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synced 2024-11-22 07:30:19 +00:00
Tests: Import WPT accname/name/comp_name_from_content.html test
This commit is contained in:
2024-11-11 21:57:50 +00:00
Author: https://github.com/sideshowbarker Commit: https://github.com/LadybirdBrowser/ladybird/commit/eed20ad9519 Pull-request: https://github.com/LadybirdBrowser/ladybird/pull/2194 Reviewed-by: https://github.com/ADKaster ✅ Reviewed-by: https://github.com/AtkinsSJ
2 changed files with 336 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
Harness status: OK
Found 60 tests
60 Pass
Result Test Name MessagePass aria button name from content, inline
Pass aria heading name from content, inline
Pass aria link name from content, inline
Pass aria button name from content, block
Pass aria heading name from content, block
Pass aria link name from content, block
Pass button name from content
Pass heading name from content
Pass link name from content
Pass button name from content with ::before
Pass heading name from content with ::before
Pass link name from content with ::before
Pass button name from content with ::after
Pass heading name from content with ::after
Pass link name from content with ::after
Pass button name from content with ::before and ::after
Pass heading name from content with ::before and ::after
Pass link name from content with ::before and ::after
Pass button name from content no space joiners ::before and ::after
Pass heading name from content no space joiners ::before and ::after
Pass link name from content no space joiners ::before and ::after
Pass button name from content with ::before and ::after in rtl
Pass heading name from content with ::before and ::after in rtl
Pass link name from content with ::before and ::after in rtl
Pass button name from fallback content with ::before and ::after
Pass heading name from fallback content with ::before and ::after
Pass link name from fallback content with ::before and ::after
Pass button name from fallback content mixing attr() and strings with ::before and ::after
Pass heading name from fallback content mixing attr() and strings with ::before and ::after
Pass link name from fallback content mixing attr() and strings with ::before and ::after
Pass primitive radio input with ::before containing empty alternative text
Pass primitive radio input with ::before containing empty alternative text for an image
Pass button name from content for each child
Pass heading name from content for each child
Pass link name from content for each child
Pass button name from content for each child including image
Pass heading name from content for each child including image
Pass link name from content for each child including image
Pass button name from content for each child including nested image
Pass heading name from content for each child including nested image
Pass link name from content for each child including nested image
Pass heading name from content for each child including nested button with nested image
Pass heading name from content for each child including nested link with nested image
Pass heading name from content for each child including nested link using aria-label with nested image
Pass heading name from content for each child including nested link using aria-labelledby with nested image
Pass heading name from content for each child including two nested links using aria-labelledby with nested image
Pass link name from content for each child including nested image (referenced elsewhere via labelledby)
Pass button name from content for each child (no space, inline)
Pass heading name from content for each child (no space, inline)
Pass link name from content for each child (no space, inline)
Pass button name from content for each child (no space, display:block)
Pass heading name from content for each child (no space, display:block)
Pass link name from content for each child (no space, display:block)
Pass button name from content for each child (no space, display:inline-block)
Pass heading name from content for each child (no space, display:inline-block)
Pass link name from content for each child (no space, display:inline-block)
Pass heading name from content with text-transform:none
Pass heading name from content with text-transform:uppercase
Pass heading name from content with text-transform:capitalize
Pass heading name from content with text-transform:lowercase
@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
<!doctype html>
<title>Name Comp: Name From Content</title>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src="../../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="../../resources/testdriver.js"></script>
<script src="../../resources/testdriver-vendor.js"></script>
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<script src="../../wai-aria/scripts/aria-utils.js"></script>
<style type="text/css">
Since the AccName spec is in flux about whitespace joiners, and the implementations don't match,
normalize the whitespace (with extra leading/trailing) space.
No point in having the same in-flux spec change cause failures the remaining unrelated tests.
See more here:
.simple-before::before {
content: " before "; /* [sic] leading and trailing space */
margin:0 0.1em;
.simple-after::after {
content: " after "; /* [sic] leading and trailing space */
margin:0 0.1em;
.no-space::before, .no-space::after {
content: "nospace"; /* [sic] Unlike the others, NO extra leading/trailing space here. */
.simple-before:dir(rtl)::before {
content: " من قبل "; /* [sic] leading and trailing space */
.simple-after:dir(rtl)::after {
content: " بعد "; /* [sic] leading and trailing space */
.fallback-before::before {
content: " before "; /* [sic] leading and trailing space */
content: " before " / " alt-before "; /* Override the previous line for engines that support the Alternative Text syntax. */
.fallback-after::after {
content: " after "; /* [sic] leading and trailing space */
content: " after " / " alt-after "; /* Override the previous line for engines that support the Alternative Text syntax. */
.fallback-before-empty::before {
content: "before" / "";
.fallback-before-image-empty::before {
content: "before " url(/images/blue.png) / "";
.fallback-before-mixed::before {
content: " before "; /* [sic] leading and trailing space */
content: " before " / " start " attr(data-alt-text-before) " end "; /* Override the previous line for engines that support the Alternative Text syntax. */
.fallback-after-mixed::after {
content: " after "; /* [sic] leading and trailing space */
content: " after " / " start " attr(data-alt-text-after) " end "; /* Override the previous line for engines that support the Alternative Text syntax. */
.block > span {
display: block;
margin: 0 0.1em;
.iblock > span {
display: inline-block;
margin: 0 0.1em;
<p>Tests the <a href="https://w3c.github.io/accname/#comp_name_from_content">#comp_name_from_content</a> portions of the AccName <em>Name Computation</em> algorithm.</p>
<p>This series of tests exercises the button, heading, and link elements, because each have different characteristics worthy of testing in each of the name computation algorithm scenarios:</p>
<li>button is a leaf node with sub-level elements presentational.</li>
<li>heading is block level, and can contain sub-level interactives like links.</li>
<li>link (a[href]) is an interactive inline element that can include non-presentational descendants.</li>
<h1>ARIA roles, inline</h1>
<span tabindex="0" role="button" data-expectedlabel="label" data-testname="aria button name from content, inline" class="ex">label</span><br>
<span tabindex="0" role="heading" data-expectedlabel="label" data-testname="aria heading name from content, inline" class="ex">label</span><br>
<span tabindex="0" role="link" data-expectedlabel="label" data-testname="aria link name from content, inline" class="ex">label</span><br>
<h1>ARIA roles, block</h1>
<div tabindex="0" role="button" data-expectedlabel="label" data-testname="aria button name from content, block" class="ex">label</div>
<div tabindex="0" role="heading" data-expectedlabel="label" data-testname="aria heading name from content, block" class="ex">label</div>
<div tabindex="0" role="link" data-expectedlabel="label" data-testname="aria link name from content, block" class="ex">label</div>
<button data-expectedlabel="label" data-testname="button name from content" class="ex">label</button><br>
<h3 data-expectedlabel="label" data-testname="heading name from content" class="ex">label</h3>
<a href="#" data-expectedlabel="label" data-testname="link name from content" class="ex">label</a><br>
<h1>simple with ::before</h1>
<button data-expectedlabel="before label" data-testname="button name from content with ::before" class="ex simple-before">label</button><br>
<h3 data-expectedlabel="before label" data-testname="heading name from content with ::before" class="ex simple-before">label</h3>
<a href="#" data-expectedlabel="before label" data-testname="link name from content with ::before" class="ex simple-before">label</a><br>
<h1>simple with ::after</h1>
<button data-expectedlabel="label after" data-testname="button name from content with ::after" class="ex simple-after">label</button><br>
<h3 data-expectedlabel="label after" data-testname="heading name from content with ::after" class="ex simple-after">label</h3>
<a href="#" data-expectedlabel="label after" data-testname="link name from content with ::after" class="ex simple-after">label</a><br>
<h1>simple with ::before and ::after</h1>
<button data-expectedlabel="before label after" data-testname="button name from content with ::before and ::after" class="ex simple-before simple-after">label</button><br>
<h3 data-expectedlabel="before label after" data-testname="heading name from content with ::before and ::after" class="ex simple-before simple-after">label</h3>
<a href="#" data-expectedlabel="before label after" data-testname="link name from content with ::before and ::after" class="ex simple-before simple-after">label</a><br>
<h1>no space joiners ::before and ::after</h1>
<button data-expectedlabel="nospacelabelnospace" data-testname="button name from content no space joiners ::before and ::after" class="ex no-space">label</button><br>
<h3 data-expectedlabel="nospacelabelnospace" data-testname="heading name from content no space joiners ::before and ::after" class="ex no-space">label</h3>
<a href="#" data-expectedlabel="nospacelabelnospace" data-testname="link name from content no space joiners ::before and ::after" class="ex no-space">label</a><br>
<h1>Arabic right-to-left (RTL) with ::before and ::after</h1>
<div dir="rtl" lang="ar">
<button data-expectedlabel="من قبل اسم بعد" data-testname="button name from content with ::before and ::after in rtl" class="ex simple-before simple-after">اسم</button><br>
<h3 data-expectedlabel="من قبل اسم بعد" data-testname="heading name from content with ::before and ::after in rtl" class="ex simple-before simple-after">اسم</h3>
<a href="#" data-expectedlabel="من قبل اسم بعد" data-testname="link name from content with ::before and ::after in rtl" class="ex simple-before simple-after">اسم</a><br>
<h1><a href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-content/#alt">Alternative Text for CSS content (previously `alt:`)</a> in pseudo-elements</h1>
<p>rendered text should be "before label after"</p>
<p>accessibility label should be "alt-before label alt-after"</p>
<button data-expectedlabel="alt-before label alt-after" data-testname="button name from fallback content with ::before and ::after" class="ex fallback-before fallback-after">label</button><br>
<h3 data-expectedlabel="alt-before label alt-after" data-testname="heading name from fallback content with ::before and ::after" class="ex fallback-before fallback-after">label</h3>
<a href="#" data-expectedlabel="alt-before label alt-after" data-testname="link name from fallback content with ::before and ::after" class="ex fallback-before fallback-after">label</a><br>
<h1><a href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-content/#alt">Mixed Alternative Text (attr() and strings) for CSS content (previously `alt:`)</a> in pseudo-elements</h1>
<p>rendered text should be "before label after"</p>
<p>accessibility label should be "start alt-before end label start alt-after end"</p>
<button data-alt-text-before="alt-before" data-alt-text-after="alt-after" data-expectedlabel="start alt-before end label start alt-after end" data-testname="button name from fallback content mixing attr() and strings with ::before and ::after" class="ex fallback-before-mixed fallback-after-mixed">label</button><br>
<h3 data-alt-text-before="alt-before" data-alt-text-after="alt-after" data-expectedlabel="start alt-before end label start alt-after end" data-testname="heading name from fallback content mixing attr() and strings with ::before and ::after" class="ex fallback-before-mixed fallback-after-mixed">label</h3>
<a href="#" data-alt-text-before="alt-before" data-alt-text-after="alt-after" data-expectedlabel="start alt-before end label start alt-after end" data-testname="link name from fallback content mixing attr() and strings with ::before and ::after" class="ex fallback-before-mixed fallback-after-mixed">label</a><br>
<h1>Empty alternative text for CSS content in pseudo-elements when applied to primitive appearance form controls</h1>
<p><input data-expectedlabel="" data-testname="primitive radio input with ::before containing empty alternative text" class="ex fallback-before-empty" type=radio style=appearance:none>
<p><input data-expectedlabel="" data-testname="primitive radio input with ::before containing empty alternative text for an image" class="ex fallback-before-image-empty" type=radio style=appearance:none>
<h1>simple w/ for each child</h1>
<button data-expectedlabel="one two three" data-testname="button name from content for each child" class="ex"><span>one</span> <span>two</span> <span>three</span></button><br>
<h3 data-expectedlabel="one two three" data-testname="heading name from content for each child" class="ex"><span>one</span> <span>two</span> <span>three</span></h3>
<a href="#" data-expectedlabel="one two three" data-testname="link name from content for each child" class="ex"><span>one</span> <span>two</span> <span>three</span></a><br>
<h1>simple for each child with image</h1>
<button data-expectedlabel="one two three" data-testname="button name from content for each child including image" class="ex"><span>one</span> <img alt="two" src=""> <span>three</span></button><br>
<h3 data-expectedlabel="one two three" data-testname="heading name from content for each child including image" class="ex"><span>one</span> <img alt="two" src=""> <span>three</span></h3>
<a href="#" data-expectedlabel="one two three" data-testname="link name from content for each child including image" class="ex"><span>one</span> <img alt="two" src=""> <span>three</span></a><br>
<h1>simple for each child with extra nesting containing image</h1>
<button data-expectedlabel="one two three four" data-testname="button name from content for each child including nested image" class="ex"><span>one</span> <span>two <img alt="three" src=""></span> <span>four</span></button><br>
<h3 data-expectedlabel="one two three four" data-testname="heading name from content for each child including nested image" class="ex"><span>one</span> <span>two <img alt="three" src=""></span> <span>four</span></h3>
<a href="#" data-expectedlabel="one two three four" data-testname="link name from content for each child including nested image" class="ex"><span>one</span> <span>two <img alt="three" src=""></span> <span>four</span></a><br>
<h1>heading with nested button with nested image</h1>
<h3 data-expectedlabel="heading button image button heading" data-testname="heading name from content for each child including nested button with nested image" class="ex">
<img alt="image" src="">
<h1>heading with nested link with nested image</h1>
<h3 data-expectedlabel="heading link image link heading" data-testname="heading name from content for each child including nested link with nested image" class="ex">
<a href="#">
<img alt="image" src="">
<h1>heading with nested link with nested image using aria-label</h1>
<h3 data-expectedlabel="heading link aria-label heading" data-testname="heading name from content for each child including nested link using aria-label with nested image" class="ex">
<a href="#" aria-label="link aria-label"><!-- should skip the other link text -->
ignored link text
<img id="nested_image_label_1" alt="ignored image alt" src="">
ignored link text
<h1>heading with nested link with nested image using aria-labelledby</h1>
<h3 data-expectedlabel="heading image heading" data-testname="heading name from content for each child including nested link using aria-labelledby with nested image" class="ex">
<a href="#" aria-labelledby="nested_image_label1"><!-- should skip the other link text -->
ignored link text
<img id="nested_image_label1" alt="image" src="">
ignored link text
<h1>heading with two nested links referencing image using aria-labelledby</h1>
<h3 data-expectedlabel="image link2 link3" data-testname="heading name from content for each child including two nested links using aria-labelledby with nested image" class="ex">
<a href="#" aria-labelledby="nested_image_label2">
link1<!-- this text is skipped because of aria-labelledby -->
<a href="#" data-expectedlabel="link2 image link3" data-testname="link name from content for each child including nested image (referenced elsewhere via labelledby)" class="ex">
<img id="nested_image_label2" alt="image" src="">
<!-- image skipped in this link (when computing heading text) because it was already referenced by the first link within this heading label recursion cycle. -->
<!-- but image not skipped when computing the text of the link itself since it has not been referenced in that context -->
<!-- Note: The following test is out of line with the spec, but matching two out of three implementations at the time of writing, and spec changes are expeected. -->
<!-- See details in https://github.com/w3c/accname/issues/205 -->
<!-- Final spec resolution will be addressed in AccName Whitespace Project: https://github.com/w3c/accname/projects/1#card-42288231 -->
<h1>simple w/ for each child (w/o spaces and display:inline)</h1>
<button data-expectedlabel="onetwothree" data-testname="button name from content for each child (no space, inline)" class="ex"><span>one</span><span>two</span><span>three</span></button><br>
<h3 data-expectedlabel="onetwothree" data-testname="heading name from content for each child (no space, inline)" class="ex"><span>one</span><span>two</span><span>three</span></h3>
<a href="#" data-expectedlabel="onetwothree" data-testname="link name from content for each child (no space, inline)" class="ex"><span>one</span><span>two</span><span>three</span></a><br>
<h1>simple w/ for each child (w/o spaces and display:block)</h1>
<button data-expectedlabel="one two three" data-testname="button name from content for each child (no space, display:block)" class="ex block"><span>one</span><span>two</span><span>three</span></button><br>
<h3 data-expectedlabel="one two three" data-testname="heading name from content for each child (no space, display:block)" class="ex block"><span>one</span><span>two</span><span>three</span></h3>
<a href="#" data-expectedlabel="one two three" data-testname="link name from content for each child (no space, display:block)" class="ex block"><span>one</span><span>two</span><span>three</span></a><br>
<h1>simple w/ for each child (w/o spaces and display:inline block)</h1>
<button data-expectedlabel="one two three" data-testname="button name from content for each child (no space, display:inline-block)" class="ex iblock"><span>one</span><span>two</span><span>three</span></button><br>
<h3 data-expectedlabel="one two three" data-testname="heading name from content for each child (no space, display:inline-block)" class="ex iblock"><span>one</span><span>two</span><span>three</span></h3>
<a href="#" data-expectedlabel="one two three" data-testname="link name from content for each child (no space, display:inline-block)" class="ex iblock"><span>one</span><span>two</span><span>three</span></a><br>
<h1 data-expectedlabel="Call us" data-testname="heading name from content with text-transform:none" class="ex" style="text-transform:none;">Call us</h1>
<h1 data-expectedlabel="CALL US" data-testname="heading name from content with text-transform:uppercase" class="ex" style="text-transform:uppercase;">Call us</h1>
<h1 data-expectedlabel="Call Us" data-testname="heading name from content with text-transform:capitalize" class="ex" style="text-transform:capitalize;">Call us</h1>
<h1 data-expectedlabel="call us" data-testname="heading name from content with text-transform:lowercase" class="ex" style="text-transform:lowercase;">Call us</h1>
Reference in a new issue