/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling * Copyright (c) 2021-2023, Sam Atkins * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include "Selector.h" #include namespace Web::CSS { Selector::Selector(Vector&& compound_selectors) : m_compound_selectors(move(compound_selectors)) { // FIXME: This assumes that only one pseudo-element is allowed in a selector, and that it appears at the end. // This is not true in Selectors-4! if (!m_compound_selectors.is_empty()) { for (auto const& simple_selector : m_compound_selectors.last().simple_selectors) { if (simple_selector.type == SimpleSelector::Type::PseudoElement) { m_pseudo_element = simple_selector.pseudo_element(); break; } } } collect_ancestor_hashes(); } void Selector::collect_ancestor_hashes() { size_t next_hash_index = 0; auto append_unique_hash = [&](u32 hash) -> bool { if (next_hash_index >= m_ancestor_hashes.size()) return true; for (size_t i = 0; i < next_hash_index; ++i) { if (m_ancestor_hashes[i] == hash) return false; } m_ancestor_hashes[next_hash_index++] = hash; return false; }; auto last_combinator = m_compound_selectors.last().combinator; for (ssize_t compound_selector_index = static_cast(m_compound_selectors.size()) - 2; compound_selector_index >= 0; --compound_selector_index) { auto const& compound_selector = m_compound_selectors[compound_selector_index]; if (last_combinator == Combinator::Descendant) { for (auto const& simple_selector : compound_selector.simple_selectors) { switch (simple_selector.type) { case SimpleSelector::Type::Id: case SimpleSelector::Type::Class: if (append_unique_hash(simple_selector.name().hash())) return; break; case SimpleSelector::Type::TagName: if (append_unique_hash(simple_selector.qualified_name().name.name.hash())) return; break; case SimpleSelector::Type::Attribute: if (append_unique_hash(simple_selector.attribute().qualified_name.name.name.hash())) return; break; default: break; } } } last_combinator = compound_selector.combinator; } for (size_t i = next_hash_index; i < m_ancestor_hashes.size(); ++i) m_ancestor_hashes[i] = 0; } // https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors-4/#specificity-rules u32 Selector::specificity() const { if (m_specificity.has_value()) return *m_specificity; constexpr u32 ids_shift = 16; constexpr u32 classes_shift = 8; constexpr u32 tag_names_shift = 0; constexpr u32 ids_mask = 0xff << ids_shift; constexpr u32 classes_mask = 0xff << classes_shift; constexpr u32 tag_names_mask = 0xff << tag_names_shift; u32 ids = 0; u32 classes = 0; u32 tag_names = 0; auto count_specificity_of_most_complex_selector = [&](auto& selector_list) { u32 max_selector_list_argument_specificity = 0; for (auto const& complex_selector : selector_list) { max_selector_list_argument_specificity = max(max_selector_list_argument_specificity, complex_selector->specificity()); } u32 child_ids = (max_selector_list_argument_specificity & ids_mask) >> ids_shift; u32 child_classes = (max_selector_list_argument_specificity & classes_mask) >> classes_shift; u32 child_tag_names = (max_selector_list_argument_specificity & tag_names_mask) >> tag_names_shift; ids += child_ids; classes += child_classes; tag_names += child_tag_names; }; for (auto& list : m_compound_selectors) { for (auto& simple_selector : list.simple_selectors) { switch (simple_selector.type) { case SimpleSelector::Type::Id: // count the number of ID selectors in the selector (= A) ++ids; break; case SimpleSelector::Type::Class: case SimpleSelector::Type::Attribute: // count the number of class selectors, attributes selectors, and pseudo-classes in the selector (= B) ++classes; break; case SimpleSelector::Type::PseudoClass: { auto& pseudo_class = simple_selector.pseudo_class(); switch (pseudo_class.type) { case PseudoClass::Is: case PseudoClass::Not: { // The specificity of an :is(), :not(), or :has() pseudo-class is replaced by the // specificity of the most specific complex selector in its selector list argument. count_specificity_of_most_complex_selector(pseudo_class.argument_selector_list); break; } case PseudoClass::NthChild: case PseudoClass::NthLastChild: { // Analogously, the specificity of an :nth-child() or :nth-last-child() selector // is the specificity of the pseudo class itself (counting as one pseudo-class selector) // plus the specificity of the most specific complex selector in its selector list argument (if any). ++classes; count_specificity_of_most_complex_selector(pseudo_class.argument_selector_list); break; } case PseudoClass::Where: // The specificity of a :where() pseudo-class is replaced by zero. break; default: ++classes; break; } break; } case SimpleSelector::Type::TagName: case SimpleSelector::Type::PseudoElement: // count the number of type selectors and pseudo-elements in the selector (= C) ++tag_names; break; case SimpleSelector::Type::Universal: // ignore the universal selector break; } } } // Due to storage limitations, implementations may have limitations on the size of A, B, or C. // If so, values higher than the limit must be clamped to that limit, and not overflow. m_specificity = (min(ids, 0xff) << ids_shift) + (min(classes, 0xff) << classes_shift) + (min(tag_names, 0xff) << tag_names_shift); return *m_specificity; } // https://www.w3.org/TR/cssom/#serialize-a-simple-selector String Selector::SimpleSelector::serialize() const { StringBuilder s; switch (type) { case Selector::SimpleSelector::Type::TagName: case Selector::SimpleSelector::Type::Universal: { auto qualified_name = this->qualified_name(); // 1. If the namespace prefix maps to a namespace that is not the default namespace and is not the null // namespace (not in a namespace) append the serialization of the namespace prefix as an identifier, // followed by a "|" (U+007C) to s. if (qualified_name.namespace_type == QualifiedName::NamespaceType::Named) { serialize_an_identifier(s, qualified_name.namespace_); s.append('|'); } // 2. If the namespace prefix maps to a namespace that is the null namespace (not in a namespace) // append "|" (U+007C) to s. if (qualified_name.namespace_type == QualifiedName::NamespaceType::None) s.append('|'); // 3. If this is a type selector append the serialization of the element name as an identifier to s. if (type == Selector::SimpleSelector::Type::TagName) serialize_an_identifier(s, qualified_name.name.name); // 4. If this is a universal selector append "*" (U+002A) to s. if (type == Selector::SimpleSelector::Type::Universal) s.append('*'); break; } case Selector::SimpleSelector::Type::Attribute: { auto& attribute = this->attribute(); // 1. Append "[" (U+005B) to s. s.append('['); // 2. If the namespace prefix maps to a namespace that is not the null namespace (not in a namespace) // append the serialization of the namespace prefix as an identifier, followed by a "|" (U+007C) to s. if (attribute.qualified_name.namespace_type == QualifiedName::NamespaceType::Named) { serialize_an_identifier(s, attribute.qualified_name.namespace_); s.append('|'); } // 3. Append the serialization of the attribute name as an identifier to s. serialize_an_identifier(s, attribute.qualified_name.name.name); // 4. If there is an attribute value specified, append "=", "~=", "|=", "^=", "$=", or "*=" as appropriate (depending on the type of attribute selector), // followed by the serialization of the attribute value as a string, to s. if (!attribute.value.is_empty()) { switch (attribute.match_type) { case Selector::SimpleSelector::Attribute::MatchType::ExactValueMatch: s.append("="sv); break; case Selector::SimpleSelector::Attribute::MatchType::ContainsWord: s.append("~="sv); break; case Selector::SimpleSelector::Attribute::MatchType::ContainsString: s.append("*="sv); break; case Selector::SimpleSelector::Attribute::MatchType::StartsWithSegment: s.append("|="sv); break; case Selector::SimpleSelector::Attribute::MatchType::StartsWithString: s.append("^="sv); break; case Selector::SimpleSelector::Attribute::MatchType::EndsWithString: s.append("$="sv); break; default: break; } serialize_a_string(s, attribute.value); } // 5. If the attribute selector has the case-insensitivity flag present, append " i" (U+0020 U+0069) to s. // If the attribute selector has the case-insensitivity flag present, append " s" (U+0020 U+0073) to s. // (the line just above is an addition to CSS OM to match Selectors Level 4 last draft) switch (attribute.case_type) { case Selector::SimpleSelector::Attribute::CaseType::CaseInsensitiveMatch: s.append(" i"sv); break; case Selector::SimpleSelector::Attribute::CaseType::CaseSensitiveMatch: s.append(" s"sv); break; default: break; } // 6. Append "]" (U+005D) to s. s.append(']'); break; } case Selector::SimpleSelector::Type::Class: // Append a "." (U+002E), followed by the serialization of the class name as an identifier to s. s.append('.'); serialize_an_identifier(s, name()); break; case Selector::SimpleSelector::Type::Id: // Append a "#" (U+0023), followed by the serialization of the ID as an identifier to s. s.append('#'); serialize_an_identifier(s, name()); break; case Selector::SimpleSelector::Type::PseudoClass: { auto& pseudo_class = this->pseudo_class(); auto metadata = pseudo_class_metadata(pseudo_class.type); // HACK: `:host()` has both a function and a non-function form, so handle that first. // It's also not in the spec. if (pseudo_class.type == PseudoClass::Host) { if (pseudo_class.argument_selector_list.is_empty()) { s.append(':'); s.append(pseudo_class_name(pseudo_class.type)); } else { s.append(':'); s.append(pseudo_class_name(pseudo_class.type)); s.append('('); s.append(serialize_a_group_of_selectors(pseudo_class.argument_selector_list)); s.append(')'); } } // If the pseudo-class does not accept arguments append ":" (U+003A), followed by the name of the pseudo-class, to s. else if (metadata.is_valid_as_identifier) { s.append(':'); s.append(pseudo_class_name(pseudo_class.type)); } // Otherwise, append ":" (U+003A), followed by the name of the pseudo-class, followed by "(" (U+0028), // followed by the value of the pseudo-class argument(s) determined as per below, followed by ")" (U+0029), to s. else { s.append(':'); s.append(pseudo_class_name(pseudo_class.type)); s.append('('); if (pseudo_class.type == PseudoClass::NthChild || pseudo_class.type == PseudoClass::NthLastChild || pseudo_class.type == PseudoClass::NthOfType || pseudo_class.type == PseudoClass::NthLastOfType) { // The result of serializing the value using the rules to serialize an value. s.append(pseudo_class.nth_child_pattern.serialize()); } else if (pseudo_class.type == PseudoClass::Not || pseudo_class.type == PseudoClass::Is || pseudo_class.type == PseudoClass::Where) { // The result of serializing the value using the rules for serializing a group of selectors. // NOTE: `:is()` and `:where()` aren't in the spec for this yet, but it should be! s.append(serialize_a_group_of_selectors(pseudo_class.argument_selector_list)); } else if (pseudo_class.type == PseudoClass::Lang) { // The serialization of a comma-separated list of each argument’s serialization as a string, preserving relative order. s.join(", "sv, pseudo_class.languages); } s.append(')'); } break; } case Selector::SimpleSelector::Type::PseudoElement: // Note: Pseudo-elements are dealt with in Selector::serialize() break; default: dbgln("FIXME: Unsupported simple selector serialization for type {}", to_underlying(type)); break; } return MUST(s.to_string()); } // https://www.w3.org/TR/cssom/#serialize-a-selector String Selector::serialize() const { StringBuilder s; // To serialize a selector let s be the empty string, run the steps below for each part of the chain of the selector, and finally return s: for (size_t i = 0; i < compound_selectors().size(); ++i) { auto const& compound_selector = compound_selectors()[i]; // 1. If there is only one simple selector in the compound selectors which is a universal selector, append the result of serializing the universal selector to s. if (compound_selector.simple_selectors.size() == 1 && compound_selector.simple_selectors.first().type == Selector::SimpleSelector::Type::Universal) { s.append(compound_selector.simple_selectors.first().serialize()); } // 2. Otherwise, for each simple selector in the compound selectors that is not a universal selector // of which the namespace prefix maps to a namespace that is not the default namespace // serialize the simple selector and append the result to s. else { for (auto& simple_selector : compound_selector.simple_selectors) { if (simple_selector.type == SimpleSelector::Type::Universal) { auto qualified_name = simple_selector.qualified_name(); if (qualified_name.namespace_type == SimpleSelector::QualifiedName::NamespaceType::Default) continue; // FIXME: I *think* if we have a namespace prefix that happens to equal the same as the default namespace, // we also should skip it. But we don't have access to that here. eg: // } s.append(simple_selector.serialize()); } } // 3. If this is not the last part of the chain of the selector append a single SPACE (U+0020), // followed by the combinator ">", "+", "~", ">>", "||", as appropriate, followed by another // single SPACE (U+0020) if the combinator was not whitespace, to s. if (i != compound_selectors().size() - 1) { s.append(' '); // Note: The combinator that appears between parts `i` and `i+1` appears with the `i+1` selector, // so we have to check that one. switch (compound_selectors()[i + 1].combinator) { case Selector::Combinator::ImmediateChild: s.append("> "sv); break; case Selector::Combinator::NextSibling: s.append("+ "sv); break; case Selector::Combinator::SubsequentSibling: s.append("~ "sv); break; case Selector::Combinator::Column: s.append("|| "sv); break; default: break; } } else { // 4. If this is the last part of the chain of the selector and there is a pseudo-element, // append "::" followed by the name of the pseudo-element, to s. if (compound_selector.simple_selectors.last().type == Selector::SimpleSelector::Type::PseudoElement) { s.append("::"sv); s.append(compound_selector.simple_selectors.last().pseudo_element().name()); } } } return MUST(s.to_string()); } // https://www.w3.org/TR/cssom/#serialize-a-group-of-selectors String serialize_a_group_of_selectors(Vector> const& selectors) { // To serialize a group of selectors serialize each selector in the group of selectors and then serialize a comma-separated list of these serializations. return MUST(String::join(", "sv, selectors)); } StringView Selector::PseudoElement::name(Selector::PseudoElement::Type pseudo_element) { switch (pseudo_element) { case Selector::PseudoElement::Type::Before: return "before"sv; case Selector::PseudoElement::Type::After: return "after"sv; case Selector::PseudoElement::Type::FirstLine: return "first-line"sv; case Selector::PseudoElement::Type::FirstLetter: return "first-letter"sv; case Selector::PseudoElement::Type::Marker: return "marker"sv; case Selector::PseudoElement::Type::MeterBar: return "-webkit-meter-bar"sv; case Selector::PseudoElement::Type::MeterEvenLessGoodValue: return "-webkit-meter-even-less-good-value"sv; case Selector::PseudoElement::Type::MeterOptimumValue: return "-webkit-meter-optimum-value"sv; case Selector::PseudoElement::Type::MeterSuboptimumValue: return "-webkit-meter-suboptimum-value"sv; case Selector::PseudoElement::Type::ProgressBar: return "-webkit-progress-bar"sv; case Selector::PseudoElement::Type::ProgressValue: return "-webkit-progress-value"sv; case Selector::PseudoElement::Type::Placeholder: return "placeholder"sv; case Selector::PseudoElement::Type::Selection: return "selection"sv; case Selector::PseudoElement::Type::SliderRunnableTrack: return "-webkit-slider-runnable-track"sv; case Selector::PseudoElement::Type::SliderThumb: return "-webkit-slider-thumb"sv; case Selector::PseudoElement::Type::Backdrop: return "backdrop"sv; case Selector::PseudoElement::Type::KnownPseudoElementCount: break; case Selector::PseudoElement::Type::UnknownWebKit: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } Optional Selector::PseudoElement::from_string(FlyString const& name) { if (name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("after"sv)) { return Selector::PseudoElement { Selector::PseudoElement::Type::After }; } else if (name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("before"sv)) { return Selector::PseudoElement { Selector::PseudoElement::Type::Before }; } else if (name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("first-letter"sv)) { return Selector::PseudoElement { Selector::PseudoElement::Type::FirstLetter }; } else if (name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("first-line"sv)) { return Selector::PseudoElement { Selector::PseudoElement::Type::FirstLine }; } else if (name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("marker"sv)) { return Selector::PseudoElement { Selector::PseudoElement::Type::Marker }; } else if (name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("-webkit-meter-bar"sv)) { return Selector::PseudoElement { Selector::PseudoElement::Type::MeterBar }; } else if (name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("-webkit-meter-even-less-good-value"sv)) { return Selector::PseudoElement { Selector::PseudoElement::Type::MeterEvenLessGoodValue }; } else if (name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("-webkit-meter-optimum-value"sv)) { return Selector::PseudoElement { Selector::PseudoElement::Type::MeterOptimumValue }; } else if (name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("-webkit-meter-suboptimum-value"sv)) { return Selector::PseudoElement { Selector::PseudoElement::Type::MeterSuboptimumValue }; } else if (name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("-webkit-progress-bar"sv)) { return Selector::PseudoElement { Selector::PseudoElement::Type::ProgressBar }; } else if (name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("-webkit-progress-value"sv)) { return Selector::PseudoElement { Selector::PseudoElement::Type::ProgressValue }; } else if (name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("placeholder"sv)) { return Selector::PseudoElement { Selector::PseudoElement::Type::Placeholder }; } else if (name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("selection"sv)) { return Selector::PseudoElement { Selector::PseudoElement::Type::Selection }; } else if (name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("backdrop"sv)) { return Selector::PseudoElement { Selector::PseudoElement::Type::Backdrop }; } else if (name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("-webkit-slider-runnable-track"sv)) { return Selector::PseudoElement { Selector::PseudoElement::Type::SliderRunnableTrack }; } else if (name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("-webkit-slider-thumb"sv)) { return Selector::PseudoElement { Selector::PseudoElement::Type::SliderThumb }; } return {}; } }