/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2022, Andreas Kling * Copyright (c) 2020, Fei Wu * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef KERNEL # include #else # include # include # include #endif namespace AK { namespace StringUtils { bool matches(StringView str, StringView mask, CaseSensitivity case_sensitivity, Vector* match_spans) { auto record_span = [&match_spans](size_t start, size_t length) { if (match_spans) match_spans->append({ start, length }); }; if (str.is_null() || mask.is_null()) return str.is_null() && mask.is_null(); if (mask == "*"sv) { record_span(0, str.length()); return true; } char const* string_ptr = str.characters_without_null_termination(); char const* string_start = str.characters_without_null_termination(); char const* string_end = string_ptr + str.length(); char const* mask_ptr = mask.characters_without_null_termination(); char const* mask_end = mask_ptr + mask.length(); while (string_ptr < string_end && mask_ptr < mask_end) { auto string_start_ptr = string_ptr; switch (*mask_ptr) { case '*': if (mask_ptr == mask_end - 1) { record_span(string_ptr - string_start, string_end - string_ptr); return true; } while (string_ptr < string_end && !matches({ string_ptr, static_cast(string_end - string_ptr) }, { mask_ptr + 1, static_cast(mask_end - mask_ptr - 1) }, case_sensitivity)) ++string_ptr; record_span(string_start_ptr - string_start, string_ptr - string_start_ptr); --string_ptr; break; case '?': record_span(string_ptr - string_start, 1); break; case '\\': // if backslash is last character in mask, just treat it as an exact match // otherwise use it as escape for next character if (mask_ptr + 1 < mask_end) ++mask_ptr; [[fallthrough]]; default: auto p = *mask_ptr; auto ch = *string_ptr; if (case_sensitivity == CaseSensitivity::CaseSensitive ? p != ch : to_ascii_lowercase(p) != to_ascii_lowercase(ch)) return false; break; } ++string_ptr; ++mask_ptr; } if (string_ptr == string_end) { // Allow ending '*' to contain nothing. while (mask_ptr != mask_end && *mask_ptr == '*') { record_span(string_ptr - string_start, 0); ++mask_ptr; } } return string_ptr == string_end && mask_ptr == mask_end; } template Optional convert_to_int(StringView str, TrimWhitespace trim_whitespace) { auto string = trim_whitespace == TrimWhitespace::Yes ? str.trim_whitespace() : str; if (string.is_empty()) return {}; T sign = 1; size_t i = 0; auto const characters = string.characters_without_null_termination(); if (characters[0] == '-' || characters[0] == '+') { if (string.length() == 1) return {}; i++; if (characters[0] == '-') sign = -1; } T value = 0; for (; i < string.length(); i++) { if (characters[i] < '0' || characters[i] > '9') return {}; if (__builtin_mul_overflow(value, 10, &value)) return {}; if (__builtin_add_overflow(value, sign * (characters[i] - '0'), &value)) return {}; } return value; } template Optional convert_to_int(StringView str, TrimWhitespace); template Optional convert_to_int(StringView str, TrimWhitespace); template Optional convert_to_int(StringView str, TrimWhitespace); template Optional convert_to_int(StringView str, TrimWhitespace); template Optional convert_to_int(StringView str, TrimWhitespace); template Optional convert_to_uint(StringView str, TrimWhitespace trim_whitespace) { auto string = trim_whitespace == TrimWhitespace::Yes ? str.trim_whitespace() : str; if (string.is_empty()) return {}; T value = 0; auto const characters = string.characters_without_null_termination(); for (size_t i = 0; i < string.length(); i++) { if (characters[i] < '0' || characters[i] > '9') return {}; if (__builtin_mul_overflow(value, 10, &value)) return {}; if (__builtin_add_overflow(value, characters[i] - '0', &value)) return {}; } return value; } template Optional convert_to_uint(StringView str, TrimWhitespace); template Optional convert_to_uint(StringView str, TrimWhitespace); template Optional convert_to_uint(StringView str, TrimWhitespace); template Optional convert_to_uint(StringView str, TrimWhitespace); template Optional convert_to_uint(StringView str, TrimWhitespace); template Optional convert_to_uint_from_hex(StringView str, TrimWhitespace trim_whitespace) { auto string = trim_whitespace == TrimWhitespace::Yes ? str.trim_whitespace() : str; if (string.is_empty()) return {}; T value = 0; auto const count = string.length(); const T upper_bound = NumericLimits::max(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { char digit = string[i]; u8 digit_val; if (value > (upper_bound >> 4)) return {}; if (digit >= '0' && digit <= '9') { digit_val = digit - '0'; } else if (digit >= 'a' && digit <= 'f') { digit_val = 10 + (digit - 'a'); } else if (digit >= 'A' && digit <= 'F') { digit_val = 10 + (digit - 'A'); } else { return {}; } value = (value << 4) + digit_val; } return value; } template Optional convert_to_uint_from_hex(StringView str, TrimWhitespace); template Optional convert_to_uint_from_hex(StringView str, TrimWhitespace); template Optional convert_to_uint_from_hex(StringView str, TrimWhitespace); template Optional convert_to_uint_from_hex(StringView str, TrimWhitespace); template Optional convert_to_uint_from_octal(StringView str, TrimWhitespace trim_whitespace) { auto string = trim_whitespace == TrimWhitespace::Yes ? str.trim_whitespace() : str; if (string.is_empty()) return {}; T value = 0; auto const count = string.length(); const T upper_bound = NumericLimits::max(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { char digit = string[i]; u8 digit_val; if (value > (upper_bound >> 3)) return {}; if (digit >= '0' && digit <= '7') { digit_val = digit - '0'; } else { return {}; } value = (value << 3) + digit_val; } return value; } template Optional convert_to_uint_from_octal(StringView str, TrimWhitespace); template Optional convert_to_uint_from_octal(StringView str, TrimWhitespace); template Optional convert_to_uint_from_octal(StringView str, TrimWhitespace); template Optional convert_to_uint_from_octal(StringView str, TrimWhitespace); #ifndef KERNEL template Optional convert_to_floating_point(StringView str, TrimWhitespace trim_whitespace) { static_assert(IsSame || IsSame); auto string = trim_whitespace == TrimWhitespace::Yes ? str.trim_whitespace() : str; char const* start = string.characters_without_null_termination(); return parse_floating_point_completely(start, start + string.length()); } template Optional convert_to_floating_point(StringView str, TrimWhitespace); template Optional convert_to_floating_point(StringView str, TrimWhitespace); #endif bool equals_ignoring_ascii_case(StringView a, StringView b) { if (a.length() != b.length()) return false; for (size_t i = 0; i < a.length(); ++i) { if (to_ascii_lowercase(a.characters_without_null_termination()[i]) != to_ascii_lowercase(b.characters_without_null_termination()[i])) return false; } return true; } bool ends_with(StringView str, StringView end, CaseSensitivity case_sensitivity) { if (end.is_empty()) return true; if (str.is_empty()) return false; if (end.length() > str.length()) return false; if (case_sensitivity == CaseSensitivity::CaseSensitive) return !memcmp(str.characters_without_null_termination() + (str.length() - end.length()), end.characters_without_null_termination(), end.length()); auto str_chars = str.characters_without_null_termination(); auto end_chars = end.characters_without_null_termination(); size_t si = str.length() - end.length(); for (size_t ei = 0; ei < end.length(); ++si, ++ei) { if (to_ascii_lowercase(str_chars[si]) != to_ascii_lowercase(end_chars[ei])) return false; } return true; } bool starts_with(StringView str, StringView start, CaseSensitivity case_sensitivity) { if (start.is_empty()) return true; if (str.is_empty()) return false; if (start.length() > str.length()) return false; if (str.characters_without_null_termination() == start.characters_without_null_termination()) return true; if (case_sensitivity == CaseSensitivity::CaseSensitive) return !memcmp(str.characters_without_null_termination(), start.characters_without_null_termination(), start.length()); auto str_chars = str.characters_without_null_termination(); auto start_chars = start.characters_without_null_termination(); size_t si = 0; for (size_t starti = 0; starti < start.length(); ++si, ++starti) { if (to_ascii_lowercase(str_chars[si]) != to_ascii_lowercase(start_chars[starti])) return false; } return true; } bool contains(StringView str, StringView needle, CaseSensitivity case_sensitivity) { if (str.is_null() || needle.is_null() || str.is_empty() || needle.length() > str.length()) return false; if (needle.is_empty()) return true; auto str_chars = str.characters_without_null_termination(); auto needle_chars = needle.characters_without_null_termination(); if (case_sensitivity == CaseSensitivity::CaseSensitive) return memmem(str_chars, str.length(), needle_chars, needle.length()) != nullptr; auto needle_first = to_ascii_lowercase(needle_chars[0]); for (size_t si = 0; si < str.length(); si++) { if (to_ascii_lowercase(str_chars[si]) != needle_first) continue; for (size_t ni = 0; si + ni < str.length(); ni++) { if (to_ascii_lowercase(str_chars[si + ni]) != to_ascii_lowercase(needle_chars[ni])) { if (ni > 0) si += ni - 1; break; } if (ni + 1 == needle.length()) return true; } } return false; } bool is_whitespace(StringView str) { return all_of(str, is_ascii_space); } StringView trim(StringView str, StringView characters, TrimMode mode) { size_t substring_start = 0; size_t substring_length = str.length(); if (mode == TrimMode::Left || mode == TrimMode::Both) { for (size_t i = 0; i < str.length(); ++i) { if (substring_length == 0) return ""sv; if (!characters.contains(str[i])) break; ++substring_start; --substring_length; } } if (mode == TrimMode::Right || mode == TrimMode::Both) { for (size_t i = str.length(); i > 0; --i) { if (substring_length == 0) return ""sv; if (!characters.contains(str[i - 1])) break; --substring_length; } } return str.substring_view(substring_start, substring_length); } StringView trim_whitespace(StringView str, TrimMode mode) { return trim(str, " \n\t\v\f\r"sv, mode); } Optional find(StringView haystack, char needle, size_t start) { if (start >= haystack.length()) return {}; for (size_t i = start; i < haystack.length(); ++i) { if (haystack[i] == needle) return i; } return {}; } Optional find(StringView haystack, StringView needle, size_t start) { if (start > haystack.length()) return {}; auto index = AK::memmem_optional( haystack.characters_without_null_termination() + start, haystack.length() - start, needle.characters_without_null_termination(), needle.length()); return index.has_value() ? (*index + start) : index; } Optional find_last(StringView haystack, char needle) { for (size_t i = haystack.length(); i > 0; --i) { if (haystack[i - 1] == needle) return i - 1; } return {}; } Optional find_last(StringView haystack, StringView needle) { for (size_t i = haystack.length(); i > 0; --i) { auto value = StringUtils::find(haystack, needle, i - 1); if (value.has_value()) return value; } return {}; } Optional find_last_not(StringView haystack, char needle) { for (size_t i = haystack.length(); i > 0; --i) { if (haystack[i - 1] != needle) return i - 1; } return {}; } Vector find_all(StringView haystack, StringView needle) { Vector positions; size_t current_position = 0; while (current_position <= haystack.length()) { auto maybe_position = AK::memmem_optional( haystack.characters_without_null_termination() + current_position, haystack.length() - current_position, needle.characters_without_null_termination(), needle.length()); if (!maybe_position.has_value()) break; positions.append(current_position + *maybe_position); current_position += *maybe_position + 1; } return positions; } Optional find_any_of(StringView haystack, StringView needles, SearchDirection direction) { if (haystack.is_empty() || needles.is_empty()) return {}; if (direction == SearchDirection::Forward) { for (size_t i = 0; i < haystack.length(); ++i) { if (needles.contains(haystack[i])) return i; } } else if (direction == SearchDirection::Backward) { for (size_t i = haystack.length(); i > 0; --i) { if (needles.contains(haystack[i - 1])) return i - 1; } } return {}; } #ifndef KERNEL ByteString to_snakecase(StringView str) { auto should_insert_underscore = [&](auto i, auto current_char) { if (i == 0) return false; auto previous_ch = str[i - 1]; if (is_ascii_lower_alpha(previous_ch) && is_ascii_upper_alpha(current_char)) return true; if (i >= str.length() - 1) return false; auto next_ch = str[i + 1]; if (is_ascii_upper_alpha(current_char) && is_ascii_lower_alpha(next_ch)) return true; return false; }; StringBuilder builder; for (size_t i = 0; i < str.length(); ++i) { auto ch = str[i]; if (should_insert_underscore(i, ch)) builder.append('_'); builder.append_as_lowercase(ch); } return builder.to_byte_string(); } ByteString to_titlecase(StringView str) { StringBuilder builder; bool next_is_upper = true; for (auto ch : str) { if (next_is_upper) builder.append(to_ascii_uppercase(ch)); else builder.append(to_ascii_lowercase(ch)); next_is_upper = ch == ' '; } return builder.to_byte_string(); } ByteString invert_case(StringView str) { StringBuilder builder(str.length()); for (auto ch : str) { if (is_ascii_lower_alpha(ch)) builder.append(to_ascii_uppercase(ch)); else builder.append(to_ascii_lowercase(ch)); } return builder.to_byte_string(); } ByteString replace(StringView str, StringView needle, StringView replacement, ReplaceMode replace_mode) { if (str.is_empty()) return str; Vector positions; if (replace_mode == ReplaceMode::All) { positions = str.find_all(needle); if (!positions.size()) return str; } else { auto pos = str.find(needle); if (!pos.has_value()) return str; positions.append(pos.value()); } StringBuilder replaced_string; size_t last_position = 0; for (auto& position : positions) { replaced_string.append(str.substring_view(last_position, position - last_position)); replaced_string.append(replacement); last_position = position + needle.length(); } replaced_string.append(str.substring_view(last_position, str.length() - last_position)); return replaced_string.to_byte_string(); } ErrorOr replace(String const& haystack, StringView needle, StringView replacement, ReplaceMode replace_mode) { if (haystack.is_empty()) return haystack; // FIXME: Propagate Vector allocation failures (or do this without putting positions in a vector) Vector positions; if (replace_mode == ReplaceMode::All) { positions = haystack.bytes_as_string_view().find_all(needle); if (!positions.size()) return haystack; } else { auto pos = haystack.bytes_as_string_view().find(needle); if (!pos.has_value()) return haystack; positions.append(pos.value()); } StringBuilder replaced_string; size_t last_position = 0; for (auto& position : positions) { replaced_string.append(haystack.bytes_as_string_view().substring_view(last_position, position - last_position)); replaced_string.append(replacement); last_position = position + needle.length(); } replaced_string.append(haystack.bytes_as_string_view().substring_view(last_position, haystack.bytes_as_string_view().length() - last_position)); return replaced_string.to_string(); } #endif // TODO: Benchmark against KMP (AK/MemMem.h) and switch over if it's faster for short strings too size_t count(StringView str, StringView needle) { if (needle.is_empty()) return str.length(); size_t count = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < str.length() - needle.length() + 1; ++i) { if (str.substring_view(i).starts_with(needle)) count++; } return count; } size_t count(StringView str, char needle) { size_t count = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < str.length(); ++i) { if (str[i] == needle) count++; } return count; } } }