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synced 2024-11-23 08:00:20 +00:00
We will be adding extra logic to the CircularBuffer to optimize searching, but this would negatively impact the performance of CircularBuffer users that don't need that functionality.
276 lines
12 KiB
276 lines
12 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2023, Tim Schumacher <timschumi@gmx.de>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include <AK/CircularBuffer.h>
#include <AK/FixedArray.h>
#include <AK/MaybeOwned.h>
#include <AK/NonnullOwnPtr.h>
#include <AK/Stream.h>
namespace Compress {
// This implementation is mostly based on the LZMA specification contained in the 7-Zip SDK, which has been placed in the public domain.
// LZMA Specification Draft (2015): https://www.7-zip.org/a/lzma-specification.7z
struct LzmaModelProperties {
u8 literal_context_bits;
u8 literal_position_bits;
u8 position_bits;
struct LzmaDecompressorOptions {
u8 literal_context_bits { 0 };
u8 literal_position_bits { 0 };
u8 position_bits { 0 };
u32 dictionary_size { 0 };
Optional<u64> uncompressed_size;
bool reject_end_of_stream_marker { false };
struct LzmaCompressorOptions {
// Note: The default settings have been chosen based on the default settings of other LZMA compressors.
u8 literal_context_bits { 3 };
u8 literal_position_bits { 0 };
u8 position_bits { 2 };
u32 dictionary_size { 8 * MiB };
Optional<u64> uncompressed_size {};
// Described in section "lzma file format".
struct [[gnu::packed]] LzmaHeader {
u32 dictionary_size() const;
Optional<u64> uncompressed_size() const;
ErrorOr<LzmaDecompressorOptions> as_decompressor_options() const;
static ErrorOr<LzmaHeader> from_compressor_options(LzmaCompressorOptions const&);
static ErrorOr<LzmaModelProperties> decode_model_properties(u8 input_bits);
static ErrorOr<u8> encode_model_properties(LzmaModelProperties const&);
u8 encoded_model_properties;
u32 unchecked_dictionary_size;
u64 encoded_uncompressed_size;
static constexpr u64 placeholder_for_unknown_uncompressed_size = UINT64_MAX;
static_assert(sizeof(LzmaHeader) == 13);
class LzmaState {
// LZMA uses 11-bit probability counters, but they are usually stored in 16-bit variables.
// Therefore, we can model probabilities with a resolution of up to 1 / 2^11 (which is equal to 1 / 2048).
// The default probability for most counters is 0.5.
using Probability = u16;
static constexpr size_t probability_bit_count = 11;
static constexpr Probability default_probability = (1 << probability_bit_count) / 2;
static void initialize_to_default_probability(Span<Probability>);
// The significance of the shift width is not explained and appears to be a magic constant.
static constexpr size_t probability_shift_width = 5;
// "The value of the "Range" variable before each bit decoding can not be smaller than ((UInt32)1 << 24)."
static constexpr u32 minimum_range_value = 1 << 24;
LzmaState(FixedArray<Probability> literal_probabilities);
u64 m_total_processed_bytes { 0 };
static constexpr size_t literal_probability_table_size = 0x300;
FixedArray<Probability> m_literal_probabilities;
struct LzmaLengthCoderState {
Probability m_first_choice_probability { default_probability };
Probability m_second_choice_probability { default_probability };
static constexpr size_t maximum_number_of_position_bits = 4;
Array<Array<Probability, (1 << 3)>, (1 << maximum_number_of_position_bits)> m_low_length_probabilities;
Array<Array<Probability, (1 << 3)>, (1 << maximum_number_of_position_bits)> m_medium_length_probabilities;
Array<Probability, (1 << 8)> m_high_length_probabilities;
LzmaLengthCoderState m_length_coder;
LzmaLengthCoderState m_rep_length_coder;
static constexpr u16 normalized_to_real_match_length_offset = 2;
static constexpr u32 normalized_to_real_match_distance_offset = 1;
// According to the specification, the largest possible normalized match length is provided by the high coder,
// which processes 8 bits (0 to 255) and adds a displacement of 16 on top.
// This is the minimum size that our input buffer has to have to not miss any possible repetitions while encoding.
static constexpr u16 largest_real_match_length = 255 + 16 + normalized_to_real_match_length_offset;
static constexpr u32 end_of_stream_marker = 0xFFFFFFFF;
static constexpr size_t number_of_length_to_position_states = 4;
Array<Array<Probability, (1 << 6)>, number_of_length_to_position_states> m_length_to_position_states;
static constexpr size_t first_position_slot_with_binary_tree_bits = 4;
static constexpr size_t first_position_slot_with_direct_encoded_bits = 14;
// This is a bit wasteful on memory and not in the specification, but it makes the math easier.
static constexpr size_t number_of_binary_tree_distance_slots = first_position_slot_with_direct_encoded_bits - first_position_slot_with_binary_tree_bits;
static constexpr size_t largest_number_of_binary_tree_distance_bits = 5;
Array<Array<Probability, (1 << largest_number_of_binary_tree_distance_bits)>, number_of_binary_tree_distance_slots> m_binary_tree_distance_probabilities;
static constexpr size_t number_of_alignment_bits = 4;
Array<Probability, (1 << number_of_alignment_bits)> m_alignment_bit_probabilities;
// LZ state tracking.
u16 m_state { 0 };
u32 m_rep0 { 0 };
u32 m_rep1 { 0 };
u32 m_rep2 { 0 };
u32 m_rep3 { 0 };
u32 current_repetition_offset() const;
void update_state_after_literal();
void update_state_after_match();
void update_state_after_rep();
void update_state_after_short_rep();
static constexpr size_t maximum_number_of_position_bits = 4;
static constexpr size_t number_of_states = 12;
Array<Probability, (number_of_states << maximum_number_of_position_bits)> m_is_match_probabilities;
Array<Probability, number_of_states> m_is_rep_probabilities;
Array<Probability, number_of_states> m_is_rep_g0_probabilities;
Array<Probability, number_of_states> m_is_rep_g1_probabilities;
Array<Probability, number_of_states> m_is_rep_g2_probabilities;
Array<Probability, (number_of_states << maximum_number_of_position_bits)> m_is_rep0_long_probabilities;
enum MatchType {
class LzmaDecompressor : public Stream
, LzmaState {
/// Creates a decompressor from a standalone LZMA container (.lzma file extension, occasionally known as an LZMA 'archive').
static ErrorOr<NonnullOwnPtr<LzmaDecompressor>> create_from_container(MaybeOwned<Stream>, Optional<MaybeOwned<CircularBuffer>> dictionary = {});
/// Creates a decompressor from a raw stream of LZMA-compressed data (found inside an LZMA container or embedded in other file formats).
static ErrorOr<NonnullOwnPtr<LzmaDecompressor>> create_from_raw_stream(MaybeOwned<Stream>, LzmaDecompressorOptions const&, Optional<MaybeOwned<CircularBuffer>> dictionary = {});
ErrorOr<void> append_input_stream(MaybeOwned<Stream>, Optional<u64> uncompressed_size);
virtual ErrorOr<Bytes> read_some(Bytes) override;
virtual ErrorOr<size_t> write_some(ReadonlyBytes) override;
virtual bool is_eof() const override;
virtual bool is_open() const override;
virtual void close() override;
LzmaDecompressor(MaybeOwned<Stream>, LzmaDecompressorOptions, MaybeOwned<CircularBuffer>, FixedArray<Probability> literal_probabilities);
MaybeOwned<Stream> m_stream;
LzmaDecompressorOptions m_options;
// This doubles as an output buffer, since we have to write all of our results into this anyways.
MaybeOwned<CircularBuffer> m_dictionary;
bool m_found_end_of_stream_marker { false };
bool is_range_decoder_in_clean_state() const;
bool has_reached_expected_data_size() const;
Optional<u16> m_leftover_match_length;
// Range decoder state (initialized with stream data in LzmaDecompressor::create).
u32 m_range_decoder_range { 0xFFFFFFFF };
u32 m_range_decoder_code { 0 };
ErrorOr<void> initialize_range_decoder();
ErrorOr<void> normalize_range_decoder();
ErrorOr<u8> decode_direct_bit();
ErrorOr<u8> decode_bit_with_probability(Probability& probability);
ErrorOr<MatchType> decode_match_type();
// Decodes a multi-bit symbol using a given probability tree (either in normal or in reverse order).
// The specification states that "unsigned" is at least 16 bits in size, our implementation assumes this as the maximum symbol size.
ErrorOr<u16> decode_symbol_using_bit_tree(size_t bit_count, Span<Probability> probability_tree);
ErrorOr<u16> decode_symbol_using_reverse_bit_tree(size_t bit_count, Span<Probability> probability_tree);
ErrorOr<void> decode_literal_to_output_buffer();
ErrorOr<u16> decode_normalized_match_length(LzmaLengthCoderState&);
// This deviates from the specification, which states that "unsigned" is at least 16-bit.
// However, the match distance needs to be at least 32-bit, at the very least to hold the 0xFFFFFFFF end marker value.
ErrorOr<u32> decode_normalized_match_distance(u16 normalized_match_length);
class LzmaCompressor : public Stream
, LzmaState {
/// Creates a compressor for a standalone LZMA container (.lzma file extension, occasionally known as an LZMA 'archive').
static ErrorOr<NonnullOwnPtr<LzmaCompressor>> create_container(MaybeOwned<Stream>, LzmaCompressorOptions const&);
/// Finishes the archive by writing out the remaining data from the range coder.
ErrorOr<void> flush();
virtual ErrorOr<Bytes> read_some(Bytes) override;
virtual ErrorOr<size_t> write_some(ReadonlyBytes) override;
virtual bool is_eof() const override;
virtual bool is_open() const override;
virtual void close() override;
virtual ~LzmaCompressor();
LzmaCompressor(MaybeOwned<Stream>, LzmaCompressorOptions, MaybeOwned<SearchableCircularBuffer>, FixedArray<Probability> literal_probabilities);
ErrorOr<void> shift_range_encoder();
ErrorOr<void> normalize_range_encoder();
ErrorOr<void> encode_direct_bit(u8 value);
ErrorOr<void> encode_bit_with_probability(Probability&, u8 value);
ErrorOr<void> encode_symbol_using_bit_tree(size_t bit_count, Span<Probability> probability_tree, u16 value);
ErrorOr<void> encode_symbol_using_reverse_bit_tree(size_t bit_count, Span<Probability> probability_tree, u16 value);
ErrorOr<void> encode_normalized_match_length(LzmaLengthCoderState&, u16 normalized_length);
ErrorOr<void> encode_normalized_match_distance(u16 normalized_match_length, u32 normalized_match_distance);
ErrorOr<void> encode_match_type(MatchType);
ErrorOr<void> encode_literal(u8 literal);
ErrorOr<void> encode_existing_match(size_t real_distance, size_t real_length);
ErrorOr<void> encode_new_match(size_t real_distance, size_t real_length);
ErrorOr<void> encode_normalized_simple_match(u32 normalized_distance, u16 normalized_length);
ErrorOr<void> encode_once();
bool m_has_flushed_data { false };
MaybeOwned<Stream> m_stream;
LzmaCompressorOptions m_options;
// This doubles as an input buffer, which is appended at the very front of the buffer.
// Therefore, the size of this should at least be the dictionary size + the largest possible repetition length.
MaybeOwned<SearchableCircularBuffer> m_dictionary;
// Range encoder state.
u32 m_range_encoder_range { 0xFFFFFFFF };
u64 m_range_encoder_code { 0 };
// Since the range is only 32-bits, we can overflow at most +1 into the next byte beyond the usual 32-bit code.
// Therefore, it is sufficient to store the highest byte (which may still change due to that +1 overflow) and
// the length of the chain of 0xFF bytes that may end up propagating that change.
u8 m_range_encoder_cached_byte { 0x00 };
size_t m_range_encoder_ff_chain_length { 0 };
struct AK::Traits<Compress::LzmaHeader> : public AK::GenericTraits<Compress::LzmaHeader> {
static constexpr bool is_trivially_serializable() { return true; }