/* * Copyright (c) 2024, Tim Flynn * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Ladybird { static Vector s_skipped_tests; static ErrorOr load_test_config(StringView test_root_path) { auto config_path = LexicalPath::join(test_root_path, "TestConfig.ini"sv); auto config_or_error = Core::ConfigFile::open(config_path.string()); if (config_or_error.is_error()) { if (config_or_error.error().code() == ENOENT) return {}; warnln("Unable to open test config {}", config_path); return config_or_error.release_error(); } auto config = config_or_error.release_value(); for (auto const& group : config->groups()) { if (group == "Skipped"sv) { for (auto& key : config->keys(group)) s_skipped_tests.append(LexicalPath::join(test_root_path, key).string()); } else { warnln("Unknown group '{}' in config {}", group, config_path); } } return {}; } static ErrorOr collect_dump_tests(Vector& tests, StringView path, StringView trail, TestMode mode) { Core::DirIterator it(ByteString::formatted("{}/input/{}", path, trail), Core::DirIterator::Flags::SkipDots); while (it.has_next()) { auto name = it.next_path(); auto input_path = TRY(FileSystem::real_path(ByteString::formatted("{}/input/{}/{}", path, trail, name))); if (FileSystem::is_directory(input_path)) { TRY(collect_dump_tests(tests, path, ByteString::formatted("{}/{}", trail, name), mode)); continue; } if (!name.ends_with(".html"sv) && !name.ends_with(".svg"sv)) continue; auto expectation_path = ByteString::formatted("{}/expected/{}/{}.txt", path, trail, LexicalPath::title(name)); tests.append({ mode, input_path, move(expectation_path), {} }); } return {}; } static ErrorOr collect_ref_tests(Vector& tests, StringView path) { TRY(Core::Directory::for_each_entry(path, Core::DirIterator::SkipDots, [&](Core::DirectoryEntry const& entry, Core::Directory const&) -> ErrorOr { if (entry.type == Core::DirectoryEntry::Type::Directory) return IterationDecision::Continue; auto input_path = TRY(FileSystem::real_path(ByteString::formatted("{}/{}", path, entry.name))); tests.append({ TestMode::Ref, input_path, {}, {} }); return IterationDecision::Continue; })); return {}; } void run_dump_test(HeadlessWebView& view, Test& test, URL::URL const& url, int timeout_in_milliseconds) { auto timer = Core::Timer::create_single_shot(timeout_in_milliseconds, [&view, &test]() { view.on_load_finish = {}; view.on_text_test_finish = {}; view.on_test_complete({ test, TestResult::Timeout }); }); auto handle_completed_test = [&test, url]() -> ErrorOr { if (test.expectation_path.is_empty()) { outln("{}", test.text); return TestResult::Pass; } auto open_expectation_file = [&](auto mode) { auto expectation_file_or_error = Core::File::open(test.expectation_path, mode); if (expectation_file_or_error.is_error()) warnln("Failed opening '{}': {}", test.expectation_path, expectation_file_or_error.error()); return expectation_file_or_error; }; ByteBuffer expectation; if (auto expectation_file = open_expectation_file(Core::File::OpenMode::Read); !expectation_file.is_error()) { expectation = TRY(expectation_file.value()->read_until_eof()); auto result_trimmed = StringView { test.text }.trim("\n"sv, TrimMode::Right); auto expectation_trimmed = StringView { expectation }.trim("\n"sv, TrimMode::Right); if (result_trimmed == expectation_trimmed) return TestResult::Pass; } else if (!Application::the().rebaseline) { return expectation_file.release_error(); } if (Application::the().rebaseline) { auto expectation_file = TRY(open_expectation_file(Core::File::OpenMode::Write)); TRY(expectation_file->write_until_depleted(test.text)); return TestResult::Pass; } auto const color_output = isatty(STDOUT_FILENO) ? Diff::ColorOutput::Yes : Diff::ColorOutput::No; if (color_output == Diff::ColorOutput::Yes) outln("\n\033[33;1mTest failed\033[0m: {}", url); else outln("\nTest failed: {}", url); auto hunks = TRY(Diff::from_text(expectation, test.text, 3)); auto out = TRY(Core::File::standard_output()); TRY(Diff::write_unified_header(test.expectation_path, test.expectation_path, *out)); for (auto const& hunk : hunks) TRY(Diff::write_unified(hunk, *out, color_output)); return TestResult::Fail; }; auto on_test_complete = [&view, &test, timer, handle_completed_test]() { timer->stop(); view.on_load_finish = {}; view.on_text_test_finish = {}; if (auto result = handle_completed_test(); result.is_error()) view.on_test_complete({ test, TestResult::Fail }); else view.on_test_complete({ test, result.value() }); }; if (test.mode == TestMode::Layout) { view.on_load_finish = [&view, &test, url, on_test_complete = move(on_test_complete)](auto const& loaded_url) { // We don't want subframe loads to trigger the test finish. if (!url.equals(loaded_url, URL::ExcludeFragment::Yes)) return; // NOTE: We take a screenshot here to force the lazy layout of SVG-as-image documents to happen. // It also causes a lot more code to run, which is good for finding bugs. :^) view.take_screenshot()->when_resolved([&view, &test, on_test_complete = move(on_test_complete)](auto) { auto promise = view.request_internal_page_info(WebView::PageInfoType::LayoutTree | WebView::PageInfoType::PaintTree); promise->when_resolved([&test, on_test_complete = move(on_test_complete)](auto const& text) { test.text = text; on_test_complete(); }); }); }; } else if (test.mode == TestMode::Text) { view.on_load_finish = [&view, &test, on_test_complete, url](auto const& loaded_url) { // We don't want subframe loads to trigger the test finish. if (!url.equals(loaded_url, URL::ExcludeFragment::Yes)) return; test.did_finish_loading = true; if (test.expectation_path.is_empty()) { auto promise = view.request_internal_page_info(WebView::PageInfoType::Text); promise->when_resolved([&test, on_test_complete = move(on_test_complete)](auto const& text) { test.text = text; on_test_complete(); }); } else if (test.did_finish_test) { on_test_complete(); } }; view.on_text_test_finish = [&test, on_test_complete](auto const& text) { test.text = text; test.did_finish_test = true; if (test.did_finish_loading) on_test_complete(); }; } view.load(url); timer->start(); } static void run_ref_test(HeadlessWebView& view, Test& test, URL::URL const& url, int timeout_in_milliseconds = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MS) { auto timer = Core::Timer::create_single_shot(timeout_in_milliseconds, [&view, &test]() { view.on_load_finish = {}; view.on_text_test_finish = {}; view.on_test_complete({ test, TestResult::Timeout }); }); auto handle_completed_test = [&test, url]() -> ErrorOr { if (test.actual_screenshot->visually_equals(*test.expectation_screenshot)) return TestResult::Pass; if (Application::the().dump_failed_ref_tests) { warnln("\033[33;1mRef test {} failed; dumping screenshots\033[0m", url); auto dump_screenshot = [&](Gfx::Bitmap& bitmap, StringView path) -> ErrorOr { auto screenshot_file = TRY(Core::File::open(path, Core::File::OpenMode::Write)); auto encoded_data = TRY(Gfx::PNGWriter::encode(bitmap)); TRY(screenshot_file->write_until_depleted(encoded_data)); outln("\033[33;1mDumped {}\033[0m", TRY(FileSystem::real_path(path))); return {}; }; TRY(Core::Directory::create("test-dumps"sv, Core::Directory::CreateDirectories::Yes)); auto title = LexicalPath::title(URL::percent_decode(url.serialize_path())); TRY(dump_screenshot(*test.actual_screenshot, ByteString::formatted("test-dumps/{}.png", title))); TRY(dump_screenshot(*test.expectation_screenshot, ByteString::formatted("test-dumps/{}-ref.png", title))); } return TestResult::Fail; }; auto on_test_complete = [&view, &test, timer, handle_completed_test]() { timer->stop(); view.on_load_finish = {}; view.on_text_test_finish = {}; if (auto result = handle_completed_test(); result.is_error()) view.on_test_complete({ test, TestResult::Fail }); else view.on_test_complete({ test, result.value() }); }; view.on_load_finish = [&view, &test, on_test_complete = move(on_test_complete)](auto const&) { if (test.actual_screenshot) { view.take_screenshot()->when_resolved([&test, on_test_complete = move(on_test_complete)](RefPtr screenshot) { test.expectation_screenshot = move(screenshot); on_test_complete(); }); } else { view.take_screenshot()->when_resolved([&view, &test](RefPtr screenshot) { test.actual_screenshot = move(screenshot); view.debug_request("load-reference-page"); }); } }; view.on_text_test_finish = [&](auto const&) { dbgln("Unexpected text test finished during ref test for {}", url); }; view.load(url); timer->start(); } static void run_test(HeadlessWebView& view, Test& test) { // Clear the current document. // FIXME: Implement a debug-request to do this more thoroughly. auto promise = Core::Promise::construct(); view.on_load_finish = [promise](auto const& url) { if (!url.equals("about:blank"sv)) return; Core::deferred_invoke([promise]() { promise->resolve({}); }); }; view.on_text_test_finish = {}; view.on_request_file_picker = [&](auto const& accepted_file_types, auto allow_multiple_files) { // Create some dummy files for tests. Vector selected_files; bool add_txt_files = accepted_file_types.filters.is_empty(); bool add_cpp_files = false; for (auto const& filter : accepted_file_types.filters) { filter.visit( [](Web::HTML::FileFilter::FileType) {}, [&](Web::HTML::FileFilter::MimeType const& mime_type) { if (mime_type.value == "text/plain"sv) add_txt_files = true; }, [&](Web::HTML::FileFilter::Extension const& extension) { if (extension.value == "cpp"sv) add_cpp_files = true; }); } if (add_txt_files) { selected_files.empend("file1"sv, MUST(ByteBuffer::copy("Contents for file1"sv.bytes()))); if (allow_multiple_files == Web::HTML::AllowMultipleFiles::Yes) { selected_files.empend("file2"sv, MUST(ByteBuffer::copy("Contents for file2"sv.bytes()))); selected_files.empend("file3"sv, MUST(ByteBuffer::copy("Contents for file3"sv.bytes()))); selected_files.empend("file4"sv, MUST(ByteBuffer::copy("Contents for file4"sv.bytes()))); } } if (add_cpp_files) { selected_files.empend("file1.cpp"sv, MUST(ByteBuffer::copy("int main() {{ return 1; }}"sv.bytes()))); if (allow_multiple_files == Web::HTML::AllowMultipleFiles::Yes) { selected_files.empend("file2.cpp"sv, MUST(ByteBuffer::copy("int main() {{ return 2; }}"sv.bytes()))); } } view.file_picker_closed(move(selected_files)); }; promise->when_resolved([&view, &test](auto) { auto url = URL::create_with_file_scheme(MUST(FileSystem::real_path(test.input_path))); switch (test.mode) { case TestMode::Text: case TestMode::Layout: run_dump_test(view, test, url); return; case TestMode::Ref: run_ref_test(view, test, url); return; } VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); }); view.load("about:blank"sv); } ErrorOr run_tests(Core::AnonymousBuffer const& theme, Gfx::IntSize window_size) { auto& app = Application::the(); TRY(load_test_config(app.test_root_path)); Vector tests; auto test_glob = ByteString::formatted("*{}*", app.test_glob); TRY(collect_dump_tests(tests, ByteString::formatted("{}/Layout", app.test_root_path), "."sv, TestMode::Layout)); TRY(collect_dump_tests(tests, ByteString::formatted("{}/Text", app.test_root_path), "."sv, TestMode::Text)); TRY(collect_ref_tests(tests, ByteString::formatted("{}/Ref", app.test_root_path))); #if !defined(AK_OS_MACOS) TRY(collect_ref_tests(tests, ByteString::formatted("{}/Screenshot", app.test_root_path))); #endif tests.remove_all_matching([&](auto const& test) { return !test.input_path.matches(test_glob, CaseSensitivity::CaseSensitive); }); if (app.test_dry_run) { outln("Found {} tests...", tests.size()); for (auto const& [i, test] : enumerate(tests)) outln("{}/{}: {}", i + 1, tests.size(), LexicalPath::relative_path(test.input_path, app.test_root_path)); return {}; } if (tests.is_empty()) { if (app.test_glob.is_empty()) return Error::from_string_literal("No tests found"); return Error::from_string_literal("No tests found matching filter"); } auto concurrency = min(app.test_concurrency, tests.size()); size_t loaded_web_views = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < concurrency; ++i) { auto& view = *TRY(app.create_web_view(theme, window_size)); view.on_load_finish = [&](auto const&) { ++loaded_web_views; }; } // We need to wait for the initial about:blank load to complete before starting the tests, otherwise we may load the // test URL before the about:blank load completes. WebContent currently cannot handle this, and will drop the test URL. Core::EventLoop::current().spin_until([&]() { return loaded_web_views == concurrency; }); size_t pass_count = 0; size_t fail_count = 0; size_t timeout_count = 0; size_t skipped_count = 0; bool is_tty = isatty(STDOUT_FILENO); outln("Running {} tests...", tests.size()); auto all_tests_complete = Core::Promise::construct(); auto tests_remaining = tests.size(); auto current_test = 0uz; Vector non_passing_tests; app.for_each_web_view([&](auto& view) { view.clear_content_filters(); auto run_next_test = [&]() { auto index = current_test++; if (index >= tests.size()) return; auto& test = tests[index]; test.start_time = UnixDateTime::now(); if (is_tty) { // Keep clearing and reusing the same line if stdout is a TTY. out("\33[2K\r"); } out("{}/{}: {}", index + 1, tests.size(), LexicalPath::relative_path(test.input_path, app.test_root_path)); if (is_tty) fflush(stdout); else outln(""); Core::deferred_invoke([&]() mutable { if (s_skipped_tests.contains_slow(test.input_path)) view.on_test_complete({ test, TestResult::Skipped }); else run_test(view, test); }); }; view.test_promise().when_resolved([&, run_next_test](auto result) { result.test.end_time = UnixDateTime::now(); switch (result.result) { case TestResult::Pass: ++pass_count; break; case TestResult::Fail: ++fail_count; break; case TestResult::Timeout: ++timeout_count; break; case TestResult::Skipped: ++skipped_count; break; } if (result.result != TestResult::Pass) non_passing_tests.append(move(result)); if (--tests_remaining == 0) all_tests_complete->resolve({}); else run_next_test(); }); Core::deferred_invoke([run_next_test]() { run_next_test(); }); }); MUST(all_tests_complete->await()); if (is_tty) outln("\33[2K\rDone!"); outln("=================================================="); outln("Pass: {}, Fail: {}, Skipped: {}, Timeout: {}", pass_count, fail_count, skipped_count, timeout_count); outln("=================================================="); for (auto const& non_passing_test : non_passing_tests) outln("{}: {}", test_result_to_string(non_passing_test.result), non_passing_test.test.input_path); if (app.log_slowest_tests) { auto tests_to_print = min(10uz, tests.size()); outln("\nSlowest {} tests:", tests_to_print); quick_sort(tests, [&](auto const& lhs, auto const& rhs) { auto lhs_duration = lhs.end_time - lhs.start_time; auto rhs_duration = rhs.end_time - rhs.start_time; return lhs_duration > rhs_duration; }); for (auto const& test : tests.span().trim(tests_to_print)) { auto name = LexicalPath::relative_path(test.input_path, app.test_root_path); auto duration = test.end_time - test.start_time; outln("{}: {}ms", name, duration.to_milliseconds()); } } if (app.dump_gc_graph) { app.for_each_web_view([&](auto& view) { if (auto path = view.dump_gc_graph(); path.is_error()) warnln("Failed to dump GC graph: {}", path.error()); else outln("GC graph dumped to {}", path.value()); }); } app.destroy_web_views(); if (timeout_count == 0 && fail_count == 0) return {}; return Error::from_string_literal("Failed LibWeb tests"); } }