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synced 2024-11-21 23:20:20 +00:00
LibJS: Implement stringification Temporal.Duration prototypes
This commit is contained in:
2024-11-21 00:05:52 +00:00
Author: https://github.com/trflynn89 Commit: https://github.com/LadybirdBrowser/ladybird/commit/4742775262d Pull-request: https://github.com/LadybirdBrowser/ladybird/pull/2431 Reviewed-by: https://github.com/alimpfard Reviewed-by: https://github.com/shannonbooth ✅
9 changed files with 934 additions and 4 deletions
@ -8,10 +8,12 @@
#include <LibCrypto/BigFraction/BigFraction.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/AbstractOperations.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/PropertyKey.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/Temporal/AbstractOperations.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/Temporal/Duration.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/Temporal/ISO8601.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/Temporal/Instant.h>
namespace JS::Temporal {
@ -41,6 +43,227 @@ StringView temporal_unit_to_string(Unit unit)
return temporal_units[to_underlying(unit)].singular_property_name;
// 13.15 GetTemporalFractionalSecondDigitsOption ( options ), https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-temporal-gettemporalfractionalseconddigitsoption
ThrowCompletionOr<Precision> get_temporal_fractional_second_digits_option(VM& vm, Object const& options)
// 1. Let digitsValue be ? Get(options, "fractionalSecondDigits").
auto digits_value = TRY(options.get(vm.names.fractionalSecondDigits));
// 2. If digitsValue is undefined, return AUTO.
if (digits_value.is_undefined())
return Precision { Auto {} };
// 3. If digitsValue is not a Number, then
if (!digits_value.is_number()) {
// a. If ? ToString(digitsValue) is not "auto", throw a RangeError exception.
auto digits_value_string = TRY(digits_value.to_string(vm));
if (digits_value_string != "auto"sv)
return vm.throw_completion<RangeError>(ErrorType::OptionIsNotValidValue, digits_value, vm.names.fractionalSecondDigits);
// b. Return AUTO.
return Precision { Auto {} };
// 4. If digitsValue is NaN, +∞𝔽, or -∞𝔽, throw a RangeError exception.
if (digits_value.is_nan() || digits_value.is_infinity())
return vm.throw_completion<RangeError>(ErrorType::OptionIsNotValidValue, digits_value, vm.names.fractionalSecondDigits);
// 5. Let digitCount be floor(ℝ(digitsValue)).
auto digit_count = floor(digits_value.as_double());
// 6. If digitCount < 0 or digitCount > 9, throw a RangeError exception.
if (digit_count < 0 || digit_count > 9)
return vm.throw_completion<RangeError>(ErrorType::OptionIsNotValidValue, digits_value, vm.names.fractionalSecondDigits);
// 7. Return digitCount.
return Precision { static_cast<u8>(digit_count) };
// 13.16 ToSecondsStringPrecisionRecord ( smallestUnit, fractionalDigitCount ), https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-temporal-tosecondsstringprecisionrecord
SecondsStringPrecision to_seconds_string_precision_record(UnitValue smallest_unit, Precision fractional_digit_count)
if (auto const* unit = smallest_unit.get_pointer<Unit>()) {
// 1. If smallestUnit is MINUTE, then
if (*unit == Unit::Minute) {
// a. Return the Record { [[Precision]]: MINUTE, [[Unit]]: MINUTE, [[Increment]]: 1 }.
return { .precision = SecondsStringPrecision::Minute {}, .unit = Unit::Minute, .increment = 1 };
// 2. If smallestUnit is SECOND, then
if (*unit == Unit::Second) {
// a. Return the Record { [[Precision]]: 0, [[Unit]]: SECOND, [[Increment]]: 1 }.
return { .precision = 0, .unit = Unit::Second, .increment = 1 };
// 3. If smallestUnit is MILLISECOND, then
if (*unit == Unit::Millisecond) {
// a. Return the Record { [[Precision]]: 3, [[Unit]]: MILLISECOND, [[Increment]]: 1 }.
return { .precision = 3, .unit = Unit::Millisecond, .increment = 1 };
// 4. If smallestUnit is MICROSECOND, then
if (*unit == Unit::Microsecond) {
// a. Return the Record { [[Precision]]: 6, [[Unit]]: MICROSECOND, [[Increment]]: 1 }.
return { .precision = 6, .unit = Unit::Microsecond, .increment = 1 };
// 5. If smallestUnit is NANOSECOND, then
if (*unit == Unit::Nanosecond) {
// a. Return the Record { [[Precision]]: 9, [[Unit]]: NANOSECOND, [[Increment]]: 1 }.
return { .precision = 9, .unit = Unit::Nanosecond, .increment = 1 };
// 6. Assert: smallestUnit is UNSET.
// 7. If fractionalDigitCount is auto, then
if (fractional_digit_count.has<Auto>()) {
// a. Return the Record { [[Precision]]: AUTO, [[Unit]]: NANOSECOND, [[Increment]]: 1 }.
return { .precision = Auto {}, .unit = Unit::Nanosecond, .increment = 1 };
auto fractional_digits = fractional_digit_count.get<u8>();
// 8. If fractionalDigitCount = 0, then
if (fractional_digits == 0) {
// a. Return the Record { [[Precision]]: 0, [[Unit]]: SECOND, [[Increment]]: 1 }.
return { .precision = 0, .unit = Unit::Second, .increment = 1 };
// 9. If fractionalDigitCount is in the inclusive interval from 1 to 3, then
if (fractional_digits >= 1 && fractional_digits <= 3) {
// a. Return the Record { [[Precision]]: fractionalDigitCount, [[Unit]]: MILLISECOND, [[Increment]]: 10**(3 - fractionalDigitCount) }.
return { .precision = fractional_digits, .unit = Unit::Millisecond, .increment = static_cast<u8>(pow(10, 3 - fractional_digits)) };
// 10. If fractionalDigitCount is in the inclusive interval from 4 to 6, then
if (fractional_digits >= 4 && fractional_digits <= 6) {
// a. Return the Record { [[Precision]]: fractionalDigitCount, [[Unit]]: MICROSECOND, [[Increment]]: 10**(6 - fractionalDigitCount) }.
return { .precision = fractional_digits, .unit = Unit::Microsecond, .increment = static_cast<u8>(pow(10, 6 - fractional_digits)) };
// 11. Assert: fractionalDigitCount is in the inclusive interval from 7 to 9.
VERIFY(fractional_digits >= 7 && fractional_digits <= 9);
// 12. Return the Record { [[Precision]]: fractionalDigitCount, [[Unit]]: NANOSECOND, [[Increment]]: 10**(9 - fractionalDigitCount) }.
return { .precision = fractional_digits, .unit = Unit::Nanosecond, .increment = static_cast<u8>(pow(10, 9 - fractional_digits)) };
// 13.17 GetTemporalUnitValuedOption ( options, key, unitGroup, default [ , extraValues ] ), https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-temporal-gettemporalunitvaluedoption
ThrowCompletionOr<UnitValue> get_temporal_unit_valued_option(VM& vm, Object const& options, PropertyKey const& key, UnitGroup unit_group, UnitDefault const& default_, ReadonlySpan<UnitValue> extra_values)
// 1. Let allowedValues be a new empty List.
Vector<UnitValue> allowed_values;
// 2. For each row of Table 21, except the header row, in table order, do
for (auto const& row : temporal_units) {
// a. Let unit be the value in the "Value" column of the row.
auto unit = row.value;
// b. If the "Category" column of the row is DATE and unitGroup is DATE or DATETIME, append unit to allowedValues.
if (row.category == UnitCategory::Date && (unit_group == UnitGroup::Date || unit_group == UnitGroup::DateTime))
// c. Else if the "Category" column of the row is TIME and unitGroup is TIME or DATETIME, append unit to allowedValues.
if (row.category == UnitCategory::Time && (unit_group == UnitGroup::Time || unit_group == UnitGroup::DateTime))
// 3. If extraValues is present, then
if (!extra_values.is_empty()) {
// a. Set allowedValues to the list-concatenation of allowedValues and extraValues.
for (auto value : extra_values)
OptionDefault default_value;
// 4. If default is UNSET, then
if (default_.has<Unset>()) {
// a. Let defaultValue be undefined.
default_value = {};
// 5. Else if default is REQUIRED, then
else if (default_.has<Required>()) {
// a. Let defaultValue be REQUIRED.
default_value = Required {};
// 6. Else if default is AUTO, then
else if (default_.has<Auto>()) {
// a. Append default to allowedValues.
allowed_values.append(Auto {});
// b. Let defaultValue be "auto".
default_value = "auto"sv;
// 7. Else,
else {
auto unit = default_.get<Unit>();
// a. Assert: allowedValues contains default.
// b. Let defaultValue be the value in the "Singular property name" column of Table 21 corresponding to the row
// with default in the "Value" column.
default_value = temporal_units[to_underlying(unit)].singular_property_name;
// 8. Let allowedStrings be a new empty List.
Vector<StringView> allowed_strings;
// 9. For each element value of allowedValues, do
for (auto value : allowed_values) {
// a. If value is auto, then
if (value.has<Auto>()) {
// i. Append "auto" to allowedStrings.
// b. Else,
else {
auto unit = value.get<Unit>();
// i. Let singularName be the value in the "Singular property name" column of Table 21 corresponding to the
// row with value in the "Value" column.
auto singular_name = temporal_units[to_underlying(unit)].singular_property_name;
// ii. Append singularName to allowedStrings.
// iii. Let pluralName be the value in the "Plural property name" column of the corresponding row.
auto plural_name = temporal_units[to_underlying(unit)].plural_property_name;
// iv. Append pluralName to allowedStrings.
// 10. NOTE: For each singular Temporal unit name that is contained within allowedStrings, the corresponding plural
// name is also contained within it.
// 11. Let value be ? GetOption(options, key, STRING, allowedStrings, defaultValue).
auto value = TRY(get_option(vm, options, key, OptionType::String, allowed_strings, default_value));
// 12. If value is undefined, return UNSET.
if (value.is_undefined())
return UnitValue { Unset {} };
auto value_string = value.as_string().utf8_string_view();
// 13. If value is "auto", return AUTO.
if (value_string == "auto"sv)
return UnitValue { Auto {} };
// 14. Return the value in the "Value" column of Table 21 corresponding to the row with value in its "Singular
// property name" or "Plural property name" column.
for (auto const& row : temporal_units) {
if (value_string.is_one_of(row.singular_property_name, row.plural_property_name))
return UnitValue { row.value };
// 13.18 GetTemporalRelativeToOption ( options ), https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-temporal-gettemporalrelativetooption
ThrowCompletionOr<RelativeTo> get_temporal_relative_to_option(VM& vm, Object const& options)
@ -101,6 +324,305 @@ UnitCategory temporal_unit_category(Unit unit)
return temporal_units[to_underlying(unit)].category;
Crypto::UnsignedBigInteger const& temporal_unit_length_in_nanoseconds(Unit unit)
switch (unit) {
case Unit::Day:
case Unit::Hour:
case Unit::Minute:
case Unit::Second:
case Unit::Millisecond:
case Unit::Microsecond:
case Unit::Nanosecond:
// 13.24 FormatFractionalSeconds ( subSecondNanoseconds, precision ), https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-temporal-formatfractionalseconds
String format_fractional_seconds(u64 sub_second_nanoseconds, Precision precision)
String fraction_string;
// 1. If precision is auto, then
if (precision.has<Auto>()) {
// a. If subSecondNanoseconds = 0, return the empty String.
if (sub_second_nanoseconds == 0)
return String {};
// b. Let fractionString be ToZeroPaddedDecimalString(subSecondNanoseconds, 9).
fraction_string = MUST(String::formatted("{:09}", sub_second_nanoseconds));
// c. Set fractionString to the longest prefix of fractionString ending with a code unit other than 0x0030 (DIGIT ZERO).
fraction_string = MUST(fraction_string.trim("0"sv, TrimMode::Right));
// 2. Else,
else {
// a. If precision = 0, return the empty String.
if (precision.get<u8>() == 0)
return String {};
// b. Let fractionString be ToZeroPaddedDecimalString(subSecondNanoseconds, 9).
fraction_string = MUST(String::formatted("{:09}", sub_second_nanoseconds));
// c. Set fractionString to the substring of fractionString from 0 to precision.
fraction_string = MUST(fraction_string.substring_from_byte_offset(0, precision.get<u8>()));
// 3. Return the string-concatenation of the code unit 0x002E (FULL STOP) and fractionString.
return MUST(String::formatted(".{}", fraction_string));
// 13.26 GetUnsignedRoundingMode ( roundingMode, sign ), https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-getunsignedroundingmode
UnsignedRoundingMode get_unsigned_rounding_mode(RoundingMode rounding_mode, Sign sign)
// 1. Return the specification type in the "Unsigned Rounding Mode" column of Table 22 for the row where the value
// in the "Rounding Mode" column is roundingMode and the value in the "Sign" column is sign.
switch (rounding_mode) {
case RoundingMode::Ceil:
return sign == Sign::Positive ? UnsignedRoundingMode::Infinity : UnsignedRoundingMode::Zero;
case RoundingMode::Floor:
return sign == Sign::Positive ? UnsignedRoundingMode::Zero : UnsignedRoundingMode::Infinity;
case RoundingMode::Expand:
return UnsignedRoundingMode::Infinity;
case RoundingMode::Trunc:
return UnsignedRoundingMode::Zero;
case RoundingMode::HalfCeil:
return sign == Sign::Positive ? UnsignedRoundingMode::HalfInfinity : UnsignedRoundingMode::HalfZero;
case RoundingMode::HalfFloor:
return sign == Sign::Positive ? UnsignedRoundingMode::HalfZero : UnsignedRoundingMode::HalfInfinity;
case RoundingMode::HalfExpand:
return UnsignedRoundingMode::HalfInfinity;
case RoundingMode::HalfTrunc:
return UnsignedRoundingMode::HalfZero;
case RoundingMode::HalfEven:
return UnsignedRoundingMode::HalfEven;
// 13.27 ApplyUnsignedRoundingMode ( x, r1, r2, unsignedRoundingMode ), https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-applyunsignedroundingmode
double apply_unsigned_rounding_mode(double x, double r1, double r2, UnsignedRoundingMode unsigned_rounding_mode)
// 1. If x = r1, return r1.
if (x == r1)
return r1;
// 2. Assert: r1 < x < r2.
VERIFY(r1 < x && x < r2);
// 3. Assert: unsignedRoundingMode is not undefined.
// 4. If unsignedRoundingMode is ZERO, return r1.
if (unsigned_rounding_mode == UnsignedRoundingMode::Zero)
return r1;
// 5. If unsignedRoundingMode is INFINITY, return r2.
if (unsigned_rounding_mode == UnsignedRoundingMode::Infinity)
return r2;
// 6. Let d1 be x – r1.
auto d1 = x - r1;
// 7. Let d2 be r2 – x.
auto d2 = r2 - x;
// 8. If d1 < d2, return r1.
if (d1 < d2)
return r1;
// 9. If d2 < d1, return r2.
if (d2 < d1)
return r2;
// 10. Assert: d1 is equal to d2.
VERIFY(d1 == d2);
// 11. If unsignedRoundingMode is HALF-ZERO, return r1.
if (unsigned_rounding_mode == UnsignedRoundingMode::HalfZero)
return r1;
// 12. If unsignedRoundingMode is HALF-INFINITY, return r2.
if (unsigned_rounding_mode == UnsignedRoundingMode::HalfInfinity)
return r2;
// 13. Assert: unsignedRoundingMode is HALF-EVEN.
VERIFY(unsigned_rounding_mode == UnsignedRoundingMode::HalfEven);
// 14. Let cardinality be (r1 / (r2 – r1)) modulo 2.
auto cardinality = modulo((r1 / (r2 - r1)), 2);
// 15. If cardinality = 0, return r1.
if (cardinality == 0)
return r1;
// 16. Return r2.
return r2;
// 13.27 ApplyUnsignedRoundingMode ( x, r1, r2, unsignedRoundingMode ), https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-applyunsignedroundingmode
Crypto::SignedBigInteger apply_unsigned_rounding_mode(Crypto::SignedDivisionResult const& x, Crypto::SignedBigInteger const& r1, Crypto::SignedBigInteger const& r2, UnsignedRoundingMode unsigned_rounding_mode, Crypto::UnsignedBigInteger const& increment)
// 1. If x = r1, return r1.
if (x.quotient == r1 && x.remainder.unsigned_value().is_zero())
return r1;
// 2. Assert: r1 < x < r2.
// NOTE: Skipped for the sake of performance.
// 3. Assert: unsignedRoundingMode is not undefined.
// 4. If unsignedRoundingMode is ZERO, return r1.
if (unsigned_rounding_mode == UnsignedRoundingMode::Zero)
return r1;
// 5. If unsignedRoundingMode is INFINITY, return r2.
if (unsigned_rounding_mode == UnsignedRoundingMode::Infinity)
return r2;
// 6. Let d1 be x – r1.
auto d1 = x.remainder.unsigned_value();
// 7. Let d2 be r2 – x.
auto d2 = increment.minus(x.remainder.unsigned_value());
// 8. If d1 < d2, return r1.
if (d1 < d2)
return r1;
// 9. If d2 < d1, return r2.
if (d2 < d1)
return r2;
// 10. Assert: d1 is equal to d2.
// NOTE: Skipped for the sake of performance.
// 11. If unsignedRoundingMode is HALF-ZERO, return r1.
if (unsigned_rounding_mode == UnsignedRoundingMode::HalfZero)
return r1;
// 12. If unsignedRoundingMode is HALF-INFINITY, return r2.
if (unsigned_rounding_mode == UnsignedRoundingMode::HalfInfinity)
return r2;
// 13. Assert: unsignedRoundingMode is HALF-EVEN.
VERIFY(unsigned_rounding_mode == UnsignedRoundingMode::HalfEven);
// 14. Let cardinality be (r1 / (r2 – r1)) modulo 2.
auto cardinality = modulo(r1.divided_by(r2.minus(r1)).quotient, "2"_bigint);
// 15. If cardinality = 0, return r1.
if (cardinality.unsigned_value().is_zero())
return r1;
// 16. Return r2.
return r2;
// 13.28 RoundNumberToIncrement ( x, increment, roundingMode ), https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-temporal-roundnumbertoincrement
double round_number_to_increment(double x, u64 increment, RoundingMode rounding_mode)
// 1. Let quotient be x / increment.
auto quotient = x / static_cast<double>(increment);
Sign is_negative;
// 2. If quotient < 0, then
if (quotient < 0) {
// a. Let isNegative be NEGATIVE.
is_negative = Sign::Negative;
// b. Set quotient to -quotient.
quotient = -quotient;
// 3. Else,
else {
// a. Let isNegative be POSITIVE.
is_negative = Sign::Positive;
// 4. Let unsignedRoundingMode be GetUnsignedRoundingMode(roundingMode, isNegative).
auto unsigned_rounding_mode = get_unsigned_rounding_mode(rounding_mode, is_negative);
// 5. Let r1 be the largest integer such that r1 ≤ quotient.
auto r1 = floor(quotient);
// 6. Let r2 be the smallest integer such that r2 > quotient.
auto r2 = ceil(quotient);
if (quotient == r2)
// 7. Let rounded be ApplyUnsignedRoundingMode(quotient, r1, r2, unsignedRoundingMode).
auto rounded = apply_unsigned_rounding_mode(quotient, r1, r2, unsigned_rounding_mode);
// 8. If isNegative is NEGATIVE, set rounded to -rounded.
if (is_negative == Sign::Negative)
rounded = -rounded;
// 9. Return rounded × increment.
return rounded * static_cast<double>(increment);
// 13.28 RoundNumberToIncrement ( x, increment, roundingMode ), https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-temporal-roundnumbertoincrement
Crypto::SignedBigInteger round_number_to_increment(Crypto::SignedBigInteger const& x, Crypto::UnsignedBigInteger const& increment, RoundingMode rounding_mode)
// OPTIMIZATION: If the increment is 1 the number is always rounded.
if (increment == 1)
return x;
// 1. Let quotient be x / increment.
auto division_result = x.divided_by(increment);
// OPTIMIZATION: If there's no remainder the number is already rounded.
if (division_result.remainder.unsigned_value().is_zero())
return x;
Sign is_negative;
// 2. If quotient < 0, then
if (division_result.quotient.is_negative()) {
// a. Let isNegative be NEGATIVE.
is_negative = Sign::Negative;
// b. Set quotient to -quotient.
// 3. Else,
else {
// a. Let isNegative be POSITIVE.
is_negative = Sign::Positive;
// 4. Let unsignedRoundingMode be GetUnsignedRoundingMode(roundingMode, isNegative).
auto unsigned_rounding_mode = get_unsigned_rounding_mode(rounding_mode, is_negative);
// 5. Let r1 be the largest integer such that r1 ≤ quotient.
auto r1 = division_result.quotient;
// 6. Let r2 be the smallest integer such that r2 > quotient.
auto r2 = division_result.quotient.plus(1_bigint);
// 7. Let rounded be ApplyUnsignedRoundingMode(quotient, r1, r2, unsignedRoundingMode).
auto rounded = apply_unsigned_rounding_mode(division_result, r1, r2, unsigned_rounding_mode, increment);
// 8. If isNegative is NEGATIVE, set rounded to -rounded.
if (is_negative == Sign::Negative)
// 9. Return rounded × increment.
return rounded.multiplied_by(increment);
// 13.35 ParseTemporalDurationString ( isoString ), https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-temporal-parsetemporaldurationstring
ThrowCompletionOr<GC::Ref<Duration>> parse_temporal_duration_string(VM& vm, StringView iso_string)
@ -353,12 +875,12 @@ ThrowCompletionOr<Value> get_option(VM& vm, Object const& options, PropertyKey c
// 2. If value is undefined, then
if (value.is_undefined()) {
// a. If default is REQUIRED, throw a RangeError exception.
if (default_.has<DefaultRequired>())
if (default_.has<Required>())
return vm.throw_completion<RangeError>(ErrorType::OptionIsNotValidValue, "undefined"sv, property.as_string());
// b. Return default.
return default_.visit(
[](DefaultRequired) -> Value { VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); },
[](Required) -> Value { VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); },
[](Empty) -> Value { return js_undefined(); },
[](bool default_) -> Value { return Value { default_ }; },
[](double default_) -> Value { return Value { default_ }; },
@ -392,4 +914,20 @@ ThrowCompletionOr<Value> get_option(VM& vm, Object const& options, PropertyKey c
return value;
// GetRoundingModeOption ( options, fallback ), https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-temporal-getroundingmodeoption
ThrowCompletionOr<RoundingMode> get_rounding_mode_option(VM& vm, Object const& options, RoundingMode fallback)
// 1. Let allowedStrings be the List of Strings from the "String Identifier" column of Table 26.
static constexpr auto allowed_strings = to_array({ "ceil"sv, "floor"sv, "expand"sv, "trunc"sv, "halfCeil"sv, "halfFloor"sv, "halfExpand"sv, "halfTrunc"sv, "halfEven"sv });
// 2. Let stringFallback be the value from the "String Identifier" column of the row with fallback in its "Rounding Mode" column.
auto string_fallback = allowed_strings[to_underlying(fallback)];
// 3. Let stringValue be ? GetOption(options, "roundingMode", STRING, allowedStrings, stringFallback).
auto string_value = TRY(get_option(vm, options, vm.names.roundingMode, OptionType::String, allowed_strings, string_fallback));
// 4. Return the value from the "Rounding Mode" column of the row with stringValue in its "String Identifier" column.
return static_cast<RoundingMode>(allowed_strings.first_index_of(string_value.as_string().utf8_string_view()).value());
@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
#pragma once
#include <AK/Variant.h>
#include <LibCrypto/BigInt/SignedBigInteger.h>
#include <LibCrypto/BigInt/UnsignedBigInteger.h>
#include <LibGC/Ptr.h>
#include <LibJS/Forward.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/Completion.h>
@ -51,8 +53,49 @@ enum class UnitGroup {
// https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#table-unsigned-rounding-modes
enum class RoundingMode {
// https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#table-unsigned-rounding-modes
enum class UnsignedRoundingMode {
// https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#table-unsigned-rounding-modes
enum class Sign {
struct Auto { };
struct Required { };
struct Unset { };
using Precision = Variant<Auto, u8>;
using RoundingIncrement = Variant<Unset, u64>;
using UnitDefault = Variant<Required, Unset, Auto, Unit>;
using UnitValue = Variant<Unset, Auto, Unit>;
struct SecondsStringPrecision {
struct Minute { };
Variant<Minute, Auto, u8> precision;
Unit unit;
u8 increment { 0 };
struct RelativeTo {
// FIXME: Make these objects represent their actual types when we re-implement them.
@ -60,10 +103,20 @@ struct RelativeTo {
GC::Ptr<JS::Object> zoned_relative_to; // [[ZonedRelativeTo]]
ThrowCompletionOr<Precision> get_temporal_fractional_second_digits_option(VM&, Object const& options);
SecondsStringPrecision to_seconds_string_precision_record(UnitValue, Precision);
ThrowCompletionOr<UnitValue> get_temporal_unit_valued_option(VM&, Object const& options, PropertyKey const&, UnitGroup, UnitDefault const&, ReadonlySpan<UnitValue> extra_values = {});
ThrowCompletionOr<RelativeTo> get_temporal_relative_to_option(VM&, Object const& options);
Unit larger_of_two_temporal_units(Unit, Unit);
bool is_calendar_unit(Unit);
UnitCategory temporal_unit_category(Unit);
Crypto::UnsignedBigInteger const& temporal_unit_length_in_nanoseconds(Unit);
String format_fractional_seconds(u64, Precision);
UnsignedRoundingMode get_unsigned_rounding_mode(RoundingMode, Sign);
double apply_unsigned_rounding_mode(double, double r1, double r2, UnsignedRoundingMode);
Crypto::SignedBigInteger apply_unsigned_rounding_mode(Crypto::SignedDivisionResult const&, Crypto::SignedBigInteger const& r1, Crypto::SignedBigInteger const& r2, UnsignedRoundingMode, Crypto::UnsignedBigInteger const& increment);
double round_number_to_increment(double, u64 increment, RoundingMode);
Crypto::SignedBigInteger round_number_to_increment(Crypto::SignedBigInteger const&, Crypto::UnsignedBigInteger const& increment, RoundingMode);
ThrowCompletionOr<GC::Ref<Duration>> parse_temporal_duration_string(VM&, StringView iso_string);
// 13.38 ToIntegerWithTruncation ( argument ), https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-tointegerwithtruncation
@ -118,8 +171,7 @@ enum class OptionType {
struct DefaultRequired { };
using OptionDefault = Variant<DefaultRequired, Empty, bool, StringView, double>;
using OptionDefault = Variant<Required, Empty, bool, StringView, double>;
ThrowCompletionOr<GC::Ref<Object>> get_options_object(VM&, Value options);
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> get_option(VM&, Object const& options, PropertyKey const& property, OptionType type, ReadonlySpan<StringView> values, OptionDefault const&);
@ -130,4 +182,6 @@ ThrowCompletionOr<Value> get_option(VM& vm, Object const& options, PropertyKey c
return get_option(vm, options, property, type, ReadonlySpan<StringView> { values }, default_);
ThrowCompletionOr<RoundingMode> get_rounding_mode_option(VM&, Object const& options, RoundingMode fallback);
@ -701,6 +701,20 @@ i8 compare_time_duration(TimeDuration const& one, TimeDuration const& two)
return 0;
// 7.5.27 RoundTimeDurationToIncrement ( d, increment, roundingMode ), https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-temporal-roundtimedurationtoincrement
ThrowCompletionOr<TimeDuration> round_time_duration_to_increment(VM& vm, TimeDuration const& duration, Crypto::UnsignedBigInteger const& increment, RoundingMode rounding_mode)
// 1. Let rounded be RoundNumberToIncrement(d, increment, roundingMode).
auto rounded = round_number_to_increment(duration, increment, rounding_mode);
// 2. If abs(rounded) > maxTimeDuration, throw a RangeError exception.
if (rounded.unsigned_value() > MAX_TIME_DURATION.unsigned_value())
return vm.throw_completion<RangeError>(ErrorType::TemporalInvalidDuration);
// 3. Return rounded.
return rounded;
// 7.5.28 TimeDurationSign ( d ), https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-temporal-timedurationsign
i8 time_duration_sign(TimeDuration const& time_duration)
@ -716,6 +730,108 @@ i8 time_duration_sign(TimeDuration const& time_duration)
return 0;
// 7.5.30 RoundTimeDuration ( timeDuration, increment, unit, roundingMode ), https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-temporal-roundtimeduration
ThrowCompletionOr<TimeDuration> round_time_duration(VM& vm, TimeDuration const& time_duration, Crypto::UnsignedBigInteger const& increment, Unit unit, RoundingMode rounding_mode)
// 1. Let divisor be the value in the "Length in Nanoseconds" column of the row of Table 21 whose "Value" column contains unit.
auto const& divisor = temporal_unit_length_in_nanoseconds(unit);
// 2. Return ? RoundTimeDurationToIncrement(timeDuration, divisor × increment, roundingMode).
return TRY(round_time_duration_to_increment(vm, time_duration, divisor.multiplied_by(increment), rounding_mode));
// 7.5.39 TemporalDurationToString ( duration, precision ), https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-temporal-temporaldurationtostring
String temporal_duration_to_string(Duration const& duration, Precision precision)
// 1. Let sign be DurationSign(duration).
auto sign = duration_sign(duration);
// 2. Let datePart be the empty String.
StringBuilder date_part;
// 3. If duration.[[Years]] ≠ 0, then
if (duration.years() != 0) {
// a. Set datePart to the string concatenation of abs(duration.[[Years]]) formatted as a decimal number and the
// code unit 0x0059 (LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y).
date_part.appendff("{}Y", AK::fabs(duration.years()));
// 4. If duration.[[Months]] ≠ 0, then
if (duration.months() != 0) {
// a. Set datePart to the string concatenation of datePart, abs(duration.[[Months]]) formatted as a decimal number,
// and the code unit 0x004D (LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M).
date_part.appendff("{}M", AK::fabs(duration.months()));
// 5. If duration.[[Weeks]] ≠ 0, then
if (duration.weeks() != 0) {
// a. Set datePart to the string concatenation of datePart, abs(duration.[[Weeks]]) formatted as a decimal number,
// and the code unit 0x0057 (LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W).
date_part.appendff("{}W", AK::fabs(duration.weeks()));
// 6. If duration.[[Days]] ≠ 0, then
if (duration.days() != 0) {
// a. Set datePart to the string concatenation of datePart, abs(duration.[[Days]]) formatted as a decimal number,
// and the code unit 0x0044 (LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D).
date_part.appendff("{}D", AK::fabs(duration.days()));
// 7. Let timePart be the empty String.
StringBuilder time_part;
// 8. If duration.[[Hours]] ≠ 0, then
if (duration.hours() != 0) {
// a. Set timePart to the string concatenation of abs(duration.[[Hours]]) formatted as a decimal number and the
// code unit 0x0048 (LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H).
time_part.appendff("{}H", AK::fabs(duration.hours()));
// 9. If duration.[[Minutes]] ≠ 0, then
if (duration.minutes() != 0) {
// a. Set timePart to the string concatenation of timePart, abs(duration.[[Minutes]]) formatted as a decimal number,
// and the code unit 0x004D (LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M).
time_part.appendff("{}M", AK::fabs(duration.minutes()));
// 10. Let zeroMinutesAndHigher be false.
auto zero_minutes_and_higher = false;
// 11. If DefaultTemporalLargestUnit(duration) is SECOND, MILLISECOND, MICROSECOND, or NANOSECOND, set zeroMinutesAndHigher to true.
if (auto unit = default_temporal_largest_unit(duration); unit == Unit::Second || unit == Unit::Millisecond || unit == Unit::Microsecond || unit == Unit::Nanosecond)
zero_minutes_and_higher = true;
// 12. Let secondsDuration be TimeDurationFromComponents(0, 0, duration.[[Seconds]], duration.[[Milliseconds]], duration.[[Microseconds]], duration.[[Nanoseconds]]).
auto seconds_duration = time_duration_from_components(0, 0, duration.seconds(), duration.milliseconds(), duration.microseconds(), duration.nanoseconds());
// 13. If secondsDuration ≠ 0, or zeroMinutesAndHigher is true, or precision is not auto, then
if (!seconds_duration.is_zero() || zero_minutes_and_higher || !precision.has<Auto>()) {
auto division_result = seconds_duration.divided_by(NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND);
// a. Let secondsPart be abs(truncate(secondsDuration / 10**9)) formatted as a decimal number.
auto seconds_part = MUST(division_result.quotient.unsigned_value().to_base(10));
// b. Let subSecondsPart be FormatFractionalSeconds(abs(remainder(secondsDuration, 10**9)), precision).
auto sub_seconds_part = format_fractional_seconds(division_result.remainder.unsigned_value().to_u64(), precision);
// c. Set timePart to the string concatenation of timePart, secondsPart, subSecondsPart, and the code unit
time_part.appendff("{}{}S", seconds_part, sub_seconds_part);
// 14. Let signPart be the code unit 0x002D (HYPHEN-MINUS) if sign < 0, and otherwise the empty String.
auto sign_part = sign < 0 ? "-"sv : ""sv;
// 15. Let result be the string concatenation of signPart, the code unit 0x0050 (LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P) and datePart.
StringBuilder result;
result.appendff("{}P{}", sign_part, date_part.string_view());
// 16. If timePart is not the empty String, then
if (!time_part.is_empty()) {
// a. Set result to the string concatenation of result, the code unit 0x0054 (LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T), and timePart.
result.appendff("T{}", time_part.string_view());
// 17. Return result.
return MUST(result.to_string());
// 7.5.40 AddDurations ( operation, duration, other ), https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-temporal-adddurations
ThrowCompletionOr<GC::Ref<Duration>> add_durations(VM& vm, ArithmeticOperation operation, Duration const& duration, Value other_value)
@ -118,7 +118,10 @@ TimeDuration time_duration_from_components(double hours, double minutes, double
ThrowCompletionOr<TimeDuration> add_time_duration(VM&, TimeDuration const&, TimeDuration const&);
ThrowCompletionOr<TimeDuration> add_24_hour_days_to_time_duration(VM&, TimeDuration const&, double days);
i8 compare_time_duration(TimeDuration const&, TimeDuration const&);
ThrowCompletionOr<TimeDuration> round_time_duration_to_increment(VM&, TimeDuration const&, Crypto::UnsignedBigInteger const& increment, RoundingMode);
i8 time_duration_sign(TimeDuration const&);
ThrowCompletionOr<TimeDuration> round_time_duration(VM&, TimeDuration const&, Crypto::UnsignedBigInteger const& increment, Unit, RoundingMode);
String temporal_duration_to_string(Duration const&, Precision);
ThrowCompletionOr<GC::Ref<Duration>> add_durations(VM&, ArithmeticOperation, Duration const&, Value);
@ -41,6 +41,9 @@ void DurationPrototype::initialize(Realm& realm)
define_native_function(realm, vm.names.abs, abs, 0, attr);
define_native_function(realm, vm.names.add, add, 1, attr);
define_native_function(realm, vm.names.subtract, subtract, 1, attr);
define_native_function(realm, vm.names.toString, to_string, 0, attr);
define_native_function(realm, vm.names.toJSON, to_json, 0, attr);
define_native_function(realm, vm.names.toLocaleString, to_locale_string, 0, attr);
// 7.3.3 get Temporal.Duration.prototype.years, https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-get-temporal.duration.prototype.years
@ -214,4 +217,85 @@ JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(DurationPrototype::subtract)
return TRY(add_durations(vm, ArithmeticOperation::Subtract, duration, other));
// 7.3.22 Temporal.Duration.prototype.toString ( [ options ] ), https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-temporal.duration.prototype.tostring
// 1. Let duration be the this value.
// 2. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(duration, [[InitializedTemporalDuration]]).
auto duration = TRY(typed_this_object(vm));
// 3. Let resolvedOptions be ? GetOptionsObject(options).
auto resolved_options = TRY(get_options_object(vm, vm.argument(0)));
// 4. NOTE: The following steps read options and perform independent validation in alphabetical order
// (GetTemporalFractionalSecondDigitsOption reads "fractionalSecondDigits" and GetRoundingModeOption reads
// "roundingMode").
// 5. Let digits be ? GetTemporalFractionalSecondDigitsOption(resolvedOptions).
auto digits = TRY(get_temporal_fractional_second_digits_option(vm, resolved_options));
// 6. Let roundingMode be ? GetRoundingModeOption(resolvedOptions, TRUNC).
auto rounding_mode = TRY(get_rounding_mode_option(vm, resolved_options, RoundingMode::Trunc));
// 7. Let smallestUnit be ? GetTemporalUnitValuedOption(resolvedOptions, "smallestUnit", TIME, UNSET).
auto smallest_unit = TRY(get_temporal_unit_valued_option(vm, resolved_options, vm.names.smallestUnit, UnitGroup::Time, Unset {}));
// 8. If smallestUnit is HOUR or MINUTE, throw a RangeError exception.
if (auto const* unit = smallest_unit.get_pointer<Unit>(); unit && (*unit == Unit::Hour || *unit == Unit::Minute))
return vm.throw_completion<RangeError>(ErrorType::OptionIsNotValidValue, temporal_unit_to_string(*unit), vm.names.smallestUnit);
// 9. Let precision be ToSecondsStringPrecisionRecord(smallestUnit, digits).
auto precision = to_seconds_string_precision_record(smallest_unit, digits);
// 10. If precision.[[Unit]] is NANOSECOND and precision.[[Increment]] = 1, then
if (precision.unit == Unit::Nanosecond && precision.increment == 1) {
// a. Return TemporalDurationToString(duration, precision.[[Precision]]).
return PrimitiveString::create(vm, temporal_duration_to_string(duration, precision.precision.downcast<Auto, u8>()));
// 11. Let largestUnit be DefaultTemporalLargestUnit(duration).
auto largest_unit = default_temporal_largest_unit(duration);
// 12. Let internalDuration be ToInternalDurationRecord(duration).
auto internal_duration = to_internal_duration_record(vm, duration);
// 13. Let timeDuration be ? RoundTimeDuration(internalDuration.[[Time]], precision.[[Increment]], precision.[[Unit]], roundingMode).
auto time_duration = TRY(round_time_duration(vm, internal_duration.time, precision.increment, precision.unit, rounding_mode));
// 14. Set internalDuration to ! CombineDateAndTimeDuration(internalDuration.[[Date]], timeDuration).
internal_duration = MUST(combine_date_and_time_duration(vm, internal_duration.date, move(time_duration)));
// 15. Let roundedLargestUnit be LargerOfTwoTemporalUnits(largestUnit, SECOND).
auto rounded_largest_unit = larger_of_two_temporal_units(largest_unit, Unit::Second);
// 16. Let roundedDuration be ? TemporalDurationFromInternal(internalDuration, roundedLargestUnit).
auto rounded_duration = TRY(temporal_duration_from_internal(vm, internal_duration, rounded_largest_unit));
// 17. Return TemporalDurationToString(roundedDuration, precision.[[Precision]]).
return PrimitiveString::create(vm, temporal_duration_to_string(rounded_duration, precision.precision.downcast<Auto, u8>()));
// 7.3.23 Temporal.Duration.prototype.toJSON ( ), https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-temporal.duration.prototype.tojson
// 1. Let duration be the this value.
// 2. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(duration, [[InitializedTemporalDuration]]).
auto duration = TRY(typed_this_object(vm));
// 3. Return TemporalDurationToString(duration, AUTO).
return PrimitiveString::create(vm, temporal_duration_to_string(duration, Auto {}));
// 7.3.24 Temporal.Duration.prototype.toLocaleString ( [ locales [ , options ] ] ), https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-temporal.duration.prototype.tolocalestring
// NOTE: This is the minimum toLocaleString implementation for engines without ECMA-402.
// 1. Let duration be the this value.
// 2. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(duration, [[InitializedTemporalDuration]]).
auto duration = TRY(typed_this_object(vm));
// 3. Return TemporalDurationToString(duration, AUTO).
return PrimitiveString::create(vm, temporal_duration_to_string(duration, Auto {}));
@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ private:
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
describe("correct behavior", () => {
test("length is 0", () => {
test("basic functionality", () => {
expect(new Temporal.Duration(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10).toJSON()).toBe(
describe("errors", () => {
test("this value must be a Temporal.Duration object", () => {
expect(() => {
}).toThrowWithMessage(TypeError, "Not an object of type Temporal.Duration");
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
describe("correct behavior", () => {
test("length is 0", () => {
test("basic functionality", () => {
expect(new Temporal.Duration(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10).toLocaleString()).toBe(
describe("errors", () => {
test("this value must be a Temporal.Duration object", () => {
expect(() => {
}).toThrowWithMessage(TypeError, "Not an object of type Temporal.Duration");
@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
describe("correct behavior", () => {
test("length is 0", () => {
test("basic functionality", () => {
const values = [
[[0], "PT0S"],
[[1], "P1Y"],
[[0, 1], "P1M"],
[[0, 0, 1], "P1W"],
[[0, 0, 0, 1], "P1D"],
[[0, 0, 0, 0, 1], "PT1H"],
[[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], "PT1M"],
[[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], "PT1S"],
[[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], "PT0.001S"],
[[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], "PT0.000001S"],
[[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], "PT0.000000001S"],
[[1, 2], "P1Y2M"],
[[1, 2, 3], "P1Y2M3W"],
[[1, 2, 3, 4], "P1Y2M3W4D"],
[[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], "P1Y2M3W4DT5H"],
[[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], "P1Y2M3W4DT5H6M"],
[[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], "P1Y2M3W4DT5H6M7S"],
[[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], "P1Y2M3W4DT5H6M7.008S"],
[[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], "P1Y2M3W4DT5H6M7.008009S"],
[[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], "P1Y2M3W4DT5H6M7.00800901S"],
[100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000],
[[-1], "-P1Y"],
for (const [args, expected] of values) {
expect(new Temporal.Duration(...args).toString()).toBe(expected);
test("smallestUnit option", () => {
const values = [
["second", "P1Y2M3W4DT5H6M7S"],
["millisecond", "P1Y2M3W4DT5H6M7.008S"],
["microsecond", "P1Y2M3W4DT5H6M7.008010S"],
["nanosecond", "P1Y2M3W4DT5H6M7.008010000S"],
for (const [smallestUnit, expected] of values) {
new Temporal.Duration(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10).toString({ smallestUnit })
test("fractionalSecondDigits option", () => {
const values = [
[0, "P1Y2M3W4DT5H6M7S"],
[1, "P1Y2M3W4DT5H6M7.0S"],
[2, "P1Y2M3W4DT5H6M7.00S"],
[3, "P1Y2M3W4DT5H6M7.008S"],
[4, "P1Y2M3W4DT5H6M7.0080S"],
[5, "P1Y2M3W4DT5H6M7.00801S"],
[6, "P1Y2M3W4DT5H6M7.008010S"],
[7, "P1Y2M3W4DT5H6M7.0080100S"],
[8, "P1Y2M3W4DT5H6M7.00801000S"],
[9, "P1Y2M3W4DT5H6M7.008010000S"],
for (const [fractionalSecondDigits, expected] of values) {
new Temporal.Duration(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10).toString({
describe("errors", () => {
test("this value must be a Temporal.Duration object", () => {
expect(() => {
}).toThrowWithMessage(TypeError, "Not an object of type Temporal.Duration");
test("disallowed smallestUnit option values", () => {
const values = ["year", "month", "week", "day", "hour", "minute"];
for (const smallestUnit of values) {
expect(() => {
new Temporal.Duration(0).toString({ smallestUnit });
`${smallestUnit} is not a valid value for option smallestUnit`
Reference in a new issue