Andreas Kling bb23e61fbf LibGfx+WindowServer: Have WindowServer broadcast system font settings
Instead of everybody getting their system fonts from Gfx::FontDatabase
(where it's all hardcoded), they now get it from WindowServer.

These are then plumbed into the usual Gfx::FontDatabase places so that
the old default_font() and default_fixed_width_font() APIs keep working.
2021-05-21 20:15:51 +02:00

43 lines
2.1 KiB

endpoint WindowClient
fast_greet(Gfx::IntRect screen_rect, Core::AnonymousBuffer theme_buffer, String default_font_query, String fixed_width_font_query) =|
paint(i32 window_id, Gfx::IntSize window_size, Vector<Gfx::IntRect> rects) =|
mouse_move(i32 window_id, Gfx::IntPoint mouse_position, u32 button, u32 buttons, u32 modifiers, i32 wheel_delta, bool is_drag, Vector<String> mime_types) =|
mouse_down(i32 window_id, Gfx::IntPoint mouse_position, u32 button, u32 buttons, u32 modifiers, i32 wheel_delta) =|
mouse_double_click(i32 window_id, Gfx::IntPoint mouse_position, u32 button, u32 buttons, u32 modifiers, i32 wheel_delta) =|
mouse_up(i32 window_id, Gfx::IntPoint mouse_position, u32 button, u32 buttons, u32 modifiers, i32 wheel_delta) =|
mouse_wheel(i32 window_id, Gfx::IntPoint mouse_position, u32 button, u32 buttons, u32 modifiers, i32 wheel_delta) =|
window_entered(i32 window_id) =|
window_left(i32 window_id) =|
window_input_entered(i32 window_id) =|
window_input_left(i32 window_id) =|
key_down(i32 window_id, u32 code_point, u32 key, u32 modifiers, u32 scancode) =|
key_up(i32 window_id, u32 code_point, u32 key, u32 modifiers, u32 scancode) =|
window_activated(i32 window_id) =|
window_deactivated(i32 window_id) =|
window_state_changed(i32 window_id, bool minimized, bool occluded) =|
window_close_request(i32 window_id) =|
window_resized(i32 window_id, Gfx::IntRect new_rect) =|
menu_item_activated(i32 menu_id, u32 identifier) =|
menu_item_entered(i32 menu_id, u32 identifier) =|
menu_item_left(i32 menu_id, u32 identifier) =|
menu_visibility_did_change(i32 menu_id, bool visible) =|
screen_rect_changed(Gfx::IntRect rect) =|
set_wallpaper_finished(bool success) =|
drag_accepted() =|
drag_cancelled() =|
drag_dropped(i32 window_id, Gfx::IntPoint mouse_position, [UTF8] String text, HashMap<String,ByteBuffer> mime_data) =|
update_system_theme(Core::AnonymousBuffer theme_buffer) =|
update_system_fonts(String default_font_query, String fixed_width_font_query) =|
display_link_notification() =|
ping() =|