package main import ( "fmt" "path/filepath" "" "" "" "" ) func runConfigFeatureFlags(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { flags := cmd.Flags() showRetired, err := flags.GetBool("retired") if err != nil { return err } green := color.New(color.FgGreen).SprintFunc() red := color.New(color.FgRed).SprintFunc() yellow := color.New(color.FgYellow).SprintFunc() magenta := color.New(color.FgMagenta).SprintFunc() printFeature := func(feat fflag.Feature) { nameDesc := feat.Name if feat.Description != "" { nameDesc += ": " + feat.Description } status := red("✗") if feat.IsEnabled() { status = green("✓") } fmt.Printf("%s %s", status, nameDesc) if feat.State == fflag.DeprecatedState { fmt.Printf("\n %s %s", yellow("DEPRECATED"), feat.DeprecationMsg) } if feat.State == fflag.RetiredState { fmt.Printf("\n %s %s", magenta("RETIRED"), feat.DeprecationMsg) } fmt.Println() } feats := fflag.Crowdsec.GetAllFeatures() enabled := []fflag.Feature{} disabled := []fflag.Feature{} retired := []fflag.Feature{} for _, feat := range feats { if feat.State == fflag.RetiredState { retired = append(retired, feat) continue } if feat.IsEnabled() { enabled = append(enabled, feat) continue } disabled = append(disabled, feat) } if len(enabled) > 0 { fmt.Println(" --- Enabled features ---") fmt.Println() for _, feat := range enabled { printFeature(feat) } fmt.Println() } if len(disabled) > 0 { fmt.Println(" --- Disabled features ---") fmt.Println() for _, feat := range disabled { printFeature(feat) } fmt.Println() } fmt.Println("To enable a feature you can: ") fmt.Println(" - set the environment variable CROWDSEC_FEATURE_ to true") featurePath, err := filepath.Abs(csconfig.GetFeatureFilePath(ConfigFilePath)) if err != nil { // we already read the file, shouldn't happen return err } fmt.Printf(" - add the line '- ' to the file %s\n", featurePath) fmt.Println() if len(enabled) == 0 && len(disabled) == 0 { fmt.Println("However, no feature flag is available in this release.") fmt.Println() } if showRetired && len(retired) > 0 { fmt.Println(" --- Retired features ---") fmt.Println() for _, feat := range retired { printFeature(feat) } fmt.Println() } return nil } func NewConfigFeatureFlagsCmd() *cobra.Command { cmdConfigFeatureFlags := &cobra.Command{ Use: "feature-flags", Short: "Displays feature flag status", Long: `Displays the supported feature flags and their current status.`, Args: cobra.ExactArgs(0), DisableAutoGenTag: true, RunE: runConfigFeatureFlags, } flags := cmdConfigFeatureFlags.Flags() flags.Bool("retired", false, "Show retired features") return cmdConfigFeatureFlags }