$labels['searchearlierdates']='« Search for earlier events';
$labels['searchlaterdates']='Search for later events »';
$labels['andnmore']='$nr more...';
$labels['togglerole']='Click to toggle role';
$labels['createfrommail']='Save as event';
$labels['importevents']='Import events';
$labels['importrange']='Events from';
$labels['onemonthback']='1 month back';
$labels['nmonthsback']='$nr months back';
$labels['showurl']='Show calendar URL';
$labels['showurldescription']='Use the following address to access (read only) your calendar from other applications. You can copy and paste this into any calendar software that supports the iCal format.';
$labels['caldavurldescription']='Copy this address to a <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CalDAV" target="_blank">CalDAV</a> client application (e.g. Evolution or Mozilla Thunderbird) to fully synchronize this specific calendar with your computer or mobile device.';
$labels['invitationmailbody']="*\$title*\n\nWhen: \$date\n\nInvitees: \$attendees\n\nPlease find attached an iCalendar file with all the event details which you can import to your calendar application.";
$labels['invitationattendlinks']="In case your email client doesn't support iTip requests you can use the following link to either accept or decline this invitation:\n\$url";
$labels['eventupdatesubject']='"$title" has been updated';
$labels['eventupdatesubjectempty']='An event that concerns you has been updated';
$labels['eventupdatemailbody']="*\$title*\n\nWhen: \$date\n\nInvitees: \$attendees\n\nPlease find attached an iCalendar file with the updated event details which you can import to your calendar application.";
$labels['eventcancelsubject']='"$title" has been canceled';
$labels['eventcancelmailbody']="*\$title*\n\nWhen: \$date\n\nInvitees: \$attendees\n\nThe event has been cancelled by \$organizer.\n\nPlease find attached an iCalendar file with the updated event details.";
$labels['itipmailbodyaccepted']="\$sender has accepted the invitation to the following event:\n\n*\$title*\n\nWhen: \$date\n\nInvitees: \$attendees";
$labels['itipmailbodytentative']="\$sender has tentatively accepted the invitation to the following event:\n\n*\$title*\n\nWhen: \$date\n\nInvitees: \$attendees";
$labels['itipmailbodydeclined']="\$sender has declined the invitation to the following event:\n\n*\$title*\n\nWhen: \$date\n\nInvitees: \$attendees";
$labels['itipdeclineevent']='Do you want to decline your invitation to this event?';
$labels['invalideventdates']='Invalid dates entered! Please check your input.';
$labels['invalidcalendarproperties']='Invalid calendar properties! Please set a valid name.';
$labels['searchnoresults']='No events found in the selected calendars.';
$labels['successremoval']='The event has been deleted successfully.';
$labels['successrestore']='The event has been restored successfully.';
$labels['errornotifying']='Failed to send notifications to event participants';
$labels['errorimportingevent']='Failed to import the event';
$labels['newerversionexists']='A newer version of this event already exists! Aborted.';
$labels['nowritecalendarfound']='No calendar found to save the event';
$labels['importedsuccessfully']='The event was successfully added to \'$calendar\'';
$labels['attendeupdateesuccess']='Successfully updated the participant\'s status';
$labels['itipsendsuccess']='Invitation sent to participants.';
$labels['itipresponseerror']='Failed to send the response to this event invitation';
$labels['itipinvalidrequest']='This invitation is no longer valid';
$labels['sentresponseto']='Successfully sent invitation response to $mailto';
$labels['localchangeswarning']='You are about to make changes that will only be reflected on your calendar and not be sent to the organizer of the event.';
$labels['importnone']='No events found to be imported';
$labels['importerror']='An error occured while importing';
$labels['aclnorights']='You do not have administrator rights on this calendar.';
$labels['changeeventconfirm']='Change event';
$labels['changerecurringeventwarning']='This is a recurring event. Would you like to edit the current event only, this and all future occurences, all occurences or save it as a new event?';