package exprhelpers import ( "fmt" "strconv" "strings" "" "" log "" ) type ExprRuntimeDebug struct { Logger *log.Entry Lines []string Outputs []OpOutput } var IndentStep = 4 // we use this struct to store the output of the expr runtime type OpOutput struct { Code string //relevant code part CodeDepth int //level of nesting BlockStart bool BlockEnd bool Func bool //true if it's a function call FuncName string Args []string FuncResults []string // Comparison bool //true if it's a comparison Negated bool Left string Right string // JumpIf bool //true if it's conditional jump IfTrue bool IfFalse bool // Condition bool //true if it's a condition ConditionIn bool ConditionContains bool //used for comparisons, conditional jumps and conditions StrConditionResult string ConditionResult *bool //should always be present for conditions // Finalized bool //used when a node is finalized, we already fetched result from next OP } func (o *OpOutput) String() string { ret := fmt.Sprintf("%*c", o.CodeDepth, ' ') if len(o.Code) != 0 { ret += fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", o.Code) } ret += " " switch { case o.BlockStart: ret = fmt.Sprintf("%*cBLOCK_START [%s]", o.CodeDepth-IndentStep, ' ', o.Code) return ret case o.BlockEnd: indent := o.CodeDepth - (IndentStep * 2) if indent < 0 { indent = 0 } ret = fmt.Sprintf("%*cBLOCK_END [%s]", indent, ' ', o.Code) if len(o.StrConditionResult) > 0 { ret += fmt.Sprintf(" -> %s", o.StrConditionResult) } return ret //A block end can carry a value, for example if it's a count, any, all etc. XXX case o.Func: return ret + fmt.Sprintf("%s(%s) = %s", o.FuncName, strings.Join(o.Args, ", "), strings.Join(o.FuncResults, ", ")) case o.Comparison: if o.Negated { ret += "NOT " } ret += fmt.Sprintf("%s == %s -> %s", o.Left, o.Right, o.StrConditionResult) return ret case o.ConditionIn: return ret + fmt.Sprintf("%s in %s -> %s", o.Args[0], o.Args[1], o.StrConditionResult) case o.ConditionContains: return ret + fmt.Sprintf("%s contains %s -> %s", o.Args[0], o.Args[1], o.StrConditionResult) case o.JumpIf && o.IfTrue: if o.ConditionResult != nil { if *o.ConditionResult { return ret + "OR -> false" } return ret + "OR -> true" } return ret + "OR(?)" case o.JumpIf && o.IfFalse: if o.ConditionResult != nil { if *o.ConditionResult { return ret + "AND -> true" } return ret + "AND -> false" } return ret + "AND(?)" } return ret + "" } func (erp ExprRuntimeDebug) extractCode(ip int, program *vm.Program, parts []string) string { //log.Tracef("# extracting code for ip %d [%s]", ip, parts[1]) if program.Locations[ip].Line == 0 { //it seems line is zero when it's not actual code (ie. op push at the beginning) log.Tracef("zero location ?") return "" } startLine := program.Locations[ip].Line startColumn := program.Locations[ip].Column lines := strings.Split(program.Source.Content(), "\n") endCol := 0 endLine := 0 for i := ip + 1; i < len(program.Locations); i++ { if program.Locations[i].Line > startLine || (program.Locations[i].Line == startLine && program.Locations[i].Column > startColumn) { //we didn't had values yet and it's superior to current one, take it if endLine == 0 && endCol == 0 { endLine = program.Locations[i].Line endCol = program.Locations[i].Column } //however, we are looking for the closest upper one if program.Locations[i].Line < endLine || (program.Locations[i].Line == endLine && program.Locations[i].Column < endCol) { endLine = program.Locations[i].Line endCol = program.Locations[i].Column } } } //maybe it was the last instruction ? if endCol == 0 && endLine == 0 { endLine = len(lines) endCol = len(lines[endLine-1]) } code_snippet := "" startLine -= 1 //line count starts at 1 endLine -= 1 for i := startLine; i <= endLine; i++ { if i == startLine { if startLine != endLine { code_snippet += lines[i][startColumn:] continue } code_snippet += lines[i][startColumn:endCol] break } if i == endLine { code_snippet += lines[i][:endCol] break } code_snippet += lines[i] } log.Tracef("#code extract for ip %d [%s] -> '%s'", ip, parts[1], code_snippet) return cleanTextForDebug(code_snippet) } func autoQuote(v any) string { switch x := v.(type) { case string: //let's avoid printing long strings. it can happen ie. when we are debugging expr with `File()` or similar helpers if len(x) > 40 { return fmt.Sprintf("%q", x[:40]+"...") } else { return fmt.Sprintf("%q", x) } default: return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x) } } func (erp ExprRuntimeDebug) ipDebug(ip int, vm *vm.VM, program *vm.Program, parts []string, outputs []OpOutput) ([]OpOutput, error) { IdxOut := len(outputs) prevIdxOut := 0 currentDepth := 0 //when there is a function call or comparison, we need to wait for the next instruction to get the result and "finalize" the previous one if IdxOut > 0 { prevIdxOut = IdxOut - 1 currentDepth = outputs[prevIdxOut].CodeDepth if outputs[prevIdxOut].Func && !outputs[prevIdxOut].Finalized { stack := vm.Stack() num_items := 1 for i := len(stack) - 1; i >= 0 && num_items > 0; i-- { outputs[prevIdxOut].FuncResults = append(outputs[prevIdxOut].FuncResults, autoQuote(stack[i])) num_items-- } outputs[prevIdxOut].Finalized = true } else if (outputs[prevIdxOut].Comparison || outputs[prevIdxOut].Condition) && !outputs[prevIdxOut].Finalized { stack := vm.Stack() outputs[prevIdxOut].StrConditionResult = fmt.Sprintf("%+v", stack) if val, ok := stack[0].(bool); ok { outputs[prevIdxOut].ConditionResult = new(bool) *outputs[prevIdxOut].ConditionResult = val } outputs[prevIdxOut].Finalized = true } } erp.Logger.Tracef("[STEP %d:%s] (stack:%+v) (parts:%+v) {depth:%d}", ip, parts[1], vm.Stack(), parts, currentDepth) out := OpOutput{} out.CodeDepth = currentDepth out.Code = erp.extractCode(ip, program, parts) switch parts[1] { case "OpBegin": out.CodeDepth += IndentStep out.BlockStart = true outputs = append(outputs, out) case "OpEnd": out.CodeDepth -= IndentStep out.BlockEnd = true //OpEnd can carry value, if it's any/all/count etc. if len(vm.Stack()) > 0 { out.StrConditionResult = fmt.Sprintf("%v", vm.Stack()) } outputs = append(outputs, out) case "OpNot": //negate the previous condition outputs[prevIdxOut].Negated = true case "OpTrue": //generated when possible ? (1 == 1) out.Condition = true out.ConditionResult = new(bool) *out.ConditionResult = true out.StrConditionResult = "true" outputs = append(outputs, out) case "OpFalse": //generated when possible ? (1 != 1) out.Condition = true out.ConditionResult = new(bool) *out.ConditionResult = false out.StrConditionResult = "false" outputs = append(outputs, out) case "OpJumpIfTrue": //OR stack := vm.Stack() out.JumpIf = true out.IfTrue = true out.StrConditionResult = fmt.Sprintf("%v", stack[0]) if val, ok := stack[0].(bool); ok { out.ConditionResult = new(bool) *out.ConditionResult = val } outputs = append(outputs, out) case "OpJumpIfFalse": //AND stack := vm.Stack() out.JumpIf = true out.IfFalse = true out.StrConditionResult = fmt.Sprintf("%v", stack[0]) if val, ok := stack[0].(bool); ok { out.ConditionResult = new(bool) *out.ConditionResult = val } outputs = append(outputs, out) case "OpCall1": //Op for function calls out.Func = true out.FuncName = parts[3] stack := vm.Stack() num_items := 1 for i := len(stack) - 1; i >= 0 && num_items > 0; i-- { out.Args = append(out.Args, autoQuote(stack[i])) num_items-- } outputs = append(outputs, out) case "OpCall2": //Op for function calls out.Func = true out.FuncName = parts[3] stack := vm.Stack() num_items := 2 for i := len(stack) - 1; i >= 0 && num_items > 0; i-- { out.Args = append(out.Args, autoQuote(stack[i])) num_items-- } outputs = append(outputs, out) case "OpCall3": //Op for function calls out.Func = true out.FuncName = parts[3] stack := vm.Stack() num_items := 3 for i := len(stack) - 1; i >= 0 && num_items > 0; i-- { out.Args = append(out.Args, autoQuote(stack[i])) num_items-- } outputs = append(outputs, out) //double check OpCallFast and OpCallTyped case "OpCallFast", "OpCallTyped": // case "OpCallN": //Op for function calls with more than 3 args out.Func = true out.FuncName = parts[1] stack := vm.Stack() //for OpCallN, we get the number of args if len(program.Arguments) >= ip { nb_args := program.Arguments[ip] if nb_args > 0 { //we need to skip the top item on stack for i := len(stack) - 2; i >= 0 && nb_args > 0; i-- { out.Args = append(out.Args, autoQuote(stack[i])) nb_args-- } } } else { //let's blindly take the items on stack for _, val := range vm.Stack() { out.Args = append(out.Args, autoQuote(val)) } } outputs = append(outputs, out) case "OpEqualString", "OpEqual", "OpEqualInt": //comparisons stack := vm.Stack() out.Comparison = true out.Left = autoQuote(stack[0]) out.Right = autoQuote(stack[1]) outputs = append(outputs, out) case "OpIn": //in operator stack := vm.Stack() out.Condition = true out.ConditionIn = true //seems that we tend to receive stack[1] as a map. //it is tempting to use reflect to extract keys, but we end up with an array that doesn't match the initial order //(because of the random order of the map) out.Args = append(out.Args, autoQuote(stack[0])) out.Args = append(out.Args, autoQuote(stack[1])) outputs = append(outputs, out) case "OpContains": //kind OpIn , but reverse stack := vm.Stack() out.Condition = true out.ConditionContains = true //seems that we tend to receive stack[1] as a map. //it is tempting to use reflect to extract keys, but we end up with an array that doesn't match the initial order //(because of the random order of the map) out.Args = append(out.Args, autoQuote(stack[0])) out.Args = append(out.Args, autoQuote(stack[1])) outputs = append(outputs, out) } return outputs, nil } func (erp ExprRuntimeDebug) ipSeek(ip int) []string { for i := 0; i < len(erp.Lines); i++ { parts := strings.Split(erp.Lines[i], "\t") if parts[0] == strconv.Itoa(ip) { return parts } } return nil } func Run(program *vm.Program, env interface{}, logger *log.Entry, debug bool) (any, error) { if debug { dbgInfo, ret, err := RunWithDebug(program, env, logger) DisplayExprDebug(program, dbgInfo, logger, ret) return ret, err } return expr.Run(program, env) } func cleanTextForDebug(text string) string { text = strings.Join(strings.Fields(text), " ") text = strings.Trim(text, " \t\n") return text } func DisplayExprDebug(program *vm.Program, outputs []OpOutput, logger *log.Entry, ret any) { logger.Debugf("dbg(result=%v): %s", ret, cleanTextForDebug(program.Source.Content())) for _, output := range outputs { logger.Debugf("%s", output.String()) } } // TBD: Based on the level of the logger (ie. trace vs debug) we could decide to add more low level instructions (pop, push, etc.) func RunWithDebug(program *vm.Program, env interface{}, logger *log.Entry) ([]OpOutput, any, error) { var outputs []OpOutput = []OpOutput{} var buf strings.Builder var erp ExprRuntimeDebug = ExprRuntimeDebug{ Logger: logger, } var debugErr chan error = make(chan error) vm := vm.Debug() done := false program.Opcodes(&buf) lines := strings.Split(buf.String(), "\n") erp.Lines = lines go func() { var err error erp.Logger.Tracef("[START] ip 0") ops := erp.ipSeek(0) if ops == nil { debugErr <- fmt.Errorf("failed getting ops for ip 0") return } if outputs, err = erp.ipDebug(0, vm, program, ops, outputs); err != nil { debugErr <- fmt.Errorf("error while debugging at ip 0") } vm.Step() for ip := range vm.Position() { ops := erp.ipSeek(ip) if ops == nil { //we reached the end of the program, we shouldn't throw an error erp.Logger.Tracef("[DONE] ip %d", ip) debugErr <- nil return } if outputs, err = erp.ipDebug(ip, vm, program, ops, outputs); err != nil { debugErr <- fmt.Errorf("error while debugging at ip %d", ip) return } if done { debugErr <- nil return } vm.Step() } debugErr <- nil }() var return_error error ret, err := vm.Run(program, env) done = true //if the expr runtime failed, we don't need to wait for the debug to finish if err != nil { return_error = err } else { err = <-debugErr if err != nil { log.Warningf("error while debugging expr: %s", err) } } //the overall result of expression is the result of last op ? if len(outputs) > 0 { lastOutIdx := len(outputs) if lastOutIdx > 0 { lastOutIdx -= 1 } switch val := ret.(type) { case bool: log.Tracef("completing with bool %t", ret) //if outputs[lastOutIdx].Comparison { outputs[lastOutIdx].StrConditionResult = fmt.Sprintf("%v", ret) outputs[lastOutIdx].ConditionResult = new(bool) *outputs[lastOutIdx].ConditionResult = val outputs[lastOutIdx].Finalized = true default: log.Tracef("completing with type %T -> %v", ret, ret) outputs[lastOutIdx].StrConditionResult = fmt.Sprintf("%v", ret) outputs[lastOutIdx].Finalized = true } } else { log.Tracef("no output from expr runtime") } return outputs, ret, return_error }