#!/usr/bin/env bats # vim: ft=bats:list:ts=8:sts=4:sw=4:et:ai:si: set -u setup_file() { load "../lib/setup_file.sh" sockdir=$(TMPDIR="$BATS_FILE_TMPDIR" mktemp -u) export sockdir mkdir -p "$sockdir" socket="$sockdir/crowdsec_api.sock" export socket LOCAL_API_CREDENTIALS=$(config_get '.api.client.credentials_path') export LOCAL_API_CREDENTIALS } teardown_file() { load "../lib/teardown_file.sh" } setup() { load "../lib/setup.sh" load "../lib/bats-file/load.bash" ./instance-data load config_set ".api.server.listen_socket=strenv(socket)" } teardown() { ./instance-crowdsec stop } #---------- @test "cscli - connects from existing machine with socket" { config_set "$LOCAL_API_CREDENTIALS" ".url=strenv(socket)" ./instance-crowdsec start rune -0 cscli lapi status assert_stderr --regexp "Trying to authenticate with username .* on $socket" assert_stderr --partial "You can successfully interact with Local API (LAPI)" } @test "crowdsec - listen on both socket and TCP" { ./instance-crowdsec start rune -0 cscli lapi status assert_stderr --regexp "Trying to authenticate with username .* on" assert_stderr --partial "You can successfully interact with Local API (LAPI)" config_set "$LOCAL_API_CREDENTIALS" ".url=strenv(socket)" rune -0 cscli lapi status assert_stderr --regexp "Trying to authenticate with username .* on $socket" assert_stderr --partial "You can successfully interact with Local API (LAPI)" } @test "cscli - authenticate new machine with socket" { # verify that if a listen_uri and a socket are set, the socket is used # by default when creating a local machine. rune -0 cscli machines delete "$(cscli machines list -o json | jq -r '.[].machineId')" # this one should be using the socket rune -0 cscli machines add --auto --force using=$(config_get "$LOCAL_API_CREDENTIALS" ".url") assert [ "$using" = "$socket" ] # disable the agent because it counts as a first authentication config_disable_agent ./instance-crowdsec start # the machine does not have an IP yet rune -0 cscli machines list -o json rune -0 jq -r '.[].ipAddress' <(output) assert_output null # upon first authentication, it's assigned to localhost rune -0 cscli lapi status rune -0 cscli machines list -o json rune -0 jq -r '.[].ipAddress' <(output) assert_output } bouncer_http() { URI="$1" curl -fs -H "X-Api-Key: $API_KEY" "http://localhost:8080$URI" } bouncer_socket() { URI="$1" curl -fs -H "X-Api-Key: $API_KEY" --unix-socket "$socket" "http://localhost$URI" } @test "lapi - connects from existing bouncer with socket" { ./instance-crowdsec start API_KEY=$(cscli bouncers add testbouncer -o raw) export API_KEY # the bouncer does not have an IP yet rune -0 cscli bouncers list -o json rune -0 jq -r '.[].ip_address' <(output) assert_output "" # upon first authentication, it's assigned to localhost rune -0 bouncer_socket '/v1/decisions' assert_output 'null' refute_stderr rune -0 cscli bouncers list -o json rune -0 jq -r '.[].ip_address' <(output) assert_output "" # we can still use TCP of course rune -0 bouncer_http '/v1/decisions' assert_output 'null' refute_stderr } @test "lapi - listen on socket only" { config_set "del(.api.server.listen_uri)" mkdir -p "$sockdir" # agent is not able to connect right now config_disable_agent ./instance-crowdsec start API_KEY=$(cscli bouncers add testbouncer -o raw) export API_KEY # now we can't rune -1 cscli lapi status assert_stderr --partial "connection refused" rune -7 bouncer_http '/v1/decisions' refute_output refute_stderr # here we can config_set "$LOCAL_API_CREDENTIALS" ".url=strenv(socket)" rune -0 cscli lapi status rune -0 bouncer_socket '/v1/decisions' assert_output 'null' refute_stderr }