const asyncWrapper = require('../middleware/asyncWrapper'); const ErrorResponse = require('../utils/ErrorResponse'); const App = require('../models/App'); const Config = require('../models/Config'); const { Sequelize } = require('sequelize'); const axios = require('axios'); const Logger = require('../utils/Logger'); const logger = new Logger(); const k8s = require('@kubernetes/client-node'); // @desc Create new app // @route POST /api/apps // @access Public exports.createApp = asyncWrapper(async (req, res, next) => { // Get config from database const pinApps = await Config.findOne({ where: { key: 'pinAppsByDefault' }, }); let app; let _body = { ...req.body }; if (req.file) { _body.icon = req.file.filename; } if (pinApps) { if (parseInt(pinApps.value)) { app = await App.create({ ..._body, isPinned: true, }); } else { app = await App.create(req.body); } } res.status(201).json({ success: true, data: app, }); }); // @desc Get all apps // @route GET /api/apps // @access Public exports.getApps = asyncWrapper(async (req, res, next) => { // Get config from database const useOrdering = await Config.findOne({ where: { key: 'useOrdering' }, }); const useDockerApi = await Config.findOne({ where: { key: 'dockerApps' }, }); const useKubernetesApi = await Config.findOne({ where: { key: 'kubernetesApps' }, }); const unpinStoppedApps = await Config.findOne({ where: { key: 'unpinStoppedApps' }, }); const orderType = useOrdering ? useOrdering.value : 'createdAt'; let apps; if (useDockerApi && useDockerApi.value == 1) { let containers = null; try { let { data } = await axios.get( 'http://localhost/containers/json?{"status":["running"]}', { socketPath: '/var/run/docker.sock', } ); containers = data; } catch { logger.log("Can't connect to the docker socket", 'ERROR'); } if (containers) { apps = await App.findAll({ order: [[orderType, 'ASC']], }); containers = containers.filter((e) => Object.keys(e.Labels).length !== 0); const dockerApps = []; for (const container of containers) { const labels = container.Labels; if ( '' in labels && 'flame.url' in labels && /^app/.test(labels['flame.type']) ) { for (let i = 0; i < labels[''].split(';').length; i++) { const names = labels[''].split(';'); const urls = labels['flame.url'].split(';'); const icons = labels['flame.icon'].split(';'); dockerApps.push({ name: names[i] || names[0], url: urls[i] || urls[0], icon: icons[i] || 'docker', }); } } } if (unpinStoppedApps && unpinStoppedApps.value == 1) { for (const app of apps) { await app.update({ isPinned: false }); } } for (const item of dockerApps) { if (apps.some((app) => === { const app = apps.filter((e) => ===[0]; if (item.icon === 'custom') { await app.update({ name:, url: item.url, isPinned: true, }); } else { await app.update({ name:, url: item.url, icon: item.icon, isPinned: true, }); } } else { await App.create({ name:, url: item.url, icon: item.icon === 'custom' ? 'docker' : item.icon, isPinned: true, }); } } } } if (useKubernetesApi && useKubernetesApi.value == 1) { let ingresses = null; try { const kc = new k8s.KubeConfig(); kc.loadFromCluster(); const k8sNetworkingV1Api = kc.makeApiClient(k8s.NetworkingV1Api); await k8sNetworkingV1Api.listIngressForAllNamespaces().then((res) => { ingresses = res.body.items; }); } catch { logger.log("Can't connect to the kubernetes api", 'ERROR'); } if (ingresses) { apps = await App.findAll({ order: [[orderType, 'ASC']], }); ingresses = ingresses.filter( (e) => Object.keys(e.metadata.annotations).length !== 0 ); const kubernetesApps = []; for (const ingress of ingresses) { const annotations = ingress.metadata.annotations; if ( 'flame.pawelmalak/name' in annotations && 'flame.pawelmalak/url' in annotations && /^app/.test(annotations['flame.pawelmalak/type']) ) { kubernetesApps.push({ name: annotations['flame.pawelmalak/name'], url: annotations['flame.pawelmalak/url'], icon: annotations['flame.pawelmalak/icon'] || 'kubernetes', }); } } if (unpinStoppedApps && unpinStoppedApps.value == 1) { for (const app of apps) { await app.update({ isPinned: false }); } } for (const item of kubernetesApps) { if (apps.some((app) => === { const app = apps.filter((e) => ===[0]; await app.update({ ...item, isPinned: true }); } else { await App.create({ ...item, isPinned: true, }); } } } } if (orderType == 'name') { apps = await App.findAll({ order: [[Sequelize.fn('lower', Sequelize.col('name')), 'ASC']], }); } else { apps = await App.findAll({ order: [[orderType, 'ASC']], }); } if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') { // Set header to fetch containers info every time res.status(200).setHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-store').json({ success: true, data: apps, }); return; } res.status(200).json({ success: true, data: apps, }); }); // @desc Get single app // @route GET /api/apps/:id // @access Public exports.getApp = asyncWrapper(async (req, res, next) => { const app = await App.findOne({ where: { id: }, }); if (!app) { return next( new ErrorResponse(`App with id of ${} was not found`, 404) ); } res.status(200).json({ success: true, data: app, }); }); // @desc Update app // @route PUT /api/apps/:id // @access Public exports.updateApp = asyncWrapper(async (req, res, next) => { let app = await App.findOne({ where: { id: }, }); if (!app) { return next( new ErrorResponse(`App with id of ${} was not found`, 404) ); } let _body = { ...req.body }; if (req.file) { _body.icon = req.file.filename; } app = await app.update(_body); res.status(200).json({ success: true, data: app, }); }); // @desc Delete app // @route DELETE /api/apps/:id // @access Public exports.deleteApp = asyncWrapper(async (req, res, next) => { await App.destroy({ where: { id: }, }); res.status(200).json({ success: true, data: {}, }); }); // @desc Reorder apps // @route PUT /api/apps/0/reorder // @access Public exports.reorderApps = asyncWrapper(async (req, res, next) => { req.body.apps.forEach(async ({ id, orderId }) => { await App.update( { orderId }, { where: { id }, } ); }); res.status(200).json({ success: true, data: {}, }); });