* [New] On Christmas Eve, we are happy to announce Pico's first stable release!
The Pico Community wants to thank all contributors and users who made
this possible. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2016!
* [New] Adding `$queryData` parameter to `Pico::getPageUrl()` method
* [Changed] Improve documentation
* [Changed] Moving `LICENSE` to `LICENSE.md`
* [Changed] Throw `LogicException` instead of `RuntimeException` when calling
`Pico::setConfig()` after processing has started
* [Changed] Default theme now highlights the current page and shows pages with
a title in the navigation only
* [Changed] #292: Ignore YAML parse errors (meta data) in `Pico::readPages()`
* [Changed] Various small improvements and changes...
* [Fixed] Support empty meta header
* [Fixed] #307: Fix path handling on Windows
This allows developers to easily add custom query data to an page URL without the need to check enabled URL rewriting on their own. Since Twigs `link` filter is just an alias for Pico::getPageUrl(), theme designers can do the same with e.g. `{{ "index"|link("foo=bar&baz=42") }}`.
Theme designers, heads up! Don't forget that the result of the `link` filter is never escaped, so the result could contain unescaped ampersands when passing custom query data. You should pass the result to Twigs `escape` filter when using custom query data.
* [New] Introducing the `PicoTwigExtension` Twig extension
* [New] New `markdown` filter for Twig to parse markdown strings; Note: If you
want to parse the contents of a page, use the `content` filter instead
* [New] New `sort_by` filter to sort an array by a specified key or key path
* [New] New `map` filter to get the values of the given key or key path
* [New] Introducing `index.php.dist` (used for pre-bundled releases)
* [New] Use PHP_CodeSniffer to auto-check source code (see `.phpcs.xml`)
* [New] Use Travis CI to generate phpDocs class docs automatically
* [Changed] Improve documentation
* [Changed] Improve table styling in default theme
* [Changed] Update composer version constraints; almost all dependencies will
have pending updates, run `composer update`
* [Changed] Throw a RuntimeException when the `content` dir isn't accessible
* [Changed] Reuse `ParsedownExtra` object; new `onParsedownRegistration` event
* [Changed] `$config['rewrite_url']` is now always available
* [Changed] `DummyPlugin` class is now final
* [Changed] Remove `.git` dirs from `vendor/` when deploying
* [Changed] Various small improvements and changes...
* [Fixed] `PicoDeprecated`: Sanitize `content_dir` and `base_url` options when
reading `config.php` in Picos root dir
* [Fixed] Replace `urldecode()` (deprecated RFC 1738) with `rawurldecode()`
(RFC 3986) in `Page::evaluateRequestUrl()`
* [Fixed] #272: Encode URLs using `rawurlencode()` in `Pico::getPageUrl()`
* [Fixed] #274: Prevent double slashes in `base_url`
* [Fixed] #285: Make `index.php` work when installed as a composer dependency
* [Fixed] #291: Force `Pico::$requestUrl` to have no leading/trailing slash