Lucas CHOLLET a59d9a3986 LibWeb/CSS: Add support for the a98-rgb color space in color()
This makes us pass the following WPT tests:
 - css/css-color/a98rgb-001.html
 - css/css-color/a98rgb-002.html
 - css/css-color/a98rgb-003.html
 - css/css-color/a98rgb-004.html
 - css/css-color/predefined-007.html
 - css/css-color/predefined-008.html
2024-11-16 10:29:46 +01:00

514 lines
18 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling <>
* Copyright (c) 2019-2023, Shannon Booth <>
* Copyright (c) 2024, Lucas Chollet <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/Assertions.h>
#include <AK/ByteString.h>
#include <AK/FloatingPointStringConversions.h>
#include <AK/Optional.h>
#include <AK/Swift.h>
#include <AK/Vector.h>
#include <LibGfx/Color.h>
#include <LibGfx/SystemTheme.h>
#include <LibIPC/Decoder.h>
#include <LibIPC/Encoder.h>
#include <ctype.h>
# include <LibGfx-Swift.h>
namespace Gfx {
String Color::to_string(HTMLCompatibleSerialization html_compatible_serialization) const
// If the following conditions are all true:
// 1. The color space is sRGB
// NOTE: This is currently always true for Gfx::Color.
// 2. The alpha is 1
// NOTE: An alpha value of 1 will be stored as 255 currently.
// 3. The RGB component values are internally represented as integers between 0 and 255 inclusive (i.e. 8-bit unsigned integer)
// NOTE: This is currently always true for Gfx::Color.
// 4. HTML-compatible serialization is requested
if (alpha() == 255
&& html_compatible_serialization == HTMLCompatibleSerialization::Yes) {
return MUST(String::formatted("#{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}", red(), green(), blue()));
// Otherwise, for sRGB the CSS serialization of sRGB values is used and for other color spaces, the relevant serialization of the <color> value.
if (alpha() < 255)
return MUST(String::formatted("rgba({}, {}, {}, {})", red(), green(), blue(), alpha() / 255.0));
return MUST(String::formatted("rgb({}, {}, {})", red(), green(), blue()));
String Color::to_string_without_alpha() const
return MUST(String::formatted("#{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}", red(), green(), blue()));
ByteString Color::to_byte_string() const
return to_string().to_byte_string();
ByteString Color::to_byte_string_without_alpha() const
return to_string_without_alpha().to_byte_string();
static Optional<Color> parse_rgb_color(StringView string)
VERIFY(string.starts_with("rgb("sv, CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive));
auto substring = string.substring_view(4, string.length() - 5);
auto parts = substring.split_view(',');
if (parts.size() != 3)
return {};
auto r = parts[0].to_number<double>().map(AK::clamp_to<u8, double>);
auto g = parts[1].to_number<double>().map(AK::clamp_to<u8, double>);
auto b = parts[2].to_number<double>().map(AK::clamp_to<u8, double>);
if (!r.has_value() || !g.has_value() || !b.has_value())
return {};
return Color(*r, *g, *b);
static Optional<Color> parse_rgba_color(StringView string)
VERIFY(string.starts_with("rgba("sv, CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive));
auto substring = string.substring_view(5, string.length() - 6);
auto parts = substring.split_view(',');
if (parts.size() != 4)
return {};
auto r = parts[0].to_number<double>().map(AK::clamp_to<u8, double>);
auto g = parts[1].to_number<double>().map(AK::clamp_to<u8, double>);
auto b = parts[2].to_number<double>().map(AK::clamp_to<u8, double>);
double alpha = 0;
auto alpha_str = parts[3].trim_whitespace();
char const* start = alpha_str.characters_without_null_termination();
auto alpha_result = parse_first_floating_point(start, start + alpha_str.length());
if (alpha_result.parsed_value())
alpha = alpha_result.value;
unsigned a = alpha * 255;
if (!r.has_value() || !g.has_value() || !b.has_value() || a > 255)
return {};
return Color(*r, *g, *b, a);
Optional<Color> Color::from_named_css_color_string(StringView string)
if (string.is_empty())
return {};
struct WebColor {
ARGB32 color;
StringView name;
constexpr Array web_colors {
// CSS Level 1
WebColor { 0x000000, "black"sv },
WebColor { 0xc0c0c0, "silver"sv },
WebColor { 0x808080, "gray"sv },
WebColor { 0xffffff, "white"sv },
WebColor { 0x800000, "maroon"sv },
WebColor { 0xff0000, "red"sv },
WebColor { 0x800080, "purple"sv },
WebColor { 0xff00ff, "fuchsia"sv },
WebColor { 0x008000, "green"sv },
WebColor { 0x00ff00, "lime"sv },
WebColor { 0x808000, "olive"sv },
WebColor { 0xffff00, "yellow"sv },
WebColor { 0x000080, "navy"sv },
WebColor { 0x0000ff, "blue"sv },
WebColor { 0x008080, "teal"sv },
WebColor { 0x00ffff, "aqua"sv },
// CSS Level 2 (Revision 1)
WebColor { 0xffa500, "orange"sv },
// CSS Color Module Level 3
WebColor { 0xf0f8ff, "aliceblue"sv },
WebColor { 0xfaebd7, "antiquewhite"sv },
WebColor { 0x7fffd4, "aquamarine"sv },
WebColor { 0xf0ffff, "azure"sv },
WebColor { 0xf5f5dc, "beige"sv },
WebColor { 0xffe4c4, "bisque"sv },
WebColor { 0xffebcd, "blanchedalmond"sv },
WebColor { 0x8a2be2, "blueviolet"sv },
WebColor { 0xa52a2a, "brown"sv },
WebColor { 0xdeb887, "burlywood"sv },
WebColor { 0x5f9ea0, "cadetblue"sv },
WebColor { 0x7fff00, "chartreuse"sv },
WebColor { 0xd2691e, "chocolate"sv },
WebColor { 0xff7f50, "coral"sv },
WebColor { 0x6495ed, "cornflowerblue"sv },
WebColor { 0xfff8dc, "cornsilk"sv },
WebColor { 0xdc143c, "crimson"sv },
WebColor { 0x00ffff, "cyan"sv },
WebColor { 0x00008b, "darkblue"sv },
WebColor { 0x008b8b, "darkcyan"sv },
WebColor { 0xb8860b, "darkgoldenrod"sv },
WebColor { 0xa9a9a9, "darkgray"sv },
WebColor { 0x006400, "darkgreen"sv },
WebColor { 0xa9a9a9, "darkgrey"sv },
WebColor { 0xbdb76b, "darkkhaki"sv },
WebColor { 0x8b008b, "darkmagenta"sv },
WebColor { 0x556b2f, "darkolivegreen"sv },
WebColor { 0xff8c00, "darkorange"sv },
WebColor { 0x9932cc, "darkorchid"sv },
WebColor { 0x8b0000, "darkred"sv },
WebColor { 0xe9967a, "darksalmon"sv },
WebColor { 0x8fbc8f, "darkseagreen"sv },
WebColor { 0x483d8b, "darkslateblue"sv },
WebColor { 0x2f4f4f, "darkslategray"sv },
WebColor { 0x2f4f4f, "darkslategrey"sv },
WebColor { 0x00ced1, "darkturquoise"sv },
WebColor { 0x9400d3, "darkviolet"sv },
WebColor { 0xff1493, "deeppink"sv },
WebColor { 0x00bfff, "deepskyblue"sv },
WebColor { 0x696969, "dimgray"sv },
WebColor { 0x696969, "dimgrey"sv },
WebColor { 0x1e90ff, "dodgerblue"sv },
WebColor { 0xb22222, "firebrick"sv },
WebColor { 0xfffaf0, "floralwhite"sv },
WebColor { 0x228b22, "forestgreen"sv },
WebColor { 0xdcdcdc, "gainsboro"sv },
WebColor { 0xf8f8ff, "ghostwhite"sv },
WebColor { 0xffd700, "gold"sv },
WebColor { 0xdaa520, "goldenrod"sv },
WebColor { 0xadff2f, "greenyellow"sv },
WebColor { 0x808080, "grey"sv },
WebColor { 0xf0fff0, "honeydew"sv },
WebColor { 0xff69b4, "hotpink"sv },
WebColor { 0xcd5c5c, "indianred"sv },
WebColor { 0x4b0082, "indigo"sv },
WebColor { 0xfffff0, "ivory"sv },
WebColor { 0xf0e68c, "khaki"sv },
WebColor { 0xe6e6fa, "lavender"sv },
WebColor { 0xfff0f5, "lavenderblush"sv },
WebColor { 0x7cfc00, "lawngreen"sv },
WebColor { 0xfffacd, "lemonchiffon"sv },
WebColor { 0xadd8e6, "lightblue"sv },
WebColor { 0xf08080, "lightcoral"sv },
WebColor { 0xe0ffff, "lightcyan"sv },
WebColor { 0xfafad2, "lightgoldenrodyellow"sv },
WebColor { 0xd3d3d3, "lightgray"sv },
WebColor { 0x90ee90, "lightgreen"sv },
WebColor { 0xd3d3d3, "lightgrey"sv },
WebColor { 0xffb6c1, "lightpink"sv },
WebColor { 0xffa07a, "lightsalmon"sv },
WebColor { 0x20b2aa, "lightseagreen"sv },
WebColor { 0x87cefa, "lightskyblue"sv },
WebColor { 0x778899, "lightslategray"sv },
WebColor { 0x778899, "lightslategrey"sv },
WebColor { 0xb0c4de, "lightsteelblue"sv },
WebColor { 0xffffe0, "lightyellow"sv },
WebColor { 0x32cd32, "limegreen"sv },
WebColor { 0xfaf0e6, "linen"sv },
WebColor { 0xff00ff, "magenta"sv },
WebColor { 0x66cdaa, "mediumaquamarine"sv },
WebColor { 0x0000cd, "mediumblue"sv },
WebColor { 0xba55d3, "mediumorchid"sv },
WebColor { 0x9370db, "mediumpurple"sv },
WebColor { 0x3cb371, "mediumseagreen"sv },
WebColor { 0x7b68ee, "mediumslateblue"sv },
WebColor { 0x00fa9a, "mediumspringgreen"sv },
WebColor { 0x48d1cc, "mediumturquoise"sv },
WebColor { 0xc71585, "mediumvioletred"sv },
WebColor { 0x191970, "midnightblue"sv },
WebColor { 0xf5fffa, "mintcream"sv },
WebColor { 0xffe4e1, "mistyrose"sv },
WebColor { 0xffe4b5, "moccasin"sv },
WebColor { 0xffdead, "navajowhite"sv },
WebColor { 0xfdf5e6, "oldlace"sv },
WebColor { 0x6b8e23, "olivedrab"sv },
WebColor { 0xff4500, "orangered"sv },
WebColor { 0xda70d6, "orchid"sv },
WebColor { 0xeee8aa, "palegoldenrod"sv },
WebColor { 0x98fb98, "palegreen"sv },
WebColor { 0xafeeee, "paleturquoise"sv },
WebColor { 0xdb7093, "palevioletred"sv },
WebColor { 0xffefd5, "papayawhip"sv },
WebColor { 0xffdab9, "peachpuff"sv },
WebColor { 0xcd853f, "peru"sv },
WebColor { 0xffc0cb, "pink"sv },
WebColor { 0xdda0dd, "plum"sv },
WebColor { 0xb0e0e6, "powderblue"sv },
WebColor { 0xbc8f8f, "rosybrown"sv },
WebColor { 0x4169e1, "royalblue"sv },
WebColor { 0x8b4513, "saddlebrown"sv },
WebColor { 0xfa8072, "salmon"sv },
WebColor { 0xf4a460, "sandybrown"sv },
WebColor { 0x2e8b57, "seagreen"sv },
WebColor { 0xfff5ee, "seashell"sv },
WebColor { 0xa0522d, "sienna"sv },
WebColor { 0x87ceeb, "skyblue"sv },
WebColor { 0x6a5acd, "slateblue"sv },
WebColor { 0x708090, "slategray"sv },
WebColor { 0x708090, "slategrey"sv },
WebColor { 0xfffafa, "snow"sv },
WebColor { 0x00ff7f, "springgreen"sv },
WebColor { 0x4682b4, "steelblue"sv },
WebColor { 0xd2b48c, "tan"sv },
WebColor { 0xd8bfd8, "thistle"sv },
WebColor { 0xff6347, "tomato"sv },
WebColor { 0x40e0d0, "turquoise"sv },
WebColor { 0xee82ee, "violet"sv },
WebColor { 0xf5deb3, "wheat"sv },
WebColor { 0xf5f5f5, "whitesmoke"sv },
WebColor { 0x9acd32, "yellowgreen"sv },
// CSS Color Module Level 4
WebColor { 0x663399, "rebeccapurple"sv },
for (auto const& web_color : web_colors) {
if (string.equals_ignoring_ascii_case(
return Color::from_rgb(web_color.color);
return {};
#if defined(LIBGFX_USE_SWIFT)
static Optional<Color> hex_string_to_color(StringView string)
auto color = parseHexString(string);
if (color.getCount() == 0)
return {};
return color[0];
static Optional<Color> hex_string_to_color(StringView string)
auto hex_nibble_to_u8 = [](char nibble) -> Optional<u8> {
if (!isxdigit(nibble))
return {};
if (nibble >= '0' && nibble <= '9')
return nibble - '0';
return 10 + (tolower(nibble) - 'a');
if (string.length() == 4) {
Optional<u8> r = hex_nibble_to_u8(string[1]);
Optional<u8> g = hex_nibble_to_u8(string[2]);
Optional<u8> b = hex_nibble_to_u8(string[3]);
if (!r.has_value() || !g.has_value() || !b.has_value())
return {};
return Color(r.value() * 17, g.value() * 17, b.value() * 17);
if (string.length() == 5) {
Optional<u8> r = hex_nibble_to_u8(string[1]);
Optional<u8> g = hex_nibble_to_u8(string[2]);
Optional<u8> b = hex_nibble_to_u8(string[3]);
Optional<u8> a = hex_nibble_to_u8(string[4]);
if (!r.has_value() || !g.has_value() || !b.has_value() || !a.has_value())
return {};
return Color(r.value() * 17, g.value() * 17, b.value() * 17, a.value() * 17);
if (string.length() != 7 && string.length() != 9)
return {};
auto to_hex = [&](char c1, char c2) -> Optional<u8> {
auto nib1 = hex_nibble_to_u8(c1);
auto nib2 = hex_nibble_to_u8(c2);
if (!nib1.has_value() || !nib2.has_value())
return {};
return nib1.value() << 4 | nib2.value();
Optional<u8> r = to_hex(string[1], string[2]);
Optional<u8> g = to_hex(string[3], string[4]);
Optional<u8> b = to_hex(string[5], string[6]);
Optional<u8> a = string.length() == 9 ? to_hex(string[7], string[8]) : Optional<u8>(255);
if (!r.has_value() || !g.has_value() || !b.has_value() || !a.has_value())
return {};
return Color(r.value(), g.value(), b.value(), a.value());
Optional<Color> Color::from_string(StringView string)
if (string.is_empty())
return {};
if (string[0] == '#')
return hex_string_to_color(string);
if (string.starts_with("rgb("sv, CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive) && string.ends_with(')'))
return parse_rgb_color(string);
if (string.starts_with("rgba("sv, CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive) && string.ends_with(')'))
return parse_rgba_color(string);
if (string.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("transparent"sv))
return Color::from_argb(0x00000000);
if (auto const color = from_named_css_color_string(string); color.has_value())
return color;
return {};
Vector<Color> Color::shades(u32 steps, float max) const
float shade = 1.f;
float step = max / steps;
Vector<Color> shades;
for (u32 i = 0; i < steps; i++) {
shade -= step;
return shades;
Vector<Color> Color::tints(u32 steps, float max) const
float shade = 1.f;
float step = max / steps;
Vector<Color> tints;
for (u32 i = 0; i < steps; i++) {
shade += step;
return tints;
Color Color::from_linear_srgb(float red, float green, float blue, float alpha)
auto linear_to_srgb = [](float c) {
return c >= 0.0031308f ? 1.055f * pow(c, 0.4166666f) - 0.055f : 12.92f * c;
red = linear_to_srgb(red) * 255.f;
green = linear_to_srgb(green) * 255.f;
blue = linear_to_srgb(blue) * 255.f;
return Color(
clamp(lroundf(red), 0, 255),
clamp(lroundf(green), 0, 255),
clamp(lroundf(blue), 0, 255),
clamp(lroundf(alpha * 255.f), 0, 255));
Color Color::from_a98rgb(float r, float g, float b, float alpha)
auto to_linear = [](float c) {
return pow(c, 563. / 256);
auto linear_r = to_linear(r);
auto linear_g = to_linear(g);
auto linear_b = to_linear(b);
float x = 0.57666904 * linear_r + 0.18555824 * linear_g + 0.18822865 * linear_b;
float y = 0.29734498 * linear_r + 0.62736357 * linear_g + 0.07529146 * linear_b;
float z = 0.02703136 * linear_r + 0.07068885 * linear_g + 0.99133754 * linear_b;
return from_xyz65(x, y, z, alpha);
Color Color::from_xyz50(float x, float y, float z, float alpha)
// See commit description for these values
float red = 3.13397926 * x - 1.61689519 * y - 0.49070587 * z;
float green = -0.97840009 * x + 1.91589112 * y + 0.03339256 * z;
float blue = 0.07200357 * x - 0.22897505 * y + 1.40517398 * z;
return from_linear_srgb(red, green, blue, alpha);
Color Color::from_xyz65(float x, float y, float z, float alpha)
float red = 3.2406 * x - 1.5372 * y - 0.4986 * z;
float green = -0.9689 * x + 1.8758 * y + 0.0415 * z;
float blue = 0.0557 * x - 0.2040 * y + 1.0570 * z;
return from_linear_srgb(red, green, blue, alpha);
Color Color::from_lab(float L, float a, float b, float alpha)
// Third edition of "Colorimetry" by the CIE
// 8.2.1 CIE 1976 (L*a*b*) colour space; CIELAB colour space
float y = (L + 16) / 116;
float x = y + a / 500;
float z = y - b / 200;
auto f_inv = [](float t) -> float {
constexpr auto delta = 24. / 116;
if (t > delta)
return t * t * t;
return (108. / 841) * (t - 116. / 16);
// D50
constexpr float x_n = 0.96422;
constexpr float y_n = 1;
constexpr float z_n = 0.82521;
x = x_n * f_inv(x);
y = y_n * f_inv(y);
z = z_n * f_inv(z);
return from_xyz50(x, y, z, alpha);
ErrorOr<void> IPC::encode(Encoder& encoder, Color const& color)
return encoder.encode(color.value());
ErrorOr<Gfx::Color> IPC::decode(Decoder& decoder)
auto rgba = TRY(decoder.decode<u32>());
return Gfx::Color::from_argb(rgba);
ErrorOr<void> AK::Formatter<Gfx::Color>::format(FormatBuilder& builder, Gfx::Color value)
return Formatter<StringView>::format(builder, value.to_byte_string());
ErrorOr<void> AK::Formatter<Gfx::YUV>::format(FormatBuilder& builder, Gfx::YUV value)
return Formatter<FormatString>::format(builder, "{} {} {}"sv, value.y, value.u, value.v);
ErrorOr<void> AK::Formatter<Gfx::HSV>::format(FormatBuilder& builder, Gfx::HSV value)
return Formatter<FormatString>::format(builder, "{} {} {}"sv, value.hue, value.saturation, value.value);
ErrorOr<void> AK::Formatter<Gfx::Oklab>::format(FormatBuilder& builder, Gfx::Oklab value)
return Formatter<FormatString>::format(builder, "{} {} {}"sv, value.L, value.a, value.b);