package repo import ( "context" "database/sql" "errors" "fmt" "" "" "" ) const BaseShareURL = "" // PublicCollectionRepository defines the methods for inserting, updating and // retrieving entities related to public collections type PublicCollectionRepository struct { DB *sql.DB albumHost string } // NewPublicCollectionRepository .. func NewPublicCollectionRepository(db *sql.DB, albumHost string) *PublicCollectionRepository { if albumHost == "" { albumHost = "" } return &PublicCollectionRepository{ DB: db, albumHost: albumHost, } } func (pcr *PublicCollectionRepository) GetAlbumUrl(token string) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s?t=%s", pcr.albumHost, token) } func (pcr *PublicCollectionRepository) Insert(ctx context.Context, cID int64, token string, validTill int64, deviceLimit int, enableCollect bool) error { _, err := pcr.DB.ExecContext(ctx, `INSERT INTO public_collection_tokens (collection_id, access_token, valid_till, device_limit, enable_collect) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5)`, cID, token, validTill, deviceLimit, enableCollect) if err != nil && err.Error() == "pq: duplicate key value violates unique constraint \"public_active_collection_unique_idx\"" { return ente.ErrActiveLinkAlreadyExists } return stacktrace.Propagate(err, "failed to insert") } func (pcr *PublicCollectionRepository) DisableSharing(ctx context.Context, cID int64) error { _, err := pcr.DB.ExecContext(ctx, `UPDATE public_collection_tokens SET is_disabled = true where collection_id = $1 and is_disabled = false`, cID) return stacktrace.Propagate(err, "failed to disable sharing") } // GetCollectionToActivePublicURLMap will return map of collectionID to PublicURLs which are not disabled yet. // Note: The url could be expired or deviceLimit is already reached func (pcr *PublicCollectionRepository) GetCollectionToActivePublicURLMap(ctx context.Context, collectionIDs []int64) (map[int64][]ente.PublicURL, error) { rows, err := pcr.DB.QueryContext(ctx, `SELECT collection_id, access_token, valid_till, device_limit, enable_download, enable_collect, pw_nonce, mem_limit, ops_limit FROM public_collection_tokens WHERE collection_id = ANY($1) and is_disabled = FALSE`, pq.Array(collectionIDs)) if err != nil { return nil, stacktrace.Propagate(err, "") } defer rows.Close() result := make(map[int64][]ente.PublicURL, 0) for _, cID := range collectionIDs { result[cID] = make([]ente.PublicURL, 0) } for rows.Next() { publicUrl := ente.PublicURL{} var collectionID int64 var accessToken string var nonce *string var opsLimit, memLimit *int64 if err = rows.Scan(&collectionID, &accessToken, &publicUrl.ValidTill, &publicUrl.DeviceLimit, &publicUrl.EnableDownload, &publicUrl.EnableCollect, &nonce, &memLimit, &opsLimit); err != nil { return nil, stacktrace.Propagate(err, "") } publicUrl.URL = pcr.GetAlbumUrl(accessToken) if nonce != nil { publicUrl.Nonce = nonce publicUrl.MemLimit = memLimit publicUrl.OpsLimit = opsLimit publicUrl.PasswordEnabled = true } result[collectionID] = append(result[collectionID], publicUrl) } return result, nil } // GetActivePublicCollectionToken will return ente.PublicCollectionToken for given collection ID // Note: The token could be expired or deviceLimit is already reached func (pcr *PublicCollectionRepository) GetActivePublicCollectionToken(ctx context.Context, collectionID int64) (ente.PublicCollectionToken, error) { row := pcr.DB.QueryRowContext(ctx, `SELECT id, collection_id, access_token, valid_till, device_limit, is_disabled, pw_hash, pw_nonce, mem_limit, ops_limit, enable_download, enable_collect FROM public_collection_tokens WHERE collection_id = $1 and is_disabled = FALSE`, collectionID) //defer rows.Close() ret := ente.PublicCollectionToken{} err := row.Scan(&ret.ID, &ret.CollectionID, &ret.Token, &ret.ValidTill, &ret.DeviceLimit, &ret.IsDisabled, &ret.PassHash, &ret.Nonce, &ret.MemLimit, &ret.OpsLimit, &ret.EnableDownload, &ret.EnableCollect) if err != nil { return ente.PublicCollectionToken{}, stacktrace.Propagate(err, "") } return ret, nil } // UpdatePublicCollectionToken will update the row for corresponding public collection token func (pcr *PublicCollectionRepository) UpdatePublicCollectionToken(ctx context.Context, pct ente.PublicCollectionToken) error { _, err := pcr.DB.ExecContext(ctx, `UPDATE public_collection_tokens SET valid_till = $1, device_limit = $2, pw_hash = $3, pw_nonce = $4, mem_limit = $5, ops_limit = $6, enable_download = $7, enable_collect = $8 where id = $9`, pct.ValidTill, pct.DeviceLimit, pct.PassHash, pct.Nonce, pct.MemLimit, pct.OpsLimit, pct.EnableDownload, pct.EnableCollect, pct.ID) return stacktrace.Propagate(err, "failed to update public collection token") } func (pcr *PublicCollectionRepository) RecordAbuseReport(ctx context.Context, accessCtx ente.PublicAccessContext, url string, reason string, details ente.AbuseReportDetails) error { _, err := pcr.DB.ExecContext(ctx, `INSERT INTO public_abuse_report (share_id, ip, user_agent, url, reason, details) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT unique_report_sid_ip_ua DO UPDATE SET (reason, details) = ($5, $6)`, accessCtx.ID, accessCtx.IP, accessCtx.UserAgent, url, reason, details) return stacktrace.Propagate(err, "failed to record abuse report") } func (pcr *PublicCollectionRepository) GetAbuseReportCount(ctx context.Context, accessCtx ente.PublicAccessContext) (int64, error) { row := pcr.DB.QueryRowContext(ctx, `SELECT count(*) FROM public_abuse_report WHERE share_id = $1`, accessCtx.ID) var count int64 = 0 err := row.Scan(&count) if err != nil { return -1, stacktrace.Propagate(err, "") } return count, nil } func (pcr *PublicCollectionRepository) GetUniqueAccessCount(ctx context.Context, shareId int64) (int64, error) { row := pcr.DB.QueryRowContext(ctx, `SELECT count(*) FROM public_collection_access_history WHERE share_id = $1`, shareId) var count int64 = 0 err := row.Scan(&count) if err != nil { return -1, stacktrace.Propagate(err, "") } return count, nil } func (pcr *PublicCollectionRepository) RecordAccessHistory(ctx context.Context, shareID int64, ip string, ua string) error { _, err := pcr.DB.ExecContext(ctx, `INSERT INTO public_collection_access_history (share_id, ip, user_agent) VALUES ($1, $2, $3) ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT unique_access_sid_ip_ua DO NOTHING;`, shareID, ip, ua) return stacktrace.Propagate(err, "failed to record access history") } // AccessedInPast returns true if the given ip, ua agent combination has accessed the url in the past func (pcr *PublicCollectionRepository) AccessedInPast(ctx context.Context, shareID int64, ip string, ua string) (bool, error) { row := pcr.DB.QueryRowContext(ctx, `select share_id from public_collection_access_history where share_id =$1 and ip = $2 and user_agent = $3`, shareID, ip, ua) var tempID int64 err := row.Scan(&tempID) if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) { return false, nil } return true, stacktrace.Propagate(err, "failed to record access history") } func (pcr *PublicCollectionRepository) GetCollectionSummaryByToken(ctx context.Context, accessToken string) (ente.PublicCollectionSummary, error) { row := pcr.DB.QueryRowContext(ctx, `SELECT, sct.collection_id, sct.is_disabled, sct.valid_till, sct.device_limit, sct.pw_hash, sct.created_at, sct.updated_at, count(ah.share_id) from public_collection_tokens sct LEFT JOIN public_collection_access_history ah ON = ah.share_id where access_token = $1 group by`, accessToken) var result = ente.PublicCollectionSummary{} err := row.Scan(&result.ID, &result.CollectionID, &result.IsDisabled, &result.ValidTill, &result.DeviceLimit, &result.PassHash, &result.CreatedAt, &result.UpdatedAt, &result.DeviceAccessCount) if err != nil { return ente.PublicCollectionSummary{}, stacktrace.Propagate(err, "failed to get public collection summary") } return result, nil } func (pcr *PublicCollectionRepository) GetActivePublicTokenForUser(ctx context.Context, userID int64) ([]int64, error) { rows, err := pcr.DB.QueryContext(ctx, `select pt.collection_id from public_collection_tokens pt left join collections c on pt.collection_id = c.collection_id where pt.is_disabled = FALSE and c.owner_id= $1;`, userID) if err != nil { return nil, stacktrace.Propagate(err, "") } defer rows.Close() result := make([]int64, 0) for rows.Next() { var collectionID int64 err = rows.Scan(&collectionID) if err != nil { return nil, stacktrace.Propagate(err, "") } result = append(result, collectionID) } return result, nil } // CleanupAccessHistory public_collection_access_history where public_collection_tokens is disabled and the last updated time is older than 30 days func (pcr *PublicCollectionRepository) CleanupAccessHistory(ctx context.Context) error { _, err := pcr.DB.ExecContext(ctx, `DELETE FROM public_collection_access_history WHERE share_id IN (SELECT id FROM public_collection_tokens WHERE is_disabled = TRUE AND updated_at < (now_utc_micro_seconds() - (24::BIGINT * 30 * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 1000)))`) if err != nil { return stacktrace.Propagate(err, "failed to clean up public collection access history") } return nil }