Andreas Kling 432ab47053 WindowServer: Allow partial repaints in window frame & menubars
Before this change, invalidating any rect in a WindowFrame would cause
the entire window (including frame & drop shadow) to get invalidated,
leading to copious amounts of overdraw when mousing over menubars,
titlebars, and window buttons.

We now simply allow the partial frame invalidations through to the
window's dirty rects collection and the compositor takes care of it.
2021-07-08 01:17:06 +02:00

458 lines
16 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2018-2021, Andreas Kling <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include "HitTestResult.h"
#include <AK/String.h>
#include <AK/WeakPtr.h>
#include <LibCore/Object.h>
#include <LibGfx/Bitmap.h>
#include <LibGfx/DisjointRectSet.h>
#include <LibGfx/Rect.h>
#include <WindowServer/Cursor.h>
#include <WindowServer/Screen.h>
#include <WindowServer/WindowFrame.h>
#include <WindowServer/WindowType.h>
namespace WindowServer {
class Animation;
class ClientConnection;
class Cursor;
class KeyEvent;
class Menu;
class Menubar;
class MenuItem;
class MouseEvent;
class WindowStack;
enum WMEventMask {
WindowRectChanges = 1 << 0,
WindowStateChanges = 1 << 1,
WindowIconChanges = 1 << 2,
WindowRemovals = 1 << 3,
VirtualDesktopChanges = 1 << 4,
enum class WindowTileType {
None = 0,
enum class WindowMenuAction {
MinimizeOrUnminimize = 0,
enum class WindowMenuDefaultAction {
None = 0,
enum class WindowMinimizedState : u32 {
None = 0,
class Window final : public Core::Object {
virtual ~Window() override;
bool is_modified() const { return m_modified; }
void set_modified(bool);
void popup_window_menu(const Gfx::IntPoint&, WindowMenuDefaultAction);
void handle_window_menu_action(WindowMenuAction);
void window_menu_activate_default();
void request_close();
bool is_minimized() const { return m_minimized_state != WindowMinimizedState::None; }
void set_minimized(bool);
bool is_hidden() const { return m_minimized_state == WindowMinimizedState::Hidden; }
void set_hidden(bool);
WindowMinimizedState minimized_state() const { return m_minimized_state; }
bool is_minimizable() const { return m_type == WindowType::Normal && m_minimizable; }
void set_minimizable(bool);
bool is_resizable() const { return m_resizable && !m_fullscreen; }
void set_resizable(bool);
bool is_maximized() const { return m_maximized; }
void set_maximized(bool, Optional<Gfx::IntPoint> fixed_point = {});
bool is_pinned() const { return m_pinned; }
void set_pinned(bool);
void set_vertically_maximized();
bool is_fullscreen() const { return m_fullscreen; }
void set_fullscreen(bool);
WindowTileType tiled() const { return m_tiled; }
void set_tiled(Screen*, WindowTileType);
WindowTileType tile_type_based_on_rect(Gfx::IntRect const&) const;
void check_untile_due_to_resize(Gfx::IntRect const&);
bool set_untiled(Optional<Gfx::IntPoint> fixed_point = {});
void set_forced_shadow(bool b) { m_forced_shadow = b; }
bool has_forced_shadow() const { return m_forced_shadow; }
bool is_occluded() const { return m_occluded; }
void set_occluded(bool);
bool is_movable() const
return m_type == WindowType::Normal || m_type == WindowType::ToolWindow;
WindowFrame& frame() { return m_frame; }
const WindowFrame& frame() const { return m_frame; }
Window* blocking_modal_window();
ClientConnection* client() { return m_client; }
const ClientConnection* client() const { return m_client; }
WindowType type() const { return m_type; }
int window_id() const { return m_window_id; }
bool is_internal() const { return m_client_id == -1; }
i32 client_id() const { return m_client_id; }
String title() const { return m_title; }
void set_title(const String&);
String computed_title() const;
float opacity() const { return m_opacity; }
void set_opacity(float);
void set_hit_testing_enabled(bool value)
m_hit_testing_enabled = value;
float alpha_hit_threshold() const { return m_alpha_hit_threshold; }
void set_alpha_hit_threshold(float threshold)
m_alpha_hit_threshold = threshold;
Optional<HitTestResult> hit_test(const Gfx::IntPoint&, bool include_frame = true);
int x() const { return m_rect.x(); }
int y() const { return m_rect.y(); }
int width() const { return m_rect.width(); }
int height() const { return m_rect.height(); }
bool is_active() const;
bool is_visible() const { return m_visible; }
void set_visible(bool);
bool is_modal() const;
bool is_modal_dont_unparent() const { return m_modal && m_parent_window; }
Gfx::IntRect rect() const { return m_rect; }
void set_rect(const Gfx::IntRect&);
void set_rect(int x, int y, int width, int height) { set_rect({ x, y, width, height }); }
void set_rect_without_repaint(const Gfx::IntRect&);
bool apply_minimum_size(Gfx::IntRect&);
void nudge_into_desktop(Screen*, bool force_titlebar_visible = true);
Gfx::IntSize minimum_size() const { return m_minimum_size; }
void set_minimum_size(const Gfx::IntSize&);
void set_minimum_size(int width, int height) { set_minimum_size({ width, height }); }
void set_taskbar_rect(const Gfx::IntRect&);
const Gfx::IntRect& taskbar_rect() const { return m_taskbar_rect; }
void move_to(const Gfx::IntPoint& position) { set_rect({ position, size() }); }
void move_to(int x, int y) { move_to({ x, y }); }
void move_by(const Gfx::IntPoint& delta) { set_position_without_repaint(position().translated(delta)); }
Gfx::IntPoint position() const { return m_rect.location(); }
void set_position(const Gfx::IntPoint& position) { set_rect({ position.x(), position.y(), width(), height() }); }
void set_position_without_repaint(const Gfx::IntPoint& position) { set_rect_without_repaint({ position.x(), position.y(), width(), height() }); }
Gfx::IntSize size() const { return m_rect.size(); }
void invalidate(bool with_frame = true, bool re_render_frame = false);
void invalidate(Gfx::IntRect const&);
void invalidate_menubar();
bool invalidate_no_notify(const Gfx::IntRect& rect, bool with_frame = false);
void invalidate_last_rendered_screen_rects();
void invalidate_last_rendered_screen_rects_now();
[[nodiscard]] bool should_invalidate_last_rendered_screen_rects() { return exchange(m_invalidate_last_render_rects, false); }
void refresh_client_size();
void prepare_dirty_rects();
void clear_dirty_rects();
Gfx::DisjointRectSet& dirty_rects() { return m_dirty_rects; }
// Only used by WindowType::Applet. Perhaps it could be a Window subclass? I don't know.
void set_rect_in_applet_area(const Gfx::IntRect& rect) { m_rect_in_applet_area = rect; }
const Gfx::IntRect& rect_in_applet_area() const { return m_rect_in_applet_area; }
const Gfx::Bitmap* backing_store() const { return m_backing_store.ptr(); }
Gfx::Bitmap* backing_store() { return m_backing_store.ptr(); }
void set_backing_store(RefPtr<Gfx::Bitmap> backing_store, i32 serial)
m_last_backing_store = move(m_backing_store);
m_backing_store = move(backing_store);
m_last_backing_store_serial = m_backing_store_serial;
m_backing_store_serial = serial;
void swap_backing_stores()
swap(m_backing_store, m_last_backing_store);
swap(m_backing_store_serial, m_last_backing_store_serial);
Gfx::Bitmap* last_backing_store() { return m_last_backing_store.ptr(); }
i32 last_backing_store_serial() const { return m_last_backing_store_serial; }
void set_global_cursor_tracking_enabled(bool);
void set_automatic_cursor_tracking_enabled(bool enabled) { m_automatic_cursor_tracking_enabled = enabled; }
bool global_cursor_tracking() const { return m_global_cursor_tracking_enabled || m_automatic_cursor_tracking_enabled; }
bool has_alpha_channel() const { return m_has_alpha_channel; }
void set_has_alpha_channel(bool value);
Gfx::IntSize size_increment() const { return m_size_increment; }
void set_size_increment(const Gfx::IntSize& increment) { m_size_increment = increment; }
const Optional<Gfx::IntSize>& resize_aspect_ratio() const { return m_resize_aspect_ratio; }
void set_resize_aspect_ratio(const Optional<Gfx::IntSize>& ratio)
// "Tiled" means that we take up a chunk of space relative to the screen.
// The screen can change, so "tiled" and "fixed aspect ratio" are mutually exclusive.
// Similarly for "maximized" and "fixed aspect ratio".
// In order to resolve this, undo those properties first:
m_resize_aspect_ratio = ratio;
Gfx::IntSize base_size() const { return m_base_size; }
void set_base_size(const Gfx::IntSize& size) { m_base_size = size; }
const Gfx::Bitmap& icon() const { return *m_icon; }
void set_icon(NonnullRefPtr<Gfx::Bitmap>&& icon) { m_icon = move(icon); }
void set_default_icon();
const Cursor* cursor() const { return (m_cursor_override ? m_cursor_override : m_cursor).ptr(); }
void set_cursor(RefPtr<Cursor> cursor) { m_cursor = move(cursor); }
void set_cursor_override(RefPtr<Cursor> cursor) { m_cursor_override = move(cursor); }
void remove_cursor_override() { m_cursor_override = nullptr; }
void request_update(const Gfx::IntRect&, bool ignore_occlusion = false);
Gfx::DisjointRectSet take_pending_paint_rects() { return move(m_pending_paint_rects); }
bool has_taskbar_rect() const { return m_have_taskbar_rect; };
void start_minimize_animation();
void start_launch_animation(Gfx::IntRect const&);
Gfx::IntRect tiled_rect(Screen*, WindowTileType) const;
void recalculate_rect();
IntrusiveListNode<Window> m_list_node;
void detach_client(Badge<ClientConnection>);
Window* parent_window() { return m_parent_window; }
const Window* parent_window() const { return m_parent_window; }
void set_parent_window(Window&);
Vector<WeakPtr<Window>>& child_windows() { return m_child_windows; }
const Vector<WeakPtr<Window>>& child_windows() const { return m_child_windows; }
Vector<WeakPtr<Window>>& accessory_windows() { return m_accessory_windows; }
const Vector<WeakPtr<Window>>& accessory_windows() const { return m_accessory_windows; }
bool is_descendant_of(Window&) const;
void set_accessory(bool accessory) { m_accessory = accessory; }
bool is_accessory() const;
bool is_accessory_of(Window&) const;
void set_frameless(bool);
bool is_frameless() const { return m_frameless; }
bool should_show_menubar() const { return m_should_show_menubar; }
Optional<int> progress() const { return m_progress; }
void set_progress(Optional<int>);
bool is_destroyed() const { return m_destroyed; }
void destroy();
bool default_positioned() const { return m_default_positioned; }
void set_default_positioned(bool p) { m_default_positioned = p; }
bool is_opaque() const
if (opacity() < 1.0f)
return false;
if (has_alpha_channel())
return false;
return true;
Gfx::DisjointRectSet& opaque_rects() { return m_opaque_rects; }
Gfx::DisjointRectSet& transparency_rects() { return m_transparency_rects; }
Gfx::DisjointRectSet& transparency_wallpaper_rects() { return m_transparency_wallpaper_rects; }
Menubar* menubar() { return m_menubar; }
const Menubar* menubar() const { return m_menubar; }
void set_menubar(Menubar*);
WindowStack& window_stack()
return *m_window_stack;
WindowStack const& window_stack() const
return *m_window_stack;
bool is_on_any_window_stack(Badge<WindowStack>) const { return m_window_stack != nullptr; }
void set_window_stack(Badge<WindowStack>, WindowStack* stack) { m_window_stack = stack; }
const Vector<Screen*, default_screen_count>& screens() const { return m_screens; }
Vector<Screen*, default_screen_count>& screens() { return m_screens; }
void did_construct()
void set_moving_to_another_stack(bool value) { m_moving_to_another_stack = value; }
bool is_moving_to_another_stack() const { return m_moving_to_another_stack; }
Window(ClientConnection&, WindowType, int window_id, bool modal, bool minimizable, bool frameless, bool resizable, bool fullscreen, bool accessory, Window* parent_window = nullptr);
Window(Core::Object&, WindowType);
virtual void event(Core::Event&) override;
void handle_mouse_event(const MouseEvent&);
void handle_keydown_event(const KeyEvent&);
void add_child_window(Window&);
void add_accessory_window(Window&);
void ensure_window_menu();
void update_window_menu_items();
void modal_unparented();
ClientConnection* m_client { nullptr };
WeakPtr<Window> m_parent_window;
Vector<WeakPtr<Window>> m_child_windows;
Vector<WeakPtr<Window>> m_accessory_windows;
RefPtr<Menubar> m_menubar;
String m_title;
Gfx::IntRect m_rect;
Gfx::IntRect m_saved_nonfullscreen_rect;
Gfx::IntRect m_taskbar_rect;
Vector<Screen*, default_screen_count> m_screens;
Gfx::DisjointRectSet m_dirty_rects;
Gfx::DisjointRectSet m_opaque_rects;
Gfx::DisjointRectSet m_transparency_rects;
Gfx::DisjointRectSet m_transparency_wallpaper_rects;
WindowType m_type { WindowType::Normal };
bool m_global_cursor_tracking_enabled { false };
bool m_automatic_cursor_tracking_enabled { false };
bool m_visible { true };
bool m_has_alpha_channel { false };
bool m_modal { false };
bool m_minimizable { false };
bool m_frameless { false };
bool m_forced_shadow { false };
bool m_resizable { false };
Optional<Gfx::IntSize> m_resize_aspect_ratio {};
WindowMinimizedState m_minimized_state { WindowMinimizedState::None };
bool m_maximized { false };
bool m_fullscreen { false };
bool m_accessory { false };
bool m_destroyed { false };
bool m_default_positioned { false };
bool m_have_taskbar_rect { false };
bool m_invalidated { true };
bool m_invalidated_all { true };
bool m_invalidated_frame { true };
bool m_hit_testing_enabled { true };
bool m_modified { false };
bool m_pinned { false };
bool m_moving_to_another_stack { false };
bool m_invalidate_last_render_rects { false };
WindowTileType m_tiled { WindowTileType::None };
Gfx::IntRect m_untiled_rect;
bool m_occluded { false };
RefPtr<Gfx::Bitmap> m_backing_store;
RefPtr<Gfx::Bitmap> m_last_backing_store;
i32 m_backing_store_serial { -1 };
i32 m_last_backing_store_serial { -1 };
int m_window_id { -1 };
i32 m_client_id { -1 };
float m_opacity { 1 };
float m_alpha_hit_threshold { 0.0f };
Gfx::IntSize m_size_increment;
Gfx::IntSize m_base_size;
Gfx::IntSize m_minimum_size { 1, 1 };
NonnullRefPtr<Gfx::Bitmap> m_icon;
RefPtr<Cursor> m_cursor;
RefPtr<Cursor> m_cursor_override;
WindowFrame m_frame;
Gfx::DisjointRectSet m_pending_paint_rects;
Gfx::IntRect m_unmaximized_rect;
Gfx::IntRect m_rect_in_applet_area;
RefPtr<Menu> m_window_menu;
MenuItem* m_window_menu_minimize_item { nullptr };
MenuItem* m_window_menu_maximize_item { nullptr };
MenuItem* m_window_menu_move_item { nullptr };
MenuItem* m_window_menu_close_item { nullptr };
MenuItem* m_window_menu_pin_item { nullptr };
MenuItem* m_window_menu_menubar_visibility_item { nullptr };
Optional<int> m_progress;
bool m_should_show_menubar { true };
WindowStack* m_window_stack { nullptr };
RefPtr<Animation> m_animation;
using List = IntrusiveList<Window, RawPtr<Window>, &Window::m_list_node>;