You can use the app to link to any site or application, but "Supported" apps will auto fill in the icon for the app and supply a default color for the tile. In addition *enhanced apps allow you provide details to an apps API, allowing you to view live stats directly on the dashboad. For example, the NZBGet and Sabnzbd Enhanced apps will display the queue size and download speed while something is downloading.
Apart from the Laravel dependencies, namely PHP >= 7.0.0, OpenSSL PHP Extension, PDO PHP Extension, Mbstring PHP Extension, Tokenizer PHP Extension and XML PHP Extension, the only other thing Heimdall needs is sqlite support.
Installation is as simple as cloning the repository somewhere, or downloading and extracting the zip/tar and pointing your httpd document root to it. For simple testing you could just go to the folder and type `php artisan serve`
The app has been translated into several languages, however the quality of the translations could do with work, if you would like to improve them or help with other translations they are stored in /resources/lang/
To create a new one, create a new folder with the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code as the name, copy app.php from /resources/lang/en/app.php into your new folder and replace the english strings.
Someone was using the same nginx setup to both run this and reverse proxy Plex, Plex is served from /web so their location was interferring with the /webfonts.
Therefore, if your fonts aren't showing because you have a location for /web add the following
If there are any other locations which might interefere with any of the folders in the /public folder, you might have to do the same for those as well, but it's a super fringe case.