
419 lines
18 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Copyright (c) 2023, Nico Weber <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/Utf16View.h>
#include <LibGfx/ICC/BinaryFormat.h>
#include <LibGfx/ICC/BinaryWriter.h>
#include <LibGfx/ICC/Profile.h>
#include <time.h>
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Warray-bounds"
namespace Gfx::ICC {
static ErrorOr<ByteBuffer> encode_chromaticity(ChromaticityTagData const& tag_data)
// ICC v4, 10.2 chromaticityType
auto bytes = TRY(ByteBuffer::create_uninitialized(2 * sizeof(u32) + 2 * sizeof(u16) + tag_data.xy_coordinates().size() * 2 * sizeof(u16Fixed16Number)));
*bit_cast<BigEndian<u32>*>( = (u32)ChromaticityTagData::Type;
*bit_cast<BigEndian<u32>*>( + 4) = 0;
*bit_cast<BigEndian<u16>*>( + 8) = tag_data.xy_coordinates().size();
*bit_cast<BigEndian<u16>*>( + 10) = (u16)tag_data.phosphor_or_colorant_type();
auto* coordinates = bit_cast<BigEndian<u16Fixed16Number>*>( + 12);
for (size_t i = 0; i < tag_data.xy_coordinates().size(); ++i) {
coordinates[2 * i] = tag_data.xy_coordinates()[i].x.raw();
coordinates[2 * i + 1] = tag_data.xy_coordinates()[i].y.raw();
return bytes;
static ErrorOr<ByteBuffer> encode_cipc(CicpTagData const& tag_data)
// ICC v4, 10.3 cicpType
auto bytes = TRY(ByteBuffer::create_uninitialized(2 * sizeof(u32) + 4));
*bit_cast<BigEndian<u32>*>( = (u32)CicpTagData::Type;
*bit_cast<BigEndian<u32>*>( + 4) = 0;[8] = tag_data.color_primaries();[9] = tag_data.transfer_characteristics();[10] = tag_data.matrix_coefficients();[11] = tag_data.video_full_range_flag();
return bytes;
static ErrorOr<ByteBuffer> encode_curve(CurveTagData const& tag_data)
// ICC v4, 10.6 curveType
auto bytes = TRY(ByteBuffer::create_uninitialized(3 * sizeof(u32) + tag_data.values().size() * sizeof(u16)));
*bit_cast<BigEndian<u32>*>( = (u32)CurveTagData::Type;
*bit_cast<BigEndian<u32>*>( + 4) = 0;
*bit_cast<BigEndian<u32>*>( + 8) = tag_data.values().size();
auto* values = bit_cast<BigEndian<u16>*>( + 12);
for (size_t i = 0; i < tag_data.values().size(); ++i)
values[i] = tag_data.values()[i];
return bytes;
static ErrorOr<ByteBuffer> encode_measurement(MeasurementTagData const& tag_data)
// ICC v4, 10.14 measurementType
auto bytes = TRY(ByteBuffer::create_uninitialized(2 * sizeof(u32) + sizeof(MeasurementHeader)));
*bit_cast<BigEndian<u32>*>( = (u32)MeasurementTagData::Type;
*bit_cast<BigEndian<u32>*>( + 4) = 0;
auto& header = *bit_cast<MeasurementHeader*>( + 8);
header.standard_observer = tag_data.standard_observer();
header.tristimulus_value_for_measurement_backing = tag_data.tristimulus_value_for_measurement_backing();
header.measurement_geometry = tag_data.measurement_geometry();
header.measurement_flare = tag_data.measurement_flare().raw();
header.standard_illuminant = tag_data.standard_illuminant();
return bytes;
static ErrorOr<ByteBuffer> encode_multi_localized_unicode(MultiLocalizedUnicodeTagData const& tag_data)
// ICC v4, 10.15 multiLocalizedUnicodeType
// "The Unicode strings in storage should be encoded as 16-bit big-endian, UTF-16BE,
// and should not be NULL terminated."
size_t number_of_records = tag_data.records().size();
size_t header_and_record_size = 4 * sizeof(u32) + number_of_records * sizeof(MultiLocalizedUnicodeRawRecord);
size_t number_of_codepoints = 0;
Vector<Utf16Data> utf16_strings;
for (auto const& record : tag_data.records()) {
number_of_codepoints += utf16_strings.last().size();
size_t string_table_size = number_of_codepoints * sizeof(u16);
auto bytes = TRY(ByteBuffer::create_uninitialized(header_and_record_size + string_table_size));
auto* header = bit_cast<BigEndian<u32>*>(;
header[0] = (u32)MultiLocalizedUnicodeTagData::Type;
header[1] = 0;
header[2] = number_of_records;
header[3] = sizeof(MultiLocalizedUnicodeRawRecord);
size_t offset = header_and_record_size;
auto* records = bit_cast<MultiLocalizedUnicodeRawRecord*>( + 16);
for (size_t i = 0; i < number_of_records; ++i) {
records[i].language_code = tag_data.records()[i].iso_639_1_language_code;
records[i].country_code = tag_data.records()[i].iso_3166_1_country_code;
records[i].string_length_in_bytes = utf16_strings[i].size() * sizeof(u16);
records[i].string_offset_in_bytes = offset;
offset += records[i].string_offset_in_bytes;
auto* string_table = bit_cast<BigEndian<u16>*>( + header_and_record_size);
for (auto const& utf16_string : utf16_strings) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < utf16_string.size(); ++i)
string_table[i] = utf16_string[i];
string_table += utf16_string.size();
return bytes;
static ErrorOr<ByteBuffer> encode_parametric_curve(ParametricCurveTagData const& tag_data)
// ICC v4, 10.18 parametricCurveType
auto bytes = TRY(ByteBuffer::create_uninitialized(2 * sizeof(u32) + 2 * sizeof(u16) + tag_data.parameter_count() * sizeof(s15Fixed16Number)));
*bit_cast<BigEndian<u32>*>( = (u32)ParametricCurveTagData::Type;
*bit_cast<BigEndian<u32>*>( + 4) = 0;
*bit_cast<BigEndian<u16>*>( + 8) = (u16)tag_data.function_type();
*bit_cast<BigEndian<u16>*>( + 10) = 0;
auto* parameters = bit_cast<BigEndian<s15Fixed16Number>*>( + 12);
for (size_t i = 0; i < tag_data.parameter_count(); ++i)
parameters[i] = tag_data.parameter(i).raw();
return bytes;
static ErrorOr<ByteBuffer> encode_s15_fixed_array(S15Fixed16ArrayTagData const& tag_data)
// ICC v4, 10.22 s15Fixed16ArrayType
auto bytes = TRY(ByteBuffer::create_uninitialized(2 * sizeof(u32) + tag_data.values().size() * sizeof(s15Fixed16Number)));
*bit_cast<BigEndian<u32>*>( = (u32)S15Fixed16ArrayTagData::Type;
*bit_cast<BigEndian<u32>*>( + 4) = 0;
auto* values = bit_cast<BigEndian<s15Fixed16Number>*>( + 8);
for (size_t i = 0; i < tag_data.values().size(); ++i)
values[i] = tag_data.values()[i].raw();
return bytes;
static ErrorOr<ByteBuffer> encode_signature(SignatureTagData const& tag_data)
// ICC v4, 10.23 signatureType
auto bytes = TRY(ByteBuffer::create_uninitialized(3 * sizeof(u32)));
*bit_cast<BigEndian<u32>*>( = (u32)SignatureTagData::Type;
*bit_cast<BigEndian<u32>*>( + 4) = 0;
*bit_cast<BigEndian<u32>*>( + 8) = tag_data.signature();
return bytes;
static ErrorOr<ByteBuffer> encode_text_description(TextDescriptionTagData const& tag_data)
// ICC v2, 6.5.17 textDescriptionType
// All lengths include room for a trailing nul character.
// See also the many comments in TextDescriptionTagData::from_bytes().
u32 ascii_size = sizeof(u32) + tag_data.ascii_description().bytes().size() + 1;
// FIXME: Include tag_data.unicode_description() if it's set.
u32 unicode_size = 2 * sizeof(u32);
// FIXME: Include tag_data.macintosh_description() if it's set.
u32 macintosh_size = sizeof(u16) + sizeof(u8) + 67;
auto bytes = TRY(ByteBuffer::create_uninitialized(2 * sizeof(u32) + ascii_size + unicode_size + macintosh_size));
*bit_cast<BigEndian<u32>*>( = static_cast<u32>(TextDescriptionTagData::Type);
*bit_cast<BigEndian<u32>*>( + 4) = 0;
*bit_cast<BigEndian<u32>*>( + 8) = tag_data.ascii_description().bytes().size() + 1;
memcpy( + 12, tag_data.ascii_description().bytes().data(), tag_data.ascii_description().bytes().size());[12 + tag_data.ascii_description().bytes().size()] = '\0';
// Unicode
// "Because the Unicode language code and Unicode count immediately follow the ASCII description,
// their alignment is not correct when the ASCII count is not a multiple of four"
// So we can't use BigEndian<u32> here.
u8* cursor = + 8 + ascii_size;
u32 unicode_language_code = 0; // FIXME: Set to tag_data.unicode_language_code() once this writes unicode data.
cursor[0] = unicode_language_code >> 24;
cursor[1] = (unicode_language_code >> 16) & 0xff;
cursor[2] = (unicode_language_code >> 8) & 0xff;
cursor[3] = unicode_language_code & 0xff;
cursor += 4;
// FIXME: Include tag_data.unicode_description() if it's set.
u32 ucs2_count = 0; // FIXME: If tag_data.unicode_description() is set, set this to its length plus room for one nul character.
cursor[0] = ucs2_count >> 24;
cursor[1] = (ucs2_count >> 16) & 0xff;
cursor[2] = (ucs2_count >> 8) & 0xff;
cursor[3] = ucs2_count & 0xff;
cursor += 4;
// Macintosh scriptcode
u16 scriptcode_code = 0; // MacRoman
cursor[0] = (scriptcode_code >> 8) & 0xff;
cursor[1] = scriptcode_code & 0xff;
cursor += 2;
u8 macintosh_description_length = 0; // FIXME: If tag_data.macintosh_description() is set, set this to tis length plus room for one nul character.
cursor[0] = macintosh_description_length;
cursor += 1;
memset(cursor, 0, 67);
return bytes;
static ErrorOr<ByteBuffer> encode_text(TextTagData const& tag_data)
// ICC v4, 10.24 textType
// "The textType is a simple text structure that contains a 7-bit ASCII text string. The length of the string is obtained
// by subtracting 8 from the element size portion of the tag itself. This string shall be terminated with a 00h byte."
auto text_bytes = tag_data.text().bytes();
auto bytes = TRY(ByteBuffer::create_uninitialized(2 * sizeof(u32) + text_bytes.size() + 1));
*bit_cast<BigEndian<u32>*>( = (u32)TextTagData::Type;
*bit_cast<BigEndian<u32>*>( + 4) = 0;
memcpy( + 8,, text_bytes.size());
*( + 8 + text_bytes.size()) = '\0';
return bytes;
static ErrorOr<ByteBuffer> encode_viewing_conditions(ViewingConditionsTagData const& tag_data)
// ICC v4, 10.30 viewingConditionsType
auto bytes = TRY(ByteBuffer::create_uninitialized(2 * sizeof(u32) + sizeof(ViewingConditionsHeader)));
*bit_cast<BigEndian<u32>*>( = (u32)ViewingConditionsTagData::Type;
*bit_cast<BigEndian<u32>*>( + 4) = 0;
auto& header = *bit_cast<ViewingConditionsHeader*>( + 8);
header.unnormalized_ciexyz_values_for_illuminant = tag_data.unnormalized_ciexyz_values_for_illuminant();
header.unnormalized_ciexyz_values_for_surround = tag_data.unnormalized_ciexyz_values_for_surround();
header.illuminant_type = tag_data.illuminant_type();
return bytes;
static ErrorOr<ByteBuffer> encode_xyz(XYZTagData const& tag_data)
// ICC v4, 10.31 XYZType
auto bytes = TRY(ByteBuffer::create_uninitialized(2 * sizeof(u32) + tag_data.xyzs().size() * sizeof(XYZNumber)));
*bit_cast<BigEndian<u32>*>( = (u32)XYZTagData::Type;
*bit_cast<BigEndian<u32>*>( + 4) = 0;
auto* xyzs = bit_cast<XYZNumber*>( + 8);
for (size_t i = 0; i < tag_data.xyzs().size(); ++i)
xyzs[i] = tag_data.xyzs()[i];
return bytes;
static ErrorOr<ByteBuffer> encode_tag_data(TagData const& tag_data)
switch (tag_data.type()) {
case ChromaticityTagData::Type:
return encode_chromaticity(static_cast<ChromaticityTagData const&>(tag_data));
case CicpTagData::Type:
return encode_cipc(static_cast<CicpTagData const&>(tag_data));
case CurveTagData::Type:
return encode_curve(static_cast<CurveTagData const&>(tag_data));
case MeasurementTagData::Type:
return encode_measurement(static_cast<MeasurementTagData const&>(tag_data));
case MultiLocalizedUnicodeTagData::Type:
return encode_multi_localized_unicode(static_cast<MultiLocalizedUnicodeTagData const&>(tag_data));
case ParametricCurveTagData::Type:
return encode_parametric_curve(static_cast<ParametricCurveTagData const&>(tag_data));
case S15Fixed16ArrayTagData::Type:
return encode_s15_fixed_array(static_cast<S15Fixed16ArrayTagData const&>(tag_data));
case SignatureTagData::Type:
return encode_signature(static_cast<SignatureTagData const&>(tag_data));
case TextDescriptionTagData::Type:
return encode_text_description(static_cast<TextDescriptionTagData const&>(tag_data));
case TextTagData::Type:
return encode_text(static_cast<TextTagData const&>(tag_data));
case ViewingConditionsTagData::Type:
return encode_viewing_conditions(static_cast<ViewingConditionsTagData const&>(tag_data));
case XYZTagData::Type:
return encode_xyz(static_cast<XYZTagData const&>(tag_data));
return ByteBuffer {};
static ErrorOr<Vector<ByteBuffer>> encode_tag_datas(Profile const& profile, HashMap<TagData*, size_t>& tag_data_map)
Vector<ByteBuffer> tag_data_bytes;
profile.for_each_tag([&](auto, auto tag_data) {
if (tag_data_map.contains(tag_data.ptr()))
// FIXME: Come up with a way to allow TRY instead of MUST here.
MUST(tag_data_map.try_set(tag_data.ptr(), tag_data_bytes.size() - 1));
return tag_data_bytes;
static ErrorOr<void> encode_tag_table(ByteBuffer& bytes, Profile const& profile, Vector<size_t> const& offsets, Vector<ByteBuffer> const& tag_data_bytes, HashMap<TagData*, size_t> const& tag_data_map)
// ICC v4, 7.3 Tag table
// ICC v4, 7.3.1 Overview
VERIFY(bytes.size() >= sizeof(ICCHeader) + sizeof(u32) + profile.tag_count() * sizeof(TagTableEntry));
*bit_cast<BigEndian<u32>*>( + sizeof(ICCHeader)) = profile.tag_count();
TagTableEntry* tag_table_entries = bit_cast<TagTableEntry*>( + sizeof(ICCHeader) + sizeof(u32));
int i = 0;
profile.for_each_tag([&](auto tag_signature, auto tag_data) {
tag_table_entries[i].tag_signature = tag_signature;
auto index = tag_data_map.get(tag_data.ptr()).value();
tag_table_entries[i].offset_to_beginning_of_tag_data_element = offsets[index];
tag_table_entries[i].size_of_tag_data_element = tag_data_bytes[index].size();
return {};
static ErrorOr<void> encode_header(ByteBuffer& bytes, Profile const& profile)
VERIFY(bytes.size() >= sizeof(ICCHeader));
auto& raw_header = *bit_cast<ICCHeader*>(;
raw_header.profile_size = bytes.size();
raw_header.preferred_cmm_type = profile.preferred_cmm_type().value_or(PreferredCMMType { 0 });
raw_header.profile_version_major = profile.version().major_version();
raw_header.profile_version_minor_bugfix = profile.version().minor_and_bugfix_version();
raw_header.profile_version_zero = 0;
raw_header.profile_device_class = profile.device_class();
raw_header.data_color_space = profile.data_color_space();
raw_header.profile_connection_space = profile.connection_space();
time_t profile_timestamp = profile.creation_timestamp();
struct tm tm;
if (!gmtime_r(&profile_timestamp, &tm))
return Error::from_errno(errno);
raw_header.profile_creation_time.year = tm.tm_year + 1900;
raw_header.profile_creation_time.month = tm.tm_mon + 1; = tm.tm_mday;
raw_header.profile_creation_time.hours = tm.tm_hour;
raw_header.profile_creation_time.minutes = tm.tm_min;
raw_header.profile_creation_time.seconds = tm.tm_sec;
raw_header.profile_file_signature = ProfileFileSignature;
raw_header.primary_platform = profile.primary_platform().value_or(PrimaryPlatform { 0 });
raw_header.profile_flags = profile.flags().bits();
raw_header.device_manufacturer = profile.device_manufacturer().value_or(DeviceManufacturer { 0 });
raw_header.device_model = profile.device_model().value_or(DeviceModel { 0 });
raw_header.device_attributes = profile.device_attributes().bits();
raw_header.rendering_intent = profile.rendering_intent();
raw_header.pcs_illuminant = profile.pcs_illuminant();
raw_header.profile_creator = profile.creator().value_or(Creator { 0 });
memset(raw_header.reserved, 0, sizeof(raw_header.reserved));
auto id = Profile::compute_id(bytes);
static_assert(sizeof( == sizeof(raw_header.profile_id));
memcpy(raw_header.profile_id,, sizeof(;
return {};
ErrorOr<ByteBuffer> encode(Profile const& profile)
// Valid profiles always have tags. Profile only represents valid profiles.
VERIFY(profile.tag_count() > 0);
HashMap<TagData*, size_t> tag_data_map;
Vector<ByteBuffer> tag_data_bytes = TRY(encode_tag_datas(profile, tag_data_map));
size_t tag_table_size = sizeof(u32) + profile.tag_count() * sizeof(TagTableEntry);
size_t offset = sizeof(ICCHeader) + tag_table_size;
Vector<size_t> offsets;
for (auto const& bytes : tag_data_bytes) {
offset += align_up_to(bytes.size(), 4);
// Omit padding after last element.
// FIXME: Is that correct?
size_t total_size = offsets.last() + tag_data_bytes.last().size();
// Leave enough room for the profile header and the tag table count.
auto bytes = TRY(ByteBuffer::create_zeroed(total_size));
for (size_t i = 0; i < tag_data_bytes.size(); ++i)
memcpy( + offsets[i], tag_data_bytes[i].data(), tag_data_bytes[i].size());
TRY(encode_tag_table(bytes, profile, offsets, tag_data_bytes, tag_data_map));
TRY(encode_header(bytes, profile));
return bytes;