
1066 lines
36 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Copyright (c) 2020, Stephan Unverwerth <>
* Copyright (c) 2020-2021, Linus Groh <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include "Lexer.h"
#include <AK/CharacterTypes.h>
#include <AK/Debug.h>
#include <AK/GenericLexer.h>
#include <AK/HashMap.h>
#include <AK/Utf8View.h>
#include <LibUnicode/CharacterTypes.h>
#include <stdio.h>
namespace JS {
HashMap<DeprecatedFlyString, TokenType> Lexer::s_keywords;
static constexpr TokenType parse_two_char_token(StringView view)
if (view.length() != 2)
return TokenType::Invalid;
auto const* bytes = view.bytes().data();
switch (bytes[0]) {
case '=':
switch (bytes[1]) {
case '>':
return TokenType::Arrow;
case '=':
return TokenType::EqualsEquals;
return TokenType::Invalid;
case '+':
switch (bytes[1]) {
case '=':
return TokenType::PlusEquals;
case '+':
return TokenType::PlusPlus;
return TokenType::Invalid;
case '-':
switch (bytes[1]) {
case '=':
return TokenType::MinusEquals;
case '-':
return TokenType::MinusMinus;
return TokenType::Invalid;
case '*':
switch (bytes[1]) {
case '=':
return TokenType::AsteriskEquals;
case '*':
return TokenType::DoubleAsterisk;
return TokenType::Invalid;
case '/':
switch (bytes[1]) {
case '=':
return TokenType::SlashEquals;
return TokenType::Invalid;
case '%':
switch (bytes[1]) {
case '=':
return TokenType::PercentEquals;
return TokenType::Invalid;
case '&':
switch (bytes[1]) {
case '=':
return TokenType::AmpersandEquals;
case '&':
return TokenType::DoubleAmpersand;
return TokenType::Invalid;
case '|':
switch (bytes[1]) {
case '=':
return TokenType::PipeEquals;
case '|':
return TokenType::DoublePipe;
return TokenType::Invalid;
case '^':
switch (bytes[1]) {
case '=':
return TokenType::CaretEquals;
return TokenType::Invalid;
case '<':
switch (bytes[1]) {
case '=':
return TokenType::LessThanEquals;
case '<':
return TokenType::ShiftLeft;
return TokenType::Invalid;
case '>':
switch (bytes[1]) {
case '=':
return TokenType::GreaterThanEquals;
case '>':
return TokenType::ShiftRight;
return TokenType::Invalid;
case '?':
switch (bytes[1]) {
case '?':
return TokenType::DoubleQuestionMark;
case '.':
return TokenType::QuestionMarkPeriod;
return TokenType::Invalid;
case '!':
switch (bytes[1]) {
case '=':
return TokenType::ExclamationMarkEquals;
return TokenType::Invalid;
return TokenType::Invalid;
static constexpr TokenType parse_three_char_token(StringView view)
if (view.length() != 3)
return TokenType::Invalid;
auto const* bytes = view.bytes().data();
switch (bytes[0]) {
case '<':
if (bytes[1] == '<' && bytes[2] == '=')
return TokenType::ShiftLeftEquals;
return TokenType::Invalid;
case '>':
if (bytes[1] == '>' && bytes[2] == '=')
return TokenType::ShiftRightEquals;
if (bytes[1] == '>' && bytes[2] == '>')
return TokenType::UnsignedShiftRight;
return TokenType::Invalid;
case '=':
if (bytes[1] == '=' && bytes[2] == '=')
return TokenType::EqualsEqualsEquals;
return TokenType::Invalid;
case '!':
if (bytes[1] == '=' && bytes[2] == '=')
return TokenType::ExclamationMarkEqualsEquals;
return TokenType::Invalid;
case '.':
if (bytes[1] == '.' && bytes[2] == '.')
return TokenType::TripleDot;
return TokenType::Invalid;
case '*':
if (bytes[1] == '*' && bytes[2] == '=')
return TokenType::DoubleAsteriskEquals;
return TokenType::Invalid;
case '&':
if (bytes[1] == '&' && bytes[2] == '=')
return TokenType::DoubleAmpersandEquals;
return TokenType::Invalid;
case '|':
if (bytes[1] == '|' && bytes[2] == '=')
return TokenType::DoublePipeEquals;
return TokenType::Invalid;
case '?':
if (bytes[1] == '?' && bytes[2] == '=')
return TokenType::DoubleQuestionMarkEquals;
return TokenType::Invalid;
return TokenType::Invalid;
static consteval Array<TokenType, 256> make_single_char_tokens_array()
Array<TokenType, 256> array;
array['&'] = TokenType::Ampersand;
array['*'] = TokenType::Asterisk;
array['['] = TokenType::BracketOpen;
array[']'] = TokenType::BracketClose;
array['^'] = TokenType::Caret;
array[':'] = TokenType::Colon;
array[','] = TokenType::Comma;
array['{'] = TokenType::CurlyOpen;
array['}'] = TokenType::CurlyClose;
array['='] = TokenType::Equals;
array['!'] = TokenType::ExclamationMark;
array['-'] = TokenType::Minus;
array['('] = TokenType::ParenOpen;
array[')'] = TokenType::ParenClose;
array['%'] = TokenType::Percent;
array['.'] = TokenType::Period;
array['|'] = TokenType::Pipe;
array['+'] = TokenType::Plus;
array['?'] = TokenType::QuestionMark;
array[';'] = TokenType::Semicolon;
array['/'] = TokenType::Slash;
array['~'] = TokenType::Tilde;
array['<'] = TokenType::LessThan;
array['>'] = TokenType::GreaterThan;
return array;
static constexpr auto s_single_char_tokens = make_single_char_tokens_array();
Lexer::Lexer(StringView source, StringView filename, size_t line_number, size_t line_column)
: m_source(source)
, m_current_token(TokenType::Eof, {}, {}, {}, filename, 0, 0, 0)
, m_filename(String::from_utf8(filename).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors())
, m_line_number(line_number)
, m_line_column(line_column)
, m_parsed_identifiers(adopt_ref(*new ParsedIdentifiers))
if (s_keywords.is_empty()) {
s_keywords.set("async", TokenType::Async);
s_keywords.set("await", TokenType::Await);
s_keywords.set("break", TokenType::Break);
s_keywords.set("case", TokenType::Case);
s_keywords.set("catch", TokenType::Catch);
s_keywords.set("class", TokenType::Class);
s_keywords.set("const", TokenType::Const);
s_keywords.set("continue", TokenType::Continue);
s_keywords.set("debugger", TokenType::Debugger);
s_keywords.set("default", TokenType::Default);
s_keywords.set("delete", TokenType::Delete);
s_keywords.set("do", TokenType::Do);
s_keywords.set("else", TokenType::Else);
s_keywords.set("enum", TokenType::Enum);
s_keywords.set("export", TokenType::Export);
s_keywords.set("extends", TokenType::Extends);
s_keywords.set("false", TokenType::BoolLiteral);
s_keywords.set("finally", TokenType::Finally);
2020-03-12 12:12:12 +00:00
s_keywords.set("for", TokenType::For);
s_keywords.set("function", TokenType::Function);
s_keywords.set("if", TokenType::If);
s_keywords.set("import", TokenType::Import);
s_keywords.set("in", TokenType::In);
s_keywords.set("instanceof", TokenType::Instanceof);
s_keywords.set("let", TokenType::Let);
s_keywords.set("new", TokenType::New);
s_keywords.set("null", TokenType::NullLiteral);
s_keywords.set("return", TokenType::Return);
s_keywords.set("super", TokenType::Super);
s_keywords.set("switch", TokenType::Switch);
2020-04-12 22:42:14 +00:00
s_keywords.set("this", TokenType::This);
s_keywords.set("throw", TokenType::Throw);
s_keywords.set("true", TokenType::BoolLiteral);
s_keywords.set("try", TokenType::Try);
s_keywords.set("typeof", TokenType::Typeof);
s_keywords.set("var", TokenType::Var);
s_keywords.set("void", TokenType::Void);
s_keywords.set("while", TokenType::While);
s_keywords.set("with", TokenType::With);
s_keywords.set("yield", TokenType::Yield);
void Lexer::consume()
auto did_reach_eof = [this] {
if (m_position < m_source.length())
return false;
m_eof = true;
m_current_char = '\0';
m_position = m_source.length() + 1;
return true;
if (m_position > m_source.length())
if (did_reach_eof())
if (is_line_terminator()) {
if constexpr (LEXER_DEBUG) {
ByteString type;
if (m_current_char == '\n')
type = "LINE FEED";
else if (m_current_char == '\r')
else if (m_source[m_position + 1] == (char)0xa8)
dbgln("Found a line terminator: {}", type);
// This is a three-char line terminator, we need to increase m_position some more.
// We might reach EOF and need to check again.
if (m_current_char != '\n' && m_current_char != '\r') {
m_position += 2;
if (did_reach_eof())
// If the previous character is \r and the current one \n we already updated line number
// and column - don't do it again. From
// The sequence <CR><LF> is commonly used as a line terminator.
// It should be considered a single SourceCharacter for the purpose of reporting line numbers.
auto second_char_of_crlf = m_position > 1 && m_source[m_position - 2] == '\r' && m_current_char == '\n';
if (!second_char_of_crlf) {
m_line_column = 1;
dbgln_if(LEXER_DEBUG, "Incremented line number, now at: line {}, column 1", m_line_number);
} else {
dbgln_if(LEXER_DEBUG, "Previous was CR, this is LF - not incrementing line number again.");
} else if (is_unicode_character()) {
size_t char_size = 1;
if ((m_current_char & 64) == 0) {
m_hit_invalid_unicode = m_position;
} else if ((m_current_char & 32) == 0) {
char_size = 2;
} else if ((m_current_char & 16) == 0) {
char_size = 3;
} else if ((m_current_char & 8) == 0) {
char_size = 4;
VERIFY(char_size >= 1);
for (size_t i = m_position; i < m_position + char_size; i++) {
if (i >= m_source.length() || (m_source[i] & 0b11000000) != 0b10000000) {
m_hit_invalid_unicode = m_position;
if (m_hit_invalid_unicode.has_value())
m_position = m_source.length();
m_position += char_size;
if (did_reach_eof())
} else {
m_current_char = m_source[m_position++];
bool Lexer::consume_decimal_number()
if (!is_ascii_digit(m_current_char))
return false;
while (is_ascii_digit(m_current_char) || match_numeric_literal_separator_followed_by(is_ascii_digit)) {
return true;
bool Lexer::consume_exponent()
if (m_current_char == '-' || m_current_char == '+')
if (!is_ascii_digit(m_current_char))
return false;
return consume_decimal_number();
static constexpr bool is_octal_digit(char ch)
return ch >= '0' && ch <= '7';
bool Lexer::consume_octal_number()
if (!is_octal_digit(m_current_char))
return false;
while (is_octal_digit(m_current_char) || match_numeric_literal_separator_followed_by(is_octal_digit))
return true;
bool Lexer::consume_hexadecimal_number()
if (!is_ascii_hex_digit(m_current_char))
return false;
while (is_ascii_hex_digit(m_current_char) || match_numeric_literal_separator_followed_by(is_ascii_hex_digit))
return true;
static constexpr bool is_binary_digit(char ch)
return ch == '0' || ch == '1';
bool Lexer::consume_binary_number()
if (!is_binary_digit(m_current_char))
return false;
while (is_binary_digit(m_current_char) || match_numeric_literal_separator_followed_by(is_binary_digit))
return true;
template<typename Callback>
bool Lexer::match_numeric_literal_separator_followed_by(Callback callback) const
if (m_position >= m_source.length())
return false;
return m_current_char == '_'
&& callback(m_source[m_position]);
2020-04-13 17:50:58 +00:00
bool Lexer::match(char a, char b) const
if (m_position >= m_source.length())
return false;
return m_current_char == a
&& m_source[m_position] == b;
bool Lexer::match(char a, char b, char c) const
if (m_position + 1 >= m_source.length())
return false;
return m_current_char == a
&& m_source[m_position] == b
&& m_source[m_position + 1] == c;
bool Lexer::match(char a, char b, char c, char d) const
if (m_position + 2 >= m_source.length())
return false;
return m_current_char == a
&& m_source[m_position] == b
&& m_source[m_position + 1] == c
&& m_source[m_position + 2] == d;
bool Lexer::is_eof() const
return m_eof;
ALWAYS_INLINE bool Lexer::is_line_terminator() const
if (m_current_char == '\n' || m_current_char == '\r')
return true;
if (!is_unicode_character())
return false;
auto code_point = current_code_point();
return code_point == LINE_SEPARATOR || code_point == PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR;
ALWAYS_INLINE bool Lexer::is_unicode_character() const
return (m_current_char & 128) != 0;
ALWAYS_INLINE u32 Lexer::current_code_point() const
static constexpr u32 const REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER = 0xFFFD;
if (m_position == 0)
auto substring = m_source.substring_view(m_position - 1);
if (substring.is_empty())
if (is_ascii(substring[0]))
return substring[0];
Utf8View utf_8_view { substring };
return *utf_8_view.begin();
bool Lexer::is_whitespace() const
if (is_ascii_space(m_current_char))
return true;
if (!is_unicode_character())
return false;
auto code_point = current_code_point();
if (code_point == NO_BREAK_SPACE || code_point == ZERO_WIDTH_NO_BREAK_SPACE)
return true;
return Unicode::code_point_has_space_separator_general_category(code_point);
// UnicodeEscapeSequence ::
// u Hex4Digits
// u{ CodePoint }
Optional<u32> Lexer::is_identifier_unicode_escape(size_t& identifier_length) const
GenericLexer lexer(source().substring_view(m_position - 1));
if (auto code_point_or_error = lexer.consume_escaped_code_point(false); !code_point_or_error.is_error()) {
identifier_length = lexer.tell();
return code_point_or_error.value();
return {};
// IdentifierStart ::
// UnicodeIDStart
// $
// _
// \ UnicodeEscapeSequence
Optional<u32> Lexer::is_identifier_start(size_t& identifier_length) const
u32 code_point = current_code_point();
identifier_length = 1;
if (code_point == '\\') {
if (auto maybe_code_point = is_identifier_unicode_escape(identifier_length); maybe_code_point.has_value())
code_point = *maybe_code_point;
return {};
if (is_ascii_alpha(code_point) || code_point == '_' || code_point == '$')
return code_point;
// Optimization: the first codepoint with the ID_Start property after A-Za-z is outside the
// ASCII range (0x00AA), so we can skip code_point_has_property() for any ASCII characters.
if (is_ascii(code_point))
return {};
if (Unicode::code_point_has_identifier_start_property(code_point))
return code_point;
return {};
// IdentifierPart ::
// UnicodeIDContinue
// $
// \ UnicodeEscapeSequence
// <ZWNJ>
// <ZWJ>
Optional<u32> Lexer::is_identifier_middle(size_t& identifier_length) const
u32 code_point = current_code_point();
identifier_length = 1;
if (code_point == '\\') {
if (auto maybe_code_point = is_identifier_unicode_escape(identifier_length); maybe_code_point.has_value())
code_point = *maybe_code_point;
return {};
if (is_ascii_alphanumeric(code_point) || (code_point == '$') || (code_point == ZERO_WIDTH_NON_JOINER) || (code_point == ZERO_WIDTH_JOINER))
return code_point;
// Optimization: the first codepoint with the ID_Continue property after A-Za-z0-9_ is outside the
// ASCII range (0x00AA), so we can skip code_point_has_property() for any ASCII characters.
if (code_point == '_')
return code_point;
if (is_ascii(code_point))
return {};
if (Unicode::code_point_has_identifier_continue_property(code_point))
return code_point;
return {};
bool Lexer::is_line_comment_start(bool line_has_token_yet) const
return match('/', '/')
|| (m_allow_html_comments && match('<', '!', '-', '-'))
// "-->" is considered a line comment start if the current line is only whitespace and/or
// other block comment(s); or in other words: the current line does not have a token or
// ongoing line comment yet
|| (m_allow_html_comments && !line_has_token_yet && match('-', '-', '>'))
|| (match('#', '!') && m_position == 1);
bool Lexer::is_block_comment_start() const
2020-04-13 17:50:58 +00:00
return match('/', '*');
bool Lexer::is_block_comment_end() const
2020-04-13 17:50:58 +00:00
return match('*', '/');
bool Lexer::is_numeric_literal_start() const
return is_ascii_digit(m_current_char) || (m_current_char == '.' && m_position < m_source.length() && is_ascii_digit(m_source[m_position]));
bool Lexer::slash_means_division() const
auto type = m_current_token.type();
return m_current_token.is_identifier_name()
|| type == TokenType::BigIntLiteral
|| type == TokenType::BracketClose
|| type == TokenType::CurlyClose
|| type == TokenType::MinusMinus
|| type == TokenType::NumericLiteral
|| type == TokenType::ParenClose
|| type == TokenType::PlusPlus
|| type == TokenType::PrivateIdentifier
|| type == TokenType::RegexLiteral
|| type == TokenType::StringLiteral
|| type == TokenType::TemplateLiteralEnd;
Token Lexer::next()
size_t trivia_start = m_position;
LibJS: Add template literals Adds fully functioning template literals. Because template literals contain expressions, most of the work has to be done in the Lexer rather than the Parser. And because of the complexity of template literals (expressions, nesting, escapes, etc), the Lexer needs to have some template-related state. When entering a new template literal, a TemplateLiteralStart token is emitted. When inside a literal, all text will be parsed up until a '${' or '`' (or EOF, but that's a syntax error) is seen, and then a TemplateLiteralExprStart token is emitted. At this point, the Lexer proceeds as normal, however it keeps track of the number of opening and closing curly braces it has seen in order to determine the close of the expression. Once it finds a matching curly brace for the '${', a TemplateLiteralExprEnd token is emitted and the state is updated accordingly. When the Lexer is inside of a template literal, but not an expression, and sees a '`', this must be the closing grave: a TemplateLiteralEnd token is emitted. The state required to correctly parse template strings consists of a vector (for nesting) of two pieces of information: whether or not we are in a template expression (as opposed to a template string); and the count of the number of unmatched open curly braces we have seen (only applicable if the Lexer is currently in a template expression). TODO: Add support for template literal newlines in the JS REPL (this will cause a syntax error currently): > `foo > bar` 'foo bar'
2020-05-03 22:41:14 +00:00
auto in_template = !m_template_states.is_empty();
bool line_has_token_yet = m_line_column > 1;
bool unterminated_comment = false;
LibJS: Add template literals Adds fully functioning template literals. Because template literals contain expressions, most of the work has to be done in the Lexer rather than the Parser. And because of the complexity of template literals (expressions, nesting, escapes, etc), the Lexer needs to have some template-related state. When entering a new template literal, a TemplateLiteralStart token is emitted. When inside a literal, all text will be parsed up until a '${' or '`' (or EOF, but that's a syntax error) is seen, and then a TemplateLiteralExprStart token is emitted. At this point, the Lexer proceeds as normal, however it keeps track of the number of opening and closing curly braces it has seen in order to determine the close of the expression. Once it finds a matching curly brace for the '${', a TemplateLiteralExprEnd token is emitted and the state is updated accordingly. When the Lexer is inside of a template literal, but not an expression, and sees a '`', this must be the closing grave: a TemplateLiteralEnd token is emitted. The state required to correctly parse template strings consists of a vector (for nesting) of two pieces of information: whether or not we are in a template expression (as opposed to a template string); and the count of the number of unmatched open curly braces we have seen (only applicable if the Lexer is currently in a template expression). TODO: Add support for template literal newlines in the JS REPL (this will cause a syntax error currently): > `foo > bar` 'foo bar'
2020-05-03 22:41:14 +00:00
if (!in_template || m_template_states.last().in_expr) {
// consume whitespace and comments
while (true) {
if (is_line_terminator()) {
line_has_token_yet = false;
LibJS: Add template literals Adds fully functioning template literals. Because template literals contain expressions, most of the work has to be done in the Lexer rather than the Parser. And because of the complexity of template literals (expressions, nesting, escapes, etc), the Lexer needs to have some template-related state. When entering a new template literal, a TemplateLiteralStart token is emitted. When inside a literal, all text will be parsed up until a '${' or '`' (or EOF, but that's a syntax error) is seen, and then a TemplateLiteralExprStart token is emitted. At this point, the Lexer proceeds as normal, however it keeps track of the number of opening and closing curly braces it has seen in order to determine the close of the expression. Once it finds a matching curly brace for the '${', a TemplateLiteralExprEnd token is emitted and the state is updated accordingly. When the Lexer is inside of a template literal, but not an expression, and sees a '`', this must be the closing grave: a TemplateLiteralEnd token is emitted. The state required to correctly parse template strings consists of a vector (for nesting) of two pieces of information: whether or not we are in a template expression (as opposed to a template string); and the count of the number of unmatched open curly braces we have seen (only applicable if the Lexer is currently in a template expression). TODO: Add support for template literal newlines in the JS REPL (this will cause a syntax error currently): > `foo > bar` 'foo bar'
2020-05-03 22:41:14 +00:00
do {
} while (is_line_terminator());
} else if (is_whitespace()) {
do {
} while (is_whitespace());
} else if (is_line_comment_start(line_has_token_yet)) {
LibJS: Add template literals Adds fully functioning template literals. Because template literals contain expressions, most of the work has to be done in the Lexer rather than the Parser. And because of the complexity of template literals (expressions, nesting, escapes, etc), the Lexer needs to have some template-related state. When entering a new template literal, a TemplateLiteralStart token is emitted. When inside a literal, all text will be parsed up until a '${' or '`' (or EOF, but that's a syntax error) is seen, and then a TemplateLiteralExprStart token is emitted. At this point, the Lexer proceeds as normal, however it keeps track of the number of opening and closing curly braces it has seen in order to determine the close of the expression. Once it finds a matching curly brace for the '${', a TemplateLiteralExprEnd token is emitted and the state is updated accordingly. When the Lexer is inside of a template literal, but not an expression, and sees a '`', this must be the closing grave: a TemplateLiteralEnd token is emitted. The state required to correctly parse template strings consists of a vector (for nesting) of two pieces of information: whether or not we are in a template expression (as opposed to a template string); and the count of the number of unmatched open curly braces we have seen (only applicable if the Lexer is currently in a template expression). TODO: Add support for template literal newlines in the JS REPL (this will cause a syntax error currently): > `foo > bar` 'foo bar'
2020-05-03 22:41:14 +00:00
do {
} while (!is_eof() && !is_line_terminator());
LibJS: Add template literals Adds fully functioning template literals. Because template literals contain expressions, most of the work has to be done in the Lexer rather than the Parser. And because of the complexity of template literals (expressions, nesting, escapes, etc), the Lexer needs to have some template-related state. When entering a new template literal, a TemplateLiteralStart token is emitted. When inside a literal, all text will be parsed up until a '${' or '`' (or EOF, but that's a syntax error) is seen, and then a TemplateLiteralExprStart token is emitted. At this point, the Lexer proceeds as normal, however it keeps track of the number of opening and closing curly braces it has seen in order to determine the close of the expression. Once it finds a matching curly brace for the '${', a TemplateLiteralExprEnd token is emitted and the state is updated accordingly. When the Lexer is inside of a template literal, but not an expression, and sees a '`', this must be the closing grave: a TemplateLiteralEnd token is emitted. The state required to correctly parse template strings consists of a vector (for nesting) of two pieces of information: whether or not we are in a template expression (as opposed to a template string); and the count of the number of unmatched open curly braces we have seen (only applicable if the Lexer is currently in a template expression). TODO: Add support for template literal newlines in the JS REPL (this will cause a syntax error currently): > `foo > bar` 'foo bar'
2020-05-03 22:41:14 +00:00
} else if (is_block_comment_start()) {
size_t start_line_number = m_line_number;
LibJS: Add template literals Adds fully functioning template literals. Because template literals contain expressions, most of the work has to be done in the Lexer rather than the Parser. And because of the complexity of template literals (expressions, nesting, escapes, etc), the Lexer needs to have some template-related state. When entering a new template literal, a TemplateLiteralStart token is emitted. When inside a literal, all text will be parsed up until a '${' or '`' (or EOF, but that's a syntax error) is seen, and then a TemplateLiteralExprStart token is emitted. At this point, the Lexer proceeds as normal, however it keeps track of the number of opening and closing curly braces it has seen in order to determine the close of the expression. Once it finds a matching curly brace for the '${', a TemplateLiteralExprEnd token is emitted and the state is updated accordingly. When the Lexer is inside of a template literal, but not an expression, and sees a '`', this must be the closing grave: a TemplateLiteralEnd token is emitted. The state required to correctly parse template strings consists of a vector (for nesting) of two pieces of information: whether or not we are in a template expression (as opposed to a template string); and the count of the number of unmatched open curly braces we have seen (only applicable if the Lexer is currently in a template expression). TODO: Add support for template literal newlines in the JS REPL (this will cause a syntax error currently): > `foo > bar` 'foo bar'
2020-05-03 22:41:14 +00:00
do {
} while (!is_eof() && !is_block_comment_end());
if (is_eof())
unterminated_comment = true;
LibJS: Add template literals Adds fully functioning template literals. Because template literals contain expressions, most of the work has to be done in the Lexer rather than the Parser. And because of the complexity of template literals (expressions, nesting, escapes, etc), the Lexer needs to have some template-related state. When entering a new template literal, a TemplateLiteralStart token is emitted. When inside a literal, all text will be parsed up until a '${' or '`' (or EOF, but that's a syntax error) is seen, and then a TemplateLiteralExprStart token is emitted. At this point, the Lexer proceeds as normal, however it keeps track of the number of opening and closing curly braces it has seen in order to determine the close of the expression. Once it finds a matching curly brace for the '${', a TemplateLiteralExprEnd token is emitted and the state is updated accordingly. When the Lexer is inside of a template literal, but not an expression, and sees a '`', this must be the closing grave: a TemplateLiteralEnd token is emitted. The state required to correctly parse template strings consists of a vector (for nesting) of two pieces of information: whether or not we are in a template expression (as opposed to a template string); and the count of the number of unmatched open curly braces we have seen (only applicable if the Lexer is currently in a template expression). TODO: Add support for template literal newlines in the JS REPL (this will cause a syntax error currently): > `foo > bar` 'foo bar'
2020-05-03 22:41:14 +00:00
consume(); // consume *
if (is_eof())
unterminated_comment = true;
LibJS: Add template literals Adds fully functioning template literals. Because template literals contain expressions, most of the work has to be done in the Lexer rather than the Parser. And because of the complexity of template literals (expressions, nesting, escapes, etc), the Lexer needs to have some template-related state. When entering a new template literal, a TemplateLiteralStart token is emitted. When inside a literal, all text will be parsed up until a '${' or '`' (or EOF, but that's a syntax error) is seen, and then a TemplateLiteralExprStart token is emitted. At this point, the Lexer proceeds as normal, however it keeps track of the number of opening and closing curly braces it has seen in order to determine the close of the expression. Once it finds a matching curly brace for the '${', a TemplateLiteralExprEnd token is emitted and the state is updated accordingly. When the Lexer is inside of a template literal, but not an expression, and sees a '`', this must be the closing grave: a TemplateLiteralEnd token is emitted. The state required to correctly parse template strings consists of a vector (for nesting) of two pieces of information: whether or not we are in a template expression (as opposed to a template string); and the count of the number of unmatched open curly braces we have seen (only applicable if the Lexer is currently in a template expression). TODO: Add support for template literal newlines in the JS REPL (this will cause a syntax error currently): > `foo > bar` 'foo bar'
2020-05-03 22:41:14 +00:00
consume(); // consume /
if (start_line_number != m_line_number)
line_has_token_yet = false;
LibJS: Add template literals Adds fully functioning template literals. Because template literals contain expressions, most of the work has to be done in the Lexer rather than the Parser. And because of the complexity of template literals (expressions, nesting, escapes, etc), the Lexer needs to have some template-related state. When entering a new template literal, a TemplateLiteralStart token is emitted. When inside a literal, all text will be parsed up until a '${' or '`' (or EOF, but that's a syntax error) is seen, and then a TemplateLiteralExprStart token is emitted. At this point, the Lexer proceeds as normal, however it keeps track of the number of opening and closing curly braces it has seen in order to determine the close of the expression. Once it finds a matching curly brace for the '${', a TemplateLiteralExprEnd token is emitted and the state is updated accordingly. When the Lexer is inside of a template literal, but not an expression, and sees a '`', this must be the closing grave: a TemplateLiteralEnd token is emitted. The state required to correctly parse template strings consists of a vector (for nesting) of two pieces of information: whether or not we are in a template expression (as opposed to a template string); and the count of the number of unmatched open curly braces we have seen (only applicable if the Lexer is currently in a template expression). TODO: Add support for template literal newlines in the JS REPL (this will cause a syntax error currently): > `foo > bar` 'foo bar'
2020-05-03 22:41:14 +00:00
} else {
size_t value_start = m_position;
size_t value_start_line_number = m_line_number;
size_t value_start_column_number = m_line_column;
auto token_type = TokenType::Invalid;
auto did_consume_whitespace_or_comments = trivia_start != value_start;
// This is being used to communicate info about invalid tokens to the parser, which then
// can turn that into more specific error messages - instead of us having to make up a
// bunch of Invalid* tokens (bad numeric literals, unterminated comments etc.)
StringView token_message;
Optional<DeprecatedFlyString> identifier;
size_t identifier_length = 0;
if (m_current_token.type() == TokenType::RegexLiteral && !is_eof() && is_ascii_alpha(m_current_char) && !did_consume_whitespace_or_comments) {
token_type = TokenType::RegexFlags;
while (!is_eof() && is_ascii_alpha(m_current_char))
} else if (m_current_char == '`') {
LibJS: Add template literals Adds fully functioning template literals. Because template literals contain expressions, most of the work has to be done in the Lexer rather than the Parser. And because of the complexity of template literals (expressions, nesting, escapes, etc), the Lexer needs to have some template-related state. When entering a new template literal, a TemplateLiteralStart token is emitted. When inside a literal, all text will be parsed up until a '${' or '`' (or EOF, but that's a syntax error) is seen, and then a TemplateLiteralExprStart token is emitted. At this point, the Lexer proceeds as normal, however it keeps track of the number of opening and closing curly braces it has seen in order to determine the close of the expression. Once it finds a matching curly brace for the '${', a TemplateLiteralExprEnd token is emitted and the state is updated accordingly. When the Lexer is inside of a template literal, but not an expression, and sees a '`', this must be the closing grave: a TemplateLiteralEnd token is emitted. The state required to correctly parse template strings consists of a vector (for nesting) of two pieces of information: whether or not we are in a template expression (as opposed to a template string); and the count of the number of unmatched open curly braces we have seen (only applicable if the Lexer is currently in a template expression). TODO: Add support for template literal newlines in the JS REPL (this will cause a syntax error currently): > `foo > bar` 'foo bar'
2020-05-03 22:41:14 +00:00
if (!in_template) {
token_type = TokenType::TemplateLiteralStart;
m_template_states.append({ false, 0 });
} else {
if (m_template_states.last().in_expr) {
m_template_states.append({ false, 0 });
token_type = TokenType::TemplateLiteralStart;
} else {
token_type = TokenType::TemplateLiteralEnd;
} else if (in_template && m_template_states.last().in_expr && m_template_states.last().open_bracket_count == 0 && m_current_char == '}') {
token_type = TokenType::TemplateLiteralExprEnd;
m_template_states.last().in_expr = false;
} else if (in_template && !m_template_states.last().in_expr) {
if (is_eof()) {
token_type = TokenType::UnterminatedTemplateLiteral;
} else if (match('$', '{')) {
token_type = TokenType::TemplateLiteralExprStart;
m_template_states.last().in_expr = true;
} else {
// TemplateCharacter ::
// $ [lookahead ≠ {]
// \ TemplateEscapeSequence
// \ NotEscapeSequence
// LineContinuation
// LineTerminatorSequence
// SourceCharacter but not one of ` or \ or $ or LineTerminator
LibJS: Add template literals Adds fully functioning template literals. Because template literals contain expressions, most of the work has to be done in the Lexer rather than the Parser. And because of the complexity of template literals (expressions, nesting, escapes, etc), the Lexer needs to have some template-related state. When entering a new template literal, a TemplateLiteralStart token is emitted. When inside a literal, all text will be parsed up until a '${' or '`' (or EOF, but that's a syntax error) is seen, and then a TemplateLiteralExprStart token is emitted. At this point, the Lexer proceeds as normal, however it keeps track of the number of opening and closing curly braces it has seen in order to determine the close of the expression. Once it finds a matching curly brace for the '${', a TemplateLiteralExprEnd token is emitted and the state is updated accordingly. When the Lexer is inside of a template literal, but not an expression, and sees a '`', this must be the closing grave: a TemplateLiteralEnd token is emitted. The state required to correctly parse template strings consists of a vector (for nesting) of two pieces of information: whether or not we are in a template expression (as opposed to a template string); and the count of the number of unmatched open curly braces we have seen (only applicable if the Lexer is currently in a template expression). TODO: Add support for template literal newlines in the JS REPL (this will cause a syntax error currently): > `foo > bar` 'foo bar'
2020-05-03 22:41:14 +00:00
while (!match('$', '{') && m_current_char != '`' && !is_eof()) {
if (match('\\', '$') || match('\\', '`') || match('\\', '\\'))
LibJS: Add template literals Adds fully functioning template literals. Because template literals contain expressions, most of the work has to be done in the Lexer rather than the Parser. And because of the complexity of template literals (expressions, nesting, escapes, etc), the Lexer needs to have some template-related state. When entering a new template literal, a TemplateLiteralStart token is emitted. When inside a literal, all text will be parsed up until a '${' or '`' (or EOF, but that's a syntax error) is seen, and then a TemplateLiteralExprStart token is emitted. At this point, the Lexer proceeds as normal, however it keeps track of the number of opening and closing curly braces it has seen in order to determine the close of the expression. Once it finds a matching curly brace for the '${', a TemplateLiteralExprEnd token is emitted and the state is updated accordingly. When the Lexer is inside of a template literal, but not an expression, and sees a '`', this must be the closing grave: a TemplateLiteralEnd token is emitted. The state required to correctly parse template strings consists of a vector (for nesting) of two pieces of information: whether or not we are in a template expression (as opposed to a template string); and the count of the number of unmatched open curly braces we have seen (only applicable if the Lexer is currently in a template expression). TODO: Add support for template literal newlines in the JS REPL (this will cause a syntax error currently): > `foo > bar` 'foo bar'
2020-05-03 22:41:14 +00:00
if (is_eof() && !m_template_states.is_empty())
token_type = TokenType::UnterminatedTemplateLiteral;
token_type = TokenType::TemplateLiteralString;
LibJS: Add template literals Adds fully functioning template literals. Because template literals contain expressions, most of the work has to be done in the Lexer rather than the Parser. And because of the complexity of template literals (expressions, nesting, escapes, etc), the Lexer needs to have some template-related state. When entering a new template literal, a TemplateLiteralStart token is emitted. When inside a literal, all text will be parsed up until a '${' or '`' (or EOF, but that's a syntax error) is seen, and then a TemplateLiteralExprStart token is emitted. At this point, the Lexer proceeds as normal, however it keeps track of the number of opening and closing curly braces it has seen in order to determine the close of the expression. Once it finds a matching curly brace for the '${', a TemplateLiteralExprEnd token is emitted and the state is updated accordingly. When the Lexer is inside of a template literal, but not an expression, and sees a '`', this must be the closing grave: a TemplateLiteralEnd token is emitted. The state required to correctly parse template strings consists of a vector (for nesting) of two pieces of information: whether or not we are in a template expression (as opposed to a template string); and the count of the number of unmatched open curly braces we have seen (only applicable if the Lexer is currently in a template expression). TODO: Add support for template literal newlines in the JS REPL (this will cause a syntax error currently): > `foo > bar` 'foo bar'
2020-05-03 22:41:14 +00:00
} else if (m_current_char == '#') {
// Note: This has some duplicated code with the identifier lexing below
auto code_point = is_identifier_start(identifier_length);
if (code_point.has_value()) {
StringBuilder builder;
do {
for (size_t i = 0; i < identifier_length; ++i)
code_point = is_identifier_middle(identifier_length);
} while (code_point.has_value());
identifier = builder.string_view();
token_type = TokenType::PrivateIdentifier;
} else {
token_type = TokenType::Invalid;
token_message = "Start of private name '#' but not followed by valid identifier"sv;
} else if (auto code_point = is_identifier_start(identifier_length); code_point.has_value()) {
bool has_escaped_character = false;
// identifier or keyword
StringBuilder builder;
do {
for (size_t i = 0; i < identifier_length; ++i)
has_escaped_character |= identifier_length > 1;
code_point = is_identifier_middle(identifier_length);
} while (code_point.has_value());
identifier = builder.string_view();
auto it = s_keywords.find(identifier->hash(), [&](auto& entry) { return entry.key == identifier; });
if (it == s_keywords.end())
token_type = TokenType::Identifier;
token_type = has_escaped_character ? TokenType::EscapedKeyword : it->value;
} else if (is_numeric_literal_start()) {
2020-06-06 00:14:10 +00:00
token_type = TokenType::NumericLiteral;
bool is_invalid_numeric_literal = false;
if (m_current_char == '0') {
if (m_current_char == '.') {
// decimal
while (is_ascii_digit(m_current_char))
2020-06-06 00:14:10 +00:00
if (m_current_char == 'e' || m_current_char == 'E')
is_invalid_numeric_literal = !consume_exponent();
} else if (m_current_char == 'e' || m_current_char == 'E') {
is_invalid_numeric_literal = !consume_exponent();
} else if (m_current_char == 'o' || m_current_char == 'O') {
// octal
is_invalid_numeric_literal = !consume_octal_number();
if (m_current_char == 'n') {
token_type = TokenType::BigIntLiteral;
} else if (m_current_char == 'b' || m_current_char == 'B') {
// binary
is_invalid_numeric_literal = !consume_binary_number();
if (m_current_char == 'n') {
token_type = TokenType::BigIntLiteral;
} else if (m_current_char == 'x' || m_current_char == 'X') {
// hexadecimal
is_invalid_numeric_literal = !consume_hexadecimal_number();
if (m_current_char == 'n') {
token_type = TokenType::BigIntLiteral;
2020-06-06 00:14:10 +00:00
} else if (m_current_char == 'n') {
token_type = TokenType::BigIntLiteral;
} else if (is_ascii_digit(m_current_char)) {
// octal without '0o' prefix. Forbidden in 'strict mode'
do {
} while (is_ascii_digit(m_current_char));
} else {
// 1...9 or period
while (is_ascii_digit(m_current_char) || match_numeric_literal_separator_followed_by(is_ascii_digit))
2020-06-06 00:14:10 +00:00
if (m_current_char == 'n') {
2020-06-06 00:14:10 +00:00
token_type = TokenType::BigIntLiteral;
} else {
if (m_current_char == '.') {
if (m_current_char == '_')
is_invalid_numeric_literal = true;
while (is_ascii_digit(m_current_char) || match_numeric_literal_separator_followed_by(is_ascii_digit)) {
2020-06-06 00:14:10 +00:00
2020-06-06 00:14:10 +00:00
if (m_current_char == 'e' || m_current_char == 'E')
is_invalid_numeric_literal = is_invalid_numeric_literal || !consume_exponent();
if (is_invalid_numeric_literal) {
token_type = TokenType::Invalid;
token_message = "Invalid numeric literal"sv;
LibJS: Add template literals Adds fully functioning template literals. Because template literals contain expressions, most of the work has to be done in the Lexer rather than the Parser. And because of the complexity of template literals (expressions, nesting, escapes, etc), the Lexer needs to have some template-related state. When entering a new template literal, a TemplateLiteralStart token is emitted. When inside a literal, all text will be parsed up until a '${' or '`' (or EOF, but that's a syntax error) is seen, and then a TemplateLiteralExprStart token is emitted. At this point, the Lexer proceeds as normal, however it keeps track of the number of opening and closing curly braces it has seen in order to determine the close of the expression. Once it finds a matching curly brace for the '${', a TemplateLiteralExprEnd token is emitted and the state is updated accordingly. When the Lexer is inside of a template literal, but not an expression, and sees a '`', this must be the closing grave: a TemplateLiteralEnd token is emitted. The state required to correctly parse template strings consists of a vector (for nesting) of two pieces of information: whether or not we are in a template expression (as opposed to a template string); and the count of the number of unmatched open curly braces we have seen (only applicable if the Lexer is currently in a template expression). TODO: Add support for template literal newlines in the JS REPL (this will cause a syntax error currently): > `foo > bar` 'foo bar'
2020-05-03 22:41:14 +00:00
} else if (m_current_char == '"' || m_current_char == '\'') {
char stop_char = m_current_char;
// Note: LS/PS line terminators are allowed in string literals.
while (m_current_char != stop_char && m_current_char != '\r' && m_current_char != '\n' && !is_eof()) {
if (m_current_char == '\\') {
if (m_current_char == '\r' && m_position < m_source.length() && m_source[m_position] == '\n') {
if (m_current_char != stop_char) {
token_type = TokenType::UnterminatedStringLiteral;
} else {
LibJS: Add template literals Adds fully functioning template literals. Because template literals contain expressions, most of the work has to be done in the Lexer rather than the Parser. And because of the complexity of template literals (expressions, nesting, escapes, etc), the Lexer needs to have some template-related state. When entering a new template literal, a TemplateLiteralStart token is emitted. When inside a literal, all text will be parsed up until a '${' or '`' (or EOF, but that's a syntax error) is seen, and then a TemplateLiteralExprStart token is emitted. At this point, the Lexer proceeds as normal, however it keeps track of the number of opening and closing curly braces it has seen in order to determine the close of the expression. Once it finds a matching curly brace for the '${', a TemplateLiteralExprEnd token is emitted and the state is updated accordingly. When the Lexer is inside of a template literal, but not an expression, and sees a '`', this must be the closing grave: a TemplateLiteralEnd token is emitted. The state required to correctly parse template strings consists of a vector (for nesting) of two pieces of information: whether or not we are in a template expression (as opposed to a template string); and the count of the number of unmatched open curly braces we have seen (only applicable if the Lexer is currently in a template expression). TODO: Add support for template literal newlines in the JS REPL (this will cause a syntax error currently): > `foo > bar` 'foo bar'
2020-05-03 22:41:14 +00:00
token_type = TokenType::StringLiteral;
} else if (m_current_char == '/' && !slash_means_division()) {
token_type = consume_regex_literal();
} else if (m_eof) {
if (unterminated_comment) {
token_type = TokenType::Invalid;
token_message = "Unterminated multi-line comment"sv;
} else {
token_type = TokenType::Eof;
} else {
// There is only one four-char operator: >>>=
bool found_four_char_token = false;
2020-04-13 17:50:58 +00:00
if (match('>', '>', '>', '=')) {
found_four_char_token = true;
token_type = TokenType::UnsignedShiftRightEquals;
bool found_three_char_token = false;
if (!found_four_char_token && m_position + 1 < m_source.length()) {
auto three_chars_view = m_source.substring_view(m_position - 1, 3);
if (auto type = parse_three_char_token(three_chars_view); type != TokenType::Invalid) {
found_three_char_token = true;
token_type = type;
bool found_two_char_token = false;
if (!found_four_char_token && !found_three_char_token && m_position < m_source.length()) {
auto two_chars_view = m_source.substring_view(m_position - 1, 2);
if (auto type = parse_two_char_token(two_chars_view); type != TokenType::Invalid) {
// OptionalChainingPunctuator :: ?. [lookahead ∉ DecimalDigit]
if (!(type == TokenType::QuestionMarkPeriod && m_position + 1 < m_source.length() && is_ascii_digit(m_source[m_position + 1]))) {
found_two_char_token = true;
token_type = type;
bool found_one_char_token = false;
if (!found_four_char_token && !found_three_char_token && !found_two_char_token) {
if (auto type = s_single_char_tokens[static_cast<u8>(m_current_char)]; type != TokenType::Invalid) {
found_one_char_token = true;
token_type = type;
if (!found_four_char_token && !found_three_char_token && !found_two_char_token && !found_one_char_token) {
token_type = TokenType::Invalid;
LibJS: Add template literals Adds fully functioning template literals. Because template literals contain expressions, most of the work has to be done in the Lexer rather than the Parser. And because of the complexity of template literals (expressions, nesting, escapes, etc), the Lexer needs to have some template-related state. When entering a new template literal, a TemplateLiteralStart token is emitted. When inside a literal, all text will be parsed up until a '${' or '`' (or EOF, but that's a syntax error) is seen, and then a TemplateLiteralExprStart token is emitted. At this point, the Lexer proceeds as normal, however it keeps track of the number of opening and closing curly braces it has seen in order to determine the close of the expression. Once it finds a matching curly brace for the '${', a TemplateLiteralExprEnd token is emitted and the state is updated accordingly. When the Lexer is inside of a template literal, but not an expression, and sees a '`', this must be the closing grave: a TemplateLiteralEnd token is emitted. The state required to correctly parse template strings consists of a vector (for nesting) of two pieces of information: whether or not we are in a template expression (as opposed to a template string); and the count of the number of unmatched open curly braces we have seen (only applicable if the Lexer is currently in a template expression). TODO: Add support for template literal newlines in the JS REPL (this will cause a syntax error currently): > `foo > bar` 'foo bar'
2020-05-03 22:41:14 +00:00
if (!m_template_states.is_empty() && m_template_states.last().in_expr) {
if (token_type == TokenType::CurlyOpen) {
} else if (token_type == TokenType::CurlyClose) {
if (m_hit_invalid_unicode.has_value()) {
value_start = m_hit_invalid_unicode.value() - 1;
m_current_token = Token(TokenType::Invalid, "Invalid unicode codepoint in source"_string,
""sv, // Since the invalid unicode can occur anywhere in the current token the trivia is not correct
m_source.substring_view(value_start + 1, min(4u, m_source.length() - value_start - 2)),
m_line_column - 1,
value_start + 1);
// Do not produce any further tokens.
} else {
m_current_token = Token(
m_source.substring_view(trivia_start - 1, value_start - trivia_start),
m_source.substring_view(value_start - 1, m_position - value_start),
value_start - 1);
if (identifier.has_value())
if constexpr (LEXER_DEBUG) {
dbgln("Token: {}",;
dbgln("Trivia: _{}_", m_current_token.trivia());
dbgln("Value: _{}_", m_current_token.value());
dbgln("Line: {}, Column: {}", m_current_token.line_number(), m_current_token.line_column());
return m_current_token;
LibJS: Add template literals Adds fully functioning template literals. Because template literals contain expressions, most of the work has to be done in the Lexer rather than the Parser. And because of the complexity of template literals (expressions, nesting, escapes, etc), the Lexer needs to have some template-related state. When entering a new template literal, a TemplateLiteralStart token is emitted. When inside a literal, all text will be parsed up until a '${' or '`' (or EOF, but that's a syntax error) is seen, and then a TemplateLiteralExprStart token is emitted. At this point, the Lexer proceeds as normal, however it keeps track of the number of opening and closing curly braces it has seen in order to determine the close of the expression. Once it finds a matching curly brace for the '${', a TemplateLiteralExprEnd token is emitted and the state is updated accordingly. When the Lexer is inside of a template literal, but not an expression, and sees a '`', this must be the closing grave: a TemplateLiteralEnd token is emitted. The state required to correctly parse template strings consists of a vector (for nesting) of two pieces of information: whether or not we are in a template expression (as opposed to a template string); and the count of the number of unmatched open curly braces we have seen (only applicable if the Lexer is currently in a template expression). TODO: Add support for template literal newlines in the JS REPL (this will cause a syntax error currently): > `foo > bar` 'foo bar'
2020-05-03 22:41:14 +00:00
Token Lexer::force_slash_as_regex()
VERIFY(m_current_token.type() == TokenType::Slash || m_current_token.type() == TokenType::SlashEquals);
bool has_equals = m_current_token.type() == TokenType::SlashEquals;
VERIFY(m_position > 0);
size_t value_start = m_position - 1;
if (has_equals) {
VERIFY(m_source[value_start - 1] == '=');
m_current_char = '=';
TokenType token_type = consume_regex_literal();
m_current_token = Token(
String {},
m_source.substring_view(value_start - 1, m_position - value_start),
value_start - 1);
if constexpr (LEXER_DEBUG) {
dbgln("Token: {}",;
dbgln("Trivia: _{}_", m_current_token.trivia());
dbgln("Value: _{}_", m_current_token.value());
dbgln("Line: {}, Column: {}", m_current_token.line_number(), m_current_token.line_column());
return m_current_token;
TokenType Lexer::consume_regex_literal()
while (!is_eof()) {
if (is_line_terminator() || (!m_regex_is_in_character_class && m_current_char == '/')) {
} else if (m_current_char == '[') {
m_regex_is_in_character_class = true;
} else if (m_current_char == ']') {
m_regex_is_in_character_class = false;
} else if (!m_regex_is_in_character_class && m_current_char == '/') {
if (match('\\', '/') || match('\\', '[') || match('\\', '\\') || (m_regex_is_in_character_class && match('\\', ']')))
if (m_current_char == '/') {
return TokenType::RegexLiteral;
return TokenType::UnterminatedRegexLiteral;