package alertcontext import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "slices" "strconv" "" "" log "" "" "" "" ) const ( maxContextValueLen = 4000 ) var ( alertContext = Context{} ) type Context struct { ContextToSend map[string][]string ContextValueLen int ContextToSendCompiled map[string][]*vm.Program Log *log.Logger } func ValidateContextExpr(key string, expressions []string) error { for _, expression := range expressions { _, err := expr.Compile(expression, exprhelpers.GetExprOptions(map[string]interface{}{"evt": &types.Event{}})...) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("compilation of '%s' failed: %v", expression, err) } } return nil } func NewAlertContext(contextToSend map[string][]string, valueLength int) error { var clog = log.New() if err := types.ConfigureLogger(clog); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("couldn't create logger for alert context: %s", err) } if valueLength == 0 { clog.Debugf("No console context value length provided, using default: %d", maxContextValueLen) valueLength = maxContextValueLen } if valueLength > maxContextValueLen { clog.Debugf("Provided console context value length (%d) is higher than the maximum, using default: %d", valueLength, maxContextValueLen) valueLength = maxContextValueLen } alertContext = Context{ ContextToSend: contextToSend, ContextValueLen: valueLength, Log: clog, ContextToSendCompiled: make(map[string][]*vm.Program), } for key, values := range contextToSend { if _, ok := alertContext.ContextToSend[key]; !ok { alertContext.ContextToSend[key] = make([]string, 0) } if _, ok := alertContext.ContextToSendCompiled[key]; !ok { alertContext.ContextToSendCompiled[key] = make([]*vm.Program, 0) } for _, value := range values { valueCompiled, err := expr.Compile(value, exprhelpers.GetExprOptions(map[string]interface{}{"evt": &types.Event{}})...) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("compilation of '%s' context value failed: %v", value, err) } alertContext.ContextToSendCompiled[key] = append(alertContext.ContextToSendCompiled[key], valueCompiled) alertContext.ContextToSend[key] = append(alertContext.ContextToSend[key], value) } } return nil } func truncate(values []string, contextValueLen int) (string, error) { var ret string valueByte, err := json.Marshal(values) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("unable to dump metas: %s", err) } ret = string(valueByte) for { if len(ret) <= contextValueLen { break } // if there is only 1 value left and that the size is too big, truncate it if len(values) == 1 { valueToTruncate := values[0] half := len(valueToTruncate) / 2 lastValueTruncated := valueToTruncate[:half] + "..." values = values[:len(values)-1] values = append(values, lastValueTruncated) } else { // if there is multiple value inside, just remove the last one values = values[:len(values)-1] } valueByte, err = json.Marshal(values) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("unable to dump metas: %s", err) } ret = string(valueByte) } return ret, nil } func EventToContext(events []types.Event) (models.Meta, []error) { var errors []error metas := make([]*models.MetaItems0, 0) tmpContext := make(map[string][]string) for _, evt := range events { for key, values := range alertContext.ContextToSendCompiled { if _, ok := tmpContext[key]; !ok { tmpContext[key] = make([]string, 0) } for _, value := range values { var val string output, err := expr.Run(value, map[string]interface{}{"evt": evt}) if err != nil { errors = append(errors, fmt.Errorf("failed to get value for %s : %v", key, err)) continue } switch out := output.(type) { case string: val = out case int: val = strconv.Itoa(out) default: errors = append(errors, fmt.Errorf("unexpected return type for %s : %T", key, output)) continue } if val != "" && !slices.Contains(tmpContext[key], val) { tmpContext[key] = append(tmpContext[key], val) } } } } for key, values := range tmpContext { if len(values) == 0 { continue } valueStr, err := truncate(values, alertContext.ContextValueLen) if err != nil { log.Warningf(err.Error()) } meta := models.MetaItems0{ Key: key, Value: valueStr, } metas = append(metas, &meta) } ret := models.Meta(metas) return ret, errors }