Andreas Kling fe237ee215 Lots of hacking:
- Turn Keyboard into a CharacterDevice (85,1) at /dev/keyboard.
- Implement MM::unmapRegionsForTask() and MM::unmapRegion()
- Save SS correctly on interrupt.
- Add a simple Spawn syscall for launching another process.
- Move a bunch of IO syscall debug output behind DEBUG_IO.
- Have ASSERT do a "cli" immediately when failing.
  This makes the output look proper every time.
- Implement a bunch of syscalls in LibC.
- Add a simple shell ("sh"). All it can do now is read a line
  of text from /dev/keyboard and then try launching the specified
  executable by calling spawn().

There are definitely bugs in here, but we're moving on forward.
2018-10-23 10:12:50 +02:00

156 lines
3.9 KiB

#pragma once
#include "types.h"
#include "i386.h"
#include <AK/Retainable.h>
#include <AK/RetainPtr.h>
#include <AK/Vector.h>
#include <AK/HashMap.h>
#include "Task.h"
class Task;
enum class PageFaultResponse {
struct Zone : public Retainable<Zone> {
~Zone() { }
size_t size() const { return m_pages.size() * PAGE_SIZE; }
const Vector<PhysicalAddress>& pages() const { return m_pages; }
friend class MemoryManager;
friend bool copyToZone(Zone&, const void* data, size_t);
explicit Zone(Vector<PhysicalAddress>&& pages)
: m_pages(move(pages))
Vector<PhysicalAddress> m_pages;
bool copyToZone(Zone&, const void* data, size_t);
class MemoryManager {
static MemoryManager& the();
PhysicalAddress pageDirectoryBase() const { return PhysicalAddress(reinterpret_cast<dword>(m_pageDirectory)); }
static void initialize();
PageFaultResponse handlePageFault(const PageFault&);
RetainPtr<Zone> createZone(size_t);
// HACK: don't use this jeez :(
byte* quickMapOnePage(PhysicalAddress);
bool mapRegion(Task&, Task::Region&);
bool unmapRegion(Task&, Task::Region&);
bool mapRegionsForTask(Task&);
bool unmapRegionsForTask(Task&);
void initializePaging();
void protectMap(LinearAddress, size_t length);
void identityMap(LinearAddress, size_t length);
Vector<PhysicalAddress> allocatePhysicalPages(size_t count);
struct PageDirectoryEntry {
explicit PageDirectoryEntry(dword* pde) : m_pde(pde) { }
dword* pageTableBase() { return reinterpret_cast<dword*>(raw() & 0xfffff000u); }
void setPageTableBase(dword value)
*m_pde &= 0xfff;
*m_pde |= value & 0xfffff000;
dword raw() const { return *m_pde; }
dword* ptr() { return m_pde; }
enum Flags {
Present = 1 << 0,
ReadWrite = 1 << 1,
UserSupervisor = 1 << 2,
bool isPresent() const { return raw() & Present; }
void setPresent(bool b) { setBit(Present, b); }
bool isUserAllowed() const { return raw() & UserSupervisor; }
void setUserAllowed(bool b) { setBit(UserSupervisor, b); }
bool isWritable() const { return raw() & ReadWrite; }
void setWritable(bool b) { setBit(ReadWrite, b); }
void setBit(byte bit, bool value)
if (value)
*m_pde |= bit;
*m_pde &= ~bit;
dword* m_pde;
struct PageTableEntry {
explicit PageTableEntry(dword* pte) : m_pte(pte) { }
dword* physicalPageBase() { return reinterpret_cast<dword*>(raw() & 0xfffff000u); }
void setPhysicalPageBase(dword value)
*m_pte &= 0xfffu;
*m_pte |= value & 0xfffff000u;
dword raw() const { return *m_pte; }
dword* ptr() { return m_pte; }
enum Flags {
Present = 1 << 0,
ReadWrite = 1 << 1,
UserSupervisor = 1 << 2,
bool isPresent() const { return raw() & Present; }
void setPresent(bool b) { setBit(Present, b); }
bool isUserAllowed() const { return raw() & UserSupervisor; }
void setUserAllowed(bool b) { setBit(UserSupervisor, b); }
bool isWritable() const { return raw() & ReadWrite; }
void setWritable(bool b) { setBit(ReadWrite, b); }
void setBit(byte bit, bool value)
if (value)
*m_pte |= bit;
*m_pte &= ~bit;
dword* m_pte;
PageTableEntry ensurePTE(LinearAddress);
dword* m_pageDirectory;
dword* m_pageTableZero;
dword* m_pageTableOne;
HashMap<int, RetainPtr<Zone>> m_zones;
Vector<PhysicalAddress> m_freePages;