version: "3" secrets: access_token: file: access_token services: watchtower: image: containrrr/watchtower restart: unless-stopped secrets: - access_token environment: - TZ=Europe/London # remove old images after update (useful for saving space) - WATCHTOWER_CLEANUP=true # the below will ignore labels set. It is worth checking out labels as that can be a more scalabe solution (automatic) # - WATCHTOWER_DISABLE_CONTAINERS=traefik crowdsec bouncer-traefik deconz frigate home-assistant homeassistant-db # the docker host can also be remote by specifying tcp # - DOCKER_HOST=tcp://hostname:port # how frequently to check for images (default is 24 hours) # - WATCHTOWER_POLL_INTERVAL=86400 # choose whether to restart the containers after updates # - WATCHTOWER_INCLUDE_RESTARTING=true # choose whether to update stopped and exited containers # - WATCHTOWER_INCLUDE_STOPPED=true # this will start containers that were stopped or exited if they are updated # - WATCHTOWER_REVIVE_STOPPED=true # watchtower can behave like DIUN by only notifying, and not updating # - WATCHTOWER_MONITOR_ONLY=true # you can tell watchtower to do updates and restarts one by one - can be helpful - WATCHTOWER_ROLLING_RESTART=true - WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATIONS=gotify - WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATION_GOTIFY_URL= - WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATION_GOTIFY_TOKEN=/run/secrets/access_token volumes: - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock # - /root/.docker/config.json:/config.json - Enable this when using a custom repo command: --interval 30 # change this interval to whatever suits you