2022-01-06 15:40:18 +00:00
* Copyright (c) 2022, Tim Flynn <trflynn89@pm.me>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <LibTest/TestCase.h>
#include <AK/Array.h>
#include <AK/StringView.h>
2022-01-11 16:35:50 +00:00
#include <AK/Time.h>
2022-01-06 15:40:18 +00:00
#include <LibUnicode/DateTimeFormat.h>
struct TestData {
StringView locale;
Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle style;
StringView time_zone;
StringView expected_result;
constexpr auto test_data = Array {
TestData { "en"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::Long, "UTC"sv, "Coordinated Universal Time"sv },
TestData { "en"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::Short, "UTC"sv, "UTC"sv },
TestData { "en"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::ShortGeneric, "UTC"sv, "GMT"sv },
TestData { "en"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::LongGeneric, "UTC"sv, "GMT"sv },
TestData { "ar"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::Long, "UTC"sv, "التوقيت العالمي المنسق"sv },
TestData { "ar"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::Short, "UTC"sv, "UTC"sv },
TestData { "ar"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::ShortGeneric, "UTC"sv, "غرينتش"sv },
TestData { "ar"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::LongGeneric, "UTC"sv, "غرينتش"sv },
TestData { "en"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::Long, "America/Los_Angeles"sv, "Pacific Daylight Time"sv },
TestData { "en"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::Short, "America/Los_Angeles"sv, "PDT"sv },
TestData { "ar"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::Long, "America/Los_Angeles"sv, "توقيت المحيط الهادي الصيفي"sv },
// The "ar" locale does not have a short name for PDT. LibUnicode will need to fall back to GMT offset when we have that data.
TestData { "en"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::Long, "America/Vancouver"sv, "Pacific Daylight Time"sv },
TestData { "en"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::Short, "America/Vancouver"sv, "PDT"sv },
TestData { "ar"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::Long, "America/Vancouver"sv, "توقيت المحيط الهادي الصيفي"sv },
// The "ar" locale does not have a short name for PDT. LibUnicode will need to fall back to GMT offset when we have that data.
TestData { "en"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::Long, "Europe/London"sv, "Greenwich Mean Time"sv },
TestData { "en"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::Short, "Europe/London"sv, "GMT"sv },
TestData { "ar"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::Long, "Europe/London"sv, "توقيت غرينتش"sv },
// The "ar" locale does not have a short name for GMT. LibUnicode will need to fall back to GMT offset when we have that data.
TestData { "en"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::Long, "Africa/Accra"sv, "Greenwich Mean Time"sv },
TestData { "en"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::Short, "Africa/Accra"sv, "GMT"sv },
TestData { "ar"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::Long, "Africa/Accra"sv, "توقيت غرينتش"sv },
// The "ar" locale does not have a short name for GMT. LibUnicode will need to fall back to GMT offset when we have that data.
for (auto const& test : test_data) {
auto time_zone = Unicode::get_time_zone_name(test.locale, test.time_zone, test.style);
EXPECT_EQ(*time_zone, test.expected_result);
2022-01-11 16:35:50 +00:00
constexpr auto jan_1_1833 = AK::Time::from_seconds(-4323283200); // Tuesday, January 1, 1833 12:00:00 AM
constexpr auto jan_1_2022 = AK::Time::from_seconds(1640995200); // Saturday, January 1, 2022 12:00:00 AM
struct TestData {
StringView locale;
Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle style;
AK::Time time;
StringView time_zone;
StringView expected_result;
constexpr auto test_data = Array {
TestData { "en"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::ShortOffset, {}, "UTC"sv, "GMT"sv },
TestData { "en"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::LongOffset, {}, "UTC"sv, "GMT"sv },
TestData { "ar"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::ShortOffset, {}, "UTC"sv, "غرينتش"sv },
TestData { "ar"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::LongOffset, {}, "UTC"sv, "غرينتش"sv },
TestData { "en"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::ShortOffset, jan_1_1833, "America/Los_Angeles"sv, "GMT-7:52:58"sv },
TestData { "en"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::ShortOffset, jan_1_2022, "America/Los_Angeles"sv, "GMT-8"sv },
TestData { "en"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::LongOffset, jan_1_1833, "America/Los_Angeles"sv, "GMT-07:52:58"sv },
TestData { "en"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::LongOffset, jan_1_2022, "America/Los_Angeles"sv, "GMT-08:00"sv },
TestData { "ar"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::ShortOffset, jan_1_1833, "America/Los_Angeles"sv, "غرينتش-٧:٥٢:٥٨"sv },
TestData { "ar"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::ShortOffset, jan_1_2022, "America/Los_Angeles"sv, "غرينتش-٨"sv },
TestData { "ar"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::LongOffset, jan_1_1833, "America/Los_Angeles"sv, "غرينتش-٠٧:٥٢:٥٨"sv },
TestData { "ar"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::LongOffset, jan_1_2022, "America/Los_Angeles"sv, "غرينتش-٠٨:٠٠"sv },
TestData { "en"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::ShortOffset, jan_1_1833, "Europe/London"sv, "GMT-0:01:15"sv },
TestData { "en"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::ShortOffset, jan_1_2022, "Europe/London"sv, "GMT"sv },
TestData { "en"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::LongOffset, jan_1_1833, "Europe/London"sv, "GMT-00:01:15"sv },
TestData { "en"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::LongOffset, jan_1_2022, "Europe/London"sv, "GMT"sv },
TestData { "ar"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::ShortOffset, jan_1_1833, "Europe/London"sv, "غرينتش-٠:٠١:١٥"sv },
TestData { "ar"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::ShortOffset, jan_1_2022, "Europe/London"sv, "غرينتش"sv },
TestData { "ar"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::LongOffset, jan_1_1833, "Europe/London"sv, "غرينتش-٠٠:٠١:١٥"sv },
TestData { "ar"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::LongOffset, jan_1_2022, "Europe/London"sv, "غرينتش"sv },
TestData { "en"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::ShortOffset, jan_1_1833, "Asia/Kathmandu"sv, "GMT+5:41:16"sv },
TestData { "en"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::ShortOffset, jan_1_2022, "Asia/Kathmandu"sv, "GMT+5:45"sv },
TestData { "en"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::LongOffset, jan_1_1833, "Asia/Kathmandu"sv, "GMT+05:41:16"sv },
TestData { "en"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::LongOffset, jan_1_2022, "Asia/Kathmandu"sv, "GMT+05:45"sv },
TestData { "ar"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::ShortOffset, jan_1_1833, "Asia/Kathmandu"sv, "غرينتش+٥:٤١:١٦"sv },
TestData { "ar"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::ShortOffset, jan_1_2022, "Asia/Kathmandu"sv, "غرينتش+٥:٤٥"sv },
TestData { "ar"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::LongOffset, jan_1_1833, "Asia/Kathmandu"sv, "غرينتش+٠٥:٤١:١٦"sv },
TestData { "ar"sv, Unicode::CalendarPatternStyle::LongOffset, jan_1_2022, "Asia/Kathmandu"sv, "غرينتش+٠٥:٤٥"sv },
for (auto const& test : test_data) {
auto time_zone = Unicode::format_time_zone(test.locale, test.time_zone, test.style, test.time);
EXPECT_EQ(time_zone, test.expected_result);