prepare("UPDATE spooler SET status = 2 WHERE task = 2 AND session_id = :session_id"); $req->bindParam('session_id', $_GET['session_id'], PDO::PARAM_INT); $req->execute(); header('Location: '.$config['baseUrl'].'spool_'.$_GET['session_id']); exit(); } ?> <?= $config['title'] ?> <?= $config['subTitle'] ?>

Maintenance mode ON

'; } if ($config['maintenance']['active'] == true && $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] != $config['maintenance']['ipForTest']) { echo '


'; } elseif (isset($_GET['session_id'])) { try { $session = $db->prepare("SELECT session.user, session.domain, session.what FROM session WHERE id = :session_id LIMIT 1"); $session->bindParam('session_id', $_GET['session_id'], PDO::PARAM_INT); $session->execute(); } catch ( PDOException $e ) { toLog(1, "SELECT session, error : ".$e->getMessage(), 0); } $sessionFetch = $session->fetch(); printf('

'._('Status of your request [%d]').'

', $_GET['session_id']); printf('

'._('For %s on %s').'

', myDecrypt($sessionFetch['user']), $sessionFetch['domain']); // echo if (count($sessionFetch) == 1) { echo "

"._("Error session : Not Found")."

"; unset($refreshAuto); } else { $refreshAuto=true; if ($sessionFetch['what'] == 1 || $sessionFetch['what'] == '2') { echo "

"._("Creation of an archive of your emails: "); try { $spoolerArchive = $db->prepare("SELECT spooler.status FROM spooler WHERE session_id = :session_id AND spooler.task = 1 LIMIT 1"); $spoolerArchive->bindParam('session_id', $_GET['session_id'], PDO::PARAM_INT); $spoolerArchive->execute(); } catch ( PDOException $e ) { toLog(1, "SELECT session, error : ".$e->getMessage(), 0); } $spoolerArchiveFetch = $spoolerArchive->fetch(); echo status2humain($spoolerArchiveFetch['status']); // Stop refresh si terminé if ($spoolerArchiveFetch['status'] == 5) { unset($refreshAuto); } $spoolerWaitBefore=spoolerWaitBefore($_GET['session_id']); if ($spoolerArchiveFetch['status'] == 2 && $spoolerWaitBefore != 0) { echo " "; printf(_("(In front of you : %d, each in turn ...)"), $spoolerWaitBefore); } echo "

"; if ($spoolerArchiveFetch['status'] == 5) { $archive = $db->prepare("SELECT file, dateCreate FROM archive WHERE session_id = :session_id LIMIT 1"); $archive->bindParam('session_id', $_GET['session_id'], PDO::PARAM_INT); $archive->execute(); $archiveFetch = $archive->fetch(); if (strtotime($archiveFetch['dateCreate']. ' + '.$config['archive']['life'].' days') > time()) { echo '

'._('Your archive is available for download until the').' '.date('Y-m-d', strtotime($archiveFetch['dateCreate']. ' + '.$config['archive']['life'].' days')).' '._('by this link:').' '.$config['url']['archive'].$archiveFetch['file'].'

'; } else { printf("

"._('It is no longer possible to recover your archive, the deadline of %d days has expired.')."

", $config['archive']['life']); } } } if ($sessionFetch['what'] == 1 || $sessionFetch['what'] == 3) { echo "

"._("Deleting your emails: "); try { $spoolerDelete = $db->prepare("SELECT spooler.status FROM spooler WHERE session_id = :session_id AND spooler.task = 2 LIMIT 1"); $spoolerDelete->bindParam('session_id', $_GET['session_id'], PDO::PARAM_INT); $spoolerDelete->execute(); } catch ( PDOException $e ) { toLog(1, "SELECT session, error : ".$e->getMessage(), 0); } $spoolerDeleteFetch = $spoolerDelete->fetch(); echo status2humain($spoolerDeleteFetch['status']); $spoolerWaitBefore=spoolerWaitBefore($_GET['session_id']); if ($spoolerDeleteFetch['status'] == 2 && $spoolerWaitBefore != 0) { echo " "; printf(_("(In front of you : %d, each in turn ...)"), $spoolerWaitBefore); } else if ($spoolerDeleteFetch['status'] == 1 && $spoolerArchiveFetch['status'] != 5) { echo _(' (after archive)'); } else if ($spoolerDeleteFetch['status'] == 1 && $spoolerArchiveFetch['status'] == 5) { echo ' ::: '._("It's time to clean up!").''; } else { unset($refreshAuto); } echo "

"; } } } else if (isset($_GET['page'])) { if (is_file('page/'.$_GET['page'].'.html')) { include('page/'.$_GET['page'].'.html'); } else { echo "404 Not Found"; } } else { ?>

Une vidéo tutoriel pour comprendre ce que fait ce machin est disponible par ici. "; } ?>

: :

  • Log in to your account:
  • Have activated IMAP:
  • Finally on click on 'Allow less secure applications'
  • ")?>

