/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2021, Andreas Kling * Copyright (c) 2022, Kenneth Myhra * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct Result { u64 write_bps {}; u64 read_bps {}; }; static Result average_result(Vector const& results) { Result average; for (auto& res : results) { average.write_bps += res.write_bps; average.read_bps += res.read_bps; } average.write_bps /= results.size(); average.read_bps /= results.size(); return average; } static ErrorOr benchmark(DeprecatedString const& filename, int file_size, ByteBuffer& buffer, bool allow_cache); ErrorOr serenity_main(Main::Arguments arguments) { using namespace AK::TimeLiterals; DeprecatedString directory = "."; i64 time_per_benchmark_sec = 10; Vector file_sizes; Vector block_sizes; bool allow_cache = false; Core::ArgsParser args_parser; args_parser.add_option(allow_cache, "Allow using disk cache", "cache", 'c'); args_parser.add_option(directory, "Path to a directory where we can store the disk benchmark temp file", "directory", 'd', "directory"); args_parser.add_option(time_per_benchmark_sec, "Time elapsed per benchmark (seconds)", "time-per-benchmark", 't', "time-per-benchmark"); args_parser.add_option(file_sizes, "A comma-separated list of file sizes", "file-size", 'f', "file-size"); args_parser.add_option(block_sizes, "A comma-separated list of block sizes", "block-size", 'b', "block-size"); args_parser.parse(arguments); Duration const time_per_benchmark = Duration::from_seconds(time_per_benchmark_sec); if (file_sizes.size() == 0) { file_sizes = { 131072, 262144, 524288, 1048576, 5242880 }; } if (block_sizes.size() == 0) { block_sizes = { 8192, 32768, 65536 }; } auto filename = DeprecatedString::formatted("{}/disk_benchmark.tmp", directory); for (auto file_size : file_sizes) { for (auto block_size : block_sizes) { if (block_size > file_size) continue; auto buffer_result = ByteBuffer::create_uninitialized(block_size); if (buffer_result.is_error()) { warnln("Not enough memory to allocate space for block size = {}", block_size); continue; } Vector results; outln("Running: file_size={} block_size={}", file_size, block_size); auto timer = Core::ElapsedTimer::start_new(); while (timer.elapsed_time() < time_per_benchmark) { out("."); fflush(stdout); auto result = TRY(benchmark(filename, file_size, buffer_result.value(), allow_cache)); results.append(result); usleep(100); } auto average = average_result(results); outln("Finished: runs={} time={}ms write_bps={} read_bps={}", results.size(), timer.elapsed_milliseconds(), average.write_bps, average.read_bps); sleep(1); } } return 0; } ErrorOr benchmark(DeprecatedString const& filename, int file_size, ByteBuffer& buffer, bool allow_cache) { int flags = O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_RDWR; if (!allow_cache) flags |= O_DIRECT; int fd = TRY(Core::System::open(filename, flags, 0644)); auto fd_cleanup = ScopeGuard([fd, filename] { auto void_or_error = Core::System::close(fd); if (void_or_error.is_error()) warnln("{}", void_or_error.release_error()); void_or_error = Core::System::unlink(filename); if (void_or_error.is_error()) warnln("{}", void_or_error.release_error()); }); Result result; auto timer = Core::ElapsedTimer::start_new(); ssize_t total_written = 0; while (total_written < file_size) { auto nwritten = TRY(Core::System::write(fd, buffer)); total_written += nwritten; } result.write_bps = (u64)(timer.elapsed_milliseconds() ? (file_size / timer.elapsed_milliseconds()) : file_size) * 1000; TRY(Core::System::lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET)); timer.start(); ssize_t total_read = 0; while (total_read < file_size) { auto nread = TRY(Core::System::read(fd, buffer)); total_read += nread; } result.read_bps = (u64)(timer.elapsed_milliseconds() ? (file_size / timer.elapsed_milliseconds()) : file_size) * 1000; return result; }