Update CHANGELOG.md for Pico v2.0.0-beta.1 and upcoming v2.0.0-beta.2

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Daniel Rudolf 2018-01-21 23:07:10 +01:00
parent 888190f15a
commit c697ec2e5c
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: A061F02CD8DE4538

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@ -1,9 +1,169 @@
Pico Changelog
**Note:** This changelog only provides technical information about the changes
introduced with a particular Pico version, and is meant to supplement
the actual code changes. The information in this changelog are often
insufficient to understand the implications of larger changes. Please
refer to both the UPGRADE and NEWS sections of the docs for more
**Note:** Changes breaking backwards compatibility (BC) are marked with an `!`
(exclamation mark). This doesn't include changes for which BC is
preserved by Pico's official `PicoDeprecated` plugin. If a previously
deprecated feature is later removed in `PicoDeprecated`, this change
is going to be marked as BC-breaking change in both Pico's and
`PicoDeprecated`'s changelog. Please note that BC-breaking changes
are only possible with a new major version.
### Version 2.0.0-beta.2
Released: -
* [New] Improve release & build process and move most build tools to the new
`picocms/ci-tools` repo, allowing them to be used by other projects
* [New] Add page tree; refer to the `Pico::buildPageTree()` method for more
details; also see the `onPageTreeBuilt` event
* [Changed] Update dependencies: Twig 1.35
* [Changed] ! Improve `.htaccess` and deny access to all dot files by default
* [Changed] ! Throw a `RuntimeException` when non-native plugins are loaded,
but Pico's `PicoDeprecated` plugin is not loaded
* [Changed] ! Change `AbstractPicoPlugin::$enabled`'s behavior: setting it to
TRUE now leads to throwing a `RuntimeException` when the plugin's
dependencies aren't fulfilled; use NULL to maintain old behavior
* [Changed] ! Force themes to use `.twig` as file extension for Twig templates
* [Changed] Improve PHP class docs
### Version 2.0.0-beta.1
Released: 2017-11-05
* [New] Pico is on its way to its second major release!
* [New] Improve Pico's release & build process
* [New] Add "Developer Certificate of Origin" to `CONTRIBUTING.md`
* [New] Add license & copyright header to all relevant files
* [New] Add Pico version constants (`Pico::VERSION` and `Pico::VERSION_ID`),
and add a `version` Twig variable and `%version%` Markdown placeholder
* [New] Add Pico API versioning for plugins (see `Pico::API_VERSION` constant);
Pico now triggers events on plugins using the latest API version only
("native" plugins), `PicoDeprecated` takes care of all other plugins;
as a result, old plugin's always depend on `PicoDeprecated` now
* [New] Add a theme and plugin installer for composer; Pico now additionally
uses the new `vendor/pico-plugin.php` file to discover plugins
installed by composer and loads them using composer's autoloader;
see the `picocms/composer-installer` repo for more details; Pico
loads plugins installed by composer first and ignores conflicting
plugins in Pico's `plugins/` dir
* [New] Add `$enableLocalPlugins` parameter to `Pico::__construct()` to allow
website developers to disable local plugin discovery by scanning the
`plugins/` dir (i.e. load plugins from `vendor/pico-plugin.php` only)
* [New] Add public `AbstractPicoPlugin::getPluginConfig()` method
* [New] Add public `Pico::loadPlugin()` method and the corresponding
`onPluginManuallyLoaded` event
* [New] Add public `Pico::resolveFilePath()` method (replaces the protected
`Pico::discoverRequestFile()` method)
* [New] Add public `Pico::is404Content()` method
* [New] Add public `Pico::getYamlParser()` method and the corresponding
`onYamlParserRegistered` event
* [New] Add public `Pico::substituteFileContent()` method
* [New] Add public `Pico::getPageId()` method
* [New] Add public `Pico::getFilesGlob()` method
* [New] Add public `Pico::getVendorDir()` method, returning Pico's installation
directory (i.e. `/var/www/pico/vendor/picocms/pico`); don't confuse
this with composer's `vendor/` dir!
* [New] Add `$default` parameter to `Pico::getConfig()` method
* [New] Add empty `assets/` and `content/` dirs
* [New] #305: Add `url_param` and `form_param` Twig functions, and the public
`Pico::getUrlParameter()` and `Pico::getFormParameter()` methods,
allowing theme developers to access URL GET and HTTP POST parameters
* [New] Add `$meta` parameter to `markdown` Twig filter
* [New] Add `remove` fallback to `sort_by` Twig filter
* [New] Add `theme_url` config parameter
* [New] Add public `Pico::getBaseThemeUrl()` method
* [New] Add `REQUEST_URI` routing method, allowing one to simply rewrite all
requests to `index.php` (e.g. use `FallbackResource` or `mod_rewrite`
in your `.htaccess` for Apache, or use `try_files` for nginx)
* [New] #299: Add built-in 404 page as fallback when no `404.md` is found
* [New] Allow sorting pages by arbitrary meta values
* [New] Add `onSinglePageLoading` event, allowing one to skip a page
* [New] Add `onSinglePageContent` event
* [New] Add some config parameters to change Parsedown's behavior
* [Changed] ! Disallow running the same Pico instance multiple times by
throwing a `RuntimeException` when calling `Pico::run()`
* [Changed] ! #203: Load plugins from `plugins/<plugin name>/<plugin name>.php`
and `plugins/<plugin name>.php` only (directory and file name must
match case-sensitive), and throw a `RuntimeException` when Pico is
unable to load a plugin; also throw a `RuntimeException` when
superfluous files or directories in `plugins/` are found; use a
scope-isolated `require()` to include plugin files
* [Changed] ! Use a plugin dependency topology to sort `Pico::$plugins`,
changing the execution order of plugins so that plugins, on which
other plugins depend, are always executed before their dependants
* [Changed] ! Don't pass `$plugins` parameter to `onPluginsLoaded` event by
reference anymore; use `Pico::loadPlugin()` instead
* [Changed] ! Leave `Pico::$pages` unsorted when a unknown sort method was
configured; this usually means that a plugin wants to sort it
* [Changed] Overhaul page discovery events: add `onPagesDiscovered` event which
is triggered right before `Pico::$pages` is sorted and move the
`$currentPage`, `$previousPage` and `$nextPage` parameters of the
`onPagesLoaded` event to the new `onCurrentPageDiscovered` event
* [Changed] Move the `$twig` parameter of the `onPageRendering` event to the
`onTwigRegistered` event, replacing the `onTwigRegistration` event
* [Changed] Unify the `onParsedownRegistration` event by renaming it to
`onParsedownRegistered` and add the `$parsedown` parameter
* [Changed] #330: Replace `config/config.php` by a modular YAML-based approach;
you can now use a arbitrary number of `config/*.yml` files to
configure Pico
* [Changed] ! When trying to auto-detect Pico's `content` dir, Pico no longer
searches just for a (possibly empty) directory, but rather checks
whether a `index.md` exists in this directory
* [Changed] ! Use the relative path between `index.php` and `Pico::$themesDir`
for Pico's theme URL (also refer to the new `theme_url` config and
the public `Pico::getBaseThemeUrl()` method for more details)
* [Changed] #347: Drop the superfluous trailing "/index" from Pico's URLs
* [Changed] Flip registered meta headers array, so that the array key is used
to search for a meta value and the array value is used to store the
found meta value (previously it was the other way round)
* [Changed] ! Add lazy loading for `Pico::$yamlParser`, `Pico::$parsedown` and
`Pico::$twig`; the corresponding events are no longer part of
Pico's event flow and are triggered on demand
* [Changed] ! Trigger the `onMetaHeaders` event just once; the event is no
longer part of Pico's event flow and is triggered on demand
* [Changed] Don't lower meta headers on the first level of a page's meta data
(i.e. `SomeKey: value` is accessible using `$meta['SomeKey']`)
* [Changed] Don't compare registered meta headers case-insensitive, require
matching case
* [Changed] Allow users to explicitly set values for the `date_formatted` and
`time` meta headers in a page's YAML front matter
* [Changed] Add page siblings for all pages
* [Changed] ! Treat pages or directories that are prefixed by `_` as hidden;
when requesting a hidden page, Pico responds with a 404 page;
hidden pages are still in `Pico::$pages`, but are moved to the end
of the pages array when sorted alphabetically or by date
* [Changed] ! Don't treat explicit requests to a 404 page as successful request
* [Changed] Change method visibility of `Pico::getFiles()` to public
* [Changed] Change method visibility of `Pico::triggerEvent()` to public;
at first glance this method triggers events on native plugins only,
however, `PicoDeprecated` takes care of triggering events for other
plugins, thus you can use this method to trigger (custom) events on
all plugins; never use it to trigger Pico core events!
* [Changed] Move Pico's default theme to the new `picocms/pico-theme` repo; the
theme was completely rewritten from scratch and is a much better
starting point for creating your own theme; refer to the theme's
`CHANGELOG.md` for more details
* [Changed] Move `PicoDeprecated` plugin to the new `picocms/pico-deprecated`
repo; refer to the plugin's `CHANGELOG.md` for more details
* [Changed] Update dependencies: Twig 1.34, Symfony YAML 2.8, Parsedown 1.6
* [Changed] Improve Pico docs and PHP class docs
* [Changed] A vast number of small improvements and changes...
* [Removed] ! Remove `PicoParsePagesContent` plugin
* [Removed] ! Remove `PicoExcerpt` plugin
* [Removed] Remove `rewrite_url` and `is_front_page` Twig variables
* [Removed] Remove superfluous parameters of various events to reduce Pico's
error-proneness (plugins hopefully interfere with each other less)
### Version 1.0.6
Released: 2017-07-25
@ -127,10 +287,6 @@ Released: 2015-11-30
### Version 1.0.0-beta.1
Released: 2015-11-06
**Note:** This changelog only provides basic information about the enormous
changes introduced with Pico 1.0.0-beta.1. Please refer to the
UGPRADE section of the docs for details.
* [Security] (9e2604a) Prevent content_dir breakouts using malicious URLs
* [New] Pico is on its way to its first stable release!