
396 lines
16 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2024, Nico Weber <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
// Container:
#include <AK/BitStream.h>
#include <AK/Debug.h>
#include <AK/Endian.h>
#include <AK/MemoryStream.h>
#include <LibGfx/Bitmap.h>
#include <LibGfx/ImageFormats/AnimationWriter.h>
#include <LibGfx/ImageFormats/WebPShared.h>
#include <LibGfx/ImageFormats/WebPWriter.h>
namespace Gfx {
static ErrorOr<void> write_webp_header(Stream& stream, unsigned data_size)
TRY(stream.write_value<LittleEndian<u32>>("WEBP"sv.length() + data_size));
return {};
static ErrorOr<void> write_chunk_header(Stream& stream, StringView chunk_fourcc, unsigned data_size)
return {};
static ErrorOr<void> write_VP8L_header(Stream& stream, unsigned width, unsigned height, bool alpha_is_used_hint)
// "The 14-bit precision for image width and height limits the maximum size of a WebP lossless image to 16384✕16384 pixels."
if (width > 16384 || height > 16384)
return Error::from_string_literal("WebP lossless images can't be larger than 16384x16384 pixels");
if (width == 0 || height == 0)
return Error::from_string_literal("WebP lossless images must be at least one pixel wide and tall");
LittleEndianOutputBitStream bit_stream { MaybeOwned<Stream>(stream) };
// Signature byte.
TRY(bit_stream.write_bits(0x2fu, 8u)); // Signature byte
// 14 bits width-1, 14 bits height-1, 1 bit alpha hint, 3 bit version_number.
TRY(bit_stream.write_bits(width - 1, 14u));
TRY(bit_stream.write_bits(height - 1, 14u));
// "The alpha_is_used bit is a hint only, and should not impact decoding.
// It should be set to 0 when all alpha values are 255 in the picture, and 1 otherwise."
TRY(bit_stream.write_bits(alpha_is_used_hint, 1u));
// "The version_number is a 3 bit code that must be set to 0."
TRY(bit_stream.write_bits(0u, 3u));
// FIXME: Make ~LittleEndianOutputBitStream do this, or make it VERIFY() that it has happened at least.
return {};
// FIXME: Consider using LibRIFF for RIFF writing details. (It currently has no writing support.)
static ErrorOr<void> align_to_two(Stream& stream, size_t number_of_bytes_written)
// "If Chunk Size is odd, a single padding byte -- which MUST be 0 to conform with RIFF -- is added."
if (number_of_bytes_written % 2 != 0)
return {};
constexpr size_t vp8l_header_size = 5; // 1 byte signature + (2 * 14 bits width and height + 1 bit alpha hint + 3 bit version_number)
static size_t compute_VP8L_chunk_size(ByteBuffer const& data)
constexpr size_t chunk_header_size = 8; // "VP8L" + size
return chunk_header_size + align_up_to(vp8l_header_size + data.size(), 2);
static ErrorOr<void> write_VP8L_chunk(Stream& stream, unsigned width, unsigned height, bool alpha_is_used_hint, ByteBuffer const& data)
size_t const number_of_bytes_written = vp8l_header_size + data.size();
TRY(write_chunk_header(stream, "VP8L"sv, number_of_bytes_written));
TRY(write_VP8L_header(stream, width, height, alpha_is_used_hint));
TRY(align_to_two(stream, number_of_bytes_written));
return {};
static u8 vp8x_flags_from_header(VP8XHeader const& header)
u8 flags = 0;
// "Reserved (Rsv): 2 bits
// MUST be 0. Readers MUST ignore this field."
// "ICC profile (I): 1 bit
// Set if the file contains an 'ICCP' Chunk."
if (header.has_icc)
flags |= 0x20;
// "Alpha (L): 1 bit
// Set if any of the frames of the image contain transparency information ("alpha")."
if (header.has_alpha)
flags |= 0x10;
// "Exif metadata (E): 1 bit
// Set if the file contains Exif metadata."
if (header.has_exif)
flags |= 0x8;
// "XMP metadata (X): 1 bit
// Set if the file contains XMP metadata."
if (header.has_xmp)
flags |= 0x4;
// "Animation (A): 1 bit
// Set if this is an animated image. Data in 'ANIM' and 'ANMF' Chunks should be used to control the animation."
if (header.has_animation)
flags |= 0x2;
// "Reserved (R): 1 bit
// MUST be 0. Readers MUST ignore this field."
return flags;
static ErrorOr<void> write_VP8X_chunk(Stream& stream, VP8XHeader const& header)
if (header.width > (1 << 24) || header.height > (1 << 24))
return Error::from_string_literal("WebP dimensions too large for VP8X chunk");
if (header.width == 0 || header.height == 0)
return Error::from_string_literal("WebP lossless images must be at least one pixel wide and tall");
// "The product of Canvas Width and Canvas Height MUST be at most 2^32 - 1."
u64 product = static_cast<u64>(header.width) * static_cast<u64>(header.height);
if (product >= (1ull << 32))
return Error::from_string_literal("WebP dimensions too large for VP8X chunk");
TRY(write_chunk_header(stream, "VP8X"sv, 10));
LittleEndianOutputBitStream bit_stream { MaybeOwned<Stream>(stream) };
// Don't use bit_stream.write_bits() to write individual flags here:
// The spec describes bit flags in MSB to LSB order, but write_bits() writes LSB to MSB.
TRY(bit_stream.write_bits(vp8x_flags_from_header(header), 8u));
// "Reserved: 24 bits
// MUST be 0. Readers MUST ignore this field."
TRY(bit_stream.write_bits(0u, 24u));
// "Canvas Width Minus One: 24 bits
// 1-based width of the canvas in pixels. The actual canvas width is 1 + Canvas Width Minus One."
TRY(bit_stream.write_bits(header.width - 1, 24u));
// "Canvas Height Minus One: 24 bits
// 1-based height of the canvas in pixels. The actual canvas height is 1 + Canvas Height Minus One."
TRY(bit_stream.write_bits(header.height - 1, 24u));
// FIXME: Make ~LittleEndianOutputBitStream do this, or make it VERIFY() that it has happened at least.
return {};
// FIXME: Consider using LibRIFF for RIFF writing details. (It currently has no writing support.)
static ErrorOr<void> align_to_two(AllocatingMemoryStream& stream)
return align_to_two(stream, stream.used_buffer_size());
ErrorOr<void> WebPWriter::encode(Stream& stream, Bitmap const& bitmap, Options const& options)
// The chunk headers need to know their size, so we either need a SeekableStream or need to buffer the data. We're doing the latter.
bool is_fully_opaque;
auto vp8l_data_bytes = TRY(compress_VP8L_image_data(bitmap, options.vp8l_options, is_fully_opaque));
bool alpha_is_used_hint = !is_fully_opaque;
dbgln_if(WEBP_DEBUG, "Writing WebP of size {} with alpha hint: {}", bitmap.size(), alpha_is_used_hint);
ByteBuffer vp8x_chunk_bytes;
ByteBuffer iccp_chunk_bytes;
if (options.icc_data.has_value()) {
// FIXME: The whole writing-and-reading-into-buffer over-and-over is awkward and inefficient.
// Maybe add an abstraction that knows its size and can write its data later. This would
// allow saving a few copies.
dbgln_if(WEBP_DEBUG, "Writing VP8X and ICCP chunks.");
AllocatingMemoryStream iccp_chunk_stream;
TRY(write_chunk_header(iccp_chunk_stream, "ICCP"sv, options.icc_data.value().size()));
iccp_chunk_bytes = TRY(iccp_chunk_stream.read_until_eof());
AllocatingMemoryStream vp8x_chunk_stream;
TRY(write_VP8X_chunk(vp8x_chunk_stream, { .has_icc = true, .has_alpha = alpha_is_used_hint, .width = (u32)bitmap.width(), .height = (u32)bitmap.height() }));
VERIFY(vp8x_chunk_stream.used_buffer_size() % 2 == 0);
vp8x_chunk_bytes = TRY(vp8x_chunk_stream.read_until_eof());
u32 total_size = vp8x_chunk_bytes.size() + iccp_chunk_bytes.size() + compute_VP8L_chunk_size(vp8l_data_bytes);
TRY(write_webp_header(stream, total_size));
TRY(write_VP8L_chunk(stream, bitmap.width(), bitmap.height(), alpha_is_used_hint, vp8l_data_bytes));
return {};
class WebPAnimationWriter : public AnimationWriter {
WebPAnimationWriter(SeekableStream& stream, IntSize dimensions, u8 original_vp8x_flags, VP8LEncoderOptions vp8l_options)
: m_stream(stream)
, m_dimensions(dimensions)
, m_vp8x_flags(original_vp8x_flags)
, m_vp8l_options(vp8l_options)
virtual ErrorOr<void> add_frame(Bitmap&, int, IntPoint) override;
ErrorOr<void> update_size_in_header();
ErrorOr<void> set_alpha_bit_in_header();
SeekableStream& m_stream;
IntSize m_dimensions;
u8 m_vp8x_flags { 0 };
VP8LEncoderOptions m_vp8l_options;
static ErrorOr<void> align_to_two(SeekableStream& stream)
return align_to_two(stream, TRY(stream.tell()));
static ErrorOr<void> write_ANMF_chunk_header(Stream& stream, ANMFChunkHeader const& chunk, size_t payload_size)
if (chunk.frame_width > (1 << 24) || chunk.frame_height > (1 << 24))
return Error::from_string_literal("WebP dimensions too large for ANMF chunk");
if (chunk.frame_width == 0 || chunk.frame_height == 0)
return Error::from_string_literal("WebP lossless animation frames must be at least one pixel wide and tall");
if (chunk.frame_x % 2 != 0 || chunk.frame_y % 2 != 0)
return Error::from_string_literal("WebP lossless animation frames must be at at even coordinates");
dbgln_if(WEBP_DEBUG, "writing ANMF frame_x {} frame_y {} frame_width {} frame_height {} frame_duration {} blending_method {} disposal_method {}",
chunk.frame_x, chunk.frame_y, chunk.frame_width, chunk.frame_height, chunk.frame_duration_in_milliseconds, (int)chunk.blending_method, (int)chunk.disposal_method);
TRY(write_chunk_header(stream, "ANMF"sv, 16 + payload_size));
LittleEndianOutputBitStream bit_stream { MaybeOwned<Stream>(stream) };
// "Frame X: 24 bits (uint24)
// The X coordinate of the upper left corner of the frame is Frame X * 2."
TRY(bit_stream.write_bits(chunk.frame_x / 2, 24u));
// "Frame Y: 24 bits (uint24)
// The Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the frame is Frame Y * 2."
TRY(bit_stream.write_bits(chunk.frame_y / 2, 24u));
// "Frame Width: 24 bits (uint24)
// The 1-based width of the frame. The frame width is 1 + Frame Width Minus One."
TRY(bit_stream.write_bits(chunk.frame_width - 1, 24u));
// "Frame Height: 24 bits (uint24)
// The 1-based height of the frame. The frame height is 1 + Frame Height Minus One."
TRY(bit_stream.write_bits(chunk.frame_height - 1, 24u));
// "Frame Duration: 24 bits (uint24)"
TRY(bit_stream.write_bits(chunk.frame_duration_in_milliseconds, 24u));
// Don't use bit_stream.write_bits() to write individual flags here:
// The spec describes bit flags in MSB to LSB order, but write_bits() writes LSB to MSB.
u8 flags = 0;
// "Reserved: 6 bits
// MUST be 0. Readers MUST ignore this field."
// "Blending method (B): 1 bit"
if (chunk.blending_method == ANMFChunkHeader::BlendingMethod::DoNotBlend)
flags |= 0x2;
// "Disposal method (D): 1 bit"
if (chunk.disposal_method == ANMFChunkHeader::DisposalMethod::DisposeToBackgroundColor)
flags |= 0x1;
TRY(bit_stream.write_bits(flags, 8u));
// FIXME: Make ~LittleEndianOutputBitStream do this, or make it VERIFY() that it has happened at least.
return {};
ErrorOr<void> WebPAnimationWriter::add_frame(Bitmap& bitmap, int duration_ms, IntPoint at)
if (at.x() < 0 || at.y() < 0 || at.x() + bitmap.width() > m_dimensions.width() || at.y() + bitmap.height() > m_dimensions.height())
return Error::from_string_literal("Frame does not fit in animation dimensions");
// Since we have a SeekableStream, we could write both the VP8L chunk header and the ANMF chunk header with a placeholder size,
// compress the frame data directly to the stream, and then go back and update the two sizes.
// That's pretty messy though, and the compressed image data is smaller than the uncompressed bitmap passed in. So we'll buffer it.
bool is_fully_opaque;
auto vp8l_data_bytes = TRY(compress_VP8L_image_data(bitmap, m_vp8l_options, is_fully_opaque));
ANMFChunkHeader chunk;
chunk.frame_x = static_cast<u32>(at.x());
chunk.frame_y = static_cast<u32>(at.y());
chunk.frame_width = static_cast<u32>(bitmap.width());
chunk.frame_height = static_cast<u32>(bitmap.height());
chunk.frame_duration_in_milliseconds = static_cast<u32>(duration_ms);
chunk.blending_method = ANMFChunkHeader::BlendingMethod::DoNotBlend;
chunk.disposal_method = ANMFChunkHeader::DisposalMethod::DoNotDispose;
TRY(write_ANMF_chunk_header(m_stream, chunk, compute_VP8L_chunk_size(vp8l_data_bytes)));
bool alpha_is_used_hint = !is_fully_opaque;
TRY(write_VP8L_chunk(m_stream, bitmap.width(), bitmap.height(), alpha_is_used_hint, vp8l_data_bytes));
if (!(m_vp8x_flags & 0x10) && !is_fully_opaque)
return {};
ErrorOr<void> WebPAnimationWriter::update_size_in_header()
auto current_offset = TRY(m_stream.tell());
TRY(, SeekMode::SetPosition));
VERIFY(current_offset > 8);
TRY(m_stream.write_value<LittleEndian<u32>>(current_offset - 8));
TRY(, SeekMode::SetPosition));
return {};
ErrorOr<void> WebPAnimationWriter::set_alpha_bit_in_header()
m_vp8x_flags |= 0x10;
auto current_offset = TRY(m_stream.tell());
// 4 bytes for "RIFF",
// 4 bytes RIFF chunk size (i.e. file size - 8),
// 4 bytes for "WEBP",
// 4 bytes for "VP8X",
// 4 bytes for VP8X chunk size,
// followed by VP8X flags in the first byte of the VP8X chunk data.
TRY(, SeekMode::SetPosition));
TRY(, SeekMode::SetPosition));
return {};
static ErrorOr<void> write_ANIM_chunk(Stream& stream, ANIMChunk const& chunk)
TRY(write_chunk_header(stream, "ANIM"sv, 6)); // Size of the ANIM chunk.
return {};
ErrorOr<NonnullOwnPtr<AnimationWriter>> WebPWriter::start_encoding_animation(SeekableStream& stream, IntSize dimensions, int loop_count, Color background_color, Options const& options)
// We'll update the stream with the actual size later.
TRY(write_webp_header(stream, 0));
VP8XHeader vp8x_header;
vp8x_header.has_icc = options.icc_data.has_value();
vp8x_header.width = dimensions.width();
vp8x_header.height = dimensions.height();
vp8x_header.has_animation = true;
TRY(write_VP8X_chunk(stream, vp8x_header));
VERIFY(TRY(stream.tell()) % 2 == 0);
ByteBuffer iccp_chunk_bytes;
if (options.icc_data.has_value()) {
TRY(write_chunk_header(stream, "ICCP"sv, options.icc_data.value().size()));
TRY(write_ANIM_chunk(stream, { .background_color = background_color.value(), .loop_count = static_cast<u16>(loop_count) }));
auto writer = make<WebPAnimationWriter>(stream, dimensions, vp8x_flags_from_header(vp8x_header), options.vp8l_options);
return writer;