mirror of
synced 2024-11-22 07:30:19 +00:00
Resulting in a massive rename across almost everywhere! Alongside the namespace change, we now have the following names: * JS::NonnullGCPtr -> GC::Ref * JS::GCPtr -> GC::Ptr * JS::HeapFunction -> GC::Function * JS::CellImpl -> GC::Cell * JS::Handle -> GC::Root
3057 lines
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3057 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2022, Florent Castelli <florent.castelli@gmail.com>
* Copyright (c) 2022-2023, Sam Atkins <atkinssj@serenityos.org>
* Copyright (c) 2022, Tobias Christiansen <tobyase@serenityos.org>
* Copyright (c) 2022, Linus Groh <linusg@serenityos.org>
* Copyright (c) 2022-2024, Tim Flynn <trflynn89@ladybird.org>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/JsonObject.h>
#include <AK/JsonValue.h>
#include <AK/LexicalPath.h>
#include <AK/Time.h>
#include <AK/Vector.h>
#include <LibCore/File.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/Value.h>
#include <LibWeb/CSS/CSSStyleValue.h>
#include <LibWeb/CSS/PropertyID.h>
#include <LibWeb/CSS/StyleProperties.h>
#include <LibWeb/Cookie/Cookie.h>
#include <LibWeb/Cookie/ParsedCookie.h>
#include <LibWeb/Crypto/Crypto.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/Document.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/DocumentObserver.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/Element.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/Event.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/Position.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/ShadowRoot.h>
#include <LibWeb/Geometry/DOMRect.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/AnimationFrameCallbackDriver.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/AttributeNames.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/BrowsingContext.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Focus.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/FormAssociatedElement.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/HTMLDataListElement.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/HTMLFrameElement.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/HTMLIFrameElement.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/HTMLInputElement.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/HTMLOptGroupElement.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/HTMLOptionElement.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/HTMLSelectElement.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/HTMLTextAreaElement.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/NavigationObserver.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/TemporaryExecutionContext.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/SelectedFile.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/TraversableNavigable.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/WindowProxy.h>
#include <LibWeb/Page/Page.h>
#include <LibWeb/Platform/EventLoopPlugin.h>
#include <LibWeb/Platform/Timer.h>
#include <LibWeb/UIEvents/EventNames.h>
#include <LibWeb/UIEvents/MouseEvent.h>
#include <LibWeb/WebDriver/Actions.h>
#include <LibWeb/WebDriver/ElementReference.h>
#include <LibWeb/WebDriver/HeapTimer.h>
#include <LibWeb/WebDriver/InputState.h>
#include <LibWeb/WebDriver/JSON.h>
#include <LibWeb/WebDriver/Properties.h>
#include <LibWeb/WebDriver/Screenshot.h>
#include <WebContent/WebDriverConnection.h>
namespace WebContent {
#define WEBDRIVER_TRY(expression) \
({ \
/* Ignore -Wshadow to allow nesting the macro. */ \
auto&& _temporary_result = (expression)); \
static_assert(!::AK::Detail::IsLvalueReference<decltype(_temporary_result.release_value())>, \
"Do not return a reference from a fallible expression"); \
if (_temporary_result.is_error()) [[unlikely]] { \
async_driver_execution_complete({ _temporary_result.release_error() }); \
return; \
} \
_temporary_result.release_value(); \
// https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-serialized-cookie
static JsonValue serialize_cookie(Web::Cookie::Cookie const& cookie)
JsonObject serialized_cookie;
serialized_cookie.set("name"sv, cookie.name.to_byte_string());
serialized_cookie.set("value"sv, cookie.value.to_byte_string());
serialized_cookie.set("path"sv, cookie.path.to_byte_string());
serialized_cookie.set("domain"sv, cookie.domain.to_byte_string());
serialized_cookie.set("secure"sv, cookie.secure);
serialized_cookie.set("httpOnly"sv, cookie.http_only);
serialized_cookie.set("expiry"sv, cookie.expiry_time.seconds_since_epoch());
serialized_cookie.set("sameSite"sv, Web::Cookie::same_site_to_string(cookie.same_site));
return serialized_cookie;
static JsonValue serialize_rect(Gfx::IntRect const& rect)
JsonObject serialized_rect = {};
serialized_rect.set("x", rect.x());
serialized_rect.set("y", rect.y());
serialized_rect.set("width", rect.width());
serialized_rect.set("height", rect.height());
return serialized_rect;
static Gfx::IntRect compute_window_rect(Web::Page const& page)
return {
// https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-no-longer-open
static ErrorOr<void, Web::WebDriver::Error> ensure_browsing_context_is_open(GC::Ptr<Web::HTML::BrowsingContext> browsing_context)
// A browsing context is said to be no longer open if its navigable has been destroyed.
if (!browsing_context || browsing_context->has_navigable_been_destroyed())
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::NoSuchWindow, "Window not found"sv);
return {};
// https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-scrolls-into-view
static void scroll_element_into_view(Web::DOM::Element& element)
// 1. Let options be the following ScrollIntoViewOptions:
Web::DOM::ScrollIntoViewOptions options {};
// Logical scroll position "block"
// "end"
options.block = Web::Bindings::ScrollLogicalPosition::End;
// Logical scroll position "inline"
// "nearest"
options.inline_ = Web::Bindings::ScrollLogicalPosition::Nearest;
// 2. Run Function.[[Call]](scrollIntoView, options) with element as the this value.
// https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-container
static Optional<Web::DOM::Element&> container_for_element(Web::DOM::Element& element)
auto first_element_reached_by_traversing_the_tree_in_reverse_order = [](Web::DOM::Element& element, auto filter) -> Optional<Web::DOM::Element&> {
for (auto* current = element.previous_element_in_pre_order(); current; current = current->previous_element_in_pre_order()) {
if (filter(*current))
return *current;
return {};
// An element’s container is:
// -> option element in a valid element context
// -> optgroup element in a valid element context
// FIXME: Determine if the element is in a valid element context. (https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-element-contexts)
if (is<Web::HTML::HTMLOptionElement>(element) || is<Web::HTML::HTMLOptGroupElement>(element)) {
// The element’s element context, which is determined by:
// 1. Let datalist parent be the first datalist element reached by traversing the tree in reverse order from element, or undefined if the root of the tree is reached.
auto datalist_parent = first_element_reached_by_traversing_the_tree_in_reverse_order(element, [](auto& node) { return is<Web::HTML::HTMLDataListElement>(node); });
// 2. Let select parent be the first select element reached by traversing the tree in reverse order from element, or undefined if the root of the tree is reached.
auto select_parent = first_element_reached_by_traversing_the_tree_in_reverse_order(element, [](auto& node) { return is<Web::HTML::HTMLSelectElement>(node); });
// 3. If datalist parent is undefined, the element context is select parent. Otherwise, the element context is datalist parent.
if (!datalist_parent.has_value())
return select_parent;
return datalist_parent;
// -> option element in an invalid element context
else if (is<Web::HTML::HTMLOptionElement>(element)) {
// The element does not have a container.
return {};
// -> Otherwise
else {
// The container is the element itself.
return element;
template<typename T>
static bool fire_an_event(FlyString name, Optional<Web::DOM::Element&> target)
// FIXME: This is supposed to call the https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-event-fire DOM algorithm,
// but that doesn't seem to be implemented elsewhere. So, we'll ad-hack it for now. :^)
if (!target.has_value())
return false;
auto event = T::create(target->realm(), name);
return target->dispatch_event(event);
ErrorOr<NonnullRefPtr<WebDriverConnection>> WebDriverConnection::connect(Web::PageClient& page_client, ByteString const& webdriver_ipc_path)
static_assert(IsSame<IPC::Transport, IPC::TransportSocket>, "Need to handle other IPC transports here");
dbgln_if(WEBDRIVER_DEBUG, "Trying to connect to {}", webdriver_ipc_path);
auto socket = TRY(Core::LocalSocket::connect(webdriver_ipc_path));
// Allow pop-ups, or otherwise /window/new won't be able to open a new tab.
dbgln_if(WEBDRIVER_DEBUG, "Connected to WebDriver");
return adopt_nonnull_ref_or_enomem(new (nothrow) WebDriverConnection(IPC::Transport(move(socket)), page_client));
WebDriverConnection::WebDriverConnection(IPC::Transport transport, Web::PageClient& page_client)
: IPC::ConnectionToServer<WebDriverClientEndpoint, WebDriverServerEndpoint>(*this, move(transport))
void WebDriverConnection::visit_edges(JS::Cell::Visitor& visitor)
// https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-close-the-session
void WebDriverConnection::close_session()
// 1. Set the webdriver-active flag to false.
// 2. An endpoint node must close any top-level browsing contexts associated with the session, without prompting to unload.
if (auto browsing_context = current_top_level_browsing_context())
void WebDriverConnection::set_page_load_strategy(Web::WebDriver::PageLoadStrategy const& page_load_strategy)
m_page_load_strategy = page_load_strategy;
void WebDriverConnection::set_unhandled_prompt_behavior(Web::WebDriver::UnhandledPromptBehavior const& unhandled_prompt_behavior)
m_unhandled_prompt_behavior = unhandled_prompt_behavior;
void WebDriverConnection::set_strict_file_interactability(bool strict_file_interactability)
m_strict_file_interactability = strict_file_interactability;
void WebDriverConnection::set_is_webdriver_active(bool is_webdriver_active)
// 9.1 Get Timeouts, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-get-timeouts
Messages::WebDriverClient::GetTimeoutsResponse WebDriverConnection::get_timeouts()
// 1. Let timeouts be the timeouts object for session’s timeouts configuration
auto timeouts = Web::WebDriver::timeouts_object(m_timeouts_configuration);
// 2. Return success with data timeouts.
return timeouts;
// 9.2 Set Timeouts, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-set-timeouts
Messages::WebDriverClient::SetTimeoutsResponse WebDriverConnection::set_timeouts(JsonValue const& payload)
// FIXME: Spec issue: As written, the spec replaces the timeouts configuration with the newly provided values. But
// all other implementations update the existing configuration with any new values instead. WPT relies on
// this behavior, and sends us one timeout value at time.
// https://github.com/w3c/webdriver/issues/1596
// 1. Let timeouts be the result of trying to JSON deserialize as a timeouts configuration the request’s parameters.
TRY(Web::WebDriver::json_deserialize_as_a_timeouts_configuration_into(payload, m_timeouts_configuration));
// 2. Make the session timeouts the new timeouts.
// 3. Return success with data null.
// NOTE: We return the current timeouts configuration so the client may store them for new sessions.
return Web::WebDriver::timeouts_object(m_timeouts_configuration);
// 10.1 Navigate To, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#navigate-to
Messages::WebDriverClient::NavigateToResponse WebDriverConnection::navigate_to(JsonValue const& payload)
dbgln_if(WEBDRIVER_DEBUG, "WebDriverConnection::navigate_to {}", payload);
// 1. If the current top-level browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 2. Let url be the result of getting the property url from the parameters argument.
if (!payload.is_object() || !payload.as_object().has_string("url"sv))
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::InvalidArgument, "Payload doesn't have a string `url`"sv);
URL::URL url(payload.as_object().get_byte_string("url"sv).value());
// FIXME: 3. If url is not an absolute URL or is not an absolute URL with fragment or not a local scheme, return error with error code invalid argument.
// 4. Handle any user prompts and return its value if it is an error.
handle_any_user_prompts([this, url = move(url)]() {
// 5. Let current URL be the current top-level browsing context’s active document’s URL.
auto const& current_url = current_top_level_browsing_context()->active_document()->url();
// FIXME: 6. If current URL and url do not have the same absolute URL:
// FIXME: a. If timer has not been started, start a timer. If this algorithm has not completed before timer reaches the session’s session page load timeout in milliseconds, return an error with error code timeout.
// 7. Navigate the current top-level browsing context to url.
auto navigation_complete = GC::create_function(current_top_level_browsing_context()->heap(), [this](Web::WebDriver::Response result) {
// 9. Set the current browsing context with the current top-level browsing context.
// FIXME: 10. If the current top-level browsing context contains a refresh state pragma directive of time 1 second or less, wait until the refresh timeout has elapsed, a new navigate has begun, and return to the first step of this algorithm.
// 8. If url is special except for file and current URL and URL do not have the same absolute URL:
// AD-HOC: We wait for the navigation to complete regardless of whether the current URL differs from the provided
// URL. Even if they're the same, the navigation queues a tasks that we must await, otherwise subsequent
// endpoint invocations will attempt to operate on the wrong page.
if (url.is_special() && url.scheme() != "file"sv) {
// a. Try to wait for navigation to complete.
// FIXME: b. Try to run the post-navigation checks.
} else {
navigation_complete->function()(JsonValue {});
// 11. Return success with data null.
return JsonValue {};
// 10.2 Get Current URL, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#get-current-url
Messages::WebDriverClient::GetCurrentUrlResponse WebDriverConnection::get_current_url()
dbgln_if(WEBDRIVER_DEBUG, "WebDriverConnection::get_current_url");
// 1. If the current top-level browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 2. Handle any user prompts and return its value if it is an error.
handle_any_user_prompts([this]() {
// 3. Let url be the serialization of the current top-level browsing context’s active document’s document URL.
auto url = current_top_level_browsing_context()->active_document()->url();
// 4. Return success with data url.
async_driver_execution_complete({ url.to_byte_string() });
return JsonValue {};
// 10.3 Back, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-back
Messages::WebDriverClient::BackResponse WebDriverConnection::back()
// 1. If session's current top-level browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 2. Try to handle any user prompts with session.
handle_any_user_prompts([this]() {
auto& realm = current_top_level_browsing_context()->active_document()->realm();
// 3. Let timeout be session' session timeouts page load timeout.
auto timeout = m_timeouts_configuration.page_load_timeout;
// 4. Let timer be a new timer.
auto timer = realm.create<Web::WebDriver::HeapTimer>();
auto on_complete = GC::create_function(realm.heap(), [this, timer]() {
if (m_document_observer) {
m_document_observer = nullptr;
// 8. If timer' timeout fired flag is set:
if (timer->is_timed_out()) {
// 1. Handle any user prompts.
handle_any_user_prompts([this]() {
// 2. Return error with error code timeout.
async_driver_execution_complete(Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::Timeout, "Navigation timed out"sv));
// 9. Return success with data null.
async_driver_execution_complete(JsonValue {});
// 5. If timeout is not null:
if (timeout.has_value()) {
// 1. Start the timer with timer and timeout.
timer->start(*timeout, on_complete);
// 6. Traverse the history by a delta –1 for session's current browsing context.
// 7. If the previous step completed results in a pageHide event firing, wait until pageShow event fires or
// timer' timeout fired flag to be set, whichever occurs first.
current_top_level_browsing_context()->top_level_traversable()->append_session_history_traversal_steps(GC::create_function(realm.heap(), [this, timer, on_complete]() {
if (timer->is_timed_out())
if (auto* document = current_top_level_browsing_context()->active_document(); document->page_showing()) {
} else {
auto& realm = document->realm();
m_document_observer = realm.create<Web::DOM::DocumentObserver>(realm, *document);
m_document_observer->set_document_page_showing_observer([on_complete](auto) {
return JsonValue {};
// 10.4 Forward, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-forward
Messages::WebDriverClient::ForwardResponse WebDriverConnection::forward()
// 1. If session's current top-level browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 2. Try to handle any user prompts with session.
handle_any_user_prompts([this]() {
auto& realm = current_top_level_browsing_context()->active_document()->realm();
// 3. Let timeout be session' session timeouts page load timeout.
auto timeout = m_timeouts_configuration.page_load_timeout;
// 4. Let timer be a new timer.
auto timer = realm.create<Web::WebDriver::HeapTimer>();
auto on_complete = GC::create_function(realm.heap(), [this, timer]() {
if (m_document_observer) {
m_document_observer = nullptr;
// 8. If timer' timeout fired flag is set:
if (timer->is_timed_out()) {
// 1. Handle any user prompts.
handle_any_user_prompts([this]() {
// 2. Return error with error code timeout.
async_driver_execution_complete(Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::Timeout, "Navigation timed out"sv));
// 9. Return success with data null.
async_driver_execution_complete(JsonValue {});
// 5. If timeout is not null:
if (timeout.has_value()) {
// 1. Start the timer with timer and timeout.
timer->start(*timeout, on_complete);
// 6. Traverse the history by a delta 1 for session's current browsing context.
// 7. If the previous step completed results in a pageHide event firing, wait until pageShow event fires or
// timer' timeout fired flag to be set, whichever occurs first.
current_top_level_browsing_context()->top_level_traversable()->append_session_history_traversal_steps(GC::create_function(realm.heap(), [this, timer, on_complete]() {
if (timer->is_timed_out())
if (auto* document = current_top_level_browsing_context()->active_document(); document->page_showing()) {
} else {
auto& realm = document->realm();
m_document_observer = realm.create<Web::DOM::DocumentObserver>(realm, *document);
m_document_observer->set_document_page_showing_observer([on_complete](auto) {
return JsonValue {};
// 10.5 Refresh, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-refresh
Messages::WebDriverClient::RefreshResponse WebDriverConnection::refresh()
// 1. If the current top-level browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 2. Handle any user prompts and return its value if it is an error.
handle_any_user_prompts([this]() {
// 3. Initiate an overridden reload of the current top-level browsing context’s active document.
// FIXME: 4. If url is special except for file:
// FIXME: 1. Try to wait for navigation to complete.
// FIXME: 2. Try to run the post-navigation checks.
// 5. Set the current browsing context with current top-level browsing context.
// 6. Return success with data null.
async_driver_execution_complete(JsonValue {});
return JsonValue {};
// 10.6 Get Title, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-get-title
Messages::WebDriverClient::GetTitleResponse WebDriverConnection::get_title()
// 1. If the current top-level browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 2. Handle any user prompts and return its value if it is an error.
handle_any_user_prompts([this]() {
// 3. Let title be the initial value of the title IDL attribute of the current top-level browsing context's active document.
auto title = current_top_level_browsing_context()->active_document()->title();
// 4. Return success with data title.
async_driver_execution_complete({ title.to_byte_string() });
return JsonValue {};
// 11.1 Get Window Handle, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#get-window-handle
Messages::WebDriverClient::GetWindowHandleResponse WebDriverConnection::get_window_handle()
// 1. If session's current top-level browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 2. Return success with data being the window handle associated with session's current top-level browsing context.
return JsonValue { current_top_level_browsing_context()->top_level_traversable()->window_handle() };
// 11.2 Close Window, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-close-window
Messages::WebDriverClient::CloseWindowResponse WebDriverConnection::close_window()
// 1. If the current top-level browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 2. Handle any user prompts and return its value if it is an error.
handle_any_user_prompts([this]() {
// 3. Close the current top-level browsing context.
// FIXME: Spec issue: Closing browsing contexts is no longer a spec concept, we must instead close the top-level
// traversable. We must also do so asynchronously, as the implementation will spin the event loop in some
// steps. If a user dialog is open in another window within this agent, the event loop will be paused, and
// those spins will hang. So we must return control to the client, who can deal with the dialog.
Web::HTML::queue_a_task(Web::HTML::Task::Source::Unspecified, nullptr, nullptr, GC::create_function(current_top_level_browsing_context()->heap(), [this]() {
async_driver_execution_complete(JsonValue {});
return JsonValue {};
// 11.3 Switch to Window, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-switch-to-window
Messages::WebDriverClient::SwitchToWindowResponse WebDriverConnection::switch_to_window(String const& handle)
// 4. If handle is equal to the associated window handle for some top-level browsing context in the
// current session, let context be the that browsing context, and set the current top-level
// browsing context with context.
// Otherwise, return error with error code no such window.
bool found_matching_context = false;
for (auto* navigable : Web::HTML::all_navigables()) {
auto traversable = navigable->top_level_traversable();
if (!traversable || !traversable->active_browsing_context())
if (handle == traversable->window_handle()) {
found_matching_context = true;
if (!found_matching_context)
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::NoSuchWindow, "Window not found");
// 5. Update any implementation-specific state that would result from the user selecting the current
// browsing context for interaction, without altering OS-level focus.
return JsonValue {};
// 11.5 New Window, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-new-window
Messages::WebDriverClient::NewWindowResponse WebDriverConnection::new_window(JsonValue const& payload)
// 1. If the implementation does not support creating new top-level browsing contexts, return error with error code unsupported operation.
// 2. If the current top-level browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 3. Handle any user prompts and return its value if it is an error.
handle_any_user_prompts([this, payload = move(const_cast<JsonValue&>(payload))]() {
// 4. Let type hint be the result of getting the property "type" from the parameters argument.
if (!payload.is_object()) {
async_driver_execution_complete(Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::InvalidArgument, "Payload is not a JSON object"));
// FIXME: Actually use this value to decide between an OS window or tab.
auto type_hint = payload.as_object().get("type"sv);
if (type_hint.has_value() && !type_hint->is_null() && !type_hint->is_string()) {
async_driver_execution_complete(Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::InvalidArgument, "Payload property `type` is not null or a string"sv));
// 5. Create a new top-level browsing context by running the window open steps with url set to "about:blank",
// target set to the empty string, and features set to "noopener" and the user agent configured to create a new
// browsing context. This must be done without invoking the focusing steps for the created browsing context. If
// type hint has the value "tab", and the implementation supports multiple browsing context in the same OS
// window, the new browsing context should share an OS window with the current browsing context. If type hint
// is "window", and the implementation supports multiple browsing contexts in separate OS windows, the
// created browsing context should be in a new OS window. In all other cases the details of how the browsing
// context is presented to the user are implementation defined.
auto* active_window = current_browsing_context().active_window();
Web::HTML::TemporaryExecutionContext execution_context { active_window->document()->realm() };
auto [target_navigable, no_opener, window_type] = MUST(active_window->window_open_steps_internal("about:blank"sv, ""sv, "noopener"sv));
// 6. Let handle be the associated window handle of the newly created window.
auto handle = target_navigable->traversable_navigable()->window_handle();
// 7. Let type be "tab" if the newly created window shares an OS-level window with the current browsing context, or "window" otherwise.
auto type = "tab"sv;
// 8. Let result be a new JSON Object initialized with:
JsonObject result;
result.set("handle"sv, JsonValue { handle });
result.set("type"sv, JsonValue { type });
// 9. Return success with data result.
async_driver_execution_complete({ move(result) });
return JsonValue {};
// 11.6 Switch To Frame, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-switch-to-frame
Messages::WebDriverClient::SwitchToFrameResponse WebDriverConnection::switch_to_frame(JsonValue const& payload)
// 1. Let id be the result of getting the property "id" from parameters.
if (!payload.is_object() || !payload.as_object().has("id"sv))
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::InvalidArgument, "Payload doesn't have property `id`"sv);
auto id = payload.as_object().get("id"sv).release_value();
// 2. If id is not null, a Number object, or an Object that represents a web element, return error with error code invalid argument.
if (!id.is_null() && !id.is_number() && !Web::WebDriver::represents_a_web_element(id))
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::InvalidArgument, "Payload property `id` is not null, a number, or a web element"sv);
// 3. Run the substeps of the first matching condition:
// -> id is null
if (id.is_null()) {
// 1. If session's current top-level browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 2. Try to handle any user prompts with session.
handle_any_user_prompts([this]() {
// 3. Set the current browsing context with session and session's current top-level browsing context.
async_driver_execution_complete(JsonValue {});
// -> id is a Number object
else if (id.is_number()) {
// 1. If id is less than 0 or greater than 2^16 – 1, return error with error code invalid argument.
auto id_value = id.get_integer<u16>();
if (!id_value.has_value())
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::InvalidArgument, ByteString::formatted("Frame ID {} is invalid", id));
// 2. If session's current browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 3. Try to handle any user prompts with session.
handle_any_user_prompts([this, id = *id_value]() {
Web::HTML::TemporaryExecutionContext execution_context { current_browsing_context().active_document()->realm() };
// 4. Let window be the associated window of session's current browsing context's active document.
auto window = current_browsing_context().active_document()->window()->window();
// 5. If id is not a supported property index of window, return error with error code no such frame.
auto property = window->get(id);
if (property.is_error() || !property.value().is_object() || !is<Web::HTML::WindowProxy>(property.value().as_object())) {
async_driver_execution_complete(Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::NoSuchFrame, ByteString::formatted("Frame ID {} not found", id)));
// 6. Let child window be the WindowProxy object obtained by calling window.[[GetOwnProperty]] (id).
auto const& child_window = static_cast<Web::HTML::WindowProxy const&>(property.value().as_object());
// 7. Set the current browsing context with session and child window's browsing context.
async_driver_execution_complete(JsonValue {});
// -> id represents a web element
else if (id.is_object()) {
auto element_id = Web::WebDriver::extract_web_element_reference(id.as_object());
// 1. If session's current browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 2. Try to handle any user prompts with session.
handle_any_user_prompts([this, element_id = move(element_id)]() {
// 3. Let element be the result of trying to get a known element with session and id.
auto element = WEBDRIVER_TRY(Web::WebDriver::get_known_element(current_browsing_context(), element_id));
// 4. If element is not a frame or iframe element, return error with error code no such frame.
if (!is<Web::HTML::HTMLFrameElement>(*element) && !is<Web::HTML::HTMLIFrameElement>(*element)) {
async_driver_execution_complete(Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::NoSuchFrame, "element is not a frame"sv));
// 5. Set the current browsing context with session and element's content navigable's active browsing context.
auto& navigable_container = static_cast<Web::HTML::NavigableContainer&>(*element);
async_driver_execution_complete(JsonValue {});
// FIXME: 4. Update any implementation-specific state that would result from the user selecting session's current browsing context for interaction, without altering OS-level focus.
// 5. Return success with data null
return JsonValue {};
// 11.7 Switch To Parent Frame, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-switch-to-parent-frame
Messages::WebDriverClient::SwitchToParentFrameResponse WebDriverConnection::switch_to_parent_frame(JsonValue const&)
// 1. If session's current browsing context is already the top-level browsing context:
if (¤t_browsing_context() == current_top_level_browsing_context()) {
// 1. If session's current browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 2. Return success with data null.
async_driver_execution_complete(JsonValue {});
return JsonValue {};
// 2. If session's current parent browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 3. Try to handle any user prompts with session.
handle_any_user_prompts([this]() {
// 4. If session's current parent browsing context is not null, set the current browsing context with session and
// current parent browsing context.
if (auto parent_browsing_context = current_parent_browsing_context())
// FIXME: 5. Update any implementation-specific state that would result from the user selecting session's current browsing context for interaction, without altering OS-level focus.
// 6. Return success with data null.
async_driver_execution_complete(JsonValue {});
return JsonValue {};
// 11.8.1 Get Window Rect, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-get-window-rect
Messages::WebDriverClient::GetWindowRectResponse WebDriverConnection::get_window_rect()
// 1. If the current top-level browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 2. Handle any user prompts and return its value if it is an error.
handle_any_user_prompts([this]() {
// 3. Return success with data set to the WindowRect object for the current top-level browsing context.
auto serialized_rect = serialize_rect(compute_window_rect(current_top_level_browsing_context()->page()));
return JsonValue {};
// 11.8.2 Set Window Rect, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-set-window-rect
Messages::WebDriverClient::SetWindowRectResponse WebDriverConnection::set_window_rect(JsonValue const& payload)
if (!payload.is_object())
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::InvalidArgument, "Payload is not a JSON object");
auto const& properties = payload.as_object();
auto resolve_property = [](auto name, auto const& property, double min, double max) -> ErrorOr<Optional<double>, Web::WebDriver::Error> {
if (property.is_null())
return OptionalNone {};
auto value = property.get_double_with_precision_loss();
if (!value.has_value())
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::InvalidArgument, ByteString::formatted("Property '{}' is not a Number", name));
if (*value < min)
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::InvalidArgument, ByteString::formatted("Property '{}' value {} exceeds the minimum allowed value {}", name, *value, min));
if (*value > max)
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::InvalidArgument, ByteString::formatted("Property '{}' value {} exceeds the maximum allowed value {}", name, *value, max));
return value;
// 1. Let width be the result of getting a property named width from the parameters argument, else let it be null.
auto width_property = properties.get("width"sv).value_or(JsonValue());
// 2. Let height be the result of getting a property named height from the parameters argument, else let it be null.
auto height_property = properties.get("height"sv).value_or(JsonValue());
// 3. Let x be the result of getting a property named x from the parameters argument, else let it be null.
auto x_property = properties.get("x"sv).value_or(JsonValue());
// 4. Let y be the result of getting a property named y from the parameters argument, else let it be null.
auto y_property = properties.get("y"sv).value_or(JsonValue());
// 5. If width or height is neither null nor a Number from 0 to 2^31 − 1, return error with error code invalid argument.
auto width = TRY(resolve_property("width"sv, width_property, 0, NumericLimits<i32>::max()));
auto height = TRY(resolve_property("height"sv, height_property, 0, NumericLimits<i32>::max()));
// 6. If x or y is neither null nor a Number from −(2^31) to 2^31 − 1, return error with error code invalid argument.
auto x = TRY(resolve_property("x"sv, x_property, NumericLimits<i32>::min(), NumericLimits<i32>::max()));
auto y = TRY(resolve_property("y"sv, y_property, NumericLimits<i32>::min(), NumericLimits<i32>::max()));
// 7. If the remote end does not support the Set Window Rect command for the current top-level browsing context for any reason, return error with error code unsupported operation.
// 8. If the current top-level browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 9. Handle any user prompts and return its value if it is an error.
handle_any_user_prompts([this, x, y, width, height]() {
// FIXME: 10. Fully exit fullscreen.
// 11. Restore the window.
restore_the_window(GC::create_function(current_top_level_browsing_context()->heap(), [this, x, y, width, height]() {
auto& page = current_top_level_browsing_context()->page();
// 11. If width and height are not null:
if (width.has_value() && height.has_value()) {
// a. Set the width, in CSS pixels, of the operating system window containing the current top-level browsing context, including any browser chrome and externally drawn window decorations to a value that is as close as possible to width.
// b. Set the height, in CSS pixels, of the operating system window containing the current top-level browsing context, including any browser chrome and externally drawn window decorations to a value that is as close as possible to height.
page.client().page_did_request_resize_window({ *width, *height });
// 12. If x and y are not null:
if (x.has_value() && y.has_value()) {
// a. Run the implementation-specific steps to set the position of the operating system level window containing the current top-level browsing context to the position given by the x and y coordinates.
page.client().page_did_request_reposition_window({ *x, *y });
if (m_pending_window_rect_requests == 0)
// 14. Return success with data set to the WindowRect object for the current top-level browsing context.
return JsonValue {};
// 11.8.3 Maximize Window, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-maximize-window
Messages::WebDriverClient::MaximizeWindowResponse WebDriverConnection::maximize_window()
// 1. If the remote end does not support the Maximize Window command for the current top-level browsing context for any reason, return error with error code unsupported operation.
// 2. If the current top-level browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 3. Handle any user prompts and return its value if it is an error.
handle_any_user_prompts([this]() {
// FIXME: 4. Fully exit fullscreen.
// 5. Restore the window.
restore_the_window(GC::create_function(current_top_level_browsing_context()->heap(), [this]() {
// 6. Maximize the window of the current top-level browsing context.
// 7. Return success with data set to the WindowRect object for the current top-level browsing context.
return JsonValue {};
// 11.8.4 Minimize Window, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#minimize-window
Messages::WebDriverClient::MinimizeWindowResponse WebDriverConnection::minimize_window()
// 1. If the remote end does not support the Minimize Window command for the current top-level browsing context for any reason, return error with error code unsupported operation.
// 2. If the current top-level browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 3. Handle any user prompts and return its value if it is an error.
handle_any_user_prompts([this]() {
// FIXME: 4. Fully exit fullscreen.
// 5. Iconify the window.
iconify_the_window(GC::create_function(current_top_level_browsing_context()->heap(), [this]() {
auto& page = current_top_level_browsing_context()->page();
// 6. Return success with data set to the WindowRect object for the current top-level browsing context.
return JsonValue {};
// 11.8.5 Fullscreen Window, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-fullscreen-window
Messages::WebDriverClient::FullscreenWindowResponse WebDriverConnection::fullscreen_window()
// 1. If the remote end does not support fullscreen return error with error code unsupported operation.
// 2. If the current top-level browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 3. Handle any user prompts and return its value if it is an error.
handle_any_user_prompts([this]() {
// 4. Restore the window.
restore_the_window(GC::create_function(current_top_level_browsing_context()->heap(), [this]() {
// 5. FIXME: Call fullscreen an element with the current top-level browsing context’s active document’s document element.
// As described in https://fullscreen.spec.whatwg.org/#fullscreen-an-element
// NOTE: What we do here is basically `requestFullscreen(options)` with options["navigationUI"]="show"
// 6. Return success with data set to the WindowRect object for the current top-level browsing context.
return JsonValue {};
// Extension Consume User Activation, https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#user-activation-user-agent-automation
Messages::WebDriverClient::ConsumeUserActivationResponse WebDriverConnection::consume_user_activation()
// FIXME: This should probably be in the spec steps
// If the current top-level browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 1. Let window be current browsing context's active window.
auto* window = current_browsing_context().active_window();
// 2. Let consume be true if window has transient activation; otherwise false.
bool consume = window->has_transient_activation();
// 3. If consume is true, then consume user activation of window.
if (consume)
// 4. Return success with data consume.
return consume;
static Web::WebDriver::Response extract_first_element(Web::WebDriver::Response result)
auto array = TRY(result);
if (!array.as_array().is_empty())
return array.as_array().take(0);
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::NoSuchElement, "The requested element does not exist"sv);
// 12.3.2 Find Element, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-find-element
Messages::WebDriverClient::FindElementResponse WebDriverConnection::find_element(JsonValue const& payload)
// 1. Let location strategy be the result of getting a property named "using" from parameters.
auto location_strategy_string = TRY(Web::WebDriver::get_property(payload, "using"sv));
auto location_strategy = Web::WebDriver::location_strategy_from_string(location_strategy_string);
// 2. If location strategy is not present as a keyword in the table of location strategies, return error with error
// code invalid argument.
if (!location_strategy.has_value())
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::InvalidArgument, ByteString::formatted("Location strategy '{}' is invalid", location_strategy_string));
// 3. Let selector be the result of getting a property named "value" from parameters.
// 4. If selector is undefined, return error with error code invalid argument.
auto selector = TRY(Web::WebDriver::get_property(payload, "value"sv));
// 5. If session's current browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 6. Try to handle any user prompts with session.
handle_any_user_prompts([this, location_strategy, selector = move(selector)]() mutable {
auto get_start_node = GC::create_function(current_browsing_context().heap(), [this]() -> ErrorOr<GC::Ref<Web::DOM::ParentNode>, Web::WebDriver::Error> {
// 7. Let start node be session's current browsing context's document element.
auto* start_node = current_browsing_context().active_document();
// 8. If start node is null, return error with error code no such element.
if (!start_node)
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::NoSuchElement, "document element does not exist"sv);
return *start_node;
// 9. Let result be the result of trying to Find with session, start node, location strategy, and selector.
find(*location_strategy, move(selector), get_start_node, GC::create_function(current_browsing_context().heap(), [this](Web::WebDriver::Response result) {
// 10. If result is empty, return error with error code no such element. Otherwise, return the first element of result.
return JsonValue {};
// 12.3.3 Find Elements, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-find-elements
Messages::WebDriverClient::FindElementsResponse WebDriverConnection::find_elements(JsonValue const& payload)
// 1. Let location strategy be the result of getting a property named "using" from parameters.
auto location_strategy_string = TRY(Web::WebDriver::get_property(payload, "using"sv));
auto location_strategy = Web::WebDriver::location_strategy_from_string(location_strategy_string);
// 2. If location strategy is not present as a keyword in the table of location strategies, return error with error
// code invalid argument.
if (!location_strategy.has_value())
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::InvalidArgument, ByteString::formatted("Location strategy '{}' is invalid", location_strategy_string));
// 3. Let selector be the result of getting a property named "value" from parameters.
// 4. If selector is undefined, return error with error code invalid argument.
auto selector = TRY(Web::WebDriver::get_property(payload, "value"sv));
// 5. If session's current browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 6. Try to handle any user prompts with session.
handle_any_user_prompts([this, location_strategy, selector = move(selector)]() mutable {
auto get_start_node = GC::create_function(current_browsing_context().heap(), [this]() -> ErrorOr<GC::Ref<Web::DOM::ParentNode>, Web::WebDriver::Error> {
// 7. Let start node be session's current browsing context's document element.
auto* start_node = current_browsing_context().active_document();
// 8. If start node is null, return error with error code no such element.
if (!start_node)
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::NoSuchElement, "document element does not exist"sv);
return *start_node;
// 9. Return the result of trying to Find with session, start node, location strategy, and selector.
find(*location_strategy, move(selector), get_start_node, GC::create_function(current_browsing_context().heap(), [this](Web::WebDriver::Response result) {
return JsonValue {};
// 12.3.4 Find Element From Element, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-find-element-from-element
Messages::WebDriverClient::FindElementFromElementResponse WebDriverConnection::find_element_from_element(JsonValue const& payload, String const& element_id)
// 1. Let location strategy be the result of getting a property named "using" from parameters.
auto location_strategy_string = TRY(Web::WebDriver::get_property(payload, "using"sv));
auto location_strategy = Web::WebDriver::location_strategy_from_string(location_strategy_string);
// 2. If location strategy is not present as a keyword in the table of location strategies, return error with error code invalid argument.
if (!location_strategy.has_value())
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::InvalidArgument, ByteString::formatted("Location strategy '{}' is invalid", location_strategy_string));
// 3. Let selector be the result of getting a property named "value" from parameters.
// 4. If selector is undefined, return error with error code invalid argument.
auto selector = TRY(Web::WebDriver::get_property(payload, "value"sv));
// 5. If session's current browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 6. Try to handle any user prompts with session.
handle_any_user_prompts([this, element_id, location_strategy, selector = move(selector)]() mutable {
auto get_start_node = GC::create_function(current_browsing_context().heap(), [this, element_id]() -> ErrorOr<GC::Ref<Web::DOM::ParentNode>, Web::WebDriver::Error> {
// 7. Let start node be the result of trying to get a known element with session and URL variables["element id"].
return Web::WebDriver::get_known_element(current_browsing_context(), element_id);
// 8. Let result be the value of trying to Find with session, start node, location strategy, and selector.
find(*location_strategy, move(selector), get_start_node, GC::create_function(current_browsing_context().heap(), [this](Web::WebDriver::Response result) {
// 9. If result is empty, return error with error code no such element. Otherwise, return the first element of result.
return JsonValue {};
// 12.3.5 Find Elements From Element, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-find-elements-from-element
Messages::WebDriverClient::FindElementsFromElementResponse WebDriverConnection::find_elements_from_element(JsonValue const& payload, String const& element_id)
// 1. Let location strategy be the result of getting a property named "using" from parameters.
auto location_strategy_string = TRY(Web::WebDriver::get_property(payload, "using"sv));
auto location_strategy = Web::WebDriver::location_strategy_from_string(location_strategy_string);
// 2. If location strategy is not present as a keyword in the table of location strategies, return error with error code invalid argument.
if (!location_strategy.has_value())
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::InvalidArgument, ByteString::formatted("Location strategy '{}' is invalid", location_strategy_string));
// 3. Let selector be the result of getting a property named "value" from parameters.
// 4. If selector is undefined, return error with error code invalid argument.
auto selector = TRY(Web::WebDriver::get_property(payload, "value"sv));
// 5. If session's current browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 6. Try to handle any user prompts with session.
handle_any_user_prompts([this, element_id, location_strategy, selector = move(selector)]() mutable {
auto get_start_node = GC::create_function(current_browsing_context().heap(), [this, element_id]() -> ErrorOr<GC::Ref<Web::DOM::ParentNode>, Web::WebDriver::Error> {
// 7. Let start node be the result of trying to get a known element with session and URL variables["element id"].
return Web::WebDriver::get_known_element(current_browsing_context(), element_id);
// 8. Return the result of trying to Find with session, start node, location strategy, and selector.
find(*location_strategy, move(selector), get_start_node, GC::create_function(current_browsing_context().heap(), [this](Web::WebDriver::Response result) {
return JsonValue {};
// 12.3.6 Find Element From Shadow Root, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#find-element-from-shadow-root
Messages::WebDriverClient::FindElementFromShadowRootResponse WebDriverConnection::find_element_from_shadow_root(JsonValue const& payload, String const& shadow_id)
// 1. Let location strategy be the result of getting a property called "using".
auto location_strategy_string = TRY(Web::WebDriver::get_property(payload, "using"sv));
auto location_strategy = Web::WebDriver::location_strategy_from_string(location_strategy_string);
// 2. If location strategy is not present as a keyword in the table of location strategies, return error with error code invalid argument.
if (!location_strategy.has_value())
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::InvalidArgument, ByteString::formatted("Location strategy '{}' is invalid", location_strategy_string));
// 3. Let selector be the result of getting a property called "value".
// 4. If selector is undefined, return error with error code invalid argument.
auto selector = TRY(Web::WebDriver::get_property(payload, "value"sv));
// 5. If the ssession's current browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 6. Handle any user prompts and return its value if it is an error.
handle_any_user_prompts([this, shadow_id, location_strategy, selector = move(selector)]() mutable {
auto get_start_node = GC::create_function(current_browsing_context().heap(), [this, shadow_id]() -> ErrorOr<GC::Ref<Web::DOM::ParentNode>, Web::WebDriver::Error> {
// 7. Let start node be the result of trying to get a known shadow root with session and URL variables["shadow id"].
return Web::WebDriver::get_known_shadow_root(current_browsing_context(), shadow_id);
// 8. Let result be the value of trying to Find with session, start node, location strategy, and selector.
find(*location_strategy, move(selector), get_start_node, GC::create_function(current_browsing_context().heap(), [this](Web::WebDriver::Response result) {
// 9. If result is empty, return error with error code no such element. Otherwise, return the first element of result.
return JsonValue {};
// 12.3.7 Find Elements From Shadow Root, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#find-elements-from-shadow-root
Messages::WebDriverClient::FindElementsFromShadowRootResponse WebDriverConnection::find_elements_from_shadow_root(JsonValue const& payload, String const& shadow_id)
// 1. Let location strategy be the result of getting a property called "using".
auto location_strategy_string = TRY(Web::WebDriver::get_property(payload, "using"sv));
auto location_strategy = Web::WebDriver::location_strategy_from_string(location_strategy_string);
// 2. If location strategy is not present as a keyword in the table of location strategies, return error with error code invalid argument.
if (!location_strategy.has_value())
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::InvalidArgument, ByteString::formatted("Location strategy '{}' is invalid", location_strategy_string));
// 3. Let selector be the result of getting a property called "value".
// 4. If selector is undefined, return error with error code invalid argument.
auto selector = TRY(Web::WebDriver::get_property(payload, "value"sv));
// 5. If session's current browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 6. Handle any user prompts and return its value if it is an error.
handle_any_user_prompts([this, shadow_id, location_strategy, selector = move(selector)]() mutable {
auto get_start_node = GC::create_function(current_browsing_context().heap(), [this, shadow_id]() -> ErrorOr<GC::Ref<Web::DOM::ParentNode>, Web::WebDriver::Error> {
// 7. Let start node be the result of trying to get a known shadow root with session and URL variables["shadow id"].
return Web::WebDriver::get_known_shadow_root(current_browsing_context(), shadow_id);
// 8. Return the result of trying to Find with session, start node, location strategy, and selector.
find(*location_strategy, move(selector), get_start_node, GC::create_function(current_browsing_context().heap(), [this](Web::WebDriver::Response result) {
return JsonValue {};
// 12.3.8 Get Active Element, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#get-active-element
Messages::WebDriverClient::GetActiveElementResponse WebDriverConnection::get_active_element()
// 1. If the current browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 2. Handle any user prompts and return its value if it is an error.
handle_any_user_prompts([this]() {
// 3. Let active element be the active element of the current browsing context’s document element.
auto const* active_element = current_browsing_context().active_document()->active_element();
// 4. If active element is a non-null element, return success with data set to web element reference object for active element.
// Otherwise, return error with error code no such element.
if (active_element) {
auto serialized = Web::WebDriver::web_element_reference_object(current_browsing_context(), *active_element);
async_driver_execution_complete({ move(serialized) });
async_driver_execution_complete(Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::NoSuchElement, "The current document does not have an active element"sv));
return JsonValue {};
// 12.3.9 Get Element Shadow Root, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#get-element-shadow-root
Messages::WebDriverClient::GetElementShadowRootResponse WebDriverConnection::get_element_shadow_root(String const& element_id)
// 1. If session's current browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 2. Handle any user prompts and return its value if it is an error.
handle_any_user_prompts([this, element_id]() {
// 3. Let element be the result of trying to get a known element with session and URL variables[element id].
auto element = WEBDRIVER_TRY(Web::WebDriver::get_known_element(current_browsing_context(), element_id));
// 4. Let shadow root be element's shadow root.
auto shadow_root = element->shadow_root();
// 5. If shadow root is null, return error with error code no such shadow root.
if (!shadow_root) {
async_driver_execution_complete(Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::NoSuchShadowRoot, ByteString::formatted("Element with ID '{}' does not have a shadow root", element_id)));
// 6. Let serialized be the shadow root reference object for session and shadow root.
auto serialized = Web::WebDriver::shadow_root_reference_object(current_browsing_context(), *shadow_root);
// 7. Return success with data serialized.
async_driver_execution_complete({ move(serialized) });
return JsonValue {};
// 12.4.1 Is Element Selected, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-is-element-selected
Messages::WebDriverClient::IsElementSelectedResponse WebDriverConnection::is_element_selected(String const& element_id)
// 1. If the current browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 2. Handle any user prompts and return its value if it is an error.
handle_any_user_prompts([this, element_id]() {
// 3. Let element be the result of trying to get a known connected element with url variable element id.
auto element = WEBDRIVER_TRY(Web::WebDriver::get_known_element(current_browsing_context(), element_id));
// 4. Let selected be the value corresponding to the first matching statement:
bool selected = false;
// element is an input element with a type attribute in the Checkbox- or Radio Button state
if (is<Web::HTML::HTMLInputElement>(*element)) {
// -> The result of element’s checkedness.
auto& input = static_cast<Web::HTML::HTMLInputElement&>(*element);
using enum Web::HTML::HTMLInputElement::TypeAttributeState;
if (input.type_state() == Checkbox || input.type_state() == RadioButton)
selected = input.checked();
// element is an option element
else if (is<Web::HTML::HTMLOptionElement>(*element)) {
// -> The result of element’s selectedness.
selected = static_cast<Web::HTML::HTMLOptionElement&>(*element).selected();
// Otherwise
// -> False.
// 5. Return success with data selected.
async_driver_execution_complete({ selected });
return JsonValue {};
// 12.4.2 Get Element Attribute, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-get-element-attribute
Messages::WebDriverClient::GetElementAttributeResponse WebDriverConnection::get_element_attribute(String const& element_id, String const& name)
// 1. If session's current browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 2. Try to handle any user prompts with session.
handle_any_user_prompts([this, element_id, name]() {
// 3. Let element be the result of trying to get a known element with session and URL variables' element id.
auto element = WEBDRIVER_TRY(Web::WebDriver::get_known_element(current_browsing_context(), element_id));
// 4. Let name be URL variables["name"].
// 5. Let result be the result of the first matching condition:
String result {};
// -> If name is a boolean attribute
if (Web::HTML::is_boolean_attribute(name)) {
// "true" (string) if the element hasAttribute() with name, otherwise null.
if (element->has_attribute(name))
result = "true"_string;
// -> Otherwise
else {
// The result of getting an attribute by name name.
if (auto attr = element->get_attribute(name); attr.has_value())
result = attr.release_value();
// 5. Return success with data result.
async_driver_execution_complete({ result.to_byte_string() });
return JsonValue {};
// 12.4.3 Get Element Property, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-get-element-property
Messages::WebDriverClient::GetElementPropertyResponse WebDriverConnection::get_element_property(String const& element_id, String const& name)
// 1. If session's current browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 2. Try to handle any user prompts with session.
handle_any_user_prompts([this, element_id, name]() {
Web::WebDriver::Response result { JsonValue {} };
// 3. Let element be the result of trying to get a known element with session and URL variables' element id.
auto element = WEBDRIVER_TRY(Web::WebDriver::get_known_element(current_browsing_context(), element_id));
// 4. Let name URL variables["name"].
// 5. Let property be the result of calling the Object.[[GetProperty]](name) on element.
Web::HTML::TemporaryExecutionContext execution_context { current_browsing_context().active_document()->realm() };
if (auto property_or_error = element->get(name.to_byte_string()); !property_or_error.is_throw_completion()) {
auto property = property_or_error.release_value();
// 6. Let result be the value of property if not undefined, or null.
if (!property.is_undefined())
result = Web::WebDriver::json_clone(current_browsing_context(), property);
// 7. Return success with data result.
return JsonValue {};
// 12.4.4 Get Element CSS Value, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-get-element-css-value
Messages::WebDriverClient::GetElementCssValueResponse WebDriverConnection::get_element_css_value(String const& element_id, String const& name)
// 1. If session's current browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 2. Try to handle any user prompts with session.
handle_any_user_prompts([this, element_id, name]() {
// 3. Let element be the result of trying to get a known element with URL variables["element id"].
auto element = WEBDRIVER_TRY(Web::WebDriver::get_known_element(current_browsing_context(), element_id));
// 4. Let computed value be the result of the first matching condition:
String computed_value;
// -> session's current browsing context's active document's type is not "xml"
if (auto* document = current_browsing_context().active_document(); !document->is_xml_document()) {
// computed value of parameter URL variables["property name"] from element's style declarations.
if (auto property = Web::CSS::property_id_from_string(name); property.has_value()) {
if (auto computed_values = element->computed_css_values(); computed_values.has_value())
computed_value = computed_values->property(property.value()).to_string();
// -> Otherwise
// "" (empty string)
// 5. Return success with data computed value.
async_driver_execution_complete({ computed_value.to_byte_string() });
return JsonValue {};
// 12.4.5 Get Element Text, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-get-element-text
Messages::WebDriverClient::GetElementTextResponse WebDriverConnection::get_element_text(String const& element_id)
// 1. If the current browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 2. Handle any user prompts and return its value if it is an error.
handle_any_user_prompts([this, element_id]() {
// 3. Let element be the result of trying to get a known connected element with url variable element id.
auto element = WEBDRIVER_TRY(Web::WebDriver::get_known_element(current_browsing_context(), element_id));
// 4. Let rendered text be the result of performing implementation-specific steps whose result is exactly the
// same as the result of a Function.[[Call]](null, element) with bot.dom.getVisibleText as the this value.
auto rendered_text = Web::WebDriver::element_rendered_text(element);
// 5. Return success with data rendered text.
async_driver_execution_complete({ rendered_text.to_byte_string() });
return JsonValue {};
// 12.4.6 Get Element Tag Name, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-get-element-tag-name
Messages::WebDriverClient::GetElementTagNameResponse WebDriverConnection::get_element_tag_name(String const& element_id)
// 1. If session's current browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 2. Try to handle any user prompts with session.
handle_any_user_prompts([this, element_id]() {
// 3. Let element be the result of trying to get a known element with URL variables["element id"].
auto element = WEBDRIVER_TRY(Web::WebDriver::get_known_element(current_browsing_context(), element_id));
// 4. Let qualified name be the result of getting element's tagName IDL attribute.
// FIXME: Spec-issue: The tagName attribute is uppercase, but lowercase is used in other engines.
// https://github.com/web-platform-tests/wpt/issues/16830
auto qualified_name = element->local_name();
// 5. Return success with data qualified name.
async_driver_execution_complete({ qualified_name.to_string().to_byte_string() });
return JsonValue {};
// 12.4.7 Get Element Rect, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-get-element-rect
Messages::WebDriverClient::GetElementRectResponse WebDriverConnection::get_element_rect(String const& element_id)
// 1. If the current browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 2. Handle any user prompts and return its value if it is an error.
handle_any_user_prompts([this, element_id]() {
// 3. Let element be the result of trying to get a known connected element with url variable element id.
auto element = WEBDRIVER_TRY(Web::WebDriver::get_known_element(current_browsing_context(), element_id));
// 4. Calculate the absolute position of element and let it be coordinates.
// 5. Let rect be element’s bounding rectangle.
auto rect = calculate_absolute_rect_of_element(*element);
// 6. Let body be a new JSON Object initialized with:
// "x"
// The first value of coordinates.
// "y"
// The second value of coordinates.
// "width"
// Value of rect’s width dimension.
// "height"
// Value of rect’s height dimension.
auto body = serialize_rect(rect);
// 7. Return success with data body.
return JsonValue {};
// 12.4.8 Is Element Enabled, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-is-element-enabled
Messages::WebDriverClient::IsElementEnabledResponse WebDriverConnection::is_element_enabled(String const& element_id)
// 1. If the current browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 2. Handle any user prompts and return its value if it is an error.
handle_any_user_prompts([this, element_id]() {
// 3. Let element be the result of trying to get a known connected element with url variable element id.
auto element = WEBDRIVER_TRY(Web::WebDriver::get_known_element(current_browsing_context(), element_id));
// 4. Let enabled be a boolean initially set to true if the current browsing context’s active document’s type is not "xml".
// 5. Otherwise, let enabled to false and jump to the last step of this algorithm.
bool enabled = !current_browsing_context().active_document()->is_xml_document();
// 6. Set enabled to false if a form control is disabled.
if (enabled && is<Web::HTML::FormAssociatedElement>(*element)) {
auto& form_associated_element = dynamic_cast<Web::HTML::FormAssociatedElement&>(*element);
enabled = form_associated_element.enabled();
// 7. Return success with data enabled.
async_driver_execution_complete({ enabled });
return JsonValue {};
// 12.4.9 Get Computed Role, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-get-computed-role
Messages::WebDriverClient::GetComputedRoleResponse WebDriverConnection::get_computed_role(String const& element_id)
// 1. If the current top-level browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 2. Handle any user prompts and return its value if it is an error.
handle_any_user_prompts([this, element_id]() {
// 3. Let element be the result of trying to get a known connected element with url variable element id.
auto element = WEBDRIVER_TRY(Web::WebDriver::get_known_element(current_browsing_context(), element_id));
// 4. Let role be the result of computing the WAI-ARIA role of element.
auto role = element->role_or_default();
// 5. Return success with data role.
if (role.has_value()) {
async_driver_execution_complete({ Web::ARIA::role_name(*role) });
async_driver_execution_complete(JsonValue {});
return JsonValue {};
// 12.4.10 Get Computed Label, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#get-computed-label
Messages::WebDriverClient::GetComputedLabelResponse WebDriverConnection::get_computed_label(String const& element_id)
// 1. If the current browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 2. Handle any user prompts and return its value if it is an error.
handle_any_user_prompts([this, element_id]() {
// 3. Let element be the result of trying to get a known element with url variable element id.
auto element = WEBDRIVER_TRY(Web::WebDriver::get_known_element(current_browsing_context(), element_id));
// 4. Let label be the result of a Accessible Name and Description Computation for the Accessible Name of the element.
auto label = element->accessible_name(element->document()).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors();
// 5. Return success with data label.
async_driver_execution_complete({ label.to_byte_string() });
return JsonValue {};
// 12.5.1 Element Click, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#element-click
Messages::WebDriverClient::ElementClickResponse WebDriverConnection::element_click(String const& element_id)
// 1. If the current browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 2. Handle any user prompts and return its value if it is an error.
handle_any_user_prompts([this, element_id]() {
return JsonValue {};
Web::WebDriver::Response WebDriverConnection::element_click_impl(String const& element_id)
// 3. Let element be the result of trying to get a known element with element id.
auto element = TRY(Web::WebDriver::get_known_element(current_browsing_context(), element_id));
// 4. If the element is an input element in the file upload state return error with error code invalid argument.
if (is<Web::HTML::HTMLInputElement>(*element)) {
// -> The result of element’s checkedness.
auto& input = static_cast<Web::HTML::HTMLInputElement&>(*element);
using enum Web::HTML::HTMLInputElement::TypeAttributeState;
if (input.type_state() == FileUpload)
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::InvalidArgument, "Clicking on an input element in the file upload state is not supported"sv);
// 5. Scroll into view the element’s container.
auto element_container = container_for_element(*element);
auto paint_tree = Web::WebDriver::pointer_interactable_tree(current_browsing_context(), *element_container);
// 6. If element’s container is still not in view, return error with error code element not interactable.
if (!Web::WebDriver::is_element_in_view(paint_tree, *element_container))
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::ElementNotInteractable, "Could not bring element into view"sv);
// 7. If element’s container is obscured by another element, return error with error code element click intercepted.
if (Web::WebDriver::is_element_obscured(paint_tree, *element_container))
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::ElementClickIntercepted, "Element is obscured by another element"sv);
auto on_complete = GC::create_function(current_browsing_context().heap(), [this](Web::WebDriver::Response result) {
// 9. Wait until the user agent event loop has spun enough times to process the DOM events generated by the
// previous step.
m_action_executor = nullptr;
// FIXME: 10. Perform implementation-defined steps to allow any navigations triggered by the click to start.
// 11. Try to wait for navigation to complete.
wait_for_navigation_to_complete(GC::create_function(current_browsing_context().heap(), [this, result = move(result)](Web::WebDriver::Response navigation_result) mutable {
// FIXME: 12. Try to run the post-navigation checks.
// 8. Matching on element:
// -> option element
if (is<Web::HTML::HTMLOptionElement>(*element)) {
auto& option_element = static_cast<Web::HTML::HTMLOptionElement&>(*element);
// 1. Let parent node be the element’s container.
auto parent_node = element_container;
// 2. Fire a mouseOver event at parent node.
fire_an_event<Web::UIEvents::MouseEvent>(Web::UIEvents::EventNames::mouseover, parent_node);
// 3. Fire a mouseMove event at parent node.
fire_an_event<Web::UIEvents::MouseEvent>(Web::UIEvents::EventNames::mousemove, parent_node);
// 4. Fire a mouseDown event at parent node.
fire_an_event<Web::UIEvents::MouseEvent>(Web::UIEvents::EventNames::mousedown, parent_node);
// 5. Run the focusing steps on parent node.
Web::HTML::run_focusing_steps(parent_node.has_value() ? &*parent_node : nullptr);
// 6. If element is not disabled:
if (!option_element.is_actually_disabled()) {
// 1. Fire an input event at parent node.
fire_an_event<Web::DOM::Event>(Web::HTML::EventNames::input, parent_node);
// 2. Let previous selectedness be equal to element selectedness.
auto previous_selectedness = option_element.selected();
// 3. If element’s container has the multiple attribute, toggle the element’s selectedness state
// by setting it to the opposite value of its current selectedness.
if (parent_node.has_value() && parent_node->has_attribute(Web::HTML::AttributeNames::multiple)) {
// Otherwise, set the element’s selectedness state to true.
else {
// 4. If previous selectedness is false, fire a change event at parent node.
if (!previous_selectedness) {
fire_an_event<Web::DOM::Event>(Web::HTML::EventNames::change, parent_node);
// 7. Fire a mouseUp event at parent node.
fire_an_event<Web::UIEvents::MouseEvent>(Web::UIEvents::EventNames::mouseup, parent_node);
// 8. Fire a click event at parent node.
fire_an_event<Web::UIEvents::MouseEvent>(Web::UIEvents::EventNames::click, parent_node);
Web::HTML::queue_a_task(Web::HTML::Task::Source::Unspecified, nullptr, nullptr, GC::create_function(current_browsing_context().heap(), [on_complete]() {
on_complete->function()(JsonValue {});
// -> Otherwise
else {
// 1. Let input state be the result of get the input state given current session and current top-level
// browsing context.
auto& input_state = Web::WebDriver::get_input_state(*current_top_level_browsing_context());
// 2. Let actions options be a new actions options with the is element origin steps set to represents a web
// element, and the get element origin steps set to get a WebElement origin.
Web::WebDriver::ActionsOptions actions_options {
.is_element_origin = &Web::WebDriver::represents_a_web_element,
.get_element_origin = &Web::WebDriver::get_web_element_origin,
// 3. Let input id be a the result of generating a UUID.
auto input_id = MUST(Web::Crypto::generate_random_uuid());
// 4. Let source be the result of create an input source with input state, and "pointer".
auto source = Web::WebDriver::create_input_source(input_state, Web::WebDriver::InputSourceType::Pointer, Web::WebDriver::PointerInputSource::Subtype::Mouse);
// 5. Add an input source with input state, input id and source.
Web::WebDriver::add_input_source(input_state, input_id, move(source));
// 6. Let click point be the element’s in-view center point.
// FIXME: Spec-issue: This parameter is unused. Note that it would not correct to set the mouse move action
// position to this click point. The [0,0] specified below is ultimately interpreted as an offset from
// the element's center position.
// https://github.com/w3c/webdriver/issues/1563
// 7. Let pointer move action be an action object constructed with arguments input id, "pointer", and "pointerMove".
Web::WebDriver::ActionObject pointer_move_action { input_id, Web::WebDriver::InputSourceType::Pointer, Web::WebDriver::ActionObject::Subtype::PointerMove };
// 8. Set a property x to 0 on pointer move action.
// 9. Set a property y to 0 on pointer move action.
pointer_move_action.pointer_move_fields().position = { 0, 0 };
// 10. Set a property origin to element on pointer move action.
auto origin = Web::WebDriver::get_or_create_a_web_element_reference(current_browsing_context(), *element);
pointer_move_action.pointer_move_fields().origin = MUST(String::from_byte_string(origin));
// 11. Let pointer down action be an action object constructed with arguments input id, "pointer", and "pointerDown".
Web::WebDriver::ActionObject pointer_down_action { input_id, Web::WebDriver::InputSourceType::Pointer, Web::WebDriver::ActionObject::Subtype::PointerDown };
// 12. Set a property button to 0 on pointer down action.
pointer_down_action.pointer_up_down_fields().button = Web::UIEvents::button_code_to_mouse_button(0);
// 13. Let pointer up action be an action object constructed with arguments input id, "pointer", and "pointerUp" as arguments.
Web::WebDriver::ActionObject pointer_up_action { input_id, Web::WebDriver::InputSourceType::Pointer, Web::WebDriver::ActionObject::Subtype::PointerUp };
// 14. Set a property button to 0 on pointer up action.
pointer_up_action.pointer_up_down_fields().button = Web::UIEvents::button_code_to_mouse_button(0);
// 15. Let actions be the list «pointer move action, pointer down action, pointer up action».
Vector actions { move(pointer_move_action), move(pointer_down_action), move(pointer_up_action) };
// 16. Dispatch a list of actions with input state, actions, current browsing context, and actions options.
m_action_executor = Web::WebDriver::dispatch_list_of_actions(input_state, move(actions), current_browsing_context(), move(actions_options), GC::create_function(current_browsing_context().heap(), [on_complete, &input_state, input_id = move(input_id)](Web::WebDriver::Response result) {
// 17. Remove an input source with input state and input id.
Web::WebDriver::remove_input_source(input_state, input_id);
// 13. Return success with data null.
return JsonValue {};
// 12.5.2 Element Clear, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-element-clear
Messages::WebDriverClient::ElementClearResponse WebDriverConnection::element_clear(String const& element_id)
// 1. If session's current browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 2. Try to handle any user prompts with session.
handle_any_user_prompts([this, element_id]() {
return JsonValue {};
Web::WebDriver::Response WebDriverConnection::element_clear_impl(String const& element_id)
// https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-clear-a-content-editable-element
auto clear_content_editable_element = [&](Web::DOM::Element& element) {
// 1. If element's innerHTML IDL attribute is an empty string do nothing and return.
if (auto result = element.inner_html(); result.is_error() || result.value().is_empty())
// 2. Run the focusing steps for element.
// 3. Set element's innerHTML IDL attribute to an empty string.
// 4. Run the unfocusing steps for the element.
// https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-clear-a-resettable-element
auto clear_resettable_element = [&](Web::DOM::Element& element) {
auto& form_associated_element = dynamic_cast<Web::HTML::FormAssociatedElement&>(element);
// 1. Let empty be the result of the first matching condition:
auto empty = [&]() {
// -> element is an input element whose type attribute is in the File Upload state
// True if the list of selected files has a length of 0, and false otherwise
if (is<Web::HTML::HTMLInputElement>(element)) {
auto& input_element = static_cast<Web::HTML::HTMLInputElement&>(element);
if (input_element.type_state() == Web::HTML::HTMLInputElement::TypeAttributeState::FileUpload)
return input_element.files()->length() == 0;
// -> otherwise
// True if its value IDL attribute is an empty string, and false otherwise.
return form_associated_element.value().is_empty();
// 2. If element is a candidate for constraint validation it satisfies its constraints, and empty is true,
// abort these substeps.
// FIXME: Implement constraint validation.
if (empty)
// 3. Invoke the focusing steps for element.
// 4. Invoke the clear algorithm for element.
// 5. Invoke the unfocusing steps for the element.
// 3. Let element be the result of trying to get a known element with session and element id.
auto element = TRY(Web::WebDriver::get_known_element(current_browsing_context(), element_id));
// 4. If element is not editable, return an error with error code invalid element state.
if (!Web::WebDriver::is_element_editable(*element))
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::InvalidElementState, "Element is not editable"sv);
// 5. Scroll into view the element.
// FIXME: 6. Let timeout be session's session timeouts' implicit wait timeout.
// FIXME: 7. Let timer be a new timer.
// FIXME: 8. If timeout is not null:
// FIXME: 1. Start the timer with timer and timeout.
// FIXME: 9. Wait for element to become interactable, or timer's timeout fired flag to be set, whichever occurs first.
// 10. If element is not interactable, return error with error code element not interactable.
if (!Web::WebDriver::is_element_interactable(current_browsing_context(), *element))
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::ElementNotInteractable, "Element is not interactable"sv);
// 11. Run the substeps of the first matching statement:
// -> element is a mutable form control element
if (Web::WebDriver::is_element_mutable_form_control(*element)) {
// Invoke the steps to clear a resettable element.
// -> element is a mutable element
else if (Web::WebDriver::is_element_mutable(*element)) {
// Invoke the steps to clear a content editable element.
// -> otherwise
else {
// Return error with error code invalid element state.
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::InvalidElementState, "Element is not editable"sv);
// 12. Return success with data null.
return JsonValue {};
// 12.5.3 Element Send Keys, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-element-send-keys
Messages::WebDriverClient::ElementSendKeysResponse WebDriverConnection::element_send_keys(String const& element_id, JsonValue const& payload)
// 1. Let text be the result of getting a property named "text" from parameters.
// 2. If text is not a String, return an error with error code invalid argument.
auto text = TRY(Web::WebDriver::get_property(payload, "text"sv));
// 3. If session's current browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 4. Try to handle any user prompts with session.
handle_any_user_prompts([this, element_id, text = move(text)]() {
WEBDRIVER_TRY(element_send_keys_impl(element_id, text));
return JsonValue {};
Web::WebDriver::Response WebDriverConnection::element_send_keys_impl(String const& element_id, ByteString const& text)
// 5. Let element be the result of trying to get a known element with session and URL variables[element id].
auto element = TRY(Web::WebDriver::get_known_element(current_browsing_context(), element_id));
// 6. Let file be true if element is input element in the file upload state, or false otherwise.
auto file = is<Web::HTML::HTMLInputElement>(*element) && static_cast<Web::HTML::HTMLInputElement&>(*element).type_state() == Web::HTML::HTMLInputElement::TypeAttributeState::FileUpload;
// 7. If file is false or the session's strict file interactability, is true run the following substeps:
if (!file || m_strict_file_interactability) {
// 1. Scroll into view the element.
// FIXME: 2. Let timeout be session's session timeouts' implicit wait timeout.
// FIXME: 3. Let timer be a new timer.
// FIXME: 4. If timeout is not null:
// FIXME: 1. Start the timer with timer and timeout.
// FIXME: 5. Wait for element to become keyboard-interactable, or timer's timeout fired flag to be set, whichever occurs first.
// 6. If element is not keyboard-interactable, return error with error code element not interactable.
if (!Web::WebDriver::is_element_keyboard_interactable(*element))
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::ElementNotInteractable, "Element is not keyboard-interactable"sv);
// 7. If element is not the active element run the focusing steps for the element.
if (!element->is_active())
// 8. Run the substeps of the first matching condition:
// -> file is true
if (file) {
auto& input_element = static_cast<Web::HTML::HTMLInputElement&>(*element);
// 1. Let files be the result of splitting text on the newline (\n) character.
auto files = text.split('\n');
// 2. If files is of 0 length, return an error with error code invalid argument.
if (files.is_empty())
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::InvalidArgument, "File list is empty"sv);
// 3. Let multiple equal the result of calling hasAttribute() with "multiple" on element.
auto multiple = input_element.has_attribute(Web::HTML::AttributeNames::multiple);
// 4. if multiple is false and the length of files is not equal to 1, return an error with error code invalid argument.
if (!multiple && files.size() != 1)
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::InvalidArgument, "Element does not accept multiple files"sv);
// 5. Verify that each file given by the user exists. If any do not, return error with error code invalid argument.
// 6. Complete implementation specific steps equivalent to setting the selected files on the input element. If
// multiple is true files are be appended to element's selected files.
auto create_selected_file = [](auto const& path) -> ErrorOr<Web::HTML::SelectedFile> {
auto file = TRY(Core::File::open(path, Core::File::OpenMode::Read));
auto contents = TRY(file->read_until_eof());
return Web::HTML::SelectedFile { LexicalPath::basename(path), move(contents) };
Vector<Web::HTML::SelectedFile> selected_files;
for (auto const& path : files) {
auto selected_file = create_selected_file(path);
if (selected_file.is_error())
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::InvalidArgument, ByteString::formatted("'{}' does not exist", path));
input_element.did_select_files(selected_files, Web::HTML::HTMLInputElement::MultipleHandling::Append);
// 7. Fire these events in order on element:
// 1. input
// 2. change
// NOTE: These events are fired by `did_select_files` as an element task. So instead of firing them here, we spin
// the event loop once before informing the client that the action is complete.
Web::HTML::queue_a_task(Web::HTML::Task::Source::Unspecified, nullptr, nullptr, GC::create_function(current_browsing_context().heap(), [this]() {
async_driver_execution_complete(JsonValue {});
// 8. Return success with data null.
return JsonValue {};
// -> element is a non-typeable form control
else if (Web::WebDriver::is_element_non_typeable_form_control(*element)) {
// 1. If element does not have an own property named value return an error with error code element not interactable
if (!is<Web::HTML::HTMLInputElement>(*element))
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::ElementNotInteractable, "Element does not have a property named 'value'"sv);
auto& input_element = static_cast<Web::HTML::HTMLInputElement&>(*element);
// 2. If element is not mutable return an error with error code element not interactable.
if (input_element.is_mutable())
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::ElementNotInteractable, "Element is immutable"sv);
// 3. Set a property value to text on element.
// FIXME: 4. If element is suffering from bad input return an error with error code invalid argument.
// 5. Return success with data null.
async_driver_execution_complete(JsonValue {});
return JsonValue {};
// -> element is content editable
else if (is<Web::HTML::HTMLElement>(*element) && static_cast<Web::HTML::HTMLElement&>(*element).is_content_editable()) {
// If element does not currently have focus, set the text insertion caret after any child content.
auto* document = current_browsing_context().active_document();
// -> otherwise
else if (is<Web::HTML::FormAssociatedTextControlElement>(*element)) {
Optional<Web::HTML::FormAssociatedTextControlElement&> target;
if (is<Web::HTML::HTMLInputElement>(*element))
target = static_cast<Web::HTML::HTMLInputElement&>(*element);
else if (is<Web::HTML::HTMLTextAreaElement>(*element))
target = static_cast<Web::HTML::HTMLTextAreaElement&>(*element);
// NOTE: The spec doesn't dictate this, but these steps only make sense for form-associated text elements.
if (target.has_value()) {
// 1. If element does not currently have focus, let current text length be the length of element's API value.
Optional<Web::WebIDL::UnsignedLong> current_text_length;
if (element->is_focused()) {
auto api_value = target->relevant_value();
// FIXME: This should be a UTF-16 code unit length, but `set_the_selection_range` is also currently
// implemented in terms of code point length.
current_text_length = api_value.code_points().length();
// 2. Set the text insertion caret using set selection range using current text length for both the start
// and end parameters.
(void)target->set_selection_range(current_text_length, current_text_length, {});
// 9. Let input state be the result of get the input state with session and session's current top-level browsing context.
auto& input_state = Web::WebDriver::get_input_state(*current_top_level_browsing_context());
// 10. Let input id be a the result of generating a UUID.
auto input_id = MUST(Web::Crypto::generate_random_uuid());
// 11. Let source be the result of create an input source with input state, and "key".
auto source = Web::WebDriver::create_input_source(input_state, Web::WebDriver::InputSourceType::Key, {});
// 12. Add an input source with input state, input id and source.
Web::WebDriver::add_input_source(input_state, input_id, move(source));
// 13. Dispatch actions for a string with arguments input state, input id, and source, text, and session's current browsing context.
m_action_executor = Web::WebDriver::dispatch_actions_for_a_string(input_state, input_id, source, text, current_browsing_context(), GC::create_function(current_browsing_context().heap(), [this, &input_state, input_id](Web::WebDriver::Response result) {
m_action_executor = nullptr;
// 14. Remove an input source with input state and input id.
Web::WebDriver::remove_input_source(input_state, input_id);
// 15. Return success with data null.
return JsonValue {};
// 13.1 Get Page Source, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-get-page-source
Messages::WebDriverClient::GetSourceResponse WebDriverConnection::get_source()
// 1. If session's current browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 2. Try to handle any user prompts with session.
handle_any_user_prompts([this]() {
auto* document = current_browsing_context().active_document();
Optional<String> source;
// 3. Let source be the result of invoking the fragment serializing algorithm on a fictional node whose only
// child is the document element providing true for the require well-formed flag. If this causes an exception
// to be thrown, let source be null.
if (auto result = document->document_element()->serialize_fragment(Web::DOMParsing::RequireWellFormed::Yes, Web::DOM::FragmentSerializationMode::Outer); !result.is_error())
source = result.release_value();
// 4. Let source be the result of serializing to string session's current browsing context's active document,
// if source is null.
if (!source.has_value())
source = MUST(document->serialize_fragment(Web::DOMParsing::RequireWellFormed::No));
// 5. Return success with data source.
async_driver_execution_complete({ source->to_byte_string() });
return JsonValue {};
// 13.2.1 Execute Script, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-execute-script
Messages::WebDriverClient::ExecuteScriptResponse WebDriverConnection::execute_script(JsonValue const& payload)
auto* window = current_browsing_context().active_window();
auto& vm = window->vm();
// 1. Let body and arguments be the result of trying to extract the script arguments from a request with argument parameters.
auto [body, arguments] = TRY(extract_the_script_arguments_from_a_request(vm, payload));
// 2. If the current browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 3. Handle any user prompts, and return its value if it is an error.
handle_any_user_prompts([this, body = move(body), arguments = move(arguments)]() mutable {
m_has_pending_script_execution = true;
// 4. Let timeout be session's session timeouts' script timeout.
auto timeout_ms = m_timeouts_configuration.script_timeout;
// This handles steps 5 to 9 and produces the appropriate result type for the following steps.
Web::WebDriver::execute_script(current_browsing_context(), move(body), move(arguments), timeout_ms, GC::create_function(current_browsing_context().heap(), [this](Web::WebDriver::ExecutionResult result) {
dbgln_if(WEBDRIVER_DEBUG, "Executing script returned: {}", result.value);
return JsonValue {};
// 13.2.2 Execute Async Script, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-execute-async-script
Messages::WebDriverClient::ExecuteAsyncScriptResponse WebDriverConnection::execute_async_script(JsonValue const& payload)
auto* window = current_browsing_context().active_window();
auto& vm = window->vm();
// 1. Let body and arguments by the result of trying to extract the script arguments from a request with argument parameters.
auto [body, arguments] = TRY(extract_the_script_arguments_from_a_request(vm, payload));
// 2. If the current browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 3. Handle any user prompts, and return its value if it is an error.
handle_any_user_prompts([this, body = move(body), arguments = move(arguments)]() mutable {
m_has_pending_script_execution = true;
// 4. Let timeout be session's session timeouts' script timeout.
auto timeout_ms = m_timeouts_configuration.script_timeout;
// This handles steps 5 to 9 and produces the appropriate result type for the following steps.
Web::WebDriver::execute_async_script(current_browsing_context(), move(body), move(arguments), timeout_ms, GC::create_function(current_browsing_context().heap(), [&](Web::WebDriver::ExecutionResult result) {
dbgln_if(WEBDRIVER_DEBUG, "Executing async script returned: {}", result.value);
return JsonValue {};
void WebDriverConnection::handle_script_response(Web::WebDriver::ExecutionResult result)
if (!m_has_pending_script_execution)
m_has_pending_script_execution = false;
auto response = [&]() -> Web::WebDriver::Response {
switch (result.state) {
// 10. If promise is still pending and timer's timeout fired flag is set, return error with error code script
// timeout.
case JS::Promise::State::Pending:
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::ScriptTimeoutError, "Script timed out");
// 11. If promise is fulfilled with value v, let result be JSON clone with session and v, and return success
// with data result.
case JS::Promise::State::Fulfilled:
return Web::WebDriver::json_clone(current_browsing_context(), result.value);
// 12. If promise is rejected with reason r, let result be JSON clone with session and r, and return error
// with error code javascript error and data result.
case JS::Promise::State::Rejected: {
auto reason = TRY(Web::WebDriver::json_clone(current_browsing_context(), result.value));
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::JavascriptError, "Script returned an error", move(reason));
// 14.1 Get All Cookies, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-get-all-cookies
Messages::WebDriverClient::GetAllCookiesResponse WebDriverConnection::get_all_cookies()
// 1. If the current browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 2. Handle any user prompts, and return its value if it is an error.
handle_any_user_prompts([this]() {
// 3. Let cookies be a new JSON List.
JsonArray cookies;
// 4. For each cookie in all associated cookies of the current browsing context’s active document:
auto* document = current_browsing_context().active_document();
for (auto const& cookie : current_browsing_context().page().client().page_did_request_all_cookies(document->url())) {
// 1. Let serialized cookie be the result of serializing cookie.
auto serialized_cookie = serialize_cookie(cookie);
// 2. Append serialized cookie to cookies
// 5. Return success with data cookies.
async_driver_execution_complete({ move(cookies) });
return JsonValue {};
// 14.2 Get Named Cookie, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-get-named-cookie
Messages::WebDriverClient::GetNamedCookieResponse WebDriverConnection::get_named_cookie(String const& name)
// 1. If the current browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 2. Handle any user prompts, and return its value if it is an error.
handle_any_user_prompts([this, name]() {
// 3. If the url variable name is equal to a cookie’s cookie name amongst all associated cookies of the current browsing context’s active document, return success with the serialized cookie as data.
auto* document = current_browsing_context().active_document();
if (auto cookie = current_browsing_context().page().client().page_did_request_named_cookie(document->url(), name); cookie.has_value()) {
auto serialized_cookie = serialize_cookie(*cookie);
// 4. Otherwise, return error with error code no such cookie.
async_driver_execution_complete(Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::NoSuchCookie, ByteString::formatted("Cookie '{}' not found", name)));
return JsonValue {};
// 14.3 Add Cookie, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-adding-a-cookie
Messages::WebDriverClient::AddCookieResponse WebDriverConnection::add_cookie(JsonValue const& payload)
// 1. Let data be the result of getting a property named cookie from the parameters argument.
auto const& data = *TRY(Web::WebDriver::get_property<JsonObject const*>(payload, "cookie"sv));
// 2. If data is not a JSON Object with all the required (non-optional) JSON keys listed in the table for cookie conversion, return error with error code invalid argument.
// NOTE: This validation is performed in subsequent steps.
// 3. If the current browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 4. Handle any user prompts, and return its value if it is an error.
handle_any_user_prompts([this, data = move(const_cast<JsonObject&>(data))]() {
return JsonValue {};
Web::WebDriver::Response WebDriverConnection::add_cookie_impl(JsonObject const& data)
auto* document = current_browsing_context().active_document();
// 5. If the current browsing context’s document element is a cookie-averse Document object, return error with
// error code invalid cookie domain.
if (document->is_cookie_averse())
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::InvalidCookieDomain, "Document is cookie-averse"sv);
// 6. If cookie name or cookie value is null, cookie domain is not equal to the current browsing context’s active
// document’s domain, cookie secure only or cookie HTTP only are not boolean types, or cookie expiry time is not
// an integer type, or it less than 0 or greater than the maximum safe integer, return error with error code
// invalid argument.
// NOTE: This validation is either performed in subsequent steps.
// 7. Create a cookie in the cookie store associated with the active document’s address using cookie name name, cookie value value, and an attribute-value list of the following cookie concepts listed in the table for cookie conversion from data:
Web::Cookie::ParsedCookie cookie {};
cookie.name = MUST(String::from_byte_string(TRY(Web::WebDriver::get_property(data, "name"sv))));
cookie.value = MUST(String::from_byte_string(TRY(Web::WebDriver::get_property(data, "value"sv))));
// Cookie path
// The value if the entry exists, otherwise "/".
if (data.has("path"sv))
cookie.path = MUST(String::from_byte_string(TRY(Web::WebDriver::get_property(data, "path"sv))));
cookie.path = "/"_string;
// Cookie domain
// The value if the entry exists, otherwise the current browsing context’s active document’s URL domain.
// NOTE: The otherwise case is handled by the CookieJar
if (data.has("domain"sv)) {
cookie.domain = MUST(String::from_byte_string(TRY(Web::WebDriver::get_property(data, "domain"sv))));
// FIXME: Spec issue: We must return InvalidCookieDomain for invalid domains, rather than InvalidArgument.
// https://github.com/w3c/webdriver/issues/1570
if (!Web::Cookie::domain_matches(*cookie.domain, document->domain()))
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::InvalidCookieDomain, "Cookie domain does not match document domain"sv);
// Cookie secure only
// The value if the entry exists, otherwise false.
if (data.has("secure"sv))
cookie.secure_attribute_present = TRY(Web::WebDriver::get_property<bool>(data, "secure"sv));
// Cookie HTTP only
// The value if the entry exists, otherwise false.
if (data.has("httpOnly"sv))
cookie.http_only_attribute_present = TRY(Web::WebDriver::get_property<bool>(data, "httpOnly"sv));
// Cookie expiry time
// The value if the entry exists, otherwise leave unset to indicate that this is a session cookie.
if (data.has("expiry"sv)) {
auto expiry = TRY(Web::WebDriver::get_property<i64>(data, "expiry"sv));
cookie.expiry_time_from_expires_attribute = UnixDateTime::from_seconds_since_epoch(expiry);
// Cookie same site
// The value if the entry exists, otherwise leave unset to indicate that no same site policy is defined.
if (data.has("sameSite"sv)) {
auto same_site = TRY(Web::WebDriver::get_property(data, "sameSite"sv));
cookie.same_site_attribute = Web::Cookie::same_site_from_string(same_site);
if (cookie.same_site_attribute == Web::Cookie::SameSite::Default)
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::InvalidArgument, "Invalid same-site attribute"sv);
current_browsing_context().page().client().page_did_set_cookie(document->url(), cookie, Web::Cookie::Source::Http);
// If there is an error during this step, return error with error code unable to set cookie.
// NOTE: This probably should only apply to the actual setting of the cookie in the Browser, which cannot fail in our case.
// 8. Return success with data null.
return JsonValue {};
// 14.4 Delete Cookie, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-delete-cookie
Messages::WebDriverClient::DeleteCookieResponse WebDriverConnection::delete_cookie(String const& name)
// 1. If the current browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 2. Handle any user prompts, and return its value if it is an error.
handle_any_user_prompts([this, name]() {
// 3. Delete cookies using the url variable name parameter as the filter argument.
// 4. Return success with data null.
async_driver_execution_complete(JsonValue {});
return JsonValue {};
// 14.5 Delete All Cookies, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-delete-all-cookies
Messages::WebDriverClient::DeleteAllCookiesResponse WebDriverConnection::delete_all_cookies()
// 1. If the current browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 2. Handle any user prompts, and return its value if it is an error.
handle_any_user_prompts([this]() {
// 3. Delete cookies, giving no filtering argument.
// 4. Return success with data null.
async_driver_execution_complete(JsonValue {});
return JsonValue {};
// 15.7 Perform Actions, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#perform-actions
Messages::WebDriverClient::PerformActionsResponse WebDriverConnection::perform_actions(JsonValue const& payload)
// 4. If session's current browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// NOTE: We do this first so we can assume the current top-level browsing context below is non-null.
// 1. Let input state be the result of get the input state with session and session's current top-level browsing context.
auto& input_state = Web::WebDriver::get_input_state(*current_top_level_browsing_context());
// 2. Let actions options be a new actions options with the is element origin steps set to represents a web element,
// and the get element origin steps set to get a WebElement origin.
Web::WebDriver::ActionsOptions actions_options {
.is_element_origin = &Web::WebDriver::represents_a_web_element,
.get_element_origin = &Web::WebDriver::get_web_element_origin,
// 3. Let actions by tick be the result of trying to extract an action sequence with input state, parameters, and
// actions options.
auto actions_by_tick = TRY(Web::WebDriver::extract_an_action_sequence(input_state, payload, actions_options));
// 5. Try to handle any user prompts with session.
handle_any_user_prompts([this, &input_state, actions_options = move(actions_options), actions_by_tick = move(actions_by_tick)]() mutable {
// 6. Dispatch actions with input state, actions by tick, current browsing context, and actions options. If this
// results in an error return that error.
auto on_complete = GC::create_function(current_browsing_context().heap(), [this](Web::WebDriver::Response result) {
m_action_executor = nullptr;
m_action_executor = Web::WebDriver::dispatch_actions(input_state, move(actions_by_tick), current_browsing_context(), move(actions_options), on_complete);
// 7. Return success with data null.
return JsonValue {};
// 15.8 Release Actions, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#release-actions
Messages::WebDriverClient::ReleaseActionsResponse WebDriverConnection::release_actions()
// 1. If the current browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 2. Let input state be the result of get the input state with current session and current top-level browsing context.
auto& input_state = Web::WebDriver::get_input_state(*current_top_level_browsing_context());
// 3. Let actions options be a new actions options with the is element origin steps set to represents a web element,
// and the get element origin steps set to get a WebElement origin.
Web::WebDriver::ActionsOptions actions_options {
.is_element_origin = &Web::WebDriver::represents_a_web_element,
.get_element_origin = &Web::WebDriver::get_web_element_origin,
// 4. Let undo actions be input state’s input cancel list in reverse order.
auto undo_actions = input_state.input_cancel_list;
// 5. Try to dispatch tick actions with arguments undo actions, 0, current browsing context, and actions options.
TRY(Web::WebDriver::dispatch_tick_actions(input_state, undo_actions, AK::Duration::zero(), current_browsing_context(), actions_options));
// 6. Reset the input state with current session and current top-level browsing context.
// 7. Return success with data null.
return JsonValue {};
// 16.1 Dismiss Alert, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dismiss-alert
Messages::WebDriverClient::DismissAlertResponse WebDriverConnection::dismiss_alert()
// 1. If the current top-level browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 2. If there is no current user prompt, return error with error code no such alert.
if (!current_browsing_context().page().has_pending_dialog())
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::NoSuchAlert, "No user dialog is currently open"sv);
// 3. Dismiss the current user prompt.
current_browsing_context().page().dismiss_dialog(GC::create_function(current_browsing_context().heap(), [this]() {
async_driver_execution_complete(JsonValue {});
// 4. Return success with data null.
return JsonValue {};
// 16.2 Accept Alert, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#accept-alert
Messages::WebDriverClient::AcceptAlertResponse WebDriverConnection::accept_alert()
// 1. If the current top-level browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 2. If there is no current user prompt, return error with error code no such alert.
if (!current_browsing_context().page().has_pending_dialog())
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::NoSuchAlert, "No user dialog is currently open"sv);
// 3. Accept the current user prompt.
current_browsing_context().page().accept_dialog(GC::create_function(current_browsing_context().heap(), [this]() {
async_driver_execution_complete(JsonValue {});
// 4. Return success with data null.
return JsonValue {};
// 16.3 Get Alert Text, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#get-alert-text
Messages::WebDriverClient::GetAlertTextResponse WebDriverConnection::get_alert_text()
// 1. If the current top-level browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 2. If there is no current user prompt, return error with error code no such alert.
if (!current_browsing_context().page().has_pending_dialog())
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::NoSuchAlert, "No user dialog is currently open"sv);
// 3. Let message be the text message associated with the current user prompt, or otherwise be null.
auto const& message = current_browsing_context().page().pending_dialog_text();
// 4. Return success with data message.
if (message.has_value())
return message->to_byte_string();
return JsonValue {};
// 16.4 Send Alert Text, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#send-alert-text
Messages::WebDriverClient::SendAlertTextResponse WebDriverConnection::send_alert_text(JsonValue const& payload)
// 1. Let text be the result of getting the property "text" from parameters.
// 2. If text is not a String, return error with error code invalid argument.
auto text = TRY(Web::WebDriver::get_property(payload, "text"sv));
// 3. If the current top-level browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 4. If there is no current user prompt, return error with error code no such alert.
if (!current_browsing_context().page().has_pending_dialog())
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::NoSuchAlert, "No user dialog is currently open"sv);
// 5. Run the substeps of the first matching current user prompt:
switch (current_browsing_context().page().pending_dialog()) {
// -> alert
// -> confirm
case Web::Page::PendingDialog::Alert:
case Web::Page::PendingDialog::Confirm:
// Return error with error code element not interactable.
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::ElementNotInteractable, "Only prompt dialogs may receive text"sv);
// -> prompt
case Web::Page::PendingDialog::Prompt:
// Do nothing.
// -> Otherwise
// Return error with error code unsupported operation.
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::UnsupportedOperation, "Unknown dialog type"sv);
// 6. Perform user agent dependent steps to set the value of current user prompt’s text field to text.
// 7. Return success with data null.
return JsonValue {};
// 17.1 Take Screenshot, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#take-screenshot
Messages::WebDriverClient::TakeScreenshotResponse WebDriverConnection::take_screenshot()
// 1. If session's current top-level browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// FIXME: Spec issue: We must handle user prompts in this endpoint, just like we do in Take Element Screenshot.
// https://github.com/w3c/webdriver/issues/1678
handle_any_user_prompts([this]() {
auto* document = current_top_level_browsing_context()->active_document();
auto window = document->window();
// 2. When the user agent is next to run the animation frame callbacks:
(void)window->animation_frame_callback_driver().add(GC::create_function(document->heap(), [this, document](double) mutable {
// a. Let root rect be session's current top-level browsing context's document element's rectangle.
auto root_rect = calculate_absolute_rect_of_element(*document->document_element());
// b. Let screenshot result be the result of trying to call draw a bounding box from the framebuffer, given root rect as an argument.
// c. Let canvas be a canvas element of screenshot result's data.
auto canvas = WEBDRIVER_TRY(Web::WebDriver::draw_bounding_box_from_the_framebuffer(*current_top_level_browsing_context(), *document->document_element(), root_rect));
// d. Let encoding result be the result of trying encoding a canvas as Base64 canvas.
// e. Let encoded string be encoding result's data.
auto encoded_string = Web::WebDriver::encode_canvas_element(canvas);
// 3. Return success with data encoded string.
return JsonValue {};
// 17.2 Take Element Screenshot, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-take-element-screenshot
Messages::WebDriverClient::TakeElementScreenshotResponse WebDriverConnection::take_element_screenshot(String const& element_id)
// 1. If session's current browsing context is no longer open, return error with error code no such window.
// 2. Try to handle any user prompts with session.
handle_any_user_prompts([this, element_id]() {
auto* document = current_browsing_context().active_document();
auto window = document->window();
// 3. Let element be the result of trying to get a known element with session and URL variables["element id"].
auto element = WEBDRIVER_TRY(Web::WebDriver::get_known_element(current_browsing_context(), element_id));
// 4. Scroll into view the element.
// 5. When the user agent is next to run the animation frame callbacks:
(void)window->animation_frame_callback_driver().add(GC::create_function(document->heap(), [this, element](double) {
// a. Let element rect be element's rectangle.
auto element_rect = calculate_absolute_rect_of_element(element);
// b. Let screenshot result be the result of trying to call draw a bounding box from the framebuffer, given element rect as an argument.
// c. Let canvas be a canvas element of screenshot result's data.
auto canvas = WEBDRIVER_TRY(Web::WebDriver::draw_bounding_box_from_the_framebuffer(current_browsing_context(), element, element_rect));
// d. Let encoding result be the result of trying encoding a canvas as Base64 canvas.
// e. Let encoded string be encoding result's data.
auto encoded_string = Web::WebDriver::encode_canvas_element(canvas);
// 6. Return success with data encoded string.
return JsonValue {};
// 18.1 Print Page, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-print-page
Messages::WebDriverClient::PrintPageResponse WebDriverConnection::print_page(JsonValue const& payload)
dbgln("FIXME: WebDriverConnection::print_page({})", payload);
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::UnsupportedOperation, "Print not implemented"sv);
// https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-set-the-current-browsing-context
void WebDriverConnection::set_current_browsing_context(Web::HTML::BrowsingContext& browsing_context)
// 1. Set session's current browsing context to context.
m_current_browsing_context = browsing_context;
// 2. Set the session's current parent browsing context to the parent browsing context of context, if that context
// exists, or null otherwise.
if (auto navigable = browsing_context.active_document()->navigable(); navigable && navigable->parent())
m_current_parent_browsing_context = navigable->parent()->active_browsing_context();
m_current_parent_browsing_context = nullptr;
// https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-set-the-current-browsing-context
void WebDriverConnection::set_current_top_level_browsing_context(Web::HTML::BrowsingContext& browsing_context)
// 1. Assert: context is a top-level browsing context.
if (m_current_top_level_browsing_context)
// 2. Set session's current top-level browsing context to context.
m_current_top_level_browsing_context = browsing_context;
if (m_current_top_level_browsing_context) {
m_current_top_level_browsing_context->page().set_window_rect_observer(GC::create_function(m_current_top_level_browsing_context->heap(), [this](Web::DevicePixelRect rect) {
if (m_pending_window_rect_requests > 0 && --m_pending_window_rect_requests == 0)
// 3. Set the current browsing context with session and context.
Messages::WebDriverClient::EnsureTopLevelBrowsingContextIsOpenResponse WebDriverConnection::ensure_top_level_browsing_context_is_open()
return JsonValue {};
ErrorOr<void, Web::WebDriver::Error> WebDriverConnection::ensure_current_browsing_context_is_open()
return ensure_browsing_context_is_open(current_browsing_context());
ErrorOr<void, Web::WebDriver::Error> WebDriverConnection::ensure_current_top_level_browsing_context_is_open()
return ensure_browsing_context_is_open(current_top_level_browsing_context());
// https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-handle-any-user-prompts
void WebDriverConnection::handle_any_user_prompts(Function<void()> on_dialog_closed)
auto& page = current_browsing_context().page();
auto& heap = current_browsing_context().heap();
// 1. If there is no current user prompt, abort these steps and return success.
if (!page.has_pending_dialog()) {
// 2. Perform the following substeps based on the current session’s user prompt handler:
switch (m_unhandled_prompt_behavior) {
// -> dismiss state
case Web::WebDriver::UnhandledPromptBehavior::Dismiss:
// Dismiss the current user prompt.
page.dismiss_dialog(GC::create_function(heap, move(on_dialog_closed)));
// -> accept state
case Web::WebDriver::UnhandledPromptBehavior::Accept:
// Accept the current user prompt.
page.accept_dialog(GC::create_function(heap, move(on_dialog_closed)));
// -> dismiss and notify state
case Web::WebDriver::UnhandledPromptBehavior::DismissAndNotify:
// Dismiss the current user prompt.
page.dismiss_dialog(GC::create_function(heap, [this]() {
// Return an annotated unexpected alert open error.
async_driver_execution_complete(Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::UnexpectedAlertOpen, "A user dialog is open"sv));
// -> accept and notify state
case Web::WebDriver::UnhandledPromptBehavior::AcceptAndNotify:
// Accept the current user prompt.
page.accept_dialog(GC::create_function(heap, [this]() {
// Return an annotated unexpected alert open error.
async_driver_execution_complete(Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::UnexpectedAlertOpen, "A user dialog is open"sv));
// -> ignore state
case Web::WebDriver::UnhandledPromptBehavior::Ignore:
// Return an annotated unexpected alert open error.
async_driver_execution_complete(Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::UnexpectedAlertOpen, "A user dialog is open"sv));
// 3. Return success.
// https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-wait-for-navigation-to-complete
// FIXME: Update this AO to the latest spec steps.
void WebDriverConnection::wait_for_navigation_to_complete(OnNavigationComplete on_complete)
// 1. If the current session has a page loading strategy of none, return success with data null.
if (m_page_load_strategy == Web::WebDriver::PageLoadStrategy::None) {
on_complete->function()(JsonValue {});
// 2. If the current browsing context is no longer open, return success with data null.
if (ensure_browsing_context_is_open(current_browsing_context()).is_error()) {
on_complete->function()(JsonValue {});
auto& realm = current_browsing_context().active_document()->realm();
auto navigable = current_browsing_context().active_document()->navigable();
if (!navigable || navigable->ongoing_navigation().has<Empty>()) {
on_complete->function()(JsonValue {});
auto reset_observers = [](auto& self) {
if (self.m_navigation_observer) {
self.m_navigation_observer = nullptr;
if (self.m_document_observer) {
self.m_document_observer = nullptr;
// 3. Start a timer. If this algorithm has not completed before timer reaches the session’s session page load timeout
// in milliseconds, return an error with error code timeout.
m_navigation_timer = realm.create<Web::WebDriver::HeapTimer>();
// 4. If there is an ongoing attempt to navigate the current browsing context that has not yet matured, wait for
// navigation to mature.
m_navigation_observer = realm.create<Web::HTML::NavigationObserver>(realm, *navigable);
m_navigation_observer->set_navigation_complete([this, &realm, reset_observers]() {
// 5. Let readiness target be the document readiness state associated with the current session’s page loading
// strategy, which can be found in the table of page load strategies.
auto readiness_target = [this]() {
switch (m_page_load_strategy) {
case Web::WebDriver::PageLoadStrategy::Normal:
return Web::HTML::DocumentReadyState::Complete;
case Web::WebDriver::PageLoadStrategy::Eager:
return Web::HTML::DocumentReadyState::Interactive;
// 6. Wait for the current browsing context’s document readiness state to reach readiness target,
// or for the session page load timeout to pass, whichever occurs sooner.
if (auto* document = current_browsing_context().active_document(); document->readiness() != readiness_target) {
m_document_observer = realm.create<Web::DOM::DocumentObserver>(realm, *document);
m_document_observer->set_document_readiness_observer([this, readiness_target](Web::HTML::DocumentReadyState readiness) {
if (readiness == readiness_target)
} else {
m_navigation_timer->start(m_timeouts_configuration.page_load_timeout.value_or(300'000), GC::create_function(realm.heap(), [this, on_complete, reset_observers]() {
auto did_time_out = m_navigation_timer->is_timed_out();
m_navigation_timer = nullptr;
// 7. If the previous step completed by the session page load timeout being reached and the browser does
// not have an active user prompt, return error with error code timeout.
if (did_time_out && !current_browsing_context().active_document()->page().has_pending_dialog()) {
on_complete->function()(Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::Timeout, "Navigation timed out"sv));
// 8. Return success with data null.
on_complete->function()(JsonValue {});
void WebDriverConnection::page_did_open_dialog(Badge<PageClient>)
// OPTMIZATION: If a dialog is opened while we are awaiting a specific document readiness state, that state will
// never be reached, as the dialog will block the HTML event loop from any further processing. Instead
// of waiting for the session's page load timeout to expire, unblock the waiter immediately. This also
// seems to match how other browsers behave.
if (m_navigation_timer)
// https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-execute-a-function-body
// If at any point during the algorithm a user prompt appears, immediately return Completion { [[Type]]: normal,
// [[Value]]: null, [[Target]]: empty }, but continue to run the other steps of this algorithm in parallel.
if (m_has_pending_script_execution) {
m_has_pending_script_execution = false;
async_driver_execution_complete(JsonValue {});
// https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-maximize-the-window
void WebDriverConnection::maximize_the_window()
// To maximize the window, given an operating system level window with an associated top-level browsing context, run
// the implementation-specific steps to transition the operating system level window into the maximized window state.
// Return when the window has completed the transition, or within an implementation-defined timeout.
// https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-iconify-the-window
void WebDriverConnection::iconify_the_window(GC::Ref<GC::Function<void()>> on_complete)
// To iconify the window, given an operating system level window with an associated top-level browsing context, run
// implementation-specific steps to iconify, minimize, or hide the window from the visible screen.
// Do not return from this operation until the visibility state of the top-level browsing context’s active document
// has reached the hidden state, or until the operation times out.
wait_for_visibility_state(on_complete, Web::HTML::VisibilityState::Hidden);
// https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-restore-the-window
void WebDriverConnection::restore_the_window(GC::Ref<GC::Function<void()>> on_complete)
// To restore the window, given an operating system level window with an associated top-level browsing context, run
// implementation-specific steps to restore or unhide the window to the visible screen.
// Do not return from this operation until the visibility state of the top-level browsing context’s active document
// has reached the visible state, or until the operation times out.
wait_for_visibility_state(on_complete, Web::HTML::VisibilityState::Visible);
void WebDriverConnection::wait_for_visibility_state(GC::Ref<GC::Function<void()>> on_complete, Web::HTML::VisibilityState target_visibility_state)
static constexpr auto VISIBILITY_STATE_TIMEOUT_MS = 5'000;
auto* document = current_top_level_browsing_context()->active_document();
auto& realm = document->realm();
if (document->visibility_state_value() == target_visibility_state) {
auto timer = realm.create<Web::WebDriver::HeapTimer>();
m_document_observer = realm.create<Web::DOM::DocumentObserver>(realm, *document);
m_document_observer->set_document_visibility_state_observer([timer, target_visibility_state](Web::HTML::VisibilityState visibility_state) {
if (visibility_state == target_visibility_state)
timer->start(VISIBILITY_STATE_TIMEOUT_MS, GC::create_function(realm.heap(), [this, on_complete]() {
m_document_observer = nullptr;
class ElementLocator final : public JS::Cell {
GC_CELL(ElementLocator, JS::Cell);
Web::HTML::BrowsingContext const& browsing_context,
Web::WebDriver::LocationStrategy location_strategy,
ByteString selector,
WebDriverConnection::GetStartNode get_start_node,
WebDriverConnection::OnFindComplete on_complete,
GC::Ref<Web::WebDriver::HeapTimer> timer)
: m_browsing_context(browsing_context)
, m_location_strategy(location_strategy)
, m_selector(move(selector))
, m_get_start_node(get_start_node)
, m_on_complete(on_complete)
, m_timer(timer)
void search_for_element()
if (auto result = perform_search(); result.has_value()) {
if (m_timer->is_timed_out())
Web::HTML::queue_a_task(Web::HTML::Task::Source::Unspecified, nullptr, nullptr, GC::create_function(heap(), [this]() {
Optional<Web::WebDriver::Response> perform_search()
// 1. Set elements returned to the result of trying to call the relevant element location strategy with arguments
// start node, and selector.
auto maybe_elements = Web::WebDriver::invoke_location_strategy(m_location_strategy, TRY(m_get_start_node->function()()), m_selector);
// 2. If a DOMException, SyntaxError, XPathException, or other error occurs during the execution of the element
// location strategy, return error invalid selector.
if (maybe_elements.is_error())
return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::InvalidSelector, ByteString::formatted("The location strategy could not finish: {}", maybe_elements.error().message));
if (auto elements = maybe_elements.release_value(); elements->length() > 0) {
// 8. Let result be an empty List.
JsonArray result;
// 9. For each element in elements returned, append the web element reference object for session and element,
// to result.
for (size_t i = 0; i < elements->length(); ++i)
result.must_append(Web::WebDriver::web_element_reference_object(m_browsing_context, *elements->item(i)));
// 10. Return success with data result.
return JsonValue { move(result) };
return {};
virtual void visit_edges(Cell::Visitor& visitor) override
GC::Ref<Web::HTML::BrowsingContext const> m_browsing_context;
Web::WebDriver::LocationStrategy m_location_strategy;
ByteString m_selector;
WebDriverConnection::GetStartNode m_get_start_node;
WebDriverConnection::OnFindComplete m_on_complete;
GC::Ref<Web::WebDriver::HeapTimer> m_timer;
// https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-find
void WebDriverConnection::find(Web::WebDriver::LocationStrategy location_strategy, ByteString selector, GetStartNode get_start_node, OnFindComplete on_complete)
auto& realm = current_browsing_context().active_document()->realm();
// 1. Let location strategy be equal to using.
// 2. Let selector be equal to value.
// 3. Let timeout be session's session timeouts' implicit wait timeout.
auto timeout = m_timeouts_configuration.implicit_wait_timeout;
// 4. Let timer be a new timer.
auto timer = realm.create<Web::WebDriver::HeapTimer>();
auto wrapped_on_complete = GC::create_function(realm.heap(), [this, on_complete, timer](Web::WebDriver::Response result) {
m_element_locator = nullptr;
// 5. If timeout is not null:
if (timeout.has_value()) {
// 1. Start the timer with timer and timeout.
timer->start(*timeout, GC::create_function(realm.heap(), [wrapped_on_complete]() {
wrapped_on_complete->function()({ JsonArray {} });
// 6. Let elements returned be an empty List.
// 7. While elements returned is empty and timer's timeout fired flag is not set:
m_element_locator = realm.create<ElementLocator>(current_browsing_context(), location_strategy, move(selector), get_start_node, wrapped_on_complete, timer);
// https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-extract-the-script-arguments-from-a-request
ErrorOr<WebDriverConnection::ScriptArguments, Web::WebDriver::Error> WebDriverConnection::extract_the_script_arguments_from_a_request(JS::VM& vm, JsonValue const& payload)
// Creating JSON objects below requires an execution context.
Web::HTML::TemporaryExecutionContext execution_context { current_browsing_context().active_document()->realm() };
// 1. Let script be the result of getting a property named script from the parameters.
// 2. If script is not a String, return error with error code invalid argument.
auto script = TRY(Web::WebDriver::get_property(payload, "script"sv));
// 3. Let args be the result of getting a property named args from the parameters.
// 4. If args is not an Array return error with error code invalid argument.
auto const& args = *TRY(Web::WebDriver::get_property<JsonArray const*>(payload, "args"sv));
// 5. Let arguments be the result of calling the JSON deserialize algorithm with arguments args.
GC::MarkedVector<JS::Value> arguments { vm.heap() };
auto& browsing_context = current_browsing_context();
TRY(args.try_for_each([&](JsonValue const& arg) -> ErrorOr<void, Web::WebDriver::Error> {
auto deserialized = TRY(Web::WebDriver::json_deserialize(browsing_context, arg));
return {};
// 6. Return success with data script and arguments.
return ScriptArguments { move(script), move(arguments) };
// https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-delete-cookies
void WebDriverConnection::delete_cookies(Optional<StringView> const& name)
// For each cookie among all associated cookies of the current browsing context’s active document, un the substeps of the first matching condition:
auto* document = current_browsing_context().active_document();
for (auto& cookie : current_browsing_context().page().client().page_did_request_all_cookies(document->url())) {
// -> name is undefined
// -> name is equal to cookie name
if (!name.has_value() || name.value() == cookie.name) {
// Set the cookie expiry time to a Unix timestamp in the past.
cookie.expiry_time = UnixDateTime::earliest();
// -> Otherwise
// Do nothing.
// https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-calculate-the-absolute-position
Gfx::IntPoint WebDriverConnection::calculate_absolute_position_of_element(GC::Ref<Web::Geometry::DOMRect> rect)
// 1. Let rect be the value returned by calling getBoundingClientRect().
// 2. Let window be the associated window of current top-level browsing context.
auto const* window = current_top_level_browsing_context()->active_window();
// 3. Let x be (scrollX of window + rect’s x coordinate).
auto x = (window ? static_cast<int>(window->scroll_x()) : 0) + static_cast<int>(rect->x());
// 4. Let y be (scrollY of window + rect’s y coordinate).
auto y = (window ? static_cast<int>(window->scroll_y()) : 0) + static_cast<int>(rect->y());
// 5. Return a pair of (x, y).
return { x, y };
Gfx::IntRect WebDriverConnection::calculate_absolute_rect_of_element(Web::DOM::Element const& element)
auto bounding_rect = element.get_bounding_client_rect();
auto coordinates = calculate_absolute_position_of_element(bounding_rect);
return {