$config['nameservers'])); try { $result = $r->query($domain, 'MX'); } catch(Net_DNS2_Exception $e) { return false; } foreach($result->answer as $mxrr) { $mxArray[]=$mxrr->exchange; } $mxConca=''; sort($mxArray); foreach($mxArray as $mx) { if ($mxConca!='') { $mxConca.=','.$mx; } else { $mxConca.=$mx; } } return $mxConca; } function imapSecure($secure) { $return='/notls'; if ($secure == 1) { $return='/tls'; } else if ($secure == 2) { $return='/ssl'; } return $return; } function imapAuth($auth) { $return=''; if ($auth == 1) { $return='/secure'; } return $return; } function imapCert($cert) { $return='/novalidate-cert'; if ($cert == true || $cert == 1) { $return='/validate-cert'; } return $return; } //~ secure : //~ 0 = None //~ 1 = STARTTLS //~ 2 = SSLTLS //~ auth : //~ 0 = Normal //~ 1 = Encrypt //~ cert : //~ 0 = no validate //~ 1 = validate function serverImapOpenString($server, $port, $secure, $auth, $cert, $inbox = 'INBOX') { return '{'.$server.':'.$port.'/imap'.imapSecure($secure).imapAuth($auth).imapCert($cert).'}'.$inbox; } function imapCon($server, $port, $user, $password, $secure, $auth, $cert) { $serverImapOpenString = serverImapOpenString($server, $port, $secure, $auth, $cert); $mailbox = @imap_open($serverImapOpenString , $user, $password, OP_READONLY, 0); return $mailbox; } function imapTestCon($session_id, $domain, $server, $port, $user, $password, $secure, $auth, $cert) { global $db; global $config; $return['result'] = false; $mailbox = imapCon($server, $port, $user, $password, $secure, $auth, $cert); if (FALSE === $mailbox) { $return['result'] = false; } else { $return['result'] = true; // Paramètre if (preg_match('/@/', $user)) { $return['param']['user'] = '%e'; } else { $return['param']['user'] = '%u'; } $return['param']['server'] = $server; $return['param']['port'] = $port; $return['param']['secure'] = $secure; $return['param']['auth'] = $auth; $return['param']['cert'] = $cert; // == Enregistrement en BD try { /// D'abord on supprime si ça éxiste déjà $deletecmd = $db->prepare("DELETE FROM open WHERE session_id = :session_id"); $deletecmd->bindParam('session_id', $session_id, PDO::PARAM_INT); $deletecmd->execute(); } catch ( PDOException $e ) { toLog(1, "DELETE in open, error : ".$e->getMessage(), 0); } $mxConca = mxConca($domain); if (preg_match('/@/', $user)) { $user='%e'; } else { $user='%u'; } try { // Enregistrer paramètre connexion en BD $req = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO open (session_id, domain, mx, dateCreate, imap_server, imap_port, imap_user, imap_secure, imap_auth, imap_cert) VALUES (:session_id, :domain, :mx, '".time()."', :imap_server, :imap_port, :imap_user, :imap_secure, :imap_auth, :imap_cert)"); $req->bindParam('session_id', $session_id, PDO::PARAM_INT); $req->bindParam('domain', $domain, PDO::PARAM_STR); $req->bindParam('mx', $mxConca, PDO::PARAM_STR); $req->bindParam('imap_server', $server, PDO::PARAM_STR); $req->bindParam('imap_port', $port, PDO::PARAM_INT); $req->bindParam('imap_user', $user, PDO::PARAM_STR); $req->bindParam('imap_secure', $secure, PDO::PARAM_INT); $req->bindParam('imap_auth', $auth, PDO::PARAM_INT); $req->bindParam('imap_cert', $cert, PDO::PARAM_INT); $req->execute(); } catch ( PDOException $e ) { toLog(1, "INSET in open, error : ".$e->getMessage(), 0); } // Liste dossier $list = imap_list($mailbox, "{".$server."}", "*"); if (is_array($list)) { foreach ($list as $val) { $return['folder'][] = str_replace("{".$server."}", '', utf8_encode(imap_utf7_decode($val))); } } imap_close($mailbox); } return $return; } function imapAutoDetect($session_id, $user, $domain, $password) { global $config; $testImapServeurs = array( 'imap.'.$domain, 'mail.'.$domain, $domain, ); foreach($testImapServeurs as $server) { // Test résolution DNS $resolv=true; $r = new Net_DNS2_Resolver(array('nameservers' => $config['nameservers'])); try { $result = $r->query($domain, 'A'); } catch(Net_DNS2_Exception $e) { $resolv=false; } if ($resolv) { if (portCheck($server, 993)) { // %e $imapConnexion = imapTestCon($session_id, $domain, $server, 993, $user.'@'.$domain, $password, 2, 0, false); if($imapConnexion['result'] == true) { // Connexion trouvé ! $imapConnexion['src'] = 'auto'; return $imapConnexion; break; } // %u $imapConnexion = imapTestCon($session_id, $domain, $server, 993, $user, $password, 2, 0, false); if($imapConnexion['result'] == true) { // Connexion trouvé ! $imapConnexion['src'] = 'auto'; return $imapConnexion; break; } // %e auth $imapConnexion = imapTestCon($session_id, $domain, $server, 993, $user.'@'.$domain, $password, 2, 1, false); if($imapConnexion['result'] == true) { // Connexion trouvé ! $imapConnexion['src'] = 'auto'; return $imapConnexion; break; } // %u auth $imapConnexion = imapTestCon($session_id, $domain, $server, 993, $user, $password, 2, 1, false); if($imapConnexion['result'] == true) { // Connexion trouvé ! $imapConnexion['src'] = 'auto'; return $imapConnexion; break; } } if (portCheck($server, 143)) { // %e $imapConnexion = imapTestCon($session_id, $domain, $server, 143, $user.'@'.$domain, $password, 1, 0, false); if($imapConnexion['result'] == true) { // Connexion trouvé ! $imapConnexion['src'] = 'auto'; return $imapConnexion; break; } // %u $imapConnexion = imapTestCon($session_id, $domain, $server, 143, $user, $password, 1, 0, false); if($imapConnexion['result'] == true) { // Connexion trouvé ! $imapConnexion['src'] = 'auto'; return $imapConnexion; break; } // %e auth $imapConnexion = imapTestCon($session_id, $domain, $server, 143, $user.'@'.$domain, $password, 1, 1, false); if($imapConnexion['result'] == true) { // Connexion trouvé ! $imapConnexion['src'] = 'auto'; return $imapConnexion; break; } // %u auth $imapConnexion = imapTestCon($session_id, $domain, $server, 143, $user, $password, 1, 1, false); if($imapConnexion['result'] == true) { // Connexion trouvé ! $imapConnexion['src'] = 'auto'; return $imapConnexion; break; } // %e no tls $imapConnexion = imapTestCon($session_id, $domain, $server, 143, $user.'@'.$domain, $password, 0, 0, false); if($imapConnexion['result'] == true) { // Connexion trouvé ! $imapConnexion['src'] = 'auto'; return $imapConnexion; break; } // %u no tls $imapConnexion = imapTestCon($session_id, $domain, $server, 143, $user, $password, 0, 0, false); if($imapConnexion['result'] == true) { // Connexion trouvé ! $imapConnexion['src'] = 'auto'; return $imapConnexion; break; } } } } $imapConnexion['result'] = false; return $imapConnexion; } function jsonMessage($mod, $idClean, $parser, $header, $messageEML, $folder, $format) { // Enregistrement du json $arrayTmp['filename']=$idClean; $arrayTmp['message_id']=''; if (isset($header->message_id)) { $arrayTmp['message_id']=$header->message_id; } $arrayTmp['date']=''; if (isset($header->date)) { $arrayTmp['date']=$header->date; } $arrayTmp['udate']=''; if (isset($header->udate)) { $arrayTmp['udate']=$header->udate; } $arrayTmp['senderaddress']=''; if (isset($header->senderaddress)) { $arrayTmp['senderaddress']=imap_utf8($header->senderaddress); } $arrayTmp['fromaddress']=''; if (isset($header->fromaddress)) { $arrayTmp['fromaddress']=imap_utf8($header->fromaddress); } $arrayTmp['toaddress']=''; if (isset($header->toaddress)) { $arrayTmp['toaddress']=imap_utf8($header->toaddress); } $arrayTmp['ccaddress']=''; if (isset($header->ccaddress)) { $arrayTmp['ccaddress']=imap_utf8($header->ccaddress); } $arrayTmp['bccaddress']=''; if (isset($header->bccaddress)) { $arrayTmp['bccaddress']=imap_utf8($header->bccaddress); } $arrayTmp['reply_toaddress']=''; if (isset($header->reply_toaddress)) { $arrayTmp['reply_toaddress']=imap_utf8($header->reply_toaddress); } $arrayTmp['return_pathaddress']=''; if (isset($header->return_pathaddress)) { $arrayTmp['return_pathaddress']=imap_utf8($header->return_pathaddress); } $arrayTmp['references']=''; if (isset($header->references)) { $arrayTmp['references']=$header->references; } $arrayTmp['in_reply_to']=''; if (isset($header->in_reply_to)) { $arrayTmp['in_reply_to']=imap_utf8($header->in_reply_to); } $arrayTmp['msgno']=''; if (isset($header->Msgno)) { $arrayTmp['msgno']=$header->Msgno; } $arrayTmp['subject']=''; if (isset($header->subject)) { $arrayTmp['subject']=imap_utf8($header->subject); } $arrayTmp['size']=''; if (isset($header->Size)) { $arrayTmp['size']=$header->Size; } // Suivi if ($header->Flagged == 'F') { $arrayTmp['flagged']=true; } else { $arrayTmp['flagged']=false; } // Répondu if ($header->Answered == 'A') { $arrayTmp['answered']=true; } else { $arrayTmp['answered']=false; } $arrayTmp['imap_folder'] = folderCleanName($folder); // Gestion des pièces jointes : $attachments = $parser->getAttachments(); if (count($attachments) != 0) { $arrayTmp['attachments']=true; // Le format eml contient les PJ if ($format != 'eml') { foreach ($attachments as $attachment) { $arrayTmp['attachmentsFilename'][]=$attachment->getFilename(); } } }else{ $arrayTmp['attachments']=false; $arrayTmp['attachmentsFilename']=array(); } if ($format == 'html') { // Recherche des formats supportés : $text = $parser->getMessageBody('text'); if ($text) { $arrayTmp['formatText']=true; } $html = $parser->getMessageBody('html'); $htmlEmbedded = $parser->getMessageBody('htmlEmbedded'); if ($htmlEmbedded) { $arrayTmp['formatHtml']=true; } else if ($html) { $arrayTmp['formatHtml']=true; } } else { $arrayTmp['formatEml']=true; } return $arrayTmp; unset($subject); unset($arrayTmp); } function saveMessage($session_id, $idClean, $parser, $header, $messageEML, $folder, $format, $mod) { global $config; toLog(5, "idClean : ".$idClean); // Le nom du dossier : $folder=folderCleanName($folder); // Gestion des pièces jointes : $attachments = $parser->getAttachments(); if ($format != 'eml' && count($attachments) != 0) { toLog(5, "Gestion des ". count($attachments) ." pièce(s) jointe(s)"); mkdir($config['dir'][$mod].'/'.$session_id.'/'.$folder.'/'.$idClean); //var_dump($attachments); foreach ($attachments as $attachment) { $attachment->save($config['dir'][$mod].'/'.$session_id.'/'.$folder.'/'.$idClean); $arrayTmp['attachmentsFilename'][]=$attachment->getFilename(); } } // Export du message : if ($format == 'html') { // toLog(5, "Export en HTML"); // Préparation des entêtes $headerTxt=''; $headerHtml=''; if (isset($header->date)) { $headerTxt.='Date : '.$header->date.' '; $headerHtml.='

Date : '.$header->date.'

'; } if (isset($header->senderaddress)) { $headerTxt.='Sender : '.imap_utf8($header->senderaddress).' '; $headerHtml.='

Sender : '.imap_utf8($header->senderaddress).'

'; } if (isset($header->fromaddress)) { $headerTxt.='From : '.imap_utf8($header->fromaddress).' '; $headerHtml.='

From : '.imap_utf8($header->fromaddress).'

'; } if (isset($header->toaddress)) { $headerTxt.='To : '.imap_utf8($header->toaddress).' '; $headerHtml.='

To : '.imap_utf8($header->toaddress).'

'; } if (isset($header->ccaddress)) { $headerTxt.='Cc : '.imap_utf8($header->ccaddress).' '; $headerHtml.='

Cc : '.imap_utf8($header->ccaddress).'

'; } if (isset($header->subject)) { $headerTxt.='Subject : '.imap_utf8($header->subject).' '; $headerHtml.='

Subject : '.imap_utf8($header->subject).'

'; } if (count($attachments) != 0) { $headerTxt.='Attachments :'; $headerHtml.='

Attachments :'; foreach ($arrayTmp['attachmentsFilename'] as $attachementFilename) { $headerTxt.=' "'.$attachementFilename.'"'; $headerHtml.=' "'.$attachementFilename.'"'; } $headerTxt.=' '; $headerHtml.='

'; } $headerTxt.='---------------------- '; $headerHtml.='
'; // Recherche des formats supportés : $text = $parser->getMessageBody('text'); if ($text) { file_put_contents($config['dir'][$mod].'/'.$session_id.'/'.$folder.'/'.$idClean.'.txt', $headerTxt.$text); } $html = $parser->getMessageBody('html'); $htmlEmbedded = $parser->getMessageBody('htmlEmbedded'); if ($htmlEmbedded) { file_put_contents($config['dir'][$mod].'/'.$session_id.'/'.$folder.'/'.$idClean.'.html', $headerHtml.$htmlEmbedded); } else if ($html) { file_put_contents($config['dir'][$mod].'/'.$session_id.'/'.$folder.'/'.$idClean.'.html', $headerHtml.$html); } } else { // toLog(5, "Export en EML"); file_put_contents($config['dir'][$mod].'/'.$session_id.'/'.$folder.'/'.$idClean.'.eml', $messageEML); } unset($arrayTmp); } function imapGetData($mod, $session_id, $server, $port, $user, $password, $secure, $auth, $cert, $imapfolder, $dateSince, $dateBefore, $what, $format) { global $config; $parser = new PhpMimeMailParser\Parser(); if (is_dir($config['dir'][$mod].'/'.$session_id)) { toLog(5, "Ménage du répertoire ".$config['dir'][$mod].'/'.$session_id); rrmdir($config['dir'][$mod].'/'.$session_id); } $return['result'] = true; // Get folder information toLog(5, "ImapCon : $server, $port, $user, $secure, $auth, $cert"); $mailbox = imapCon($server, $port, $user, $password, $secure, $auth, $cert) ; $mails = FALSE; if (FALSE === $mailbox) { $return['result'] = false; $return['resultMsg'] = 'Connexion error'; toLog(2, "Connexion error"); } else { if ($mod != 'preview') { toLog(5, "Création du répertoire ".$config['dir'][$mod].'/'.$session_id); mkdir($config['dir'][$mod].'/'.$session_id); } //$dataFolderJson = array(); $dataJson = array(); $totalSize=0; $totalNb=0; // Liste les fichier foreach($imapfolder as $folder) { // Connexion sur le dossier toLog(5, "Connexion sur le dossier ".$folder); $serverImapOpenString = serverImapOpenString($server, $port, $secure, $auth, $cert, $folder, $format); imap_reopen($mailbox, $serverImapOpenString, null, 0); $info = imap_check($mailbox); // Vérification de l'existance du dossier if (FALSE !== $info) { if ($mod != 'preview') { mkdir($config['dir'][$mod].'/'.$session_id.'/'.folderCleanName($folder)); } // Avant $dateBeforeForImap = date ( "d-M-Y", $dateBefore); // Après $dateSinceForImap = date ( "d-M-Y", $dateSince); toLog(5, "IMAP SEARCH SINCE ".$dateSinceForImap." BEFORE ".$dateBeforeForImap); $mails = imap_search($mailbox,'SINCE "'.$dateSinceForImap.'" BEFORE "'.$dateBeforeForImap.'"'); //~ $mails = imap_search($mailbox,'SINCE "03-Janv-2019" BEFORE "03-Janv-2020"'); $folderSize=0; $nbEmail=0; $nbEmailTotal=count($mails); foreach($mails as $mail){ //toLog(5, "Message : ".$mail."/".$nbEmailTotal); // On compte les messages et leur taille $header = imap_headerinfo($mailbox,$mail); $folderSize=$folderSize+$header->Size; $nbEmail++; if ($mod != 'preview') { // EML format message : $messageEML = imap_fetchbody($mailbox,$mail, ''); // Parse email $parser->setText($messageEML); // archive //createArchive($session_id,$mailbox,$mail); // export if ($header->Deleted != 'D') { //~ if ($mod != 'preview') { //~ array_push($dataJson, jsonMessage($mod, $parser, $header, $messageEML, $folder, $format)); //~ } else { // Bug des messages sans id, on en génère un if (empty($header->message_id)) { $idClean=rand(1000, mt_getrandmax()).rand(1000, mt_getrandmax()).rand(1000, mt_getrandmax()); } else { $idClean=cleanTxt(substr(substr($header->message_id, 0, -1), 1)); } array_push($dataJson, jsonMessage($mod, $idClean, $parser, $header, $messageEML, $folder, $format)); saveMessage($session_id, $idClean, $parser, $header, $messageEML, $folder, $format, $mod); } } } //$dataFolderJson['imap_folder'][]=$folder; $return['folder'][$folder]['size']=$folderSize; $totalSize = $totalSize + $folderSize; $return['folder'][$folder]['nb']=$nbEmail; $totalNb = $totalNb + $nbEmail; } else { toLog(5, "Folder unread : ".$folder); $return['result'] = false; $return['resultMsg'] = 'Folder unread '.$folder; } if ($mod != 'preview') { toLog(4, "Enregistrement json/js messages"); if (count($dataJson) > 0) { file_put_contents($config['dir'][$mod].'/'.$session_id.'/messages.json', json_encode($dataJson, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE | JSON_INVALID_UTF8_IGNORE)); file_put_contents($config['dir'][$mod].'/'.$session_id.'/messages.js', 'var messages_json = '.json_encode($dataJson, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE | JSON_INVALID_UTF8_IGNORE).';'); if (json_last_error() != 0) { toLog(1, "Erreur dans le json : ".json_last_error()); } } } } $return['totalSize']=$totalSize; $return['totalNb']=$totalNb; imap_close($mailbox); } return $return; } function imapDeleteData($session_id, $server, $port, $user, $password, $secure, $auth, $cert, $imapfolder, $dateSince, $dateBefore) { global $config; $return['result'] = true; // Get folder information toLog(5, "ImapCon : $server, $port, $user, $secure, $auth, $cert"); $mailbox = imapCon($server, $port, $user, $password, $secure, $auth, $cert) ; $mails = FALSE; if (FALSE === $mailbox) { $return['result'] = false; $return['resultMsg'] = 'Connexion error'; toLog(2, "Connexion error"); } else { // Liste les fichier foreach($imapfolder as $folder) { // Connexion sur le dossier toLog(5, "Connexion sur le dossier ".$folder); $serverImapOpenString = serverImapOpenString($server, $port, $secure, $auth, $cert, $folder); imap_reopen($mailbox, $serverImapOpenString, null, 0); $info = imap_check($mailbox); // Vérification de l'existance du dossier if (FALSE !== $info) { // Avant $dateBeforeForImap = date ( "d-M-Y", $dateBefore); // Après $dateSinceForImap = date ( "d-M-Y", $dateSince); toLog(5, "IMAP SEARCH SINCE ".$dateSinceForImap." BEFORE ".$dateBeforeForImap); $mails = imap_search($mailbox,'SINCE "'.$dateSinceForImap.'" BEFORE "'.$dateBeforeForImap.'"'); foreach($mails as $mail){ imap_delete($mailbox,$mail); } } else { toLog(5, "Folder unread : ".$folder); $return['result'] = false; $return['resultMsg'] = 'Folder unread '.$folder; } } imap_expunge($mailbox); imap_close($mailbox, CL_EXPUNGE); } return $return; } function rrmdir($dir) { if (is_dir($dir)) { $objects = scandir($dir); foreach ($objects as $object) { if ($object != "." && $object != "..") { if (is_dir($dir."/".$object) && !is_link($dir."/".$object)) rrmdir($dir."/".$object); else unlink($dir."/".$object); } } rmdir($dir); } } function convertOctect2humain($value) { if ($value > 1000000000) { $return=round($value/1024/1024/1024, 1).'Go'; }elseif ($value > 1000000) { $return=round($value/1024/1024, 1).'Mo'; }elseif ($value > 1000) { $return=round($value/1024, 1).'Ko'; } else { $return=$value; } return $return; } function toLog($niveau, $msg) { global $config; if ($config['log']['level'] >= $niveau) { if (is_file($config['log']['path']) && filesize($config['log']['path']) > 10000000) { unlink($config['log']['path']); } $message = date ( "M j H:i:s" ) . " : " . trim ( $msg ) . "\n"; file_put_contents($config['log']['path'], $message, FILE_APPEND); } } // This works in Windows. // https://jsnelders.com/Blog/1670/php-recursively-zip-a-folder-directory-structure/ // Source and inspiration: https://gist.github.com/MarvinMenzerath/4185113/72db1670454bd707b9d761a9d5e83c54da2052ac - Marvin Menzerath. (http://menzerath.eu) // Additional source and inspiration: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1334613/how-to-recursively-zip-a-directory-in-php function Zip($source, $destination) { if (!extension_loaded('zip')) { toLog(1, "Zip extension not loaded"); return false; } if (!file_exists($source)) { toLog(1, "Source not found:" . $source); return false; } $zip = new ZipArchive(); if (!$zip->open($destination, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE)) { toLog(1, "Zip not created or opened"); return false; } $raw_source = $source; $source = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($source)); toLog(5, "Raw source: " . $raw_source); toLog(5, "Clean source: " . $source); if (is_dir($source) === true) { $files = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($source), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST); $sourceWithSeparator = $source . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; foreach ($files as $file) { $file = str_replace('\\', '/', $file); // Ignore "." and ".." folders if( in_array(substr($file, strrpos($file, '/')+1), array('.', '..')) ) continue; $file = realpath($file); if (is_dir($file) === true) { $dir_path = str_replace($sourceWithSeparator, '', $file . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); toLog(5, "Directory: " . $file . " (Path: " . $dir_path . ")\n"); //$zip->addEmptyDir(str_replace($source . '/', '', $file . '/')); $zip->addEmptyDir($dir_path); } else if (is_file($file) === true) { $zip_relative_path = str_replace($sourceWithSeparator, '', $file); $zip_relative_path = remove_from_start($zip_relative_path, $raw_source); toLog(5, "File: " . $file . " (Path: " . $zip_relative_path . ")"); //$zip->addFromString(str_replace($source . '/', '', $file), file_get_contents($file)); //$zip->addFile($file, str_replace($source . '/', '', $file)); $zip->addFile($file, $zip_relative_path); } } } else if (is_file($source) === true) { $zip->addFromString(basename($source), file_get_contents($source)); } return $zip->close(); } function remove_from_start($full_string, $prefix) { if (substr($full_string, 0, strlen($prefix)) == $prefix) { $full_string = substr($full_string, strlen($prefix)); } return $full_string; } function string2url($chaine) { $chaine = trim($chaine); $chaine = strtr($chaine, "ÀÁÂÃÄÅàáâãäåÒÓÔÕÖØòóôõöøÈÉÊËèéêëÇçÌÍÎÏìíîïÙÚÛÜùúûüÿÑñ", "aaaaaaaaaaaaooooooooooooeeeeeeeecciiiiiiiiuuuuuuuuynn"); $chaine = strtr($chaine,"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ","abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"); $chaine = preg_replace('#([^.a-z0-9]+)#i', '-', $chaine); $chaine = preg_replace('#-{2,}#','-',$chaine); $chaine = preg_replace('#-$#','',$chaine); $chaine = preg_replace('#^-#','',$chaine); return $chaine; } function status2humain($status) { switch($status) { case 0: return _('Error'); break; case 1: return _('Waiting for approval'); break; case 2: return _('Waiting'); break; case 3: return _('In progress'); break; case 5: return _('Finished'); break; default: return _('Unknown'); } } function spoolerWait() { global $db; try { $spooler = $db->prepare("SELECT count(status) nb_wait FROM `spooler` WHERE status = 2"); $spooler->execute(); } catch ( PDOException $e ) { toLog(1, "SELECT spoolerWait, error : ".$e->getMessage(), 0); } $spoolerFetch = $spooler->fetch(); return $spoolerFetch['nb_wait']; } function spoolerWaitBefore($session_id) { global $db; try { $spooler = $db->prepare("SELECT count(status) nb_wait FROM spooler WHERE date < ( SELECT date FROM spooler WHERE session_id = :session_id ) AND status = 2 OR status = 3 ORDER BY `spooler`.`date` ASC"); $spooler->bindParam('session_id', $session_id, PDO::PARAM_INT); $spooler->execute(); } catch ( PDOException $e ) { toLog(1, "SELECT spoolerWaitBefore, error : ".$e->getMessage(), 0); } $spoolerFetch = $spooler->fetch(); return $spoolerFetch['nb_wait']; } function mailSend($to, $subject, $body) { toLog(5, 'mailSend to : '.$to); global $config; $mail = new PHPMailer(true); try { // Préparation $mail->isSMTP(); $mail->Host = $config['mailer']['host']; $mail->SMTPAuth = $config['mailer']['auth']; $mail->Username = $config['mailer']['username']; $mail->Password = $config['mailer']['password']; if (isset($config['mailer']['secure'])) { $mail->SMTPSecure = $config['mailer']['secure']; } $mail->Port = $config['mailer']['port']; if ($config['mailer']['certverify'] == false) { $mail->SMTPOptions = array( 'ssl' => array( 'verify_peer' => false, 'verify_peer_name' => false, 'allow_self_signed' => true ) ); } $mail->setFrom($config['mailer']['from'], $config['mailer']['from']); if (isset($config['mailer']['replyto'])) { $mail->addReplyTo($config['mailer']['replyto']); } if (isset($config['mailer']['bcc'])) { $mail->AddBCC($config['mailer']['bcc']); } if ($config['maintenance']['active'] == true) { $mail->addAddress($config['maintenance']['emailForTest']); } else { $mail->addAddress($to); } // Contenu $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; $mail->isHTML(true); $mail->Subject = $config['mailer']['subjectprefix'].' '.$subject; $mail->Body = $body.'

'.$config['mailer']['msgsignature']; $mail->AltBody = strip_tags($body.'

'.$config['mailer']['msgsignature']); $mail->send(); return true; } catch (Exception $e) { return $mail->ErrorInfo; } } function username2email($username, $domain) { if (preg_match('/@/', myDecrypt($username))) { $email = myDecrypt($username); } else { $email = myDecrypt($username).'@'.$domain; } return $email; } // Copy dir https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2050859/copy-entire-contents-of-a-directory-to-another-using-php function recurse_copy($src,$dst) { $dir = opendir($src); mkdir($dst); while(false !== ( $file = readdir($dir)) ) { if (( $file != '.' ) && ( $file != '..' )) { if ( is_dir($src . '/' . $file) ) { recurse_copy($src . '/' . $file,$dst . '/' . $file); } else { copy($src . '/' . $file,$dst . '/' . $file); } } } closedir($dir); } function lang2locale($langue) { global $langueEtLocalDispo; if ($langueEtLocalDispo[$langue] != '') { return $langueEtLocalDispo[$langue]; } else { // par défaut return 'en_US'; } } function locale2lang($localeRecherche) { global $langueEtLocalDispo; foreach($langueEtLocalDispo as $code=>$locale) { if ($locale == $localeRecherche) { return $code; break; } } // par défaut return 'en'; } ?>