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* Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Linus Groh <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <LibJS/Lexer.h>
#include <LibJS/Parser.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/AbstractOperations.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/DeclarativeEnvironment.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/GlobalEnvironment.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/ModuleNamespaceObject.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/NativeFunction.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/PromiseConstructor.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/PromiseReaction.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/ShadowRealm.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/WrappedFunction.h>
namespace JS {
ShadowRealm::ShadowRealm(Realm& shadow_realm, ExecutionContext execution_context, Object& prototype)
: Object(prototype)
, m_shadow_realm(shadow_realm)
, m_execution_context(move(execution_context))
void ShadowRealm::visit_edges(Visitor& visitor)
// 3.1.2 CopyNameAndLength ( F: a function object, Target: a function object, optional prefix: a String, optional argCount: a Number, ),
ThrowCompletionOr<void> copy_name_and_length(GlobalObject& global_object, FunctionObject& function, FunctionObject& target, Optional<StringView> prefix, Optional<unsigned> arg_count)
auto& vm = global_object.vm();
// 1. If argCount is undefined, then set argCount to 0.
if (!arg_count.has_value())
arg_count = 0;
// 2. Let L be 0.
double length = 0;
// 3. Let targetHasLength be ? HasOwnProperty(Target, "length").
auto target_has_length = TRY(target.has_own_property(vm.names.length));
// 4. If targetHasLength is true, then
if (target_has_length) {
// a. Let targetLen be ? Get(Target, "length").
auto target_length = TRY(target.get(vm.names.length));
// b. If Type(targetLen) is Number, then
if (target_length.is_number()) {
// i. If targetLen is +∞𝔽, set L to +∞.
if (target_length.is_positive_infinity()) {
length = target_length.as_double();
// ii. Else if targetLen is -∞𝔽, set L to 0.
else if (target_length.is_negative_infinity()) {
length = 0;
// iii. Else,
else {
// 1. Let targetLenAsInt be ! ToIntegerOrInfinity(targetLen).
auto target_length_as_int = MUST(target_length.to_integer_or_infinity(global_object));
// 2. Assert: targetLenAsInt is finite.
// 3. Set L to max(targetLenAsInt - argCount, 0).
length = max(target_length_as_int - *arg_count, 0);
// 5. Perform ! SetFunctionLength(F, L).
// 6. Let targetName be ? Get(Target, "name").
auto target_name = TRY(target.get(;
// 7. If Type(targetName) is not String, set targetName to the empty String.
if (!target_name.is_string())
target_name = js_string(vm, String::empty());
// 8. Perform ! SetFunctionName(F, targetName, prefix).
function.set_function_name({ target_name.as_string().string() }, move(prefix));
return {};
// 3.1.3 PerformShadowRealmEval ( sourceText: a String, callerRealm: a Realm Record, evalRealm: a Realm Record, ),
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> perform_shadow_realm_eval(GlobalObject& global_object, StringView source_text, Realm& caller_realm, Realm& eval_realm)
auto& vm = global_object.vm();
// 1. Perform ? HostEnsureCanCompileStrings(callerRealm, evalRealm).
// FIXME: We don't have this host-defined abstract operation yet.
// 2. Perform the following substeps in an implementation-defined order, possibly interleaving parsing and error detection:
// a. Let script be ParseText(! StringToCodePoints(sourceText), Script).
auto parser = Parser(Lexer(source_text));
auto program = parser.parse_program();
// b. If script is a List of errors, throw a SyntaxError exception.
if (parser.has_errors()) {
auto& error = parser.errors()[0];
return vm.throw_completion<SyntaxError>(global_object, error.to_string());
// c. If script Contains ScriptBody is false, return undefined.
if (program->children().is_empty())
return js_undefined();
// d. Let body be the ScriptBody of script.
// e. If body Contains NewTarget is true, throw a SyntaxError exception.
// f. If body Contains SuperProperty is true, throw a SyntaxError exception.
// g. If body Contains SuperCall is true, throw a SyntaxError exception.
// FIXME: Implement these, we probably need a generic way of scanning the AST for certain nodes.
// 3. Let strictEval be IsStrict of script.
auto strict_eval = program->is_strict_mode();
// 4. Let runningContext be the running execution context.
// NOTE: This would be unused due to step 11 and is omitted for that reason.
// 5. Let lexEnv be NewDeclarativeEnvironment(evalRealm.[[GlobalEnv]]).
Environment* lexical_environment = new_declarative_environment(eval_realm.global_environment());
// 6. Let varEnv be evalRealm.[[GlobalEnv]].
Environment* variable_environment = &eval_realm.global_environment();
// 7. If strictEval is true, set varEnv to lexEnv.
if (strict_eval)
variable_environment = lexical_environment;
// 8. If runningContext is not already suspended, suspend runningContext.
// NOTE: We don't support this concept yet.
// 9. Let evalContext be a new ECMAScript code execution context.
auto eval_context = ExecutionContext { vm.heap() };
// 10. Set evalContext's Function to null.
eval_context.function = nullptr;
// 11. Set evalContext's Realm to evalRealm.
eval_context.realm = &eval_realm;
// 12. Set evalContext's ScriptOrModule to null.
// Note: This is already the default value.
// 13. Set evalContext's VariableEnvironment to varEnv.
eval_context.variable_environment = variable_environment;
// 14. Set evalContext's LexicalEnvironment to lexEnv.
eval_context.lexical_environment = lexical_environment;
// Non-standard
eval_context.is_strict_mode = strict_eval;
// 15. Push evalContext onto the execution context stack; evalContext is now the running execution context.
TRY(vm.push_execution_context(eval_context, eval_realm.global_object()));
// 16. Let result be EvalDeclarationInstantiation(body, varEnv, lexEnv, null, strictEval).
2021-10-11 18:29:31 +00:00
auto eval_result = eval_declaration_instantiation(vm, eval_realm.global_object(), program, variable_environment, lexical_environment, nullptr, strict_eval);
Completion result;
// 17. If result.[[Type]] is normal, then
if (!eval_result.is_throw_completion()) {
// TODO: Optionally use bytecode interpreter?
// a. Set result to the result of evaluating body.
LibJS: Refactor interpreter to use Script and Source Text Modules This also refactors interpreter creation to follow InitializeHostDefinedRealm, but I couldn't fit it in the title :^) This allows us to follow the spec much more closely rather than being completely ad-hoc with just the parse node instead of having all the surrounding data such as the realm of the parse node. The interpreter creation refactor creates the global execution context once and doesn't take it off the stack. This allows LibWeb to take the global execution context and manually handle it, following the HTML spec. The HTML spec calls this the "realm execution context" of the environment settings object. It also allows us to specify the globalThis type, as it can be different from the global object type. For example, on the web, Window global objects use a WindowProxy global this value to enforce the same origin policy on operations like [[GetOwnProperty]]. Finally, it allows us to directly call Program::execute in perform_eval and perform_shadow_realm_eval as this moves global_declaration_instantiation into Interpreter::run (ScriptEvaluation) as per the spec. Note that this doesn't evalulate Source Text Modules yet or refactor the bytecode interpreter, that's work for future us :^) This patch was originally build by Luke for the environment settings object change but was also needed for modules. So I (davidot) have modified it with the new completion changes and setup for that. Co-authored-by: davidot <>
2022-01-16 12:16:04 +00:00
result = program->execute(vm.interpreter(), eval_realm.global_object());
// 18. If result.[[Type]] is normal and result.[[Value]] is empty, then
if (result.type() == Completion::Type::Normal && !result.value().has_value()) {
// a. Set result to NormalCompletion(undefined).
result = normal_completion(js_undefined());
// 19. Suspend evalContext and remove it from the execution context stack.
// NOTE: We don't support this concept yet.
// 20. Resume the context that is now on the top of the execution context stack as the running execution context.
// NOTE: We don't support this concept yet.
// 21. If result.[[Type]] is not normal, throw a TypeError exception.
if (result.type() != Completion::Type::Normal)
return vm.throw_completion<TypeError>(global_object, ErrorType::ShadowRealmEvaluateAbruptCompletion);
// 22. Return ? GetWrappedValue(callerRealm, result.[[Value]]).
return get_wrapped_value(global_object, caller_realm, *result.value());
// NOTE: Also see "Editor's Note" in the spec regarding the TypeError above.
// 3.1.4 ShadowRealmImportValue ( specifierString: a String, exportNameString: a String, callerRealm: a Realm Record, evalRealm: a Realm Record, evalContext: an execution context, ),
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> shadow_realm_import_value(GlobalObject& global_object, String specifier_string, String export_name_string, Realm& caller_realm, Realm& eval_realm, ExecutionContext& eval_context)
auto& vm = global_object.vm();
// 1. Assert: evalContext is an execution context associated to a ShadowRealm instance's [[ExecutionContext]].
// 2. Let innerCapability be ! NewPromiseCapability(%Promise%).
auto inner_capability = MUST(new_promise_capability(global_object, global_object.promise_constructor()));
// 3. Let runningContext be the running execution context.
// 4. If runningContext is not already suspended, suspend runningContext.
// NOTE: We don't support this concept yet.
// 5. Push evalContext onto the execution context stack; evalContext is now the running execution context.
TRY(vm.push_execution_context(eval_context, eval_realm.global_object()));
// 6. Perform ! HostImportModuleDynamically(null, specifierString, innerCapability).
vm.host_import_module_dynamically(Empty {}, ModuleRequest { move(specifier_string) }, inner_capability);
// 7. Suspend evalContext and remove it from the execution context stack.
// NOTE: We don't support this concept yet.
// 8. Resume the context that is now on the top of the execution context stack as the running execution context.
// NOTE: We don't support this concept yet.
// 9. Let steps be the steps of an ExportGetter function as described below.
auto steps = [string = move(export_name_string)](auto& vm, auto& global_object) -> ThrowCompletionOr<Value> {
// 1. Assert: exports is a module namespace exotic object.
auto& exports = vm.argument(0).as_object();
// 2. Let f be the active function object.
auto* function = vm.running_execution_context().function;
// 3. Let string be f.[[ExportNameString]].
// 4. Assert: Type(string) is String.
// 5. Let hasOwn be ? HasOwnProperty(exports, string).
auto has_own = TRY(exports.has_own_property(string));
// 6. If hasOwn is false, throw a TypeError exception.
if (!has_own)
return vm.template throw_completion<TypeError>(global_object, ErrorType::MissingRequiredProperty, string);
// 7. Let value be ? Get(exports, string).
auto value = TRY(exports.get(string));
// 8. Let realm be f.[[Realm]].
auto* realm = function->realm();
// 9. Return ? GetWrappedValue(realm, value).
return get_wrapped_value(global_object, *realm, value);
// 10. Let onFulfilled be ! CreateBuiltinFunction(steps, 1, "", « [[ExportNameString]] », callerRealm).
// 11. Set onFulfilled.[[ExportNameString]] to exportNameString.
auto* on_fulfilled = NativeFunction::create(global_object, move(steps), 1, "", &caller_realm);
// 12. Let promiseCapability be ! NewPromiseCapability(%Promise%).
auto promise_capability = MUST(new_promise_capability(global_object, global_object.promise_constructor()));
// NOTE: Even though the spec tells us to use %ThrowTypeError%, it's not observable if we actually do.
// Throw a nicer TypeError forwarding the import error message instead (we know the argument is an Error object).
auto* throw_type_error = NativeFunction::create(global_object, {}, [](auto& vm, auto& global_object) -> ThrowCompletionOr<Value> {
return vm.template throw_completion<TypeError>(global_object, vm.argument(0).as_object().get_without_side_effects(vm.names.message).as_string().string());
// 13. Return ! PerformPromiseThen(innerCapability.[[Promise]], onFulfilled, callerRealm.[[Intrinsics]].[[%ThrowTypeError%]], promiseCapability).
return verify_cast<Promise>(inner_capability.promise)->perform_then(on_fulfilled, throw_type_error, promise_capability);
// 3.1.5 GetWrappedValue ( callerRealm: a Realm Record, value: unknown, ),
ThrowCompletionOr<Value> get_wrapped_value(GlobalObject& global_object, Realm& caller_realm, Value value)
auto& vm = global_object.vm();
// 1. If Type(value) is Object, then
if (value.is_object()) {
// a. If IsCallable(value) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
if (!value.is_function())
return vm.throw_completion<TypeError>(global_object, ErrorType::ShadowRealmWrappedValueNonFunctionObject, value);
// b. Return ? WrappedFunctionCreate(callerRealm, value).
return TRY(WrappedFunction::create(global_object, caller_realm, value.as_function()));
// 2. Return value.
return value;