The first version of the theme
171 lines
5.1 KiB
171 lines
5.1 KiB
class SitemapGenerator
// Config file with crawler/sitemap options
private $config;
// Array containing all scanned pages
private $scanned;
// The base of the given site url
// EXAMPLE: https://student-laptop.nl
private $site_url_base;
// File where sitemap is written to.
private $sitemap_file;
// Constructor sets the given file for internal use
public function __construct($conf)
// Setup class variables using the config
$this->config = $conf;
$this->scanned = [];
$this->site_url_base = parse_url($this->config['SITE_URL'])['scheme'] . "://" . parse_url($this->config['SITE_URL'])['host'];
$this->sitemap_file = fopen($this->config['SAVE_LOC'], "w");
public function GenerateSitemap()
// Call the recursive crawl function with the start url.
// Generate a sitemap with the scanned pages.
// Get the html content of a page and return it as a dom object
private function getHtml($url)
// Get html from the given page
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$html = curl_exec($curl);
//Load the html and store it into a DOM object
$dom = new DOMDocument();
return $dom;
// Recursive function that crawls a page's anchor tags and store them in the scanned array.
private function crawlPage($page_url)
$url = filter_var($page_url, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL);
// Check if the url is invalid or if the page is already scanned;
if (in_array($url, $this->scanned) || !filter_var($page_url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
// Add the page url to the scanned array
array_push($this->scanned, $page_url);
// Get the html content from the
$html = $this->getHtml($url);
$anchors = $html->getElementsByTagName('a');
// Loop through all anchor tags on the page
foreach ($anchors as $a) {
$next_url = $a->getAttribute('href');
// Check if there is a anchor ID set in the config.
if ($this->config['CRAWL_ANCHORS_WITH_ID'] != "") {
// Check if the id is set and matches the config setting, else it will move on to the next anchor
if ($a->getAttribute('id') != "" || $a->getAttribute('id') == $this->config['CRAWL_ANCHORS_WITH_ID']) {
// Split page url into base and extra parameters
$base_page_url = explode("?", $page_url)[0];
if (!$this->config['ALLOW_ELEMENT_LINKS']) {
// Skip the url if it starts with a # or is equal to root.
if (substr($next_url, 0, 1) == "#" || $next_url == "/") {
// Check if the given url is external, if yes it will skip the iteration
// This code will only run if you set ALLOW_EXTERNAL_LINKS to false in the config.
if (!$this->config['ALLOW_EXTERNAL_LINKS']) {
$parsed_url = parse_url($next_url);
if (isset($parsed_url['host'])) {
if ($parsed_url['host'] != parse_url($this->config['SITE_URL'])['host']) {
// Check if the link is absolute or relative.
if (substr($next_url, 0, 7) != "http://" && substr($next_url, 0, 8) != "https://") {
$next_url = $this->convertRelativeToAbsolute($base_page_url, $next_url);
// Check if the next link contains any of the pages to skip. If true, the loop will move on to the next iteration.
$found = false;
foreach ($this->config['KEYWORDS_TO_SKIP'] as $skip) {
if (strpos($next_url, $skip) || $next_url === $skip) {
$found = true;
// Call the function again with the new URL
if (!$found) {
// Convert a relative link to a absolute link
// Example: Relative /articles
// Absolute https://student-laptop.nl/articles
private function convertRelativeToAbsolute($page_base_url, $link)
$first_character = substr($link, 0, 1);
if ($first_character == "?" || $first_character == "#") {
return $page_base_url . $link;
} else if ($first_character != "/") {
return $this->site_url_base . "/" . $link;
} else {
return $this->site_url_base . $link;
// Function to generate a Sitemap with the given pages array where the script has run through
private function generateFile($pages)
$xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9">
<!-- ' . count($pages) . ' total pages-->
<!-- PHP-sitemap-generator by https://github.com/tristangoossens -->';
// Print the amount of pages
echo count($pages);
foreach ($pages as $page) {
$xml .= "<url><loc>" . $page . "</loc>
<lastmod>" . $this->config['LAST_UPDATED'] . "</lastmod>
<changefreq>" . $this->config['CHANGE_FREQUENCY'] . "</changefreq>
<priority>" . $this->config['PRIORITY'] . "</priority></url>";
$xml .= "</urlset>";
$xml = str_replace('&', '&', $xml);
// Format string to XML
$dom = new DOMDocument;
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = FALSE;
$dom->formatOutput = TRUE;
// Write XML to file and close it
fwrite($this->sitemap_file, $dom->saveXML());