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synced 2024-11-25 09:00:22 +00:00
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TL;DR: There are two available sets of coefficients for the conversion matrices from XYZ to sRGB. We switched from one set to the other, which is what the WPT tests are expecting. All RGB color spaces, like display-p3 or rec2020, are defined by their three color chromacities and a white point. This is also the case for the video color space Rec. 709, from which the sRGB color space is derived. The sRGB specification is however a bit different. In 1996, when formalizing the sRGB spec the authors published a draft that is still available here [1]. In this document, they also provide the matrix to convert from the XYZ color space to sRGB. This matrix can be verified quite easily by using the usual math equations. But hold on, here come the plot twist: at the time of publication, the spec contained a different matrix than the one in the draft (the spec is obviously behind a pay wall, but the numbers are also reported in this official document [2]). This official matrix, is at a first glance simply a wrongly rounded version of the one in the draft publication. It however has some interesting properties: it can be inverted twice (so a roundtrip) in 8 bits and not suffer from any errors from the calculations. So, we are here with two versions of the XYZ -> sRGB matrix, the one from the spec, which is: - better for computations in 8 bits, - and official. This is the one that, by authority, we should use. And a second version, that can be found in the draft, which: - makes sense, as directly derived from the chromacities, - is publicly available, - and (thus?) used in most places. The old coefficients were the one from the spec, this commit change them for the one derived from the mathematical formulae. The Python script to compute these values is available at the end of the commit description. More details about this subject can be found here [3]. [1] https://www.w3.org/Graphics/Color/sRGB.html [2] https://color.org/chardata/rgb/sRGB.pdf [3] https://photosauce.net/blog/post/making-a-minimal-srgb-icc-profile-part-3-choose-your-colors-carefully The Python script: ```python # http://www.brucelindbloom.com/index.html?Eqn_RGB_XYZ_Matrix.html from numpy.typing import NDArray import numpy as np ### sRGB # https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color-4/#predefined-sRGB srgb_r_chromacity = np.array([0.640, 0.330]) srgb_g_chromacity = np.array([0.300, 0.600]) srgb_b_chromacity = np.array([0.150, 0.060]) ## ## White points white_point_d50 = np.array([0.345700, 0.358500]) white_point_d65 = np.array([0.312700, 0.329000]) # r_chromacity = srgb_r_chromacity g_chromacity = srgb_g_chromacity b_chromacity = srgb_b_chromacity white_point = white_point_d65 def tristmimulus_vector(chromacity: NDArray) -> NDArray: return np.array([ chromacity[0] /chromacity[1], 1, (1 - chromacity[0] - chromacity[1]) / chromacity[1] ]) tristmimulus_matrix = np.hstack(( tristmimulus_vector(r_chromacity).reshape(3, 1), tristmimulus_vector(g_chromacity).reshape(3, 1), tristmimulus_vector(b_chromacity).reshape(3, 1), )) scaling_factors = (np.linalg.inv(tristmimulus_matrix) @ tristmimulus_vector(white_point)) M = tristmimulus_matrix * scaling_factors np.set_printoptions(formatter={'float_kind':'{:.6f}'.format}) xyz_65_to_srgb = np.linalg.inv(M) # http://www.brucelindbloom.com/index.html?Eqn_ChromAdapt.html # Let's convert from D50 to D65 using the Bradford method. m_a = np.array([ [0.8951000, 0.2664000, -0.1614000], [-0.7502000, 1.7135000, 0.0367000], [0.0389000, -0.0685000, 1.0296000] ]) cone_response_source = m_a @ tristmimulus_vector(white_point_d50) cone_response_destination = m_a @ tristmimulus_vector(white_point_d65) cone_response_ratio = cone_response_destination / cone_response_source m = np.linalg.inv(m_a) @ np.diagflat(cone_response_ratio) @ m_a D50_to_D65 = m xyz_50_to_srgb = xyz_65_to_srgb @ D50_to_D65 print(xyz_50_to_srgb) print(xyz_65_to_srgb) ```
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* Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling <andreas@ladybird.org>
* Copyright (c) 2019-2023, Shannon Booth <shannon@serenityos.org>
* Copyright (c) 2024, Lucas Chollet <lucas.chollet@serenityos.org>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/Assertions.h>
#include <AK/ByteString.h>
#include <AK/FloatingPointStringConversions.h>
#include <AK/Optional.h>
#include <AK/Swift.h>
#include <AK/Vector.h>
#include <LibGfx/Color.h>
#include <LibGfx/SystemTheme.h>
#include <LibIPC/Decoder.h>
#include <LibIPC/Encoder.h>
#include <ctype.h>
# include <LibGfx-Swift.h>
namespace Gfx {
String Color::to_string(HTMLCompatibleSerialization html_compatible_serialization) const
// If the following conditions are all true:
// 1. The color space is sRGB
// NOTE: This is currently always true for Gfx::Color.
// 2. The alpha is 1
// NOTE: An alpha value of 1 will be stored as 255 currently.
// 3. The RGB component values are internally represented as integers between 0 and 255 inclusive (i.e. 8-bit unsigned integer)
// NOTE: This is currently always true for Gfx::Color.
// 4. HTML-compatible serialization is requested
if (alpha() == 255
&& html_compatible_serialization == HTMLCompatibleSerialization::Yes) {
return MUST(String::formatted("#{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}", red(), green(), blue()));
// Otherwise, for sRGB the CSS serialization of sRGB values is used and for other color spaces, the relevant serialization of the <color> value.
if (alpha() < 255)
return MUST(String::formatted("rgba({}, {}, {}, {})", red(), green(), blue(), alpha() / 255.0));
return MUST(String::formatted("rgb({}, {}, {})", red(), green(), blue()));
String Color::to_string_without_alpha() const
return MUST(String::formatted("#{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}", red(), green(), blue()));
ByteString Color::to_byte_string() const
return to_string().to_byte_string();
ByteString Color::to_byte_string_without_alpha() const
return to_string_without_alpha().to_byte_string();
static Optional<Color> parse_rgb_color(StringView string)
VERIFY(string.starts_with("rgb("sv, CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive));
auto substring = string.substring_view(4, string.length() - 5);
auto parts = substring.split_view(',');
if (parts.size() != 3)
return {};
auto r = parts[0].to_number<double>().map(AK::clamp_to<u8, double>);
auto g = parts[1].to_number<double>().map(AK::clamp_to<u8, double>);
auto b = parts[2].to_number<double>().map(AK::clamp_to<u8, double>);
if (!r.has_value() || !g.has_value() || !b.has_value())
return {};
return Color(*r, *g, *b);
static Optional<Color> parse_rgba_color(StringView string)
VERIFY(string.starts_with("rgba("sv, CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive));
auto substring = string.substring_view(5, string.length() - 6);
auto parts = substring.split_view(',');
if (parts.size() != 4)
return {};
auto r = parts[0].to_number<double>().map(AK::clamp_to<u8, double>);
auto g = parts[1].to_number<double>().map(AK::clamp_to<u8, double>);
auto b = parts[2].to_number<double>().map(AK::clamp_to<u8, double>);
double alpha = 0;
auto alpha_str = parts[3].trim_whitespace();
char const* start = alpha_str.characters_without_null_termination();
auto alpha_result = parse_first_floating_point(start, start + alpha_str.length());
if (alpha_result.parsed_value())
alpha = alpha_result.value;
unsigned a = alpha * 255;
if (!r.has_value() || !g.has_value() || !b.has_value() || a > 255)
return {};
return Color(*r, *g, *b, a);
Optional<Color> Color::from_named_css_color_string(StringView string)
if (string.is_empty())
return {};
struct WebColor {
ARGB32 color;
StringView name;
constexpr Array web_colors {
// CSS Level 1
WebColor { 0x000000, "black"sv },
WebColor { 0xc0c0c0, "silver"sv },
WebColor { 0x808080, "gray"sv },
WebColor { 0xffffff, "white"sv },
WebColor { 0x800000, "maroon"sv },
WebColor { 0xff0000, "red"sv },
WebColor { 0x800080, "purple"sv },
WebColor { 0xff00ff, "fuchsia"sv },
WebColor { 0x008000, "green"sv },
WebColor { 0x00ff00, "lime"sv },
WebColor { 0x808000, "olive"sv },
WebColor { 0xffff00, "yellow"sv },
WebColor { 0x000080, "navy"sv },
WebColor { 0x0000ff, "blue"sv },
WebColor { 0x008080, "teal"sv },
WebColor { 0x00ffff, "aqua"sv },
// CSS Level 2 (Revision 1)
WebColor { 0xffa500, "orange"sv },
// CSS Color Module Level 3
WebColor { 0xf0f8ff, "aliceblue"sv },
WebColor { 0xfaebd7, "antiquewhite"sv },
WebColor { 0x7fffd4, "aquamarine"sv },
WebColor { 0xf0ffff, "azure"sv },
WebColor { 0xf5f5dc, "beige"sv },
WebColor { 0xffe4c4, "bisque"sv },
WebColor { 0xffebcd, "blanchedalmond"sv },
WebColor { 0x8a2be2, "blueviolet"sv },
WebColor { 0xa52a2a, "brown"sv },
WebColor { 0xdeb887, "burlywood"sv },
WebColor { 0x5f9ea0, "cadetblue"sv },
WebColor { 0x7fff00, "chartreuse"sv },
WebColor { 0xd2691e, "chocolate"sv },
WebColor { 0xff7f50, "coral"sv },
WebColor { 0x6495ed, "cornflowerblue"sv },
WebColor { 0xfff8dc, "cornsilk"sv },
WebColor { 0xdc143c, "crimson"sv },
WebColor { 0x00ffff, "cyan"sv },
WebColor { 0x00008b, "darkblue"sv },
WebColor { 0x008b8b, "darkcyan"sv },
WebColor { 0xb8860b, "darkgoldenrod"sv },
WebColor { 0xa9a9a9, "darkgray"sv },
WebColor { 0x006400, "darkgreen"sv },
WebColor { 0xa9a9a9, "darkgrey"sv },
WebColor { 0xbdb76b, "darkkhaki"sv },
WebColor { 0x8b008b, "darkmagenta"sv },
WebColor { 0x556b2f, "darkolivegreen"sv },
WebColor { 0xff8c00, "darkorange"sv },
WebColor { 0x9932cc, "darkorchid"sv },
WebColor { 0x8b0000, "darkred"sv },
WebColor { 0xe9967a, "darksalmon"sv },
WebColor { 0x8fbc8f, "darkseagreen"sv },
WebColor { 0x483d8b, "darkslateblue"sv },
WebColor { 0x2f4f4f, "darkslategray"sv },
WebColor { 0x2f4f4f, "darkslategrey"sv },
WebColor { 0x00ced1, "darkturquoise"sv },
WebColor { 0x9400d3, "darkviolet"sv },
WebColor { 0xff1493, "deeppink"sv },
WebColor { 0x00bfff, "deepskyblue"sv },
WebColor { 0x696969, "dimgray"sv },
WebColor { 0x696969, "dimgrey"sv },
WebColor { 0x1e90ff, "dodgerblue"sv },
WebColor { 0xb22222, "firebrick"sv },
WebColor { 0xfffaf0, "floralwhite"sv },
WebColor { 0x228b22, "forestgreen"sv },
WebColor { 0xdcdcdc, "gainsboro"sv },
WebColor { 0xf8f8ff, "ghostwhite"sv },
WebColor { 0xffd700, "gold"sv },
WebColor { 0xdaa520, "goldenrod"sv },
WebColor { 0xadff2f, "greenyellow"sv },
WebColor { 0x808080, "grey"sv },
WebColor { 0xf0fff0, "honeydew"sv },
WebColor { 0xff69b4, "hotpink"sv },
WebColor { 0xcd5c5c, "indianred"sv },
WebColor { 0x4b0082, "indigo"sv },
WebColor { 0xfffff0, "ivory"sv },
WebColor { 0xf0e68c, "khaki"sv },
WebColor { 0xe6e6fa, "lavender"sv },
WebColor { 0xfff0f5, "lavenderblush"sv },
WebColor { 0x7cfc00, "lawngreen"sv },
WebColor { 0xfffacd, "lemonchiffon"sv },
WebColor { 0xadd8e6, "lightblue"sv },
WebColor { 0xf08080, "lightcoral"sv },
WebColor { 0xe0ffff, "lightcyan"sv },
WebColor { 0xfafad2, "lightgoldenrodyellow"sv },
WebColor { 0xd3d3d3, "lightgray"sv },
WebColor { 0x90ee90, "lightgreen"sv },
WebColor { 0xd3d3d3, "lightgrey"sv },
WebColor { 0xffb6c1, "lightpink"sv },
WebColor { 0xffa07a, "lightsalmon"sv },
WebColor { 0x20b2aa, "lightseagreen"sv },
WebColor { 0x87cefa, "lightskyblue"sv },
WebColor { 0x778899, "lightslategray"sv },
WebColor { 0x778899, "lightslategrey"sv },
WebColor { 0xb0c4de, "lightsteelblue"sv },
WebColor { 0xffffe0, "lightyellow"sv },
WebColor { 0x32cd32, "limegreen"sv },
WebColor { 0xfaf0e6, "linen"sv },
WebColor { 0xff00ff, "magenta"sv },
WebColor { 0x66cdaa, "mediumaquamarine"sv },
WebColor { 0x0000cd, "mediumblue"sv },
WebColor { 0xba55d3, "mediumorchid"sv },
WebColor { 0x9370db, "mediumpurple"sv },
WebColor { 0x3cb371, "mediumseagreen"sv },
WebColor { 0x7b68ee, "mediumslateblue"sv },
WebColor { 0x00fa9a, "mediumspringgreen"sv },
WebColor { 0x48d1cc, "mediumturquoise"sv },
WebColor { 0xc71585, "mediumvioletred"sv },
WebColor { 0x191970, "midnightblue"sv },
WebColor { 0xf5fffa, "mintcream"sv },
WebColor { 0xffe4e1, "mistyrose"sv },
WebColor { 0xffe4b5, "moccasin"sv },
WebColor { 0xffdead, "navajowhite"sv },
WebColor { 0xfdf5e6, "oldlace"sv },
WebColor { 0x6b8e23, "olivedrab"sv },
WebColor { 0xff4500, "orangered"sv },
WebColor { 0xda70d6, "orchid"sv },
WebColor { 0xeee8aa, "palegoldenrod"sv },
WebColor { 0x98fb98, "palegreen"sv },
WebColor { 0xafeeee, "paleturquoise"sv },
WebColor { 0xdb7093, "palevioletred"sv },
WebColor { 0xffefd5, "papayawhip"sv },
WebColor { 0xffdab9, "peachpuff"sv },
WebColor { 0xcd853f, "peru"sv },
WebColor { 0xffc0cb, "pink"sv },
WebColor { 0xdda0dd, "plum"sv },
WebColor { 0xb0e0e6, "powderblue"sv },
WebColor { 0xbc8f8f, "rosybrown"sv },
WebColor { 0x4169e1, "royalblue"sv },
WebColor { 0x8b4513, "saddlebrown"sv },
WebColor { 0xfa8072, "salmon"sv },
WebColor { 0xf4a460, "sandybrown"sv },
WebColor { 0x2e8b57, "seagreen"sv },
WebColor { 0xfff5ee, "seashell"sv },
WebColor { 0xa0522d, "sienna"sv },
WebColor { 0x87ceeb, "skyblue"sv },
WebColor { 0x6a5acd, "slateblue"sv },
WebColor { 0x708090, "slategray"sv },
WebColor { 0x708090, "slategrey"sv },
WebColor { 0xfffafa, "snow"sv },
WebColor { 0x00ff7f, "springgreen"sv },
WebColor { 0x4682b4, "steelblue"sv },
WebColor { 0xd2b48c, "tan"sv },
WebColor { 0xd8bfd8, "thistle"sv },
WebColor { 0xff6347, "tomato"sv },
WebColor { 0x40e0d0, "turquoise"sv },
WebColor { 0xee82ee, "violet"sv },
WebColor { 0xf5deb3, "wheat"sv },
WebColor { 0xf5f5f5, "whitesmoke"sv },
WebColor { 0x9acd32, "yellowgreen"sv },
// CSS Color Module Level 4
WebColor { 0x663399, "rebeccapurple"sv },
for (auto const& web_color : web_colors) {
if (string.equals_ignoring_ascii_case(web_color.name))
return Color::from_rgb(web_color.color);
return {};
#if defined(LIBGFX_USE_SWIFT)
static Optional<Color> hex_string_to_color(StringView string)
auto color = parseHexString(string);
if (color.getCount() == 0)
return {};
return color[0];
static Optional<Color> hex_string_to_color(StringView string)
auto hex_nibble_to_u8 = [](char nibble) -> Optional<u8> {
if (!isxdigit(nibble))
return {};
if (nibble >= '0' && nibble <= '9')
return nibble - '0';
return 10 + (tolower(nibble) - 'a');
if (string.length() == 4) {
Optional<u8> r = hex_nibble_to_u8(string[1]);
Optional<u8> g = hex_nibble_to_u8(string[2]);
Optional<u8> b = hex_nibble_to_u8(string[3]);
if (!r.has_value() || !g.has_value() || !b.has_value())
return {};
return Color(r.value() * 17, g.value() * 17, b.value() * 17);
if (string.length() == 5) {
Optional<u8> r = hex_nibble_to_u8(string[1]);
Optional<u8> g = hex_nibble_to_u8(string[2]);
Optional<u8> b = hex_nibble_to_u8(string[3]);
Optional<u8> a = hex_nibble_to_u8(string[4]);
if (!r.has_value() || !g.has_value() || !b.has_value() || !a.has_value())
return {};
return Color(r.value() * 17, g.value() * 17, b.value() * 17, a.value() * 17);
if (string.length() != 7 && string.length() != 9)
return {};
auto to_hex = [&](char c1, char c2) -> Optional<u8> {
auto nib1 = hex_nibble_to_u8(c1);
auto nib2 = hex_nibble_to_u8(c2);
if (!nib1.has_value() || !nib2.has_value())
return {};
return nib1.value() << 4 | nib2.value();
Optional<u8> r = to_hex(string[1], string[2]);
Optional<u8> g = to_hex(string[3], string[4]);
Optional<u8> b = to_hex(string[5], string[6]);
Optional<u8> a = string.length() == 9 ? to_hex(string[7], string[8]) : Optional<u8>(255);
if (!r.has_value() || !g.has_value() || !b.has_value() || !a.has_value())
return {};
return Color(r.value(), g.value(), b.value(), a.value());
Optional<Color> Color::from_string(StringView string)
if (string.is_empty())
return {};
if (string[0] == '#')
return hex_string_to_color(string);
if (string.starts_with("rgb("sv, CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive) && string.ends_with(')'))
return parse_rgb_color(string);
if (string.starts_with("rgba("sv, CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive) && string.ends_with(')'))
return parse_rgba_color(string);
if (string.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("transparent"sv))
return Color::from_argb(0x00000000);
if (auto const color = from_named_css_color_string(string); color.has_value())
return color;
return {};
Vector<Color> Color::shades(u32 steps, float max) const
float shade = 1.f;
float step = max / steps;
Vector<Color> shades;
for (u32 i = 0; i < steps; i++) {
shade -= step;
return shades;
Vector<Color> Color::tints(u32 steps, float max) const
float shade = 1.f;
float step = max / steps;
Vector<Color> tints;
for (u32 i = 0; i < steps; i++) {
shade += step;
return tints;
Color Color::from_linear_srgb(float red, float green, float blue, float alpha)
auto linear_to_srgb = [](float c) {
if (c <= 0.04045 / 12.92)
return c * 12.92;
return pow(c, 10. / 24) * 1.055 - 0.055;
red = linear_to_srgb(red) * 255.f;
green = linear_to_srgb(green) * 255.f;
blue = linear_to_srgb(blue) * 255.f;
return Color(
clamp(lroundf(red), 0, 255),
clamp(lroundf(green), 0, 255),
clamp(lroundf(blue), 0, 255),
clamp(lroundf(alpha * 255.f), 0, 255));
// https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color-4/#predefined-a98-rgb
Color Color::from_a98rgb(float r, float g, float b, float alpha)
auto to_linear = [](float c) {
return pow(c, 563. / 256);
auto linear_r = to_linear(r);
auto linear_g = to_linear(g);
auto linear_b = to_linear(b);
float x = 0.57666904 * linear_r + 0.18555824 * linear_g + 0.18822865 * linear_b;
float y = 0.29734498 * linear_r + 0.62736357 * linear_g + 0.07529146 * linear_b;
float z = 0.02703136 * linear_r + 0.07068885 * linear_g + 0.99133754 * linear_b;
return from_xyz65(x, y, z, alpha);
// https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color-4/#predefined-a98-rgb
Color Color::from_display_p3(float r, float g, float b, float alpha)
auto to_linear = [](float c) {
if (c < 0.04045)
return c / 12.92;
return pow((c + 0.055) / (1.055), 2.4);
auto linear_r = to_linear(r);
auto linear_g = to_linear(g);
auto linear_b = to_linear(b);
float x = 0.48657095 * linear_r + 0.26566769 * linear_g + 0.19821729 * linear_b;
float y = 0.22897456 * linear_r + 0.69173852 * linear_g + 0.07928691 * linear_b;
float z = 0.00000000 * linear_r + 0.04511338 * linear_g + 1.04394437 * linear_b;
return from_xyz65(x, y, z, alpha);
// https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color-4/#predefined-prophoto-rgb
Color Color::from_pro_photo_rgb(float r, float g, float b, float alpha)
auto to_linear = [](float c) -> float {
u8 sign = c < 0 ? -1 : 1;
float absolute = abs(c);
if (absolute <= 16. / 252)
return c / 16;
return sign * pow(c, 1.8);
auto linear_r = to_linear(r);
auto linear_g = to_linear(g);
auto linear_b = to_linear(b);
float x = 0.79776664 * linear_r + 0.13518130 * linear_g + 0.03134773 * linear_b;
float y = 0.28807483 * linear_r + 0.71183523 * linear_g + 0.00008994 * linear_b;
float z = 0.00000000 * linear_r + 0.00000000 * linear_g + 0.82510460 * linear_b;
return from_xyz50(x, y, z, alpha);
// https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color-4/#predefined-rec2020
Color Color::from_rec2020(float r, float g, float b, float alpha)
auto to_linear = [](float c) -> float {
auto constexpr alpha = 1.09929682680944;
auto constexpr beta = 0.018053968510807;
u8 sign = c < 0 ? -1 : 1;
auto absolute = abs(c);
if (absolute < beta * 4.5)
return c / 4.5;
return sign * (pow((absolute + alpha - 1) / alpha, 1 / 0.45));
auto linear_r = to_linear(r);
auto linear_g = to_linear(g);
auto linear_b = to_linear(b);
float x = 0.63695805 * linear_r + 0.14461690 * linear_g + 0.16888098 * linear_b;
float y = 0.26270021 * linear_r + 0.67799807 * linear_g + 0.05930172 * linear_b;
float z = 0.00000000 * linear_r + 0.02807269 * linear_g + 1.06098506 * linear_b;
return from_xyz65(x, y, z, alpha);
Color Color::from_xyz50(float x, float y, float z, float alpha)
// See commit description for these values.
float r = +3.134136 * x - 1.617386 * y - 0.490662 * z;
float g = -0.978795 * x + 1.916254 * y + 0.033443 * z;
float b = +0.071955 * x - 0.228977 * y + 1.405386 * z;
return from_linear_srgb(r, g, b, alpha);
Color Color::from_xyz65(float x, float y, float z, float alpha)
// See commit description for these values.
float r = +3.240970 * x - 1.537383 * y - 0.498611 * z;
float g = -0.969244 * x + 1.875968 * y + 0.041555 * z;
float b = +0.055630 * x - 0.203977 * y + 1.056972 * z;
return from_linear_srgb(r, g, b, alpha);
Color Color::from_lab(float L, float a, float b, float alpha)
// Third edition of "Colorimetry" by the CIE
// 8.2.1 CIE 1976 (L*a*b*) colour space; CIELAB colour space
float y = (L + 16) / 116;
float x = y + a / 500;
float z = y - b / 200;
auto f_inv = [](float t) -> float {
constexpr auto delta = 24. / 116;
if (t > delta)
return t * t * t;
return (108. / 841) * (t - 116. / 16);
// D50
constexpr float x_n = 0.96422;
constexpr float y_n = 1;
constexpr float z_n = 0.82521;
x = x_n * f_inv(x);
y = y_n * f_inv(y);
z = z_n * f_inv(z);
return from_xyz50(x, y, z, alpha);
ErrorOr<void> IPC::encode(Encoder& encoder, Color const& color)
return encoder.encode(color.value());
ErrorOr<Gfx::Color> IPC::decode(Decoder& decoder)
auto rgba = TRY(decoder.decode<u32>());
return Gfx::Color::from_argb(rgba);
ErrorOr<void> AK::Formatter<Gfx::Color>::format(FormatBuilder& builder, Gfx::Color value)
return Formatter<StringView>::format(builder, value.to_byte_string());
ErrorOr<void> AK::Formatter<Gfx::YUV>::format(FormatBuilder& builder, Gfx::YUV value)
return Formatter<FormatString>::format(builder, "{} {} {}"sv, value.y, value.u, value.v);
ErrorOr<void> AK::Formatter<Gfx::HSV>::format(FormatBuilder& builder, Gfx::HSV value)
return Formatter<FormatString>::format(builder, "{} {} {}"sv, value.hue, value.saturation, value.value);
ErrorOr<void> AK::Formatter<Gfx::Oklab>::format(FormatBuilder& builder, Gfx::Oklab value)
return Formatter<FormatString>::format(builder, "{} {} {}"sv, value.L, value.a, value.b);