Shannon Booth f87041bf3a LibGC+Everywhere: Factor out a LibGC from LibJS
Resulting in a massive rename across almost everywhere! Alongside the
namespace change, we now have the following names:

 * JS::NonnullGCPtr -> GC::Ref
 * JS::GCPtr -> GC::Ptr
 * JS::HeapFunction -> GC::Function
 * JS::CellImpl -> GC::Cell
 * JS::Handle -> GC::Root
2024-11-15 14:49:20 +01:00

218 lines
9.3 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2023, Tim Flynn <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/Array.h>
#include <LibGfx/AntiAliasingPainter.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/Document.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/HTMLMediaElement.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/HTMLVideoElement.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/VideoTrackList.h>
#include <LibWeb/Layout/VideoBox.h>
#include <LibWeb/Painting/BorderRadiusCornerClipper.h>
#include <LibWeb/Painting/VideoPaintable.h>
namespace Web::Painting {
static constexpr auto control_box_color = Gfx::Color::from_rgb(0x26'26'26);
static constexpr auto control_highlight_color = Gfx::Color::from_rgb(0x1d'99'f3);
static constexpr Gfx::Color control_button_color(bool is_hovered)
if (!is_hovered)
return Color::White;
return control_highlight_color;
GC::Ref<VideoPaintable> VideoPaintable::create(Layout::VideoBox const& layout_box)
return layout_box.heap().allocate<VideoPaintable>(layout_box);
VideoPaintable::VideoPaintable(Layout::VideoBox const& layout_box)
: MediaPaintable(layout_box)
Layout::VideoBox& VideoPaintable::layout_box()
return static_cast<Layout::VideoBox&>(layout_node());
Layout::VideoBox const& VideoPaintable::layout_box() const
return static_cast<Layout::VideoBox const&>(layout_node());
void VideoPaintable::paint(PaintContext& context, PaintPhase phase) const
if (!is_visible())
Base::paint(context, phase);
if (phase != PaintPhase::Foreground)
DisplayListRecorderStateSaver saver { context.display_list_recorder() };
auto video_rect = context.rounded_device_rect(absolute_rect());
ScopedCornerRadiusClip corner_clip { context, video_rect, normalized_border_radii_data(ShrinkRadiiForBorders::Yes) };
auto const& video_element = layout_box().dom_node();
auto mouse_position = MediaPaintable::mouse_position(context, video_element);
auto const& current_frame = video_element.current_frame();
auto const& poster_frame = video_element.poster_frame();
auto current_playback_position = video_element.current_playback_position();
auto ready_state = video_element.ready_state();
enum class Representation {
auto representation = Representation::Unknown;
// A video element represents what is given for the first matching condition in the list below:
// -> When no video data is available (the element's readyState attribute is either HAVE_NOTHING, or HAVE_METADATA
// but no video data has yet been obtained at all, or the element's readyState attribute is any subsequent value
// but the media resource does not have a video channel)
if (ready_state == HTML::HTMLMediaElement::ReadyState::HaveNothing
|| (ready_state >= HTML::HTMLMediaElement::ReadyState::HaveMetadata && video_element.video_tracks()->length() == 0)) {
// The video element represents its poster frame, if any, or else transparent black with no intrinsic dimensions.
representation = poster_frame ? Representation::PosterFrame : Representation::TransparentBlack;
// -> When the video element is paused, the current playback position is the first frame of video, and the element's
// show poster flag is set
else if (video_element.paused() && current_playback_position == 0 && video_element.show_poster()) {
// The video element represents its poster frame, if any, or else the first frame of the video.
representation = poster_frame ? Representation::PosterFrame : Representation::FirstVideoFrame;
// -> When the video element is paused, and the frame of video corresponding to the current playback position
// is not available (e.g. because the video is seeking or buffering)
// -> When the video element is neither potentially playing nor paused (e.g. when seeking or stalled)
else if (
(video_element.paused() && current_playback_position != current_frame.position)
|| (!video_element.potentially_playing() && !video_element.paused())) {
// The video element represents the last frame of the video to have been rendered.
representation = Representation::LastRenderedVideoFrame;
// -> When the video element is paused
else if (video_element.paused()) {
// The video element represents the frame of video corresponding to the current playback position.
representation = Representation::CurrentVideoFrame;
// -> Otherwise (the video element has a video channel and is potentially playing)
else {
// The video element represents the frame of video at the continuously increasing "current" position. When the
// current playback position changes such that the last frame rendered is no longer the frame corresponding to
// the current playback position in the video, the new frame must be rendered.
representation = Representation::CurrentVideoFrame;
auto paint_frame = [&](auto const& frame) {
auto scaling_mode = to_gfx_scaling_mode(computed_values().image_rendering(), frame->rect(), video_rect.to_type<int>());
context.display_list_recorder().draw_scaled_immutable_bitmap(video_rect.to_type<int>(), Gfx::ImmutableBitmap::create(*frame), frame->rect(), scaling_mode);
auto paint_transparent_black = [&]() {
static constexpr auto transparent_black = Gfx::Color::from_argb(0x00'00'00'00);
context.display_list_recorder().fill_rect(video_rect.to_type<int>(), transparent_black);
auto paint_loaded_video_controls = [&]() {
auto is_hovered = document().hovered_node() == &video_element;
auto is_paused = video_element.paused();
if (is_hovered || is_paused)
paint_media_controls(context, video_element, video_rect, mouse_position);
auto paint_user_agent_controls = video_element.has_attribute(HTML::AttributeNames::controls) || video_element.is_scripting_disabled();
switch (representation) {
case Representation::FirstVideoFrame:
case Representation::CurrentVideoFrame:
case Representation::LastRenderedVideoFrame:
// FIXME: We likely need to cache all (or a subset of) decoded video frames along with their position. We at least
// will need the first video frame and the last-rendered video frame.
if (current_frame.frame)
if (paint_user_agent_controls)
case Representation::PosterFrame:
if (paint_user_agent_controls)
paint_placeholder_video_controls(context, video_rect, mouse_position);
case Representation::TransparentBlack:
if (paint_user_agent_controls)
paint_placeholder_video_controls(context, video_rect, mouse_position);
case Representation::Unknown:
void VideoPaintable::paint_placeholder_video_controls(PaintContext& context, DevicePixelRect video_rect, Optional<DevicePixelPoint> const& mouse_position) const
auto maximum_control_box_size = context.rounded_device_pixels(100);
auto maximum_playback_button_size = context.rounded_device_pixels(40);
auto center =;
auto control_box_size = min(maximum_control_box_size, min(video_rect.width(), video_rect.height()) * 4 / 5);
auto control_box_offset_x = control_box_size / 2;
auto control_box_offset_y = control_box_size / 2;
auto control_box_location = center.translated(-control_box_offset_x, -control_box_offset_y);
DevicePixelRect control_box_rect { control_box_location, { control_box_size, control_box_size } };
auto playback_button_size = min(maximum_playback_button_size, min(video_rect.width(), video_rect.height()) * 2 / 5);
auto playback_button_offset_x = playback_button_size / 2;
auto playback_button_offset_y = playback_button_size / 2;
// We want to center the play button on its center of mass, which is not the midpoint of its vertices.
// To do so, reduce its desired x offset by a factor of tan(30 degrees) / 2 (about 0.288685).
playback_button_offset_x -= 0.288685f * static_cast<float>(static_cast<DevicePixels::Type>(playback_button_offset_x));
auto playback_button_location = center.translated(-playback_button_offset_x, -playback_button_offset_y);
Array<Gfx::IntPoint, 3> play_button_coordinates { {
{ 0, 0 },
{ static_cast<int>(playback_button_size), static_cast<int>(playback_button_size) / 2 },
{ 0, static_cast<int>(playback_button_size) },
} };
auto playback_button_is_hovered = mouse_position.has_value() && control_box_rect.contains(*mouse_position);
auto playback_button_color = control_button_color(playback_button_is_hovered);
context.display_list_recorder().fill_ellipse(control_box_rect.to_type<int>(), control_box_color);
fill_triangle(context.display_list_recorder(), playback_button_location.to_type<int>(), play_button_coordinates, playback_button_color);