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synced 2024-11-22 07:30:19 +00:00
LibJS: Implement the Intl.DisplayNames constructor
There is notably FIXME notations in this commit regarding Unicode locale extensions. We are not parsing extensions (or private use extensions) at all yet.
This commit is contained in:
2024-07-18 05:15:31 +09:00
Author: https://github.com/trflynn89 Commit: https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/commit/e8dd2eea74f Pull-request: https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/pull/9599 Reviewed-by: https://github.com/alimpfard Reviewed-by: https://github.com/davidot Reviewed-by: https://github.com/linusg ✅
7 changed files with 538 additions and 0 deletions
@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ set(SOURCES
@ -144,6 +144,7 @@ namespace JS {
P(exec) \
P(exp) \
P(expm1) \
P(fallback) \
P(fields) \
P(fill) \
P(filter) \
@ -262,6 +263,7 @@ namespace JS {
P(link) \
P(load) \
P(localeCompare) \
P(localeMatcher) \
P(log) \
P(log1p) \
P(log2) \
@ -376,6 +378,7 @@ namespace JS {
P(store) \
P(strike) \
P(stringify) \
P(style) \
P(sub) \
P(subarray) \
P(substr) \
@ -416,6 +419,7 @@ namespace JS {
P(trimRight) \
P(trimStart) \
P(trunc) \
P(type) \
P(undefined) \
P(unescape) \
P(unicode) \
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
M(IndexOutOfRange, "Index {} is out of range of array length {}") \
M(InOperatorWithObject, "'in' operator must be used on an object") \
M(InstanceOfOperatorBadPrototype, "'prototype' property of {} is not an object") \
M(IntlInvalidLanguageTag, "{} is not a structurally valid language tag") \
M(InvalidAssignToConst, "Invalid assignment to const variable") \
M(InvalidCodePoint, "Invalid code point {}, must be an integer no less than 0 and no greater than 0x10FFFF") \
M(InvalidFormat, "Invalid {} format") \
@ -43,6 +44,7 @@
M(IsNotA, "{} is not a {}") \
M(IsNotAn, "{} is not an {}") \
M(IsNotAEvaluatedFrom, "{} is not a {} (evaluated from '{}')") \
M(IsUndefined, "{} is undefined") \
M(IterableNextBadReturn, "iterator.next() returned a non-object value") \
M(IterableNextNotAFunction, "'next' property on returned object from Symbol.iterator method is not a function") \
M(IterableReturnBadReturn, "iterator.return() returned a non-object value") \
@ -58,6 +60,7 @@
M(NotAn, "Not an {} object") \
M(NotAnObject, "{} is not an object") \
M(NotAnObjectOrNull, "{} is neither an object nor null") \
M(NotAnObjectOrString, "{} is neither an object nor a string") \
M(NotASymbol, "{} is not a symbol") \
M(NotIterable, "{} is not iterable") \
M(NotObjectCoercible, "{} cannot be converted to an object") \
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
* Copyright (c) 2021, Tim Flynn <trflynn89@pm.me>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/AllOf.h>
#include <AK/CharacterTypes.h>
#include <AK/QuickSort.h>
#include <AK/TypeCasts.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/Array.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/GlobalObject.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/Intl/AbstractOperations.h>
#include <LibUnicode/Locale.h>
namespace JS::Intl {
// 6.2.2 IsStructurallyValidLanguageTag ( locale ), https://tc39.es/ecma402/#sec-isstructurallyvalidlanguagetag
static Optional<Unicode::LocaleID> is_structurally_valid_language_tag(StringView locale)
// IsStructurallyValidLanguageTag returns true if all of the following conditions hold, false otherwise:
// locale can be generated from the EBNF grammar for unicode_locale_id in Unicode Technical Standard #35 LDML § 3.2 Unicode Locale Identifier;
auto locale_id = Unicode::parse_unicode_locale_id(locale);
if (!locale_id.has_value())
return {};
// locale does not use any of the backwards compatibility syntax described in Unicode Technical Standard #35 LDML § 3.3 BCP 47 Conformance;
// https://unicode.org/reports/tr35/#BCP_47_Conformance
if (locale.contains('_') || locale_id->language_id.is_root || !locale_id->language_id.language.has_value())
return {};
// the unicode_language_id within locale contains no duplicate unicode_variant_subtag subtags; and
if (auto& variants = locale_id->language_id.variants; !variants.is_empty()) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < variants.size() - 1; ++i) {
if (variants[i] == variants[i + 1])
return {};
// FIXME: Handle extensions.
// if locale contains an extensions* component, that component
// does not contain any other_extensions components with duplicate [alphanum-[tTuUxX]] subtags,
// contains at most one unicode_locale_extensions component,
// contains at most one transformed_extensions component, and
// if a transformed_extensions component that contains a tlang component is present, then
// the tlang component contains no duplicate unicode_variant_subtag subtags.
return locale_id;
// 6.2.3 CanonicalizeUnicodeLocaleId ( locale ), https://tc39.es/ecma402/#sec-canonicalizeunicodelocaleid
static String canonicalize_unicode_locale_id(Unicode::LocaleID& locale)
// 1. Let localeId be the string locale after performing the algorithm to transform it to canonical syntax per Unicode Technical Standard #35 LDML § 3.2.1 Canonical Unicode Locale Identifiers.
// 2. Let localeId be the string localeId after performing the algorithm to transform it to canonical form.
auto locale_id = Unicode::canonicalize_unicode_locale_id(locale);
// FIXME: Handle extensions.
// 3. If localeId contains a substring extension that is a Unicode locale extension sequence, then
// a. Let components be ! UnicodeExtensionComponents(extension).
// b. Let attributes be components.[[Attributes]].
// c. Let keywords be components.[[Keywords]].
// d. Let newExtension be "u".
// e. For each element attr of attributes, do
// i. Append "-" to newExtension.
// ii. Append attr to newExtension.
// f. For each Record { [[Key]], [[Value]] } keyword in keywords, do
// i. Append "-" to newExtension.
// ii. Append keyword.[[Key]] to newExtension.
// iii. If keyword.[[Value]] is not the empty String, then
// 1. Append "-" to newExtension.
// 2. Append keyword.[[Value]] to newExtension.
// g. Assert: newExtension is not equal to "u".
// h. Let localeId be localeId with the substring corresponding to extension replaced by the string newExtension.
// 4. Return localeId.
return locale_id.release_value();
// 6.3.1 IsWellFormedCurrencyCode ( currency ), https://tc39.es/ecma402/#sec-canonicalcodefordisplaynames
static bool is_well_formed_currency_code(StringView currency)
// 1. Let normalized be the result of mapping currency to upper case as described in 6.1.
// 2. If the number of elements in normalized is not 3, return false.
if (currency.length() != 3)
return false;
// 3. If normalized contains any character that is not in the range "A" to "Z" (U+0041 to U+005A), return false.
if (!all_of(currency, is_ascii_alpha))
return false;
// 4. Return true.
return true;
// 9.2.1 CanonicalizeLocaleList ( locales ), https://tc39.es/ecma402/#sec-canonicalizelocalelist
Vector<String> canonicalize_locale_list(GlobalObject& global_object, Value locales)
auto& vm = global_object.vm();
// 1. If locales is undefined, then
if (locales.is_undefined()) {
// a. Return a new empty List.
return {};
// 2. Let seen be a new empty List.
Vector<String> seen;
Object* object = nullptr;
// 3. If Type(locales) is String or Type(locales) is Object and locales has an [[InitializedLocale]] internal slot, then
// FIXME: When we have an Intl.Locale object, handle it it here.
if (locales.is_string()) {
// a. Let O be CreateArrayFromList(« locales »).
object = Array::create_from(global_object, { locales });
// 4. Else,
else {
// a. Let O be ? ToObject(locales).
object = locales.to_object(global_object);
if (vm.exception())
return {};
// 5. Let len be ? ToLength(? Get(O, "length")).
auto length_value = object->get(vm.names.length);
if (vm.exception())
return {};
auto length = length_value.to_length(global_object);
if (vm.exception())
return {};
// 6. Let k be 0.
// 7. Repeat, while k < len,
for (size_t k = 0; k < length; ++k) {
// a. Let Pk be ToString(k).
auto property_key = PropertyName { k };
// b. Let kPresent be ? HasProperty(O, Pk).
auto key_present = object->has_property(property_key);
if (vm.exception())
return {};
// c. If kPresent is true, then
if (key_present) {
// i. Let kValue be ? Get(O, Pk).
auto key_value = object->get(property_key);
if (vm.exception())
return {};
// ii. If Type(kValue) is not String or Object, throw a TypeError exception.
if (!key_value.is_string() && !key_value.is_object()) {
vm.throw_exception<TypeError>(global_object, ErrorType::NotAnObjectOrString, key_value.to_string_without_side_effects());
return {};
// iii. If Type(kValue) is Object and kValue has an [[InitializedLocale]] internal slot, then
// 1. Let tag be kValue.[[Locale]].
// iv. Else,
// 1. Let tag be ? ToString(kValue).
// FIXME: When we have an Intl.Locale object, handle it it here.
auto tag = key_value.to_string(global_object);
if (vm.exception())
return {};
// v. If IsStructurallyValidLanguageTag(tag) is false, throw a RangeError exception.
auto locale_id = is_structurally_valid_language_tag(tag);
if (!locale_id.has_value()) {
vm.throw_exception<RangeError>(global_object, ErrorType::IntlInvalidLanguageTag, tag);
return {};
// vi. Let canonicalizedTag be CanonicalizeUnicodeLocaleId(tag).
auto canonicalized_tag = JS::Intl::canonicalize_unicode_locale_id(*locale_id);
// vii. If canonicalizedTag is not an element of seen, append canonicalizedTag as the last element of seen.
if (!seen.contains_slow(canonicalized_tag))
// d. Increase k by 1.
return seen;
// 9.2.2 BestAvailableLocale ( availableLocales, locale ), https://tc39.es/ecma402/#sec-bestavailablelocale
static Optional<String> best_available_locale(StringView const& locale)
// 1. Let candidate be locale.
StringView candidate = locale;
// 2. Repeat,
while (true) {
// a. If availableLocales contains an element equal to candidate, return candidate.
if (Unicode::is_locale_available(candidate))
return candidate;
// b. Let pos be the character index of the last occurrence of "-" (U+002D) within candidate. If that character does not occur, return undefined.
auto pos = candidate.find_last('-');
if (!pos.has_value())
return {};
// c. If pos ≥ 2 and the character "-" occurs at index pos-2 of candidate, decrease pos by 2.
if ((*pos >= 2) && (candidate[*pos - 2] == '-'))
pos = *pos - 2;
// d. Let candidate be the substring of candidate from position 0, inclusive, to position pos, exclusive.
candidate = candidate.substring_view(0, *pos);
// 9.2.3 LookupMatcher ( availableLocales, requestedLocales ), https://tc39.es/ecma402/#sec-lookupmatcher
static LocaleResult lookup_matcher(Vector<String> const& requested_locales)
// 1. Let result be a new Record.
LocaleResult result {};
// 2. For each element locale of requestedLocales, do
for (auto const& locale : requested_locales) {
// a. Let noExtensionsLocale be the String value that is locale with any Unicode locale extension sequences removed.
auto const& no_extensions_locale = locale; // FIXME: Handle extensions.
// b. Let availableLocale be BestAvailableLocale(availableLocales, noExtensionsLocale).
auto available_locale = best_available_locale(no_extensions_locale);
// c. If availableLocale is not undefined, then
if (available_locale.has_value()) {
// i. Set result.[[locale]] to availableLocale.
result.locale = available_locale.release_value();
// FIXME: Handle extensions.
// ii. If locale and noExtensionsLocale are not the same String value, then
// 1. Let extension be the String value consisting of the substring of the Unicode locale extension sequence within locale.
// 2. Set result.[[extension]] to extension.
// iii. Return result.
return result;
// 3. Let defLocale be DefaultLocale().
// 4. Set result.[[locale]] to defLocale.
result.locale = Unicode::default_locale();
// 5. Return result.
return result;
// 9.2.4 BestFitMatcher ( availableLocales, requestedLocales ), https://tc39.es/ecma402/#sec-bestfitmatcher
static LocaleResult best_fit_matcher(Vector<String> const& requested_locales)
// The algorithm is implementation dependent, but should produce results that a typical user of the requested locales would
// perceive as at least as good as those produced by the LookupMatcher abstract operation.
return lookup_matcher(requested_locales);
// 9.2.7 ResolveLocale ( availableLocales, requestedLocales, options, relevantExtensionKeys, localeData ), https://tc39.es/ecma402/#sec-resolvelocale
LocaleResult resolve_locale(Vector<String> const& requested_locales, LocaleOptions const& options, [[maybe_unused]] Vector<StringView> relevant_extension_keys)
// 1. Let matcher be options.[[localeMatcher]].
auto const& matcher = options.locale_matcher;
LocaleResult result;
// 2. If matcher is "lookup", then
if (matcher.is_string() && (matcher.as_string().string() == "lookup"sv)) {
// a. Let r be LookupMatcher(availableLocales, requestedLocales).
result = lookup_matcher(requested_locales);
// 3. Else,
else {
// a. Let r be BestFitMatcher(availableLocales, requestedLocales).
result = best_fit_matcher(requested_locales);
// 4. Let foundLocale be r.[[locale]].
// 5. Let result be a new Record.
// 6. Set result.[[dataLocale]] to foundLocale.
// FIXME: Handle extensions.
// 7. If r has an [[extension]] field, then
// a. Let components be ! UnicodeExtensionComponents(r.[[extension]]).
// b. Let keywords be components.[[Keywords]].
// 8. Let supportedExtension be "-u".
// 9. For each element key of relevantExtensionKeys, do
// a. Let foundLocaleData be localeData.[[<foundLocale>]].
// b. Assert: Type(foundLocaleData) is Record.
// c. Let keyLocaleData be foundLocaleData.[[<key>]].
// d. Assert: Type(keyLocaleData) is List.
// e. Let value be keyLocaleData[0].
// f. Assert: Type(value) is either String or Null.
// g. Let supportedExtensionAddition be "".
// h. If r has an [[extension]] field, then
// i. If keywords contains an element whose [[Key]] is the same as key, then
// 1. Let entry be the element of keywords whose [[Key]] is the same as key.
// 2. Let requestedValue be entry.[[Value]].
// 3. If requestedValue is not the empty String, then
// a. If keyLocaleData contains requestedValue, then
// i. Let value be requestedValue.
// ii. Let supportedExtensionAddition be the string-concatenation of "-", key, "-", and value.
// 4. Else if keyLocaleData contains "true", then
// a. Let value be "true".
// b. Let supportedExtensionAddition be the string-concatenation of "-" and key.
// i. If options has a field [[<key>]], then
// i. Let optionsValue be options.[[<key>]].
// ii. Assert: Type(optionsValue) is either String, Undefined, or Null.
// iii. If Type(optionsValue) is String, then
// 1. Let optionsValue be the string optionsValue after performing the algorithm steps to transform Unicode extension values to canonical syntax per Unicode Technical Standard #35 LDML § 3.2.1 Canonical Unicode Locale Identifiers, treating key as ukey and optionsValue as uvalue productions.
// 2. Let optionsValue be the string optionsValue after performing the algorithm steps to replace Unicode extension values with their canonical form per Unicode Technical Standard #35 LDML § 3.2.1 Canonical Unicode Locale Identifiers, treating key as ukey and optionsValue as uvalue productions.
// 3. If optionsValue is the empty String, then
// a. Let optionsValue be "true".
// iv. If keyLocaleData contains optionsValue, then
// 1. If SameValue(optionsValue, value) is false, then
// a. Let value be optionsValue.
// b. Let supportedExtensionAddition be "".
// j. Set result.[[<key>]] to value.
// k. Append supportedExtensionAddition to supportedExtension.
// 10. If the number of elements in supportedExtension is greater than 2, then
// a. Let foundLocale be InsertUnicodeExtensionAndCanonicalize(foundLocale, supportedExtension).
// 11. Set result.[[locale]] to foundLocale.
// 12. Return result.
return result;
// 9.2.13 GetOption ( options, property, type, values, fallback ), https://tc39.es/ecma402/#sec-getoption
Value get_option(GlobalObject& global_object, Value options, PropertyName const& property, Value::Type type, Vector<StringView> const& values, Fallback fallback)
auto& vm = global_object.vm();
// 1. Assert: Type(options) is Object.
// 2. Let value be ? Get(options, property).
auto value = options.get(global_object, property);
if (vm.exception())
return {};
// 3. If value is undefined, return fallback.
if (value.is_undefined()) {
return fallback.visit(
[](Empty) { return js_undefined(); },
[](bool f) { return Value(f); },
[&vm](StringView f) { return Value(js_string(vm, f)); });
// 4. Assert: type is "boolean" or "string".
VERIFY((type == Value::Type::Boolean) || (type == Value::Type::String));
// 5. If type is "boolean", then
if (type == Value::Type::Boolean) {
// a. Let value be ! ToBoolean(value).
value = Value(value.to_boolean());
// 6. If type is "string", then
else {
// a. Let value be ? ToString(value).
value = value.to_primitive_string(global_object);
if (vm.exception())
return {};
// 7. If values is not undefined and values does not contain an element equal to value, throw a RangeError exception.
if (!values.is_empty()) {
// Note: Every location in the spec that invokes GetOption with type=boolean also has values=undefined.
if (!values.contains_slow(value.as_string().string())) {
vm.throw_exception<RangeError>(global_object, ErrorType::OptionIsNotValidValue, value.to_string_without_side_effects(), property.as_string());
return {};
// 8. Return value.
return value;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
* Copyright (c) 2021, Tim Flynn <trflynn89@pm.me>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include <AK/String.h>
#include <AK/Variant.h>
#include <AK/Vector.h>
#include <LibJS/Forward.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/Intl/DisplayNames.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/Value.h>
namespace JS::Intl {
using Fallback = Variant<Empty, bool, StringView>;
struct LocaleOptions {
Value locale_matcher;
struct LocaleResult {
String locale;
Vector<String> canonicalize_locale_list(GlobalObject&, Value locales);
Value get_option(GlobalObject& global_object, Value options, PropertyName const& property, Value::Type type, Vector<StringView> const& values, Fallback fallback);
LocaleResult resolve_locale(Vector<String> const& requested_locales, LocaleOptions const& options, Vector<StringView> relevant_extension_keys);
@ -6,8 +6,11 @@
#include <LibJS/Runtime/AbstractOperations.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/GlobalObject.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/Intl/AbstractOperations.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/Intl/DisplayNames.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/Intl/DisplayNamesConstructor.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/Temporal/AbstractOperations.h>
#include <LibUnicode/Locale.h>
namespace JS::Intl {
@ -42,11 +45,82 @@ Value DisplayNamesConstructor::construct(FunctionObject& new_target)
auto& vm = this->vm();
auto& global_object = this->global_object();
auto locales = vm.argument(0);
auto options = vm.argument(1);
// 2. Let displayNames be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(NewTarget, "%DisplayNames.prototype%", « [[InitializedDisplayNames]], [[Locale]], [[Style]], [[Type]], [[Fallback]], [[Fields]] »).
auto* display_names = ordinary_create_from_constructor<DisplayNames>(global_object, new_target, &GlobalObject::intl_display_names_prototype);
if (vm.exception())
return {};
// 3. Let requestedLocales be ? CanonicalizeLocaleList(locales).
auto requested_locales = canonicalize_locale_list(global_object, locales);
if (vm.exception())
return {};
// 4. If options is undefined, throw a TypeError exception.
if (options.is_undefined()) {
vm.throw_exception<TypeError>(global_object, ErrorType::IsUndefined, "options"sv);
return {};
// 5. Set options to ? GetOptionsObject(options).
options = Temporal::get_options_object(global_object, options);
if (vm.exception())
return {};
// 6. Let opt be a new Record.
LocaleOptions opt {};
// 7. Let localeData be %DisplayNames%.[[LocaleData]].
// 8. Let matcher be ? GetOption(options, "localeMatcher", "string", « "lookup", "best fit" », "best fit").
auto matcher = get_option(global_object, options, vm.names.localeMatcher, Value::Type::String, { "lookup"sv, "best fit"sv }, "best fit"sv);
if (vm.exception())
return {};
// 9. Set opt.[[localeMatcher]] to matcher.
opt.locale_matcher = matcher;
// 10. Let r be ResolveLocale(%DisplayNames%.[[AvailableLocales]], requestedLocales, opt, %DisplayNames%.[[RelevantExtensionKeys]]).
auto result = resolve_locale(requested_locales, opt, {});
// 11. Let style be ? GetOption(options, "style", "string", « "narrow", "short", "long" », "long").
auto style = get_option(global_object, options, vm.names.style, Value::Type::String, { "narrow"sv, "short"sv, "long"sv }, "long"sv);
if (vm.exception())
return {};
// 12. Set displayNames.[[Style]] to style.
// 13. Let type be ? GetOption(options, "type", "string", « "language", "region", "script", "currency" », undefined).
auto type = get_option(global_object, options, vm.names.type, Value::Type::String, { "language"sv, "region"sv, "script"sv, "currency"sv }, Empty {});
if (vm.exception())
return {};
// 14. If type is undefined, throw a TypeError exception.
if (type.is_undefined()) {
vm.throw_exception<TypeError>(global_object, ErrorType::IsUndefined, "options.type"sv);
return {};
// 15. Set displayNames.[[Type]] to type.
// 16. Let fallback be ? GetOption(options, "fallback", "string", « "code", "none" », "code").
auto fallback = get_option(global_object, options, vm.names.fallback, Value::Type::String, { "code"sv, "none"sv }, "code"sv);
if (vm.exception())
return {};
// 17. Set displayNames.[[Fallback]] to fallback.
// 18. Set displayNames.[[Locale]] to r.[[locale]].
// Note: The remaining steps are skipped in favor of deferring to LibUnicode. We could copy
// the data from LibUnicode to the DisplayNames object, but for now we do not do that.
// 28. Return displayNames.
return display_names;
@ -4,10 +4,54 @@ describe("errors", () => {
}).toThrowWithMessage(TypeError, "Intl.DisplayNames constructor must be called with 'new'");
test("options is undefined", () => {
expect(() => {
new Intl.DisplayNames("en");
}).toThrowWithMessage(TypeError, "options is undefined");
test("options is an invalid type", () => {
expect(() => {
new Intl.DisplayNames("en", true);
}).toThrowWithMessage(TypeError, "Options is not an object");
test("style option is invalid ", () => {
expect(() => {
new Intl.DisplayNames("en", { style: "hello!" });
}).toThrowWithMessage(RangeError, "hello! is not a valid value for option style");
test("type option is invalid ", () => {
expect(() => {
new Intl.DisplayNames("en", { type: "hello!" });
}).toThrowWithMessage(RangeError, "hello! is not a valid value for option type");
test("fallback option is invalid ", () => {
expect(() => {
new Intl.DisplayNames("en", { type: "region", fallback: "hello!" });
}).toThrowWithMessage(RangeError, "hello! is not a valid value for option fallback");
test("missing type options ", () => {
expect(() => {
new Intl.DisplayNames("en", {});
}).toThrowWithMessage(TypeError, "options.type is undefined");
describe("normal behavior", () => {
test("length is 2", () => {
test("all valid types", () => {
["language", "region", "script", "currency"].forEach(type => {
expect(() => {
new Intl.DisplayNames("en", { type: type });
Reference in a new issue