Initial awesoming

Imported from wiki
This commit is contained in:
Léo Colombaro 2017-11-29 05:47:52 +01:00
parent 092b3a33e7
commit 23af4fd175
4 changed files with 388 additions and 2 deletions

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# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
## Our Pledge
In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as
contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and
our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience,
nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and
## Our Standards
Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment
* Using welcoming and inclusive language
* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
* Focusing on what is best for the community
* Showing empathy towards other community members
Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:
* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or
* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
* Public or private harassment
* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic
address, without explicit permission
* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
professional setting
## Our Responsibilities
Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable
behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in
response to any instances of unacceptable behavior.
Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or
reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions
that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or
permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate,
threatening, offensive, or harmful.
## Scope
This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces
when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of
representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail
address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be
further defined and clarified by project maintainers.
## Enforcement
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
reported by contacting the project team at All
complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that
is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is
obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident.
Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately.
Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good
faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other
members of the project's leadership.
## Attribution
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4,
available at [][version]

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# Contribution Guidelines
Please note that this project is released with a
[Contributor Code of Conduct]( By participating in this
project you agree to abide by its terms.
Ensure your pull request adheres to the following guidelines:
- Make sure you take care of this
- And this as well
- And don't forget to check this
Thank you for your suggestions!
## Updating your PR
A lot of times, making a PR adhere to the standards above can be difficult.
If the maintainers notice anything that we'd like changed, we'll ask you to
edit your PR before we merge it. There's no need to open a new PR, just edit
the existing one. If you're not sure how to do that,
[here is a guide](
on the different ways you can update your PR so that we can merge it.

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# awesome-yourls
A curated list of awesome things related to YOURLS
# Awesome YOURLS [![Awesome](](
> A curated list of awesome things related to YOURLS
## Contents
- [Plugins](#plugins)
- [0-9](#0-9) | [A](#a) | [B](#b) | [C](#c) | [D](#d) | [E](#e) | [F](#f) | [G](#g) | [H](#h) | [I](#i) | [J](#j) | [K](#k) | [L](#l) | [M](#m) | [N](#n) | [O](#o) | [P](#p) | [Q](#q) | [R](#r) | [S](#s) | [T](#t) | [U](#u) | [V](#v) | [W](#w) | [X](#x) | [Y](#y) | [Z](#z)
- [Translations](#translations)
- [Resources](#resources)
## Plugins
### 0-9
- [302-Instead]( - Send a 302 (temporary) redirect instead of 301 (permanent), for sites where shortlinks may change
- [302-Instead]( - A fork of previous plugin, with some more options
- [404-Redirect]( - Set the 404 header if the link ID is unknown
### A
- [Abuse Desk for YOURLS]( - A Google Safe Browsing implementation for YOURLS to avoid spam links
- [Access Control Allow Origin]( - Prevents CORS issue with domain CNAMES and aliases for admin actions
- [Additional Charsets]( - Define additional character sets for short URLs
- [Advanced Reserved URLs]( - Extends the reserved word functionality, blocking short URLs containing reserved words, even if mixed case or written in leetspeak
- [Advanced Reserved URLs]( - Extends the reserved word functionality, blocking short URLs containing reserved words, even if mixed case or written in leetspeak
- [Admin NoCaptcha]( - Protect logins with Google's No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA (Google's ReCAPTCHA v2.0)
- [Admin reCaptcha]( - Spam protection for private YOURLS admin interface with reCaptcha
- [Allow Aliases]( - Allow YOURLS to work with alias hostnames for the server
- [Allow Forward Slashes in Short URLs]( - Just as the name says.
- [Amazon Affiliate]( - Adds your Amazon Affiliate Tag to all Amazon URLs before redirection.
- [Antispam]([[images/ozh.png]]
Merciless antispam plugin using the 3 major domain blacklists
- [YOURLS APC Cache]( - Add support for APC to reduce MySQL queries
- [API Action]([[images/ozh.png]]
Example plugin for YOURLS 1.6+ to show how to implement custom API actions
- [API Delete]( - Add a "delete" action to the API
- [API Edit URL]( - Add an "update" action to the API to edit a URL, and a "geturl" action to get the long URL of a short URL
- [Append Query String]( - Appends the query string to a long URL- as is
- [Auth Manager]( - Assign users to roles like "Editor" and "Contributor" to limit the changes they are permitted to make (edit URLs, manage plugins...)
### B
- [Blacklist Domains]( - A simple plugin to blacklist domains from shortening URLs
- [Blacklist IPs]( - A simple plugin to blacklist IPs from shortening URLs
- [Bulk Import and Shorten]( - Import links from a CSV file
- [Bulk URL Shortening]( - Shortening of multiple URLs with one API request
### C
- [Cache Stat Pages]([[images/ozh.png]]
Serve stat pages (`http://sho.rt/blah+`) from cache
- [CAS Plugin]( - Enable authentication through a CAS server
- [Case Insensitive]( - Makes all keywords case insensitive (creates and calls all keywords lowercase)
- [Case Insensitive]( - Make YOURLS case insensitive: if you create `http://sho.rt/MyLink`, then variations like `mylink` or `MYLINK` will redirect to the same URL.
- [Change Error Messages]( - Changes the error message when a keyword or URL already exists and displays the long URL.
- [Change Password]( - Allow users to change their password via the administration interface.
- [Check URL]( - Check if a long URL is reachable before creating a short URL
- [API Concurrency Fix]( - A plugin to resolve concurrency issues with the API as described in Issue 765.
- [Compliance]( - Anti-abuse plugin, designed to address link complaints from 3rd parties.
- [Conditional Toolbar]([[images/ozh.png]]
A plugin to conditionally enable the toolbar: `http://sho.rt/blah` for normal redirect, `http://sho.rt/tb/blah` for a toolbar
- [Custom Header & Footer]( - A plugin administration page to add custom header and footer style and content
- [Custom Javascript]( - Add custom javascript to admin pages
- [Custom Protocol]([[images/ozh.png]]
If the user is known, this plugin adds custom protocol (eg `blah://`) to authorized protocols, otherwise restricts to `http|s`
### D
- [Disable JSONP]( - Disables JSONP access for the YOURLS API.
- [DNSBL]( - Uses various DNSBLs to check the submitter's IP and prevent shortening URLs if any malicious activity has been detected.
- [Domain Limit]( - Limit the domains that users can create shortlinks to
- [Domain Limiter]( - Fork of Nic Waller's plugin with the addition of an admin panel to edit the white list from the admin area
- [Dont Log Bots]([[images/ozh.png]]
Ignore bot hits in your stats (both click count as seen in the main admin page and in detailed stats)
- [Dont Log Crawlers]( - A fork of the above plugin, with more bots filtered out.
- [Don't Track Admin Clicks]( - Don't count clicks on short URL if user is logged in
### E
- [Edition Logger]( - Logs to a file every url insertion, deletion, or modification, to provide traceability of users' actions allowing an open edition policy.
- [Every Click Counts]( - Click count include multiple clicks for the same client (ie there will be no browser caching of the redirection)
### F
- [Fallback URL]( - Redirect to a custom URL when the short URL does not exist
- [Filter Code]( - Allow to select 3XX Status Code to return per keyword
- [Fix long URLs]( - Fix long URLs that contain %20 and other similar encodings
- [Force Lowercase]([[images/ozh.png]]
Force lowercase so `http://sho.rt/ABC``http://sho.rt/abc`
- [Fuzzy Keyword Suggestions]( - Handles typos and other "near-misses" for any shortened link (eg if you have `sho.rt/dh1ik` but someone types `sho.rt/dhlik`, the 404 page will show suggestions for similar short URLs)
### G
- [GA MP]( - Track YOURLS link clicks with Google Analytics Measurement protocol in Real Time
- [Git Version]( - Add version information from the git repository into the footer of the admin page
- [Geo API]( - Plugin to look up country code from another 3rd party API (
- [Google Analytics Link Tagging]( - Add GA tags (utm_source and others) to your shortened links
- [Google Auth]( - Enables Google Authentication for YOURLS
- [Google Analytics YOURLS Plugin]( - Add your Google Analytics tags to admin and stat pages
- [Google Safe Browsing]([[images/ozh.png]]
Check every new URL against Google's Safe Browsing Lookup service
### H
- [hexdec]( - Changes the sequential keywords from base36 to base16 (ie `[0-9a-f]`)
- [Hide Referrer]( - Hide referrer on all or some short links
- [Hide Version String]( - Hide the version string in the footer
- [HTTP:BL]( - Prevent spam using the black list from Project Honeypot.
- [HTTP Proxy]( - Get remote content using an HTTP proxy, for instance when YOURLS is running behind a firewall (e.g. corporate intranet)
- [HTTP status per link]( - Plugin to allow you to select `3XX` Status Code to return per keyword.
### I
- [ for YOURLS]( - Share YOURLS links via
- [YOURLS IDN]([[images/ozh.png]]
Add IDN support to YOURLS
- [YOURLS Import Export]( - A plugin to import and export YOURLS URL
- [Integrated QRCodes]( - Integrated QRCodes is an updated fork of Inline QRCode, but more compact, configurable, and just as efficient with more features.
- [Interstitial Plugin for YOURLs]( - Display an interstitial ad when user clicks on YOURLs link with plugin enabled
- [iOS URL]( - Adds support for URLs starting with `itms-apps://` and `itms-services://`
- [iTunes-Affiliate]( - Adds your iTunes Affiliate-Token to all iTunes URLs before redirection
### J
- [Jappix]( - Adds a JappixMini chat on your YOURLS admin pages
### K
- [Keywords, Charset & Length]( - Custom charset, custom link length and random short urls, all in one plugin, with an admin panel.
- [Keyword not found]( - If keyword isn't found in the database, redirect to admin page and pre-populate the short URL field
- [Keyword Prefix]( - Adds a defined prefix to your short URLs
### L
- [LDAP]( - Enables use of LDAP for user authentication.
- [Link Anonymizer]( - Generate a link that will take you to an anonymizer service.
- [Link List]( - List recent links added, in the admin interface or on a public page
- [Limit keyword length]( - This plugin limits the number of characters allowed for the custom keyword.
- [log-login]( - Logs login atempts to YOURLS. To be used with fail2ban.
### M
- [Mailto]( - Adds a "mailto:" sharing option, next to Twitter and Facebook
- [Mailto Bookmarklet]( - Adds a bookmarklet to share links by mail
- [[Mass Remove Link|Plugin-=-Mass-Remove-Link]][[images/ozh.png]]
Remove several links at once. Select by date, date range, IP or URL matching.
- [Mass Update]( - Adds an API action to mass update links from `old_domain` to `new_domain`
- [Memcached]( - Memcached plugin for YOURLS
- [Meta Redirect]( - Redirect using HTML meta tag when you prepend the short URL with an underscore (eg `http://sho.rt/_bleh`)
- [Multi User]( - Add support for multiple users
### N
### O
### P
- [Password Protection]( - Password protect any Short URL you want so that users are prompted for a password before redirection
- [Phishtank]( - Prevent spam links using Phishtank's API
- [Phishtank 2.0]( - Functiolnal rewrite of the old Phishtank plugin with more features
- [Piwik Stats]( - Integrate statistics with Piwik
- [Piwik-YOURLS]( - Piwik and a few other features
- [Popular Clicks]( - Display the top of the most clicked links during past days
- [Popular Clicks Extended]( - Shows which short links get clicked the most during a specific time frame
- [Popular Links]( - Adds an admin page that displays your shortener's most popular links
- [[Preview URL|Plugin-=-Preview-URL]][[images/ozh.png]]
Add the character '~' to a short URL to display a preview screen before redirection
- [Preview URL with QR Code]( - Add the character '~' to a short URL to display a preview screen & QR code before redirection
- [Preview URL with QR Code And Thumbnail]( - Add the character '~' to a short URL to display a QR code and Thumbnail image before redirection
- [[Public "Prefix n' Shorten"|Plugin-=-Public-Prefix-&-Shorten]][[images/ozh.png]]
Redirect `http://sho.rt/` to a public interface instead of the admin area
- [YOURLS Pseudonymize]( - This plugin "pseudonymizes" the IP addresses so that it is in line with the German privacy laws (the last 2 segments/bytes of a visitor's IP address are removed)
### Q
- [[QRCode|Plugin-=-QRCode-ShortURL]][[images/ozh.png]]
Add ".qr" to short URLs to display the shorturl's QR code
- [QRCode]( - Creates and displays QR Codes within YOURLS
- [QR Google Charts]( - Another QR Code plugin, using Google Charts API
- [QRCode]( - Another QR Code plugin. Get the QR code by simply clicking on a button in the Admin area (or by adding ".qr" to the end of the keyword.)
- [QueryString Forward]( - Forward the query string on short link to long URL (eg `http://sho.rt/kk?a=1` to `http://very.long.url/somepage/?a=1`)
- [Query String Keeper]( - Pass the query string from the shortlink to the long URL (eg `http://sho.rt/kk?hey` forwards to `http://longurl/bleh/?hey`)
### R
- [Random Keywords]([[images/ozh.png]]
Assign random keywords to shorturls, like bitly (ie `http://sho.rt/hJudjK`)
- [reCaptcha]( - YOURLS plugin implementing reCaptcha for unauthenticated users in your public interface
- [Redirect Index]( - Redirect the user to another site if they go to the base directory of your YOURLS installation
- [Redirect with GET]( - Redirect with all GET parameters (eg `sho.rt/abc123?blah` redirects to `longu.rl/somepage?blah`)
- [Regenerate URL]( - Regenerate a new keyword for a URL that has already been shortened.
- [Remove The Share Function]( - Remove the Share button and box that toggles the sharing options on the Admin page
- [Remove YouTube Play Indicator]( - Removes the triangle from the title of Youtube shortened URL
- [Reset URLs]([[images/ozh.png]]
Deletes all URLs. For your test install needs.
- [Reverse Proxy]( - Fixes the user IPs to point to the actual user instead of your cloud providers infrastructure IPs (Cloudflare, Heroku...)
- [rscrub]( - An "HTTP referrer scrubbing swiss army knife for YOURLS" (evolution of the Hide Referrer plugin)
### S
- [Semantic Scuttle]( - Allows the sharing of the URL to a Semantic Scuttle installation.
- [Separate Users]( - Adds a username to each created URL, and filters the admin interface.
- [Share Files]( - Add a form to upload files and share them using your YOURLS setup.
- [Share G+]( - Adds Google+ to the Quick Share Box.
- [Share LinkedIn]( - Adds LinkedIn to the Quick Share Box.
- [[Share with Tumblr|Plugin-=-Share-Tumblr]][[images/ozh.png]]
In the Quick Share box, add a one-click share to Tumblr link.
- [Shibboleth]( - Enable authentication with Shibboleth
- [ShortShort]( - Checks if a URL is already shortened (e.g.,, to avoid nested shortened links.
- [Show Git Branch]( - Using YOURLS on a dev box under Git? Show the current branch in page footer.
- [SimpleDB Clickqueue]( - Queue clicks to Amazon SimpleDB before processing. This allows using a regular MySQL store even in the face of a high frequency of writes, without concern of connection limit overflow. Clicks are inserted later into the database via an import job.
- [Simple Charset]( - Define a custom character set for your short URLs (for instance to generate shorturls only using letters "23456bcdefxyz")
- [Skimlinks]( - Push all links through Skimlinks to automatically embed affiliate codes
- [Snapshot]( - Visual preview plugin with image caching powered by PhantomJS.
- [YOURLS Social Toolbar]( - A fork of the official sample toolbar plugin, with alternative display for Youtube videos.
- [YOURLS SQLite]( - SQLite driver for YOURLS
- [Static Titles]( - Provide two options to avoid the network traffic when retrieving URL titles.
- [SSL for SSL]( - Generates SSL short links if the original link was SSL.
- [Swap Short URL]( - A plugin to have `http://sho.rt/blah` while having YOURLS installed in `http://sho.rt/yourls/`
### T
- [Thumbnail URL image]( - Get the Thumbnail URL image (long URL) by adding `.i` to the end of the keyword
- [Time Limit Link]( - Set a time limit for links
- [Track Custom Keyword]( - Add a new field to YOURLS designed to track if a keyword was randomly assigned or manually specified
- [Tuber]( - Show the videos that you bookmark in their own page instead of redirecting to the video page. Works with Youtube, Vimeo, and DailyMotion.
- [Typer, a yourls prank plugin]( - Add an underscore * to your shortlink and the user will be shown a page where they have to type the shortlink themselves.
### U
- [Upload and Shorten]( - Upload and share files with YOURLS
### V
- [Virustotal for YOURLS]( - Avoid spam links with Virustotal
### W
- [wallabag]( - Allows the sharing of the URL to a Wallabag installation (previously named Poche)
### X
### Y
- [YAPCache]( - YAPCache is an APC based cache designed to reduce the database load of YOURLS and increase performance
### Z
## Translations
YOURLS supports localization: this means if a language file for YOURLS in available in your language, YOURLS will speak your language!
- [Asturian]( (`ast_ES`)
- Brazilian: [here]( and [here]( (`pt_BR`)
- [Bulgarian ]( (`bg_BG`)
- [Czech]( (`cs_CZ`)
- [Danish]( (`da_DK`)
- [Dutch]( (`nl_NL`)
- [Farsi]( (`fa_FA`)
- [French]( (`fr_FR`)
- [German]( (`de_DE`)
- [Hebrew]( (`he_IL`)
- [Hindi]( (`hi-IN`)
- [Indonesian]( (`id_ID`)
- [Italian]( (`it_IT`)
- [Japanese]( (`ja_JP`)
- [Korean]( (`ko_KR`)
- [Polish]( (`pl_PL`)
- [Portuguese]( (`pt_PT`)
- [Russian]( (`ru_RU`)
- Simplified Chinese: [here]( and [here]( (`zh_CN`)
- [Slovak]( (`sk_SK`)
- [Slovenian]( (`sl_SI`)
- [Spanish]( (`es_ES`)
- [Turkish]( (`tr_TR`)
- [Traditional Chinese]( (`zh_TW`)
- [Viet Nam]( (`vi_VN`)
## Contribute
Contributions welcome! Read the [contribution guidelines]( first.
## License