package main import ( "context" "encoding/csv" "encoding/json" "fmt" "net/url" "os" "strings" "" "" log "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func NewConsoleCmd() *cobra.Command { var cmdConsole = &cobra.Command{ Use: "console [action]", Short: "Manage interaction with Crowdsec console (", Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(1), DisableAutoGenTag: true, PersistentPreRunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { if err := require.LAPI(csConfig); err != nil { return err } if err := require.CAPI(csConfig); err != nil { return err } if err := require.CAPIRegistered(csConfig); err != nil { return err } return nil }, } name := "" overwrite := false tags := []string{} opts := []string{} cmdEnroll := &cobra.Command{ Use: "enroll [enroll-key]", Short: "Enroll this instance to [requires local API]", Long: ` Enroll this instance to You can get your enrollment key by creating an account on After running this command your will need to validate the enrollment in the webapp.`, Example: fmt.Sprintf(`cscli console enroll YOUR-ENROLL-KEY cscli console enroll --name [instance_name] YOUR-ENROLL-KEY cscli console enroll --name [instance_name] --tags [tag_1] --tags [tag_2] YOUR-ENROLL-KEY cscli console enroll --enable context,manual YOUR-ENROLL-KEY valid options are : %s,all (see 'cscli console status' for details)`, strings.Join(csconfig.CONSOLE_CONFIGS, ",")), Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1), DisableAutoGenTag: true, RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { password := strfmt.Password(csConfig.API.Server.OnlineClient.Credentials.Password) apiURL, err := url.Parse(csConfig.API.Server.OnlineClient.Credentials.URL) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not parse CAPI URL: %s", err) } hub, err := require.Hub(csConfig, nil, nil) if err != nil { return err } scenarios, err := hub.GetInstalledItemNames(cwhub.SCENARIOS) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to get installed scenarios: %s", err) } if len(scenarios) == 0 { scenarios = make([]string, 0) } enable_opts := []string{csconfig.SEND_MANUAL_SCENARIOS, csconfig.SEND_TAINTED_SCENARIOS} if len(opts) != 0 { for _, opt := range opts { valid := false if opt == "all" { enable_opts = csconfig.CONSOLE_CONFIGS break } for _, available_opt := range csconfig.CONSOLE_CONFIGS { if opt == available_opt { valid = true enable := true for _, enabled_opt := range enable_opts { if opt == enabled_opt { enable = false continue } } if enable { enable_opts = append(enable_opts, opt) } break } } if !valid { return fmt.Errorf("option %s doesn't exist", opt) } } } c, _ := apiclient.NewClient(&apiclient.Config{ MachineID: csConfig.API.Server.OnlineClient.Credentials.Login, Password: password, Scenarios: scenarios, UserAgent: fmt.Sprintf("crowdsec/%s", version.String()), URL: apiURL, VersionPrefix: "v3", }) resp, err := c.Auth.EnrollWatcher(context.Background(), args[0], name, tags, overwrite) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not enroll instance: %s", err) } if resp.Response.StatusCode == 200 && !overwrite { log.Warning("Instance already enrolled. You can use '--overwrite' to force enroll") return nil } if err := SetConsoleOpts(enable_opts, true); err != nil { return err } for _, opt := range enable_opts { log.Infof("Enabled %s : %s", opt, csconfig.CONSOLE_CONFIGS_HELP[opt]) } log.Info("Watcher successfully enrolled. Visit to accept it.") log.Info("Please restart crowdsec after accepting the enrollment.") return nil }, } cmdEnroll.Flags().StringVarP(&name, "name", "n", "", "Name to display in the console") cmdEnroll.Flags().BoolVarP(&overwrite, "overwrite", "", false, "Force enroll the instance") cmdEnroll.Flags().StringSliceVarP(&tags, "tags", "t", tags, "Tags to display in the console") cmdEnroll.Flags().StringSliceVarP(&opts, "enable", "e", opts, "Enable console options") cmdConsole.AddCommand(cmdEnroll) var enableAll, disableAll bool cmdEnable := &cobra.Command{ Use: "enable [option]", Short: "Enable a console option", Example: "sudo cscli console enable tainted", Long: ` Enable given information push to the central API. Allows to empower the console`, ValidArgs: csconfig.CONSOLE_CONFIGS, DisableAutoGenTag: true, RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { if enableAll { if err := SetConsoleOpts(csconfig.CONSOLE_CONFIGS, true); err != nil { return err } log.Infof("All features have been enabled successfully") } else { if len(args) == 0 { return fmt.Errorf("you must specify at least one feature to enable") } if err := SetConsoleOpts(args, true); err != nil { return err } log.Infof("%v have been enabled", args) } log.Infof(ReloadMessage()) return nil }, } cmdEnable.Flags().BoolVarP(&enableAll, "all", "a", false, "Enable all console options") cmdConsole.AddCommand(cmdEnable) cmdDisable := &cobra.Command{ Use: "disable [option]", Short: "Disable a console option", Example: "sudo cscli console disable tainted", Long: ` Disable given information push to the central API.`, ValidArgs: csconfig.CONSOLE_CONFIGS, DisableAutoGenTag: true, RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { if disableAll { if err := SetConsoleOpts(csconfig.CONSOLE_CONFIGS, false); err != nil { return err } log.Infof("All features have been disabled") } else { if err := SetConsoleOpts(args, false); err != nil { return err } log.Infof("%v have been disabled", args) } log.Infof(ReloadMessage()) return nil }, } cmdDisable.Flags().BoolVarP(&disableAll, "all", "a", false, "Disable all console options") cmdConsole.AddCommand(cmdDisable) cmdConsoleStatus := &cobra.Command{ Use: "status", Short: "Shows status of the console options", Example: `sudo cscli console status`, DisableAutoGenTag: true, RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { switch csConfig.Cscli.Output { case "human": cmdConsoleStatusTable(color.Output, *csConfig) case "json": c := csConfig.API.Server.ConsoleConfig out := map[string](*bool){ csconfig.SEND_MANUAL_SCENARIOS: c.ShareManualDecisions, csconfig.SEND_CUSTOM_SCENARIOS: c.ShareCustomScenarios, csconfig.SEND_TAINTED_SCENARIOS: c.ShareTaintedScenarios, csconfig.SEND_CONTEXT: c.ShareContext, csconfig.CONSOLE_MANAGEMENT: c.ConsoleManagement, } data, err := json.MarshalIndent(out, "", " ") if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal configuration: %s", err) } fmt.Println(string(data)) case "raw": csvwriter := csv.NewWriter(os.Stdout) err := csvwriter.Write([]string{"option", "enabled"}) if err != nil { return err } rows := [][]string{ {csconfig.SEND_MANUAL_SCENARIOS, fmt.Sprintf("%t", *csConfig.API.Server.ConsoleConfig.ShareManualDecisions)}, {csconfig.SEND_CUSTOM_SCENARIOS, fmt.Sprintf("%t", *csConfig.API.Server.ConsoleConfig.ShareCustomScenarios)}, {csconfig.SEND_TAINTED_SCENARIOS, fmt.Sprintf("%t", *csConfig.API.Server.ConsoleConfig.ShareTaintedScenarios)}, {csconfig.SEND_CONTEXT, fmt.Sprintf("%t", *csConfig.API.Server.ConsoleConfig.ShareContext)}, {csconfig.CONSOLE_MANAGEMENT, fmt.Sprintf("%t", *csConfig.API.Server.ConsoleConfig.ConsoleManagement)}, } for _, row := range rows { err = csvwriter.Write(row) if err != nil { return err } } csvwriter.Flush() } return nil }, } cmdConsole.AddCommand(cmdConsoleStatus) return cmdConsole } func dumpConsoleConfig(c *csconfig.LocalApiServerCfg) error { out, err := yaml.Marshal(c.ConsoleConfig) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("while marshaling ConsoleConfig (for %s): %w", c.ConsoleConfigPath, err) } if c.ConsoleConfigPath == "" { c.ConsoleConfigPath = csconfig.DefaultConsoleConfigFilePath log.Debugf("Empty console_path, defaulting to %s", c.ConsoleConfigPath) } if err := os.WriteFile(c.ConsoleConfigPath, out, 0o600); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("while dumping console config to %s: %w", c.ConsoleConfigPath, err) } return nil } func SetConsoleOpts(args []string, wanted bool) error { for _, arg := range args { switch arg { case csconfig.CONSOLE_MANAGEMENT: /*for each flag check if it's already set before setting it*/ if csConfig.API.Server.ConsoleConfig.ConsoleManagement != nil { if *csConfig.API.Server.ConsoleConfig.ConsoleManagement == wanted { log.Debugf("%s already set to %t", csconfig.CONSOLE_MANAGEMENT, wanted) } else { log.Infof("%s set to %t", csconfig.CONSOLE_MANAGEMENT, wanted) *csConfig.API.Server.ConsoleConfig.ConsoleManagement = wanted } } else { log.Infof("%s set to %t", csconfig.CONSOLE_MANAGEMENT, wanted) csConfig.API.Server.ConsoleConfig.ConsoleManagement = ptr.Of(wanted) } if csConfig.API.Server.OnlineClient.Credentials != nil { changed := false if wanted && csConfig.API.Server.OnlineClient.Credentials.PapiURL == "" { changed = true csConfig.API.Server.OnlineClient.Credentials.PapiURL = types.PAPIBaseURL } else if !wanted && csConfig.API.Server.OnlineClient.Credentials.PapiURL != "" { changed = true csConfig.API.Server.OnlineClient.Credentials.PapiURL = "" } if changed { fileContent, err := yaml.Marshal(csConfig.API.Server.OnlineClient.Credentials) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("cannot marshal credentials: %s", err) } log.Infof("Updating credentials file: %s", csConfig.API.Server.OnlineClient.CredentialsFilePath) err = os.WriteFile(csConfig.API.Server.OnlineClient.CredentialsFilePath, fileContent, 0o600) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("cannot write credentials file: %s", err) } } } case csconfig.SEND_CUSTOM_SCENARIOS: /*for each flag check if it's already set before setting it*/ if csConfig.API.Server.ConsoleConfig.ShareCustomScenarios != nil { if *csConfig.API.Server.ConsoleConfig.ShareCustomScenarios == wanted { log.Debugf("%s already set to %t", csconfig.SEND_CUSTOM_SCENARIOS, wanted) } else { log.Infof("%s set to %t", csconfig.SEND_CUSTOM_SCENARIOS, wanted) *csConfig.API.Server.ConsoleConfig.ShareCustomScenarios = wanted } } else { log.Infof("%s set to %t", csconfig.SEND_CUSTOM_SCENARIOS, wanted) csConfig.API.Server.ConsoleConfig.ShareCustomScenarios = ptr.Of(wanted) } case csconfig.SEND_TAINTED_SCENARIOS: /*for each flag check if it's already set before setting it*/ if csConfig.API.Server.ConsoleConfig.ShareTaintedScenarios != nil { if *csConfig.API.Server.ConsoleConfig.ShareTaintedScenarios == wanted { log.Debugf("%s already set to %t", csconfig.SEND_TAINTED_SCENARIOS, wanted) } else { log.Infof("%s set to %t", csconfig.SEND_TAINTED_SCENARIOS, wanted) *csConfig.API.Server.ConsoleConfig.ShareTaintedScenarios = wanted } } else { log.Infof("%s set to %t", csconfig.SEND_TAINTED_SCENARIOS, wanted) csConfig.API.Server.ConsoleConfig.ShareTaintedScenarios = ptr.Of(wanted) } case csconfig.SEND_MANUAL_SCENARIOS: /*for each flag check if it's already set before setting it*/ if csConfig.API.Server.ConsoleConfig.ShareManualDecisions != nil { if *csConfig.API.Server.ConsoleConfig.ShareManualDecisions == wanted { log.Debugf("%s already set to %t", csconfig.SEND_MANUAL_SCENARIOS, wanted) } else { log.Infof("%s set to %t", csconfig.SEND_MANUAL_SCENARIOS, wanted) *csConfig.API.Server.ConsoleConfig.ShareManualDecisions = wanted } } else { log.Infof("%s set to %t", csconfig.SEND_MANUAL_SCENARIOS, wanted) csConfig.API.Server.ConsoleConfig.ShareManualDecisions = ptr.Of(wanted) } case csconfig.SEND_CONTEXT: /*for each flag check if it's already set before setting it*/ if csConfig.API.Server.ConsoleConfig.ShareContext != nil { if *csConfig.API.Server.ConsoleConfig.ShareContext == wanted { log.Debugf("%s already set to %t", csconfig.SEND_CONTEXT, wanted) } else { log.Infof("%s set to %t", csconfig.SEND_CONTEXT, wanted) *csConfig.API.Server.ConsoleConfig.ShareContext = wanted } } else { log.Infof("%s set to %t", csconfig.SEND_CONTEXT, wanted) csConfig.API.Server.ConsoleConfig.ShareContext = ptr.Of(wanted) } default: return fmt.Errorf("unknown flag %s", arg) } } if err := dumpConsoleConfig(csConfig.API.Server); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed writing console config: %s", err) } return nil }