password" "http://localhost:9000/api/tx" -X POST \
-F 'file=@"/path/to/attachment.pdf"' \
-F 'file=@"/path/to/attachment2.pdf"'

View file

@ -22,14 +22,14 @@ The bounce webhook API can be used to record bounce events with custom scripting
| `POST` | /webhooks/bounce | Record a bounce event. |
| Name | Data type | Required/Optional | Description |
| ----------------- | --------- | ----------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| `subscriber_uuid` | String | Optional | The UUID of the subscriber. Either this or `email` is required. |
| `email` | String | Optional | The e-mail of the subscriber. Either this or `subscriber_uuid` is required. |
| `campaign_uuid` | String | Optional | UUID of the campaign for which the bounce happened. |
| `source` | String | Required | A string indicating the source, eg: `api`, `my_script` etc. |
| `type` | String | Required | `hard` or `soft` bounce. Currently, this has no effect on how the bounce is treated. |
| `meta` | String | Optional | An optional escaped JSON string with arbitrary metadata about the bounce event. |
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| ----------------| --------- | -----------| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| subscriber_uuid | string | | The UUID of the subscriber. Either this or `email` is required. |
| email | string | | The e-mail of the subscriber. Either this or `subscriber_uuid` is required. |
| campaign_uuid | string | | UUID of the campaign for which the bounce happened. |
| source | string | Yes | A string indicating the source, eg: `api`, `my_script` etc. |
| type | string | Yes | `hard` or `soft` bounce. Currently, this has no effect on how the bounce is treated. |
| meta | string | | An optional escaped JSON string with arbitrary metadata about the bounce event. |
@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ curl -u 'username:password' -X POST localhost:9000/webhooks/bounce \
## External webhooks
listmonk supports receiving bounce webhook events from the following SMTP providers.
| Endpoint | Description | More info |
| `` | Amazon (AWS) SES | You can use these [Mautic steps]( as a general guide, but use your listmonk's endpoint instead. <ul> <li>When creating the *topic* select "standard" instead of the preselected "FIFO". You can put a name and leave everything else at default.</li> <li>When creating a *subscription* choose HTTPS for "Protocol", and leave *"Enable raw message delivery"* UNCHECKED.</li> <li>On the _"SES -> verified identities"_ page, make sure to check **"[include original headers]("**.</li> <li>The Mautic screenshot suggests you should turn off _email feedback forwarding_, but that's completely optional depending on whether you want want email notifications.</li></ul> |
| `` | Sendgrid / Twilio Signed event webhook | [More info]( |
| `` | Postmark webhook | [More info](
| Endpoint | Description | More info |
| `` | Amazon (AWS) SES | You can use these [Mautic steps]( as a general guide, but use your listmonk's endpoint instead. <ul> <li>When creating the *topic* select "standard" instead of the preselected "FIFO". You can put a name and leave everything else at default.</li> <li>When creating a *subscription* choose HTTPS for "Protocol", and leave *"Enable raw message delivery"* UNCHECKED.</li> <li>On the _"SES -> verified identities"_ page, make sure to check **"[include original headers]("**.</li> <li>The Mautic screenshot suggests you should turn off _email feedback forwarding_, but that's completely optional depending on whether you want want email notifications.</li></ul> |
| `` | Sendgrid / Twilio Signed event webhook | [More info]( |
| `` | Postmark webhook | [More info]( |
## Verification

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@ -106,4 +106,7 @@ by accommodating for the fixed-header's height */
.md-header--shadow {
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