#!/bin/sh #Remove all ftp users grep '/ftp/' /etc/passwd | cut -d':' -f1 | xargs -r -n1 deluser #Create users #USERS='name1|password1|[folder1][|uid1] name2|password2|[folder2][|uid2]' #may be: # user|password foo|bar|/home/foo #OR # user|password|/home/user/dir|10000 #OR # user|password||10000 #Default user 'ftp' with password 'alpineftp' if [ -z "$USERS" ]; then USERS="alpineftp|alpineftp" fi for i in $USERS ; do NAME=$(echo $i | cut -d'|' -f1) GROUP=$NAME PASS=$(echo $i | cut -d'|' -f2) FOLDER=$(echo $i | cut -d'|' -f3) UID=$(echo $i | cut -d'|' -f4) if [ -z "$FOLDER" ]; then FOLDER="/ftp/$NAME" fi if [ ! -z "$UID" ]; then UID_OPT="-u $UID" #Check if the group with the same ID already exists GROUP=$(getent group $UID | cut -d: -f1) if [ ! -z "$GROUP" ]; then GROUP_OPT="-G $GROUP" fi fi echo -e "$PASS\n$PASS" | adduser -h $FOLDER -s /sbin/nologin $UID_OPT $GROUP_OPT $NAME mkdir -p $FOLDER chown $NAME:$GROUP $FOLDER unset NAME PASS FOLDER UID done if [ -z "$MIN_PORT" ]; then MIN_PORT=21000 fi if [ -z "$MAX_PORT" ]; then MAX_PORT=21010 fi if [ ! -z "$ADDRESS" ]; then ADDR_OPT="-opasv_address=$ADDRESS" fi # Used to run custom commands inside container if [ ! -z "$1" ]; then exec "$@" else exec /usr/sbin/vsftpd -opasv_min_port=$MIN_PORT -opasv_max_port=$MAX_PORT $ADDR_OPT /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf & sleep infinity fi