
514 lines
17 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2020, Emanuele Torre <>
* Copyright (c) 2020-2021, Linus Groh <>
* Copyright (c) 2021, Sam Atkins <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <LibJS/Console.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/GlobalObject.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/Temporal/Duration.h>
namespace JS {
Console::Console(GlobalObject& global_object)
: m_global_object(global_object)
VM& Console::vm()
return m_global_object.vm();
// 1.1.3. debug(,
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> Console::debug()
// 1. Perform Logger("debug", data).
if (m_client) {
auto data = vm_arguments();
return m_client->logger(LogLevel::Debug, data);
return js_undefined();
// 1.1.4. error(,
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> Console::error()
// 1. Perform Logger("error", data).
if (m_client) {
auto data = vm_arguments();
return m_client->logger(LogLevel::Error, data);
return js_undefined();
// 1.1.5. info(,
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> Console::info()
// 1. Perform Logger("info", data).
if (m_client) {
auto data = vm_arguments();
return m_client->logger(LogLevel::Info, data);
return js_undefined();
// 1.1.6. log(,
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> Console::log()
// 1. Perform Logger("log", data).
if (m_client) {
auto data = vm_arguments();
return m_client->logger(LogLevel::Log, data);
return js_undefined();
// 1.1.9. warn(,
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> Console::warn()
// 1. Perform Logger("warn", data).
if (m_client) {
auto data = vm_arguments();
return m_client->logger(LogLevel::Warn, data);
return js_undefined();
// 1.1.2. clear(),
Value Console::clear()
// 1. Empty the appropriate group stack.
// 2. If possible for the environment, clear the console. (Otherwise, do nothing.)
if (m_client)
return js_undefined();
// 1.1.8. trace(,
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> Console::trace()
if (!m_client)
return js_undefined();
// 1. Let trace be some implementation-specific, potentially-interactive representation of the callstack from where this function was called.
Console::Trace trace;
auto& execution_context_stack = vm().execution_context_stack();
// NOTE: -2 to skip the console.trace() execution context
for (ssize_t i = execution_context_stack.size() - 2; i >= 0; --i) {
auto& function_name = execution_context_stack[i]->function_name;
trace.stack.append(function_name.is_empty() ? "<anonymous>" : function_name);
// 2. Optionally, let formattedData be the result of Formatter(data), and incorporate formattedData as a label for trace.
if (vm().argument_count() > 0) {
StringBuilder builder;
auto data = vm_arguments();
auto formatted_data = TRY(m_client->formatter(data));
trace.label = TRY(value_vector_to_string(formatted_data));
// 3. Perform Printer("trace", « trace »).
return m_client->printer(JS::Console::LogLevel::Trace, trace);
// 1.2.1. count(label),
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> Console::count()
// NOTE: "default" is the default value in the IDL.
auto label = vm().argument_count() ? TRY(vm().argument(0).to_string(global_object())) : "default";
// 1. Let map be the associated count map.
auto& map = m_counters;
// 2. If map[label] exists, set map[label] to map[label] + 1.
if (auto found = map.find(label); found != map.end()) {
map.set(label, found->value + 1);
// 3. Otherwise, set map[label] to 1.
else {
map.set(label, 1);
// 4. Let concat be the concatenation of label, U+003A (:), U+0020 SPACE, and ToString(map[label]).
String concat = String::formatted("{}: {}", label, map.get(label).value());
// 5. Perform Logger("count", « concat »).
Vector<Value> concat_as_vector { js_string(vm(), concat) };
if (m_client)
TRY(m_client->logger(LogLevel::Count, concat_as_vector));
return js_undefined();
// 1.2.2. countReset(label),
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> Console::count_reset()
// NOTE: "default" is the default value in the IDL.
auto label = vm().argument_count() ? TRY(vm().argument(0).to_string(global_object())) : "default";
// 1. Let map be the associated count map.
auto& map = m_counters;
// 2. If map[label] exists, set map[label] to 0.
if (auto found = map.find(label); found != map.end()) {
map.set(label, 0);
// 3. Otherwise:
else {
// 1. Let message be a string without any formatting specifiers indicating generically
// that the given label does not have an associated count.
auto message = String::formatted("\"{}\" doesn't have a count", label);
// 2. Perform Logger("countReset", « message »);
Vector<Value> message_as_vector { js_string(vm(), message) };
if (m_client)
TRY(m_client->logger(LogLevel::CountReset, message_as_vector));
return js_undefined();
// 1.1.1. assert(condition,,
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> Console::assert_()
// 1. If condition is true, return.
auto condition = vm().argument(0).to_boolean();
if (condition)
return js_undefined();
// 2. Let message be a string without any formatting specifiers indicating generically an assertion failure (such as "Assertion failed").
auto message = js_string(vm(), "Assertion failed");
// NOTE: Assemble `data` from the function arguments.
Vector<JS::Value> data;
if (vm().argument_count() > 1) {
data.ensure_capacity(vm().argument_count() - 1);
for (size_t i = 1; i < vm().argument_count(); ++i) {
// 3. If data is empty, append message to data.
if (data.is_empty()) {
// 4. Otherwise:
else {
// 1. Let first be data[0].
auto& first = data[0];
// 2. If Type(first) is not String, then prepend message to data.
if (!first.is_string()) {
// 3. Otherwise:
else {
// 1. Let concat be the concatenation of message, U+003A (:), U+0020 SPACE, and first.
auto concat = js_string(vm(), String::formatted("{}: {}", message->string(), first.to_string(global_object()).value()));
// 2. Set data[0] to concat.
data[0] = concat;
// 5. Perform Logger("assert", data).
if (m_client)
TRY(m_client->logger(LogLevel::Assert, data));
return js_undefined();
// 1.3.1. group(,
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> Console::group()
// 1. Let group be a new group.
Group group;
// 2. If data is not empty, let groupLabel be the result of Formatter(data).
String group_label;
auto data = vm_arguments();
if (!data.is_empty()) {
auto formatted_data = TRY(m_client->formatter(data));
group_label = TRY(value_vector_to_string(formatted_data));
// ... Otherwise, let groupLabel be an implementation-chosen label representing a group.
else {
group_label = "Group";
// 3. Incorporate groupLabel as a label for group.
group.label = group_label;
// 4. Optionally, if the environment supports interactive groups, group should be expanded by default.
// NOTE: This is handled in Printer.
// 5. Perform Printer("group", « group »).
if (m_client)
TRY(m_client->printer(LogLevel::Group, group));
// 6. Push group onto the appropriate group stack.
return js_undefined();
// 1.3.2. groupCollapsed(,
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> Console::group_collapsed()
// 1. Let group be a new group.
Group group;
// 2. If data is not empty, let groupLabel be the result of Formatter(data).
String group_label;
auto data = vm_arguments();
if (!data.is_empty()) {
auto formatted_data = TRY(m_client->formatter(data));
group_label = TRY(value_vector_to_string(formatted_data));
// ... Otherwise, let groupLabel be an implementation-chosen label representing a group.
else {
group_label = "Group";
// 3. Incorporate groupLabel as a label for group.
group.label = group_label;
// 4. Optionally, if the environment supports interactive groups, group should be collapsed by default.
// NOTE: This is handled in Printer.
// 5. Perform Printer("groupCollapsed", « group »).
if (m_client)
TRY(m_client->printer(LogLevel::GroupCollapsed, group));
// 6. Push group onto the appropriate group stack.
return js_undefined();
// 1.3.3. groupEnd(),
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> Console::group_end()
if (m_group_stack.is_empty())
return js_undefined();
// 1. Pop the last group from the group stack.
if (m_client)
return js_undefined();
// 1.4.1. time(label),
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> Console::time()
// NOTE: "default" is the default value in the IDL.
auto label = vm().argument_count() ? TRY(vm().argument(0).to_string(global_object())) : "default";
// 1. If the associated timer table contains an entry with key label, return, optionally reporting
// a warning to the console indicating that a timer with label `label` has already been started.
if (m_timer_table.contains(label)) {
if (m_client)
TRY(m_client->printer(LogLevel::Warn, { Vector<Value> { js_string(vm(), String::formatted("Timer '{}' already exists.", label)) } }));
return js_undefined();
// 2. Otherwise, set the value of the entry with key label in the associated timer table to the current time.
m_timer_table.set(label, Core::ElapsedTimer::start_new());
return js_undefined();
// 1.4.2. timeLog(label,,
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> Console::time_log()
// NOTE: "default" is the default value in the IDL.
auto label = vm().argument_count() ? TRY(vm().argument(0).to_string(global_object())) : "default";
// 1. Let timerTable be the associated timer table.
// 2. Let startTime be timerTable[label].
auto maybe_start_time = m_timer_table.find(label);
// NOTE: Warn if the timer doesn't exist. Not part of the spec yet, but discussed here:
if (maybe_start_time == m_timer_table.end()) {
if (m_client)
TRY(m_client->printer(LogLevel::Warn, { Vector<Value> { js_string(vm(), String::formatted("Timer '{}' does not exist.", label)) } }));
return js_undefined();
auto start_time = maybe_start_time->value;
// 3. Let duration be a string representing the difference between the current time and startTime, in an implementation-defined format.
auto duration = TRY(format_time_since(start_time));
// 4. Let concat be the concatenation of label, U+003A (:), U+0020 SPACE, and duration.
auto concat = String::formatted("{}: {}", label, duration);
// 5. Prepend concat to data.
Vector<Value> data;
data.append(js_string(vm(), concat));
for (size_t i = 1; i < vm().argument_count(); ++i)
// 6. Perform Printer("timeLog", data).
if (m_client)
TRY(m_client->printer(LogLevel::TimeLog, data));
return js_undefined();
// 1.4.3. timeEnd(label),
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> Console::time_end()
// NOTE: "default" is the default value in the IDL.
auto label = vm().argument_count() ? TRY(vm().argument(0).to_string(global_object())) : "default";
// 1. Let timerTable be the associated timer table.
// 2. Let startTime be timerTable[label].
auto maybe_start_time = m_timer_table.find(label);
// NOTE: Warn if the timer doesn't exist. Not part of the spec yet, but discussed here:
if (maybe_start_time == m_timer_table.end()) {
if (m_client)
TRY(m_client->printer(LogLevel::Warn, { Vector<Value> { js_string(vm(), String::formatted("Timer '{}' does not exist.", label)) } }));
return js_undefined();
auto start_time = maybe_start_time->value;
// 3. Remove timerTable[label].
// 4. Let duration be a string representing the difference between the current time and startTime, in an implementation-defined format.
auto duration = TRY(format_time_since(start_time));
// 5. Let concat be the concatenation of label, U+003A (:), U+0020 SPACE, and duration.
auto concat = String::formatted("{}: {}", label, duration);
// 6. Perform Printer("timeEnd", « concat »).
if (m_client) {
Vector<Value> concat_as_vector { js_string(vm(), concat) };
TRY(m_client->printer(LogLevel::TimeEnd, concat_as_vector));
return js_undefined();
Vector<Value> Console::vm_arguments()
Vector<Value> arguments;
for (size_t i = 0; i < vm().argument_count(); ++i) {
return arguments;
void Console::output_debug_message([[maybe_unused]] LogLevel log_level, [[maybe_unused]] String output) const
#ifdef __serenity__
switch (log_level) {
case JS::Console::LogLevel::Debug:
dbgln("\033[32;1m(js debug)\033[0m {}", output);
case JS::Console::LogLevel::Error:
dbgln("\033[32;1m(js error)\033[0m {}", output);
case JS::Console::LogLevel::Info:
dbgln("\033[32;1m(js info)\033[0m {}", output);
case JS::Console::LogLevel::Log:
dbgln("\033[32;1m(js log)\033[0m {}", output);
case JS::Console::LogLevel::Warn:
dbgln("\033[32;1m(js warn)\033[0m {}", output);
dbgln("\033[32;1m(js)\033[0m {}", output);
ThrowCompletionOr<String> Console::value_vector_to_string(Vector<Value>& values)
StringBuilder builder;
for (auto const& item : values) {
if (!builder.is_empty())
builder.append(' ');
return builder.to_string();
ThrowCompletionOr<String> Console::format_time_since(Core::ElapsedTimer timer)
auto elapsed_ms = timer.elapsed_time().to_milliseconds();
auto duration = TRY(Temporal::balance_duration(global_object(), 0, 0, 0, 0, elapsed_ms, 0, *js_bigint(vm(), "0"_sbigint), "year"));
auto append = [&](StringBuilder& builder, auto format, auto... number) {
if (!builder.is_empty())
builder.append(' ');
builder.appendff(format, number...);
StringBuilder builder;
if (duration.days > 0)
append(builder, "{:.0} day(s)", duration.days);
if (duration.hours > 0)
append(builder, "{:.0} hour(s)", duration.hours);
if (duration.minutes > 0)
append(builder, "{:.0} minute(s)", duration.minutes);
if (duration.seconds > 0 || duration.milliseconds > 0) {
double combined_seconds = duration.seconds + (0.001 * duration.milliseconds);
append(builder, "{:.3} seconds", combined_seconds);
return builder.to_string();
VM& ConsoleClient::vm()
return global_object().vm();
// 2.1. Logger(logLevel, args),
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> ConsoleClient::logger(Console::LogLevel log_level, Vector<Value>& args)
auto& global_object = this->global_object();
// 1. If args is empty, return.
if (args.is_empty())
return js_undefined();
// 2. Let first be args[0].
auto first = args[0];
// 3. Let rest be all elements following first in args.
size_t rest_size = args.size() - 1;
// 4. If rest is empty, perform Printer(logLevel, « first ») and return.
if (rest_size == 0) {
auto first_as_vector = Vector { first };
return printer(log_level, first_as_vector);
// 5. If first does not contain any format specifiers, perform Printer(logLevel, args).
if (!TRY(first.to_string(global_object)).contains('%')) {
TRY(printer(log_level, args));
} else {
// 6. Otherwise, perform Printer(logLevel, Formatter(args)).
auto formatted = TRY(formatter(args));
TRY(printer(log_level, formatted));
// 7. Return undefined.
return js_undefined();
// 2.2. Formatter(args),
ThrowCompletionOr<Vector<Value>> ConsoleClient::formatter(Vector<Value>& args)
// TODO: Actually implement formatting
return args;