package main import ( "os" "slices" "time" "" cc "" log "" "" "" "" "" ) var ConfigFilePath string var csConfig *csconfig.Config var dbClient *database.Client type configGetter func() *csconfig.Config var mergedConfig string type cliRoot struct { logTrace bool logDebug bool logInfo bool logWarn bool logErr bool outputColor string outputFormat string // flagBranch overrides the value in csConfig.Cscli.HubBranch flagBranch string } func newCliRoot() *cliRoot { return &cliRoot{} } // cfg() is a helper function to get the configuration loaded from config.yaml, // we pass it to subcommands because the file is not read until the Execute() call func (cli *cliRoot) cfg() *csconfig.Config { return csConfig } // wantedLogLevel returns the log level requested in the command line flags. func (cli *cliRoot) wantedLogLevel() log.Level { switch { case cli.logTrace: return log.TraceLevel case cli.logDebug: return log.DebugLevel case cli.logInfo: return log.InfoLevel case cli.logWarn: return log.WarnLevel case cli.logErr: return log.ErrorLevel default: return log.InfoLevel } } // loadConfigFor loads the configuration file for the given sub-command. // If the sub-command does not need it, it returns a default configuration. func loadConfigFor(command string) (*csconfig.Config, string, error) { noNeedConfig := []string{ "doc", "help", "completion", "version", "hubtest", } if !slices.Contains(noNeedConfig, command) { log.Debugf("Using %s as configuration file", ConfigFilePath) config, merged, err := csconfig.NewConfig(ConfigFilePath, false, false, true) if err != nil { return nil, "", err } return config, merged, nil } return csconfig.NewDefaultConfig(), "", nil } // initialize is called before the subcommand is executed. func (cli *cliRoot) initialize() { var err error log.SetLevel(cli.wantedLogLevel()) csConfig, mergedConfig, err = loadConfigFor(os.Args[1]) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } // recap of the enabled feature flags, because logging // was not enabled when we set them from envvars if fflist := csconfig.ListFeatureFlags(); fflist != "" { log.Debugf("Enabled feature flags: %s", fflist) } if cli.flagBranch != "" { csConfig.Cscli.HubBranch = cli.flagBranch } if cli.outputFormat != "" { csConfig.Cscli.Output = cli.outputFormat } if csConfig.Cscli.Output == "" { csConfig.Cscli.Output = "human" } if csConfig.Cscli.Output != "human" && csConfig.Cscli.Output != "json" && csConfig.Cscli.Output != "raw" { log.Fatalf("output format '%s' not supported: must be one of human, json, raw", csConfig.Cscli.Output) } if csConfig.Cscli.Output == "json" { log.SetFormatter(&log.JSONFormatter{}) log.SetLevel(log.ErrorLevel) } else if csConfig.Cscli.Output == "raw" { log.SetLevel(log.ErrorLevel) } if cli.outputColor != "" { csConfig.Cscli.Color = cli.outputColor if cli.outputColor != "yes" && cli.outputColor != "no" && cli.outputColor != "auto" { log.Fatalf("output color %s unknown", cli.outputColor) } } } // list of valid subcommands for the shell completion var validArgs = []string{ "alerts", "appsec-configs", "appsec-rules", "bouncers", "capi", "collections", "completion", "config", "console", "contexts", "dashboard", "decisions", "explain", "hub", "hubtest", "lapi", "machines", "metrics", "notifications", "parsers", "postoverflows", "scenarios", "simulation", "support", "version", } func (cli *cliRoot) colorize(cmd *cobra.Command) { cc.Init(&cc.Config{ RootCmd: cmd, Headings: cc.Yellow, Commands: cc.Green + cc.Bold, CmdShortDescr: cc.Cyan, Example: cc.Italic, ExecName: cc.Bold, Aliases: cc.Bold + cc.Italic, FlagsDataType: cc.White, Flags: cc.Green, FlagsDescr: cc.Cyan, NoExtraNewlines: true, NoBottomNewline: true, }) cmd.SetOut(color.Output) } func (cli *cliRoot) NewCommand() *cobra.Command { // set the formatter asap and worry about level later logFormatter := &log.TextFormatter{TimestampFormat: time.RFC3339, FullTimestamp: true} log.SetFormatter(logFormatter) if err := fflag.RegisterAllFeatures(); err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to register features: %s", err) } if err := csconfig.LoadFeatureFlagsEnv(log.StandardLogger()); err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to set feature flags from env: %s", err) } cmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "cscli", Short: "cscli allows you to manage crowdsec", Long: `cscli is the main command to interact with your crowdsec service, scenarios & db. It is meant to allow you to manage bans, parsers/scenarios/etc, api and generally manage you crowdsec setup.`, ValidArgs: validArgs, DisableAutoGenTag: true, SilenceErrors: true, SilenceUsage: true, /*TBD examples*/ } cli.colorize(cmd) /*don't sort flags so we can enforce order*/ cmd.Flags().SortFlags = false pflags := cmd.PersistentFlags() pflags.SortFlags = false pflags.StringVarP(&ConfigFilePath, "config", "c", csconfig.DefaultConfigPath("config.yaml"), "path to crowdsec config file") pflags.StringVarP(&cli.outputFormat, "output", "o", "", "Output format: human, json, raw") pflags.StringVarP(&cli.outputColor, "color", "", "auto", "Output color: yes, no, auto") pflags.BoolVar(&cli.logDebug, "debug", false, "Set logging to debug") pflags.BoolVar(&cli.logInfo, "info", false, "Set logging to info") pflags.BoolVar(&cli.logWarn, "warning", false, "Set logging to warning") pflags.BoolVar(&cli.logErr, "error", false, "Set logging to error") pflags.BoolVar(&cli.logTrace, "trace", false, "Set logging to trace") pflags.StringVar(&cli.flagBranch, "branch", "", "Override hub branch on github") if err := pflags.MarkHidden("branch"); err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to hide flag: %s", err) } // Look for "-c /path/to/config.yaml" // This duplicates the logic in cobra, but we need to do it before // because feature flags can change which subcommands are available. for i, arg := range os.Args { if arg == "-c" || arg == "--config" { if len(os.Args) > i+1 { ConfigFilePath = os.Args[i+1] } } } if err := csconfig.LoadFeatureFlagsFile(ConfigFilePath, log.StandardLogger()); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } if len(os.Args) > 1 { cobra.OnInitialize(cli.initialize) } cmd.AddCommand(NewCLIDoc().NewCommand(cmd)) cmd.AddCommand(NewCLIVersion().NewCommand()) cmd.AddCommand(NewCLIConfig(cli.cfg).NewCommand()) cmd.AddCommand(NewCLIHub(cli.cfg).NewCommand()) cmd.AddCommand(NewCLIMetrics(cli.cfg).NewCommand()) cmd.AddCommand(NewCLIDashboard(cli.cfg).NewCommand()) cmd.AddCommand(NewCLIDecisions(cli.cfg).NewCommand()) cmd.AddCommand(NewCLIAlerts(cli.cfg).NewCommand()) cmd.AddCommand(NewCLISimulation(cli.cfg).NewCommand()) cmd.AddCommand(NewCLIBouncers(cli.cfg).NewCommand()) cmd.AddCommand(NewCLIMachines(cli.cfg).NewCommand()) cmd.AddCommand(NewCLICapi(cli.cfg).NewCommand()) cmd.AddCommand(NewCLILapi(cli.cfg).NewCommand()) cmd.AddCommand(NewCompletionCmd()) cmd.AddCommand(NewCLIConsole(cli.cfg).NewCommand()) cmd.AddCommand(NewCLIExplain(cli.cfg).NewCommand()) cmd.AddCommand(NewCLIHubTest(cli.cfg).NewCommand()) cmd.AddCommand(NewCLINotifications(cli.cfg).NewCommand()) cmd.AddCommand(NewCLISupport().NewCommand()) cmd.AddCommand(NewCLIPapi(cli.cfg).NewCommand()) cmd.AddCommand(NewCLICollection().NewCommand()) cmd.AddCommand(NewCLIParser().NewCommand()) cmd.AddCommand(NewCLIScenario().NewCommand()) cmd.AddCommand(NewCLIPostOverflow().NewCommand()) cmd.AddCommand(NewCLIContext().NewCommand()) cmd.AddCommand(NewCLIAppsecConfig().NewCommand()) cmd.AddCommand(NewCLIAppsecRule().NewCommand()) if fflag.CscliSetup.IsEnabled() { cmd.AddCommand(NewSetupCmd()) } return cmd } func main() { cmd := newCliRoot().NewCommand() if err := cmd.Execute(); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } }